
کلاس های نیمه خصوصی آیلتس تیرماه


 کلاس های 6 نفره آنلاین آیلتس مهندس ابوالقاسمی در سال 1403 به صورت 2 روز در هفته به صورت فشرده

✍️ این دوره از سطح نمره 5.5 تا 6 آیلتس آغاز شده و سطح زبان آموز را تا سطح 6.5 تا 7.5 آیلتس بالا میبرد

قیمت اصلی 6.000.000 تومان بود.قیمت فعلی 5.000.000 تومان است.


 کلاس های 6 نفره آنلاین آیلتس سال 1403 به صورت 2 روز در هفته به صورت فشرده

✍️ این دوره از سطح نمره 5.5 تا 6 آیلتس آغاز شده و سطح زبان آموز را تا سطح 6.5 تا 7.5 آیلتس بالا میبرد.

✅ کلاس آنلاین ویدیویی در پتلفرم اسکایپ بوده و هر 4 مهارت آیلتس (رایتینگ، اسپیکینگ، ریدینگ و لیسنینگ) + لغت و گرامر را شامل میشود.

✅ تمامی تکالیف در تلگرام در تایم خارج از کلاس تصحیح خواهد شد.

✅ حرفه ای ترین پشتیبانی رو در تلگرام و در ارتباط مستقیم و پیوسته با استاد از دیگر برتری های این دوره هست.

📝 ضمنا 12 تصحیح کامل رایتینگ کاملا منطبق با فرمت رایتینگ های آیلتس و فیدبک بر روی 100 فایل صوتی ارسالی بخش  اسپیکینگ وجود دارد.

🎯  اصول تمامی 4 مهارت آیلتس و صفر تا صد نکته ها به صورت دقیق در همین دوره کاور خواهد شد.

📆 دوره به مدت 3 ماه در 24 جلسه 1.5 ساعته ادامه داره.

👨🏻‍🏫 مدرس این دوره مهندس ابوالقاسمی با نمره 8 آیلتس آکادمیک و بیش از 15 هزار ساعت تجربه تدریس هستند. (بررسی رزومه و مدارک) – (نمونه تدریس)

برای آگاهی از تاریخ آغاز دوره و آخرین تخفیف ها در کانال تلگرام(https://t.me/ielts2course) همراه باشید.

👈 اطلاع از شهریه و تخفیف ها: 09107751201

توضیحات تکمیلی

نام مدرس

مهندس ابوالقاسمی

نحوه برگزاری کلاس

کلاس نیمه خصوصی

مدت زمان دوره

3 ماه

تعداد جلسات

24 جلسه

مدت زمان هر جلسه

1.5 ساعت

کل ساعات آموزشی

36 ساعت

پلتفرم برگزاری کلاس


110 دیدگاه برای کلاس های نیمه خصوصی آیلتس تیرماه

  1. mitra

    Writing topic” unpaid community
    According to some people, voluntary works should be incorporated into education curricula. I completely agree with the group of people because it would make positive outcomes on many different levels, such as gaining valuable work experience and giving a sense of responsibility.
    Compulsory services prepare students for a professional career. As youth are dreamy and they want to achieve everything overnight, which is impossible. This method can be a good lesson about patience, and building their spirit for later hardships in their life. For example, moving customer orders is a job they can benefit from during these unpaid services; however, they can earn a little extra if they offer their favor after school, or even make a career out of it.
    These activities can have the educational purpose of making students responsible. The reason being that they have never been taken responsible for their actions, because they have been under the protection of their parents. As a result, they do not appreciate the effort, or all the services being provided for them so this is a great way to find them of use. With the understanding that not everything comes for free, and teaching them how they should take responsibility for their own good. For instance, lavishness, which is a common action in the juveniles, is one of them. This treat can just be thought by budgeting, saving, and responsible spending.
    To conclude, compulsory principles in the educational system can be beneficial. Both in morality and familiarizing them for future professions, by teaching them life lessons or advising them for issues they may face in their existence.
    (266 words)

  2. mitra

    “Writing topic” map
    The two maps illustrate the changes of an island before and after some amenities that are facilitated for tourists. Overall, while many places of interest have been built on the island, the property on the island, like trees, has been preserved.
    It is clear that there were not any tourism facilities on the island before the transformation. After the construction, the island becomes more modern with a variety of resorts and aquatic entertainment. Two accommodation areas which are constructed on the east and west of the island have their own connecting footpath. A reception and a restaurant which are placed in the central part of the island connected by vehicle tracks.
    The trees on the island have persevered during the construction, also there is a small beach to the west of the island that remained unchanged over the period. Surrounding the area more activities are launched in the coastal position like boats and swimming.
    Additionally, the pier is on the south side of the island and connected to the reception and the restaurant by a vehicle track towards the north.
    (180 words)

  3. zohreh

    writing, Map
    Two different maps of an island are presented. The first illustrates a plan of virgin island and the second is its construction plan for tourism. (25)

    Overall, there will be several facilities in the central and western parts of the island. While
    residential structures will occupy the bulk of the buildings, there will be a restaurant and reception in the middle. By conserving available trees and the western beach, a pier on the south shore is planned. (51)

    Two separate tourist accommodation sections are going to be provided in the center and western sides of the island. The first part, beside the beach and at the left of the reception, includes six circular rooms around a group of reserved tropical trees. The second part, in the right of the residential and near the center of island, involve nine of that structures that are placed in a circle. The footpaths connect them to each other, and to the reception. (80)

    Other significant buildings are the reception in the middle of the tourist hosting areas and a restaurant behind it, in the north. Vehicle lanes enable passengers access to these services while making a connection between the pier that forms the Island’s southern entrance, and the reception. The provision of recreation facilities like pleasure boats around the pier and a preserved swimming area are visible. (64)

  4. zohreh

    writing , third paragraph
    compulsory unpaid work for students

    Being in touch with different persons through contributing to society services, reinforces people skills in volunteers. High school years are a great time to learn how to express themselves and how to listen to others. Such a real work atmosphere through interaction with a variety of people will get them useful advice to make constructive conversation and appropriate communication in their personal and professional life. For example, they mostly face more challenges there than their normal life and it will improve their flexibility and ability of self-control. They will grasp how to manage their reactions to their colleagues and perhaps customers. Therefore, they become more patient and responsible. Also, it has developed their collaboration, supportiveness, and assertiveness compared to those who just studied. (123)

  5. zohreh

    WRITING, Second paragraph

    Although volunteering is unpaid, it gives students a chance to gain priceless work experience. It can be seen as a period of specialized training and practice within a particular program for students, helping them to familiarize themselves with different working environments, conditions and terms. They can use this as an occasion to become more aware of their abilities, and interests, leading them to choose a more considered course of study and career. For example, in my country, many successful individuals, have started their job experience in their interested fields as an after-school activities. They state, it helped them make an important career decision. Moreover, this experience has been like a shining star on their CV and provide them more job opportunities. (121)

    • مهندس ابوالقاسمی

      فوق العاده و بی نقص 👌👌👌

  6. zohreh

    writing, introduction ‘s correction
    It has been suggested that contributing to charitable works should be mandatory for high school students. This essay totally agrees with this statement. I think that it is a brilliant idea because it enables them to get valuable work experience while improving their social skills as an effective factor in chance of their success. (54)

    • مهندس ابوالقاسمی

      بسیار هم خوب. ادامه بده 👌👌👌

  7. zohreh

    writing, introduction

    It has been suggested that contributing to society services as without payment tasks should be mandatory for high school students. This essay totally agrees with this statement. I think that it is a brilliant idea because it enables them to get valuable work experience while improving their social skills as an effective factor in their life success. (57)

    • مهندس ابوالقاسمی

      فرمت درست هست اما ترکیب های بی معنی وجود داره مثل: society services / payment tasks / life success

      باید نزدیک تر به منبع بنویسید. کلمات کلیدی رو چک کنید و با توجه به ساختارهایی که در لانگمن میبینید بنویسید.

  8. mona

    whether free mandatory community service integrate into high school’s curriculum or not has become a matter of considerable issue. I largely agree with the idea that confirm obligatory compulsory services because it not only helps students to improve their skills but also can influences their career prospects (47)
    One of the main reason of unpaid community services should be out of charge in schools is that it develops a wide range of student’s skills. By participating in these activities, students have a chance to gain numerous valuable experiences which they have never engaged in their lifetime. As a result, the demanding collaboration lead to enhance their both practical and social abilities. For instance, while pupils are contributing to preserve nature projects, they take part in communicational programs as a part of team. Then, they understand the value of teamwork by protecting nature. Also, they clean environment by themselves which instills them a sense of responsibility. To reach the goal, they try to learn technical skills. (93)

    Moreover, unpaid community service as a positive attribute provide meaningful job opportunities for students in future. The reason of the opinion is that they can meet a variety of people with different occupations. As many institutions appreciate the efforts of students related to community service, students have access to job markets. It helps them build connection to find a decent job after graduation. For example, many charity organizations were held when I was studying in high schools. Due to involving in mandatory community service, one of my friend could discover her gifted ability in art works.
    Promising future in art work for her is caused by establishing relationship with sophisticated painter who got familiar in charity community. (116)

    In conclusion, however some people believe that free community service should perform voluntarily by students, others like considering it compulsory. In my perspective, it brings several benefits from developing skills to promising great future to students. Hence, it is reasonable to assume such activity mandatory. (45)

    • مهندس ابوالقاسمی

      رایتینگ های کلاس شما باید به صورت پاراگراف به پاراگراف ارسال بشن. قبلا چند بار تذکر دادیم.

      ضمنا پاراگراف ها نباید زیر 110 کلمه باشند.

      در کل خوب نوشته شده اما اگر بررسی دقیق تر میخواین به صورتی که گفتیم لطفا ارسال کنید ممنون

  9. zohreh

    writing: unpaid community services

    Introduction and second paragraph

    It has been suggested that contributing to society services as without payment tasks should be mandatory for high school students. This essay totally agrees with this statement. I think that it is a brilliant idea because it enables them to get valuable work experience while improving their social skills as an effective factor in their life success. (57)
    Although volunteering is unpaid, it gives students a chance to gain invaluable work experience. It can be seen as a period of specialized training and practice within a particular program for students, helping them to familiarize themselves with different working environments, conditions and terms. They can use this as an occasion to become more aware of their abilities, talents and interests, leading them to choose a more considered course of study and career. For example, I have a friend who took part in a volunteer program during high school. She remembers it as a golden period in her life, as it helped her make an important career decision. Moreover, this experience is like a shining star on her CV, and because of its positive effects on employers, provide more job opportunities for her.(133)

    • مهندس ابوالقاسمی

      ❌ لطفا فقط یک بخش رو بفرستید.

      ❌ مثال نباید به صورت شخصی نوشته بشه به طور کلی تر از کشور شما باشه.

      پاراگراف ها اصلی نباید از 110 کلمه بیشتر باشند.

  10. zohreh

    6. Mythology: In the main hall of this ancient building, the walls are painted with mythological scenes.
    7. Settle: Immigrants settle in a new country in the hope of finding a better life.
    8. Specialized: Students receive specialized training before joining as volunteers.
    9. Token: A token strike is a short strike that lasting only a few hours.
    10. Consist of: The new curriculum consists mainly of math, science, history, art, sport and volunteering.

    • مهندس ابوالقاسمی

      جمله ها خوب هستند اما در این مرحله از کار باید حتما درباره تاپیک های رایتینگ آیلتس بنویسید. بی ربط نوشتن ارزش زیادی نداره دیگه.

  11. zohreh

    1. Attribute: He attributes part of his success to the experience and social skills he bought through unpaid community service during his studies.
    2. Carve: Someone had carved their initial on the tree.
    3. Deed: Contributing to volunteer tasks as a very good and useful deed will improve teenagers’ interpersonal skills.
    4. Encompass: The new curriculum encompasses math, science, history, art, sport and volunteering.
    5. Literacy: The program is designed to promote literacy in communities.

    • مهندس ابوالقاسمی

      skills he bought این بخش بی معنی هست.

      جمله ها باید نزدیک تر به تاپیک های رایتینگ باشه. ضمنا منظور از نزدیک بودن به این معنی هست که دقیقا در همون تاپیک قابل استفاده باشه نه اینکه یک کلمه از تاپیک رو به جمله اصلی اضافه کنیم.

      جمله ها بدون اشتباه هستند.

  12. Mahsa

    Essential words- unit 3- part 3
    1. Fumes : some of students were overcome by smoke and fumes while working in an unpaid community service.
    2. Appeal : our unpaid community service leaders appealed for calm and new ideas
    3. Embrace : It is unlikely that such community services will embrace unfair competitions.
    4. Classify : All of the books in the library should be classified according to subjects، based on the rules of our unpais community service .
    5. Accelerate : The runners who participated in various unpaid community service accelerated smoothely around the square.

    • مهندس ابوالقاسمی

      calm and new ideas بی معنی هست.

      some of students were overcome by smoke and fumes while working in an unpaid community service. ربطی به تاپیک نداره فقط کلمه community service آخر جمله اصلی اضافه شده. منظور ما این نیست.

      unpais این چیه؟؟؟

      جمله چهارم هم ربطی به تاپیک نداره اصلا فقط کلمه community service آخر جمله اصلی اضافه شده. منظور ما این نیست. باید بتونید جمله رو در رایتینگ بنویسیم و معنی داشته باشه.

      جمله پنجم هم بی ربط به تاپیک هست.

      برای جمله سازی های بعدی رعایت کنید.

  13. Yasamin

    کالوکیشن جلسه هجدم. Difference

    1. The difference in housing prices is significant in big cities rather than small towns.

    2. One major difference between freelancers and employees working for an organization is the level of independence.

    3. The basic difference of happiness in different stage of life is due to external factors such as trends and popularity in teenage years and internal factors like personal values and relationships in adulthood.

    4. One cultural difference between small towns and big cities is the focus on traditional values.

    5. One noticeable difference between freely accessing information and paying for it is the reliability of the data.

    • مهندس ابوالقاسمی

      in big cities rather than small towns. اینجا نرجمه فارسی انجام شده باید compare with باشه. بدون منبع ننویسید.

      در مورد big city دیگه ننویسید چون کلا تاپیک رایتینگ ایلتس نیست فقط تمرین بوده برای جلسه اول و آشنایی.

      بقیه جمله ها خوب هستند.

  14. ناشناس

    کالوکیشن جلسه هجدم. Difference

    1. The difference in housing prices is significant in big cities rather than small towns.

    2. One major difference between freelancers and employees working for an organization is the level of independence.

    3. The basic difference of happiness in different stage of life is due to external factors such as trends and popularity in teenage years and internal factors like personal values and relationships in adulthood.

    4. One cultural difference between small towns and big cities is the focus on traditional values.

    5. One noticeable difference between freely accessing information and paying for it is the reliability of the data.

    • مهندس ابوالقاسمی


      زحمت بکشید حتما اسمتون رو برای دریافت فیدبک بنویسید ممنون

  15. Yasamin

    These days, working as a freelancer is preferred by many individuals over working in firms. This preference is due to the significant time flexibility that freelancers can enjoy, as opposed to the old-fashioned way of working. However, the lack of perks typically associated with traditional employment can make financial planning challenging. (51)

    • مهندس ابوالقاسمی

      بسیار خوب هست مشکلی وجود نداره. 👌👌👌

  16. pooriya

    Day by day, a substantial number of individuals decide to opt for self-employment rather than taking a job in a company. In this essay, I discuss how self-employment plays a critical role in developing one’s economic life, and if people can’t make a good plan for being self-employed, it can have a detrimental impact on their lives.
    Income is a significant factor driving people towards self-employment. Many believe that working for themselves allows them to keep all the profits instead of receiving a fixed salary. This financial incentive is a major reason why people choose to be self-employed.Another reason for the growing trend is the desire for flexibility and independence. Self-employed individuals can set their own schedules, choose their projects, and create a work-life balance that suits their needs. This autonomy is particularly appealing to those who find the rigid structure of corporate jobs restrictive.
    However, self-employment has its disadvantages. One major drawback is the lack of financial security. Unlike traditional employees, self-employed individuals do not receive a steady paycheck, and their income can be unpredictable. This uncertainty can lead to financial stress, especially during periods of low demand. Moreover, self-employed individuals often lack benefits such as health insurance, retirement plans, and paid leave. These benefits provide a safety net during times of illness or economic downturns, and their absence can place additional strain on self-employed individuals.
    In conclusion, while self-employment offers advantages like higher income potential and greater flexibility, it also comes with significant challenges, including financial instability and the lack of traditional employment benefits. Individuals considering self-employment should carefully weigh these factors and ensure they have a solid plan to manage the inherent risks.

    • مهندس ابوالقاسمی

      In this essay, I discuss در هیچ بخش از رایتینگ شما نباید جمله های کلیشه ای و تکراری حفظ شده وجود داشته باشه

      رایتینگ شما با فرمت تدریس شده نوشته نشده. شما باید 1 دلیل فقط در هر پاراگراف داشته باشید و اون رو 50 کلمه توضیح بدید اما شما بعد از یک توضیح ناقص وارد دلیل دوم شدید .Another reason for the growing trend is the desire for flexibility

      همچنین مثالی وجود نداره در پاراگراف ها و همونطور که خودتون هم نوشتید زیر 110 کلمه هست.

      اما توضیحات داخل پاراگراف ها بهتر از قبل نوشته شده.

      اکر تمایل داشتید میتونید تصحیح کنید بفرستید.

  17. Sepideh

    Writing 8
    It is common recently for some people to prefer to work independently rather than engage in a company. In my opinion, one of the significant advantages of this trend is that it allows people to have their freedom while the main disadvantage is that self-employed individuals don’t have job security. (47words)

    • مهندس ابوالقاسمی

      It is common recently دقت کن که recently همیشه با حال کامل میاد نه حال ساده.

      engage in a company. منبعت برای این ترکیب رو میگی؟

      سوال advantage رو نخواسته دقت کن که چه چیزی درخواست شده.

  18. pooriya

    1-there was a marked difference between self-employment and work in big companies.
    2-gender differences are an important difficulty in companies.
    3-It’s easy to spot the difference between real and imitation leather.
    4-If you don’t know the difference between two words, your dictionary can help.
    5-we respect the employe’s individual differences.

    • مهندس ابوالقاسمی

      gender differences are اینجا به یک مشکل داره اشاره میشه باید مفرد باشه

      imitation leather چنین ترکیبی نداریم. ضمنا باید درباره تاپیک های رایتینگ بنویسید.

  19. pooriya

    common mistakes in grammar18
    1-Reading the instructions carefully will help you avoid mistakes
    2-Preparing your materials in advance will ensure you are ready for the presentation
    3-Organizing your desk properly can enhance your productivity
    4-Reviewing feedback from your peers can help you improve your skills
    5-Discussing the project details with your team will align everyone’s efforts

    • مهندس ابوالقاسمی

      خوب هستند 👌👌👌

  20. mona

    1. Earning high income has profound impact on the job satisfication
    2.Inflation has had economic impacts during world war
    3. Parents should be informed about the long term impacts of eating junk foods on their children
    4.Government is looking at alternative sources of energy to lessen global warming impact on the nature
    5.positive l impacts of advancement in technology can not be ignored

    • مهندس ابوالقاسمی

      positive l impacts این چیه وسطش؟؟؟

      بقیه خوب هستند 🌸🌸🌸

  21. mona

    Essential words
    1.There are some profits in the intrinsic nature of hunting that make it more suitable for wild animals
    2.The process of immigration is disruptive but the results are worth it
    3.From architectural point of view,the decoration of palace attracts thousand of visitors
    4. The greenhouse gases are emitted by factories has adverse effects on our health
    5. The operation of public transport systems have revolutionize

    • مهندس ابوالقاسمی

      profits in the intrinsic nature of hunting این ترجمه فارسی هست profit مربوط به بحث سود و منفعت مالی هست. اگر منبعی برای این ساختار داری و جمله ای در لانگمن هست که چنین چیزی رو نوشته بنویس لطفا

      بقیه خوب هستند اما باید حتما کوشش کنی که ببری سمت تاپیک های رایتینیگ

  22. Mitra

    “writing topic”
    According to some people, voluntary works should be incorporated into education curricula. I completely agree with group of people because it would make positive outcomes on many different levels, such as gaining valuable work experience and giving a sense of responsibility.
    Compulsory services prepare students for a professional career. As youth are dreamer and they want to achieve everything overnight, which is impossible. This method can be a good lesson about patience, and building their spirit for later hardships in their life. For example, moving customer orders is a job they can benefit from during these unpaid services; however, they can earn a little extra if they offer their favor after school, or even make a career out of it.
    These activities can have the educational purpose of making students responsible. The reason being that they have never been taken responsible for their actions, because they have been under the protection of their parents. As a result, they do not appreciate the effort, or all the services being provided for them so this is a great way to find them of use. With the understanding that not everything comes for free, and teaching them how they should take responsibility for their own good. For instance, lavishness, which is a common action in the juveniles, is one of them. This treat can just be thought by budgeting, saving, and responsible spending.

    • مهندس ابوالقاسمی

      ❌ متاسفانه پاراگراف ها با تعداد کلمات مشخص نشده.

      لطفا تصحیح کنید بفرستید.

    • مهندس ابوالقاسمی

      make ……….outcomes چنین ترکیبی نداریم حتما با دقت زیاد از دیکشنری انتخاب کن

      ❌ پاراگراف های اصلی باید 100 تا 110 کلمه باشند و در پایان تعداد کلمات در پرانتز نوشته بشه.

      تصحیح کن و با فرمتی که در کلاس تدریس کردیم بنویس ممنون

  23. arezoo.n

    Over recent years, the idea of reducing workweek and having extra days off has grown in popularity among some individuals. I am in a complete agreement with this idea due to the fact that it can lead to emotional well-being of employees and get higher productivity. (46 words)

    On one hand, working few days during the week can cause worker’s welfare because it can provide significantly more free time for individuals and they can get an ideal opportunity to spend more time with their loved ones or do whatever they want in stress-free and stable environment which help them to have a physiological well-being. For instance, people who live in my hometown and have longer weekends tend to spend a large amount of time with their nuclear family. In fact, this priceless time can enhance their relationship and give them a sense of satisfaction which can guarantee their mental health and result in their welfare. (107 words)

    In addition, work shorter weeks can increase workers productivity. In fact, this condition may help individuals to address their personal issues during these longer weekends. As a result these issues do not occupy the worker’s mind and they get precious opportunity to focus more on their work. Actually, deep concentration can improve employee’s productivity. For example, in our society those who have to work only four days every week have adequate time to fix their problems and they can have a proper work life balance which gives them peace of mind and they are able to do their responsibility with high concentration and become more productive in shorter time. (109 words)

    In conclusion, it is widely believed that, workers ought to work fewer days and benefit from longer weekend. I totally agree with this idea because in this condition employees are capable of experiencing high well-being in their life and more productivity in their work. (44 words)

    • مهندس ابوالقاسمی

      چنین ترکیبی نداریم اصلا cause worker’s welfare واژه cause معمولا با چیزهای منفی میاد و کلا هم سطحش پایین هست.

      a complete agreement نداریم چون قابل شمارش نیست.

      spend a large amount of time with their nuclear family. اینجا عبارت nuclear family خیلی غیر طبیعیه. nuclear معمولا در متون اجتماعی و آکادمیک به کار میره برای تاکید به کوچک بودن خانواده های دوران مدرن. اینجا اصلا نمیتونه بیاد.

      workers productivity. اس آپوستروف رو باید بذاری حتما.

      Actually, نباید توی رایتینگ ها بیاد حتما معادل حرفه ای تر باید براش استفاده کنیم مثل As a matter of fact

      فرمت کلی رایتینگ خوب هست و خطای بزرگی دیده نمیشه 👌👌👌

  24. arezoo.n

    Essential words
    Unit 9
    1. Approach: noun
    Example: as we live in modern society our government should take a tougher approach and tackle food insecurity by providing modern agricultural facilities.
    2. Circumstance: noun
    Example: authorities ought to impose ban on sharing information freely due to the unusual circumstances surrounding their country.
    3. Confidence: noun
    Example: competitive environment can boost worker’s confidence; however, in cooperative environment employees get a lot of encouragement from their colleagues who are supportive.
    4. Conventional: adjective
    Example: conventional medicine is significantly more reliable because there is a wide range of medical researches which prove their efficiency.
    5. Solitude: noun
    Example: in cosmopolitan cities people do not have a great relationship with each other and it can lead to mental disorders.

    • مهندس ابوالقاسمی

      impose a ban باید باشه

      بقیه خوب هستند آفرین

  25. arezoo.n

    Oxford word skill
    Unit 41
    1. Container: noun
    Example: officials should introduce rules for major factories to use recyclable containers which are more environmentally friendly.
    2. Substance: noun
    Example: these days, people have a burning desire to use alternative medicine as these methods do not have hazardous substances.
    3. Device: noun
    Example: in this modern era, farmers can use labor-saving devices which can improve their productivity.
    4. Creature: noun
    Example: in major cities, air pollution is a complex issue which can affect vulnerable individuals and other living creatures.
    5. Stuff: noun
    Example: in unusual places, tourists cannot carry their camping stuff because they can destroy the natural environment.

    • مهندس ابوالقاسمی

      introduce rules for این ترکیب رو نداریم اصلا. چک کن. مثلا میتونی با so بنویسی.

      بقیه خوب هستند 👌👌👌

  26. arezoo.n

    1. In order to have a comfortable lifestyle in retirement period, individuals have to work hard and compete with each other.
    2. Those living in major cities may lead hectic lifestyle which can cause physical and mental diseases.
    3. People who live in developed countries are convinced that they must change their lifestyle to conserve the environment.
    4. Wealthy citizens who have a lavish lifestyle can afford to go to unusual places.
    5. Due to advanced technology, most people have a sedentary lifestyle and are more susceptible to cardiovascular disease.

    • مهندس ابوالقاسمی

      comfortable lifestyle این ترکیب رو در در لانگمن چک کنید حتما

      بقیه خوب هستند آفرین 👌👌👌

  27. arezoo.n

    اصلاح شده
    At the present time, some people have a strong tendency to use alternative medicine rather than modern medical techniques. Although this can be beneficial as these methods are more affordable, I suggest traditional medicine come with their own set of problems due to their potential side effects. (47 words)

    It has to be acknowledged that, traditional methods of treatment are reasonably cheap. These days, most people have financial problems and they cannot afford medical procedures which are exorbitantly expensive and it makes them use alternative medicines as an inexpensive way to cure their ailments. In fact, no special technology is required to produce or use these methods and people can get them for free or at very low cost. For instance, individuals living in my hometown widely use herbal medicine to treat their common diseases such as diarrhea. They grow mint in their garden and use its extract whenever they want without requiring going to doctor. In fact they can treat themselves and there is no need to pay a huge amount of money for it. (127 words)

    On the other hand, we should not ignore the possible down sides. One of the major drawbacks is that complementary methods of treatment can have serious side effects. As there are not extensive researches which provide a great deal of information about the potential side effects of such methods, they can carry considerable risks for patients and exacerbate their illnesses because these methods in particular herbal medicine may contain unknown substances and worsen patient’s conditions For example, patients who suffer from cancer and receive periods of chemotherapy are recommended to use ginger to prevent nausea and vomiting. Despite the fact that ginger can improve their digestive problems, new medical researches indicate that it can slow down their wound healing and worsen their conditions. (123 words)

    In conclusion, alternative medicine is becoming increasingly popular method of treatment among people and they rather these types of medicine to modern medicine. I am convinced that, while traditional medicines have advantages owing to their low cost, they may be hazardous for patients due to adverse side effects. (48 words)

    • مهندس ابوالقاسمی

      چنین ترکیبی نداریم without requiring going to doctor.

      آفرین خیلی خوب هست 👌👌👌

  28. Yasamin

    Main body 1:
    Mandatory work provides a place and situation for student to understand and realize their interests. Students can explore different career paths and work environments through mandatory work. There are lots of fields for working and mandatory work in some of them can guide students to be aware of working conditions, the rules and their feelings about that. For instance, a similar program was introduced in the high school of my hometown a few years ago. This program provides career exploration and requires students to participate in these activities. It includes learning and practical courses and informational interviews with professionals in different fields. Students were able to ask their questions and satisfy their curiosity about various fields.It was like a guideline for them to discover their passion that they want to pursue in the future.(108)

    • مهندس ابوالقاسمی

      work in some of them can این ترکیب بی معنی هست. قبل از ارسال چک کنید.

      Mandatory work provides a place and situation for student to understand and realize their interests. در این مورد مشخصا صحبتی نشده و یکی دو جمله کلی صحبت شده. باید مشخص تر نوشته بشه چطور ممکنه واقعا چنین تاثیری داشته باشه.

      این پاراگراف 108 کلمه نیست بلکه 125 کلمه هست و حدود 60% مثال هست تا توضیحات اصلی.

  29. Yasamin

    Essential words 6_2:

    Publicity: The concept of visiting places where conditions are difficult has been gaining publicity over the past couple years.

    Principle: The principle of equal opportunity is supported by free information access.

    Wary: It is wise to be wary of free information access.

    Strive: Striving for excellence in mandatory work responsibilities motivates students to improve their skills and performance.

    Barrier: Living a small town presented a barrier to accessing different experiences and opportunities.

    • مهندس ابوالقاسمی

      couple of years باید باشه

      Living a small town چرا بدون حرف اضافه نوشته شده؟

      accessing ………….experiences چنین ترکیبی نداریم.

      ❌ تعداد خطاهای کوچک بالا هست بی دقت و بی توجه ننویسید.

      جمله ها را با شماره بنویسید.

  30. Yasamin

    جلسه هفدهم خطاهای گرامری:

    As a result of the benefits of accessing free information, people prefer to use free platforms.

    Teenagers have less responsibility compared to adults.

    Many students live in small towns and have to move to big cities where their favorite universities are located.

    Adults can manage their lives without other people’s financial assistance.

    Not many hospitals and healthcare facilities exist in small towns.

    • مهندس ابوالقاسمی

      جمله ها رو با شماره بنویسید.

  31. Yasamin

    جلسه هفدهم کالوکیشن: experience

    Direct experience: Through direct experience in handling mandatory work responsibilities, you can develop new skills. 

    Practical experience: Practical experience of mandatory work can assist students in finding their interest in different types of work. 

    Enjoyable experience: Some tourists have an enjoyable and unforgettable experience of visiting places where conditions are difficult.

    Valuable experience: Accessing free information can help you gain valuable experience in various subject areas.

    Traumatic experience: Some traumatic experiences in teenage years can have a lasting impact on mental health.

    • مهندس ابوالقاسمی

      places where conditions are difficult. سعی کنید کپی مستقیم بجز مواردی که مربوط به کالوکیشن ها هست نداشته باشید.

      بقیه خوب هستند.

  32. Mahsa

    Essential Words- unit 3- part 2
    1. intrinsic : These responsibilities were repetitive، demanding and lacking any intrinsic interest.
    2.disruptive : He had a disruptive influence on the rest of the meeting.
    3. destruction : The central argument was that their calculations sow the seeds of their own architectural style.
    4. showcase: The annual exhibition was a showcase for high-tech companies.
    5. Spring up : Virtual training academies were springing up like mushrooms.

    • مهندس ابوالقاسمی

      خوب هستند آفرین

      ❌ دقت کن برای جلسات بعدی حتما باید درباره تاپیک های رایتینگ باشند.

  33. zohreh

    Tourists in difficult places (second paragraph)
    Visiting uncharted places can convey enormous appealing experiences for any people, no matter their age. Adventure and risk are intrinsic to visiting unknown territories. In such places, tourists can feel different stunning excitements of liveness that can never be touched in predictable journeys or ordinary vacations with obvious, determined, and maybe repeated activities. For instance, being in unspoilt nature and encountering unforeseen challenges in remote areas can be an unforgettable experience for urban dwellers who are living in crowded and noisy cities between high rising buildings. Besides, seeing exceptional, natural landscapes, and perhaps getting to know local people in remote territories, will provide tourists with valuable and first-hand experiences.

    • مهندس ابوالقاسمی

      تعدادی ساختار وجود داره که باید حتما در لانگمن اول چک کنید و بعد بنویسید.

      convey ……………. experiences
      excitements به صورت جمع
      excitements of liveness
      و چند مورد دیگه به این صورت.

      تک تک ساختارهایی که مینویسید باید حتما چک بشه.

      ❌ تعداد کلمات آخر پاراگراف نوشته نشده.

  34. Mahsa

    Writing ( tourists visiting difficult situations)
    Theses days، the number of tourists visiting places with difficult situations such as Sahara desert are increasing. Such travels will bring benefits like improving tourists’ abilities، physically and emotionally، and bening familier with interesting people.taking their health at serious risks and not having enough time to rest and charge their batteries during holiday can be considered disadvantages of such programes.

    • مهندس ابوالقاسمی

      همونطور که چندین بار گفتیم فقط باید به یک مورد برای هر طرف اشاره بشه. فرمول رو ببینید بازنویسی کنید.

      ✍️ آموزش ویدیویی نوشتن #مقدمه

  35. Mitra

    “The most frequent grammatical errors”
    1. Teenage years are considered as the happiest time in the period of life.
    2. Usual places are less popular for tourists.
    3. If tourists travel to exotic places their opinion will change.
    4. People are encouraged to migrate from rural and small towns by Some facilities in big cities.
    5. Pollution and overpopulation are caused to prevent old people live in big cities

  36. zohreh

    1. With this creative innovation, our company will rival its competitors in terms of quality and price.
    2. Parents are like a strong shield that protects their kids.
    86. With this creative innovation, our company will rival its competitors in terms of quality and price.
    7. Parents are like a strong shield that protects their kids.
    8. This conference is intended to be a showcase for university achievements.
    9. New, unforeseen challenges can spring up in remote areas for visitors.
    10. All underground constructions need a vent to ensure air circulation.

    • مهندس ابوالقاسمی

      ❌ عنوان تکلیف رو بنویسید لطفا

      جمله های تکراری داره.

      ضمنا جمله ها باید 1 تا 5 باشه

  37. zohreh

    Essential words
    1. Culture has a strong influence on architecture in all countries.
    2. The centerpiece of his program is making more job opportunities.
    3. This road is clogged each summer by tourists’ cars.
    4. The presence of tourists in unspoiled areas can have disruptive effects on them.
    5. Adventure and risk are intrinsic to visiting uncharted territories.

    • مهندس ابوالقاسمی

      خوب هستند.

  38. mona

    1.Hunting is an intrinsic ability of wild animals
    2. The process of immigration is disruptive but it is worth it
    3. Due to greenhouse gases are emitted by factories, amount of air pollution is rising
    4.The operation of public transport systems began in 1900
    5.Magnificent old building has several architectural features which attracts a number of tourists

    • مهندس ابوالقاسمی

      Due to greenhouse gases are این ساختار غلط هست. due to رو چک کنید ببینید ساختار بعدش به چه صورت هست.

      amount of air pollution ساختارهایی که مینویسید باید در لانگمن وجود داشته باشه.

      نزدیک تر به جمله های دیکشنری بنویسید و سعی کنید به تاپیک ها ربط بدید.

      ❌ در عنوان بنویسید ارسال شما مربوط به چه کتابی هست.

  39. mona

    1.It is vital that scientists gather accurate information to publish articles precisely
    2. Thanks to advancement in technology ,people have access to valuable source of information
    3.In order to broaden horizon ,tourists can exchange information about culture
    4.Parents should provide children with several useful pieces of information to transfer their knowledge
    5. Some of information about local educational systems which are recieved by government is not particularly relevant

    • مهندس ابوالقاسمی

      publish articles precisely چنین ترکیبی نداریم.

      technology ,people علایم تقطه گذاری رو رعایت کنید.

      transfer their knowledge چنین ترکیبی نداریم.

      ❌ دقت کنید ساختارها رو باید حتما با دقت چک کنید که درست باشند از خودتون ننویسید. این موارد رو هم هم تصحیح کنید دوباره بفرستید.

  40. Mahsa

    Grammar for Ielts – – Unit 8
    1. Global warming can be considered a challenge for the ecosystem.
    2. I learnt to play the violin when I was 15.
    3. This valuable research has carried out in the university of York not in Columbia university.
    4. Each employee we selected achieved the best results in all the exams.
    5. Both companies changed their strategies in order to improve their product designs.

    • مهندس ابوالقاسمی

      خوب هستند. کوشش کنید نزدیک به تاپیک های رایتینگ بنویسید.

  41. Mitra

    “writing topic”
    Now days tourists have been fascinated to travel and visit exotic places. Although these trips have several advantages, they have caused many problems for tourists.
    People would rather choose these places because on one hand they can see outstanding natural beauty and gain different experiences, on the other hand it often provides awesome adventure because tourists are not used to seeing spectacular scenery, and it grab’s their attention.
    However, there are also drawbacks which the most important is that it can be extremely difficult to access support if needed, because of hard locations such as deserts or forests. Furthermore, it can be dangerous without an expert guided tour on the natural environment either animal or plants.

  42. arezoo.n

    At the present time, some people have a strong tendency to use alternative medicine rather than modern medical techniques. Although this can be beneficial as these methods are more affordable, I suggest traditional medicine come with their own set of problems due to their potential side effects. (47 words)

    It has to be acknowledged that, traditional methods of treatment are reasonably cheap. These days, most people have financial problems and they cannot afford medical procedures which are exorbitantly expensive and it makes them use alternative medicines as an inexpensive way to cure their ailments. For instance, individuals living in my hometown widely use herbal medicine to treat their common diseases such as diarrhea. They grow mint in their garden and use its extract whenever they want without requiring going to doctor. In fact they can treat themselves and there is no need to pay a huge amount of money for it. (102 words)

    On the other hand, we should not ignore the possible down sides. One of the major drawbacks is that complementary methods of treatment can have serious side effects. As there are not extensive researches which provide a great deal of information about the potential side effects of such methods, they can carry considerable risks for patients and exacerbate their illnesses. For example, patients who suffer from cancer and receive periods of chemotherapy are recommended to use ginger to prevent nausea and vomiting. Despite the fact that ginger can improve their digestive problems, new medical researches indicate that it can slow down their wound healing and worsen their conditions. (108 words)

    In conclusion, alternative medicine is becoming increasingly popular method of treatment among people and they rather these types of medicine to modern medicine. I am convinced that, while traditional medicines have advantages owing to their low cost, they may be hazardous for patients due to adverse side effects. (48 words)

    • مهندس ابوالقاسمی

      are reasonably cheap. اینجا ادعا شده که ارزان هستنداما اصلا درباره اینکه چرا ارزان هستند صحبتی نشده و به صورت فکت باهاش برخورد شده. این مدل نوشتن درست نیست.

      they can carry considerable risks for patients and exacerbate their illnesses. اینجا هم شما بدون هیچ توضیح اضافه طوری مستقیم رفتی سر مثال که گویا خواننده بدون هیچ توضیحی حرف شما رو قبول کرده و همه چیز تموم هست. این سبک اشتباهه. اگر یادت باشه گفتیم 3 بار باید توضیح بدیم که از همه نظر برای خواننده روشن باشه چرا حرفی که میزنیم درست هست.

      پیشنهاد میکنم بازنویسی کنی و بفرستی دوباره

  43. Mahsa

    Essential Words
    Unit3- part1
    1. Efficient : As children get fat، their bodies become less efficient at burning up calories.
    2. Generate : The diesel engine were used to
    generate electricity .
    3. Vulnerable : The sudden resignation of HR manager put the company in a very vulnerable position.
    4. Innovative : The high- tech company is very interested in turbine design and technological innovations.
    5. Intense : The engineering manager was under intense pressure to modify the production process.

    • مهندس ابوالقاسمی

      fat عبارت آکادمیک و/یا مودبانه ای نیست میتونید از overweight استفاده کنید.

  44. arezoo.n

    Oxford word skill
    Unit 39
    1. Grateful to somebody: adjective
    Example: residents who live in major cities are grateful to officials who improve recreational facilities and provide decent job opportunities.
    2. Fed up with: adjective
    Example: farmers living in developing countries often get fed up with out dated facilities which can affect their products.
    3. Aware of something: adjective
    Example: scientists are aware of potential risks of administering chemical drugs which can have serious side effects.
    4. Tired of: adjective
    Example: rural people are tire of poor standards of living and they prefer to live in major urban conurbations.
    5. Proud of: adjective
    Example: parents are instantly proud of their children and strive hard to provide private tutor for them.

    • مهندس ابوالقاسمی

      fed up with out این ترکیب بی معنی هست. قبل از ارسال چک کنید همیشه

      are tire of پیش از ارسال چک کن

      instantly proud of their children منبعی داری براش؟؟؟

      ❌ به خطاها باید بیشتر دقت کنی.

  45. arezoo.n

    Essential words
    1. Capable : adjective
    Example: authorities are convinced that capable farmers require modern agricultural methods to product high-yielding crops.
    2. Curb: verb
    Example: these days, alternative medicines are extremely cheap methods which can curb high cost of medical procedures.
    3. Disability: noun
    Example: in small towns and villages there are not adequate facilities for children with severe learning disabilities. So their parents have to move to the major cities to support their children.
    4. Incapacitate: verb
    Example: nowadays, hackers pose serious risks to online payment platforms which can incapacitate the whole society.
    5. Poverty: noun
    In order to control overpopulation, governments have to fight poverty.

    • مهندس ابوالقاسمی

      to product فعل نیست

      بقیه مناسب هستند. 👌👌👌

  46. arezoo.n

    1. Lack of experience is a major factor in youth unemployment.
    2. Economic sanctions are crucial factors which lead to inflation.
    3. Consuming a large amount of junk foods is main risk factors for cardiovascular disease.
    4. Policy makers should consider environmental and social factors to improve infrastructures in major cities.
    5. Modern farming is a contributory factor to food security.

    • مهندس ابوالقاسمی

      is main risk factors یک مورد اشاره شده چرا اس جمع داره؟

      بقیه خوب هستند آفرین. 🌸🌸🌸

  47. Niloofar

    “Collocations “Internet ⚡️

    1. Students can use the internet to conduct their research.

    2. Nowadays, individuals have internet access in most public places.

    3. Most young people spend many hours surfing the internet every day.

    4. Students can go on the internet to find some information about the field they want to study in the future.

    5. In order to save time, people can pay their bills through internet banking.

    • مهندس ابوالقاسمی

      خوب هستند آفرین 👌👌👌

  48. Niloofar

    Common mistakes in grammar number 9

    1. Overeating fast food is harmful to health.

    2. After graduating, you should find a decent job.

    3. studying fields that have a job prospect is beneficial for students’ future.

    4. Nowadays, global warming is one of the most worrying issues for most people.

    5. Sometimes moving from a company can be a good choice for some people.

    • مهندس ابوالقاسمی

      have a promising job prospect باید باشه.

      بقیه خوب هستند آفرین 👌👌👌

  49. Niloofar

    Select readings (Unit 14) ⚡️

    1. Species: Many species are in danger of extinction due to climate change.

    2. Sights: In small towns, due to less construction, there are more beautiful sights.

    3. Show up: Showing up at traditional ceremonies can be interesting for tourists.

    4. Passengers: Passengers should pay attention to keeping the environment safe during their travels.

    5. View: different people have different views about studying abroad.

    • مهندس ابوالقاسمی

      travels. فعل هست. باید از journey استفاده کنید. حتما با منبع بنویسید.

      در کل خیلی خوب هست. 👌👌👌

  50. Yasamin

    Main body 1:
    It is believed by some people that mandatory work should be enforced on high school students. Students can explore different career paths and work environments through mandatory work. It provides a place and situation for them to understand and realize their interests. There are lots of fields for working and mandatory work in some of them can guide students to be aware of working conditions, the rules and their feelings about that. Mandatory work can be a valuable tool to gain insights into various career paths. For instance, a similar program was introduced in the high school of my hometown a few years ago. This program provides career exploration and requires students to participate in these activities. It includes learning and practical courses and informational interviews with professionals in different fields. Students were able to ask their questions and satisfy their curiosity about various fields. It was like a guideline for them to discover their passion that they want to pursue in the future.(171)

    • مهندس ابوالقاسمی

      It is believed by some people that mandatory work should be enforced on high school students. این جمله نباید اصلا در آغاز پاراگراف نوشته بشه چون قبلا در مقدمه نوشته شده. اینجا باید طبق فرمولی که بارها گفتیم با دلیل شروع کنیم.

      پاراگراف شما باید دلیل و توضیحش و مثال و توضیحش باشه که روی هم 100 تا 110 کلمه باید درازا داشته باشه.

      ✍️ آموزش ویدیویی نوشتن #پاراگراف های اصلی

      دقیق ببینید و بعد از ویرایش ارسال بفرمایید.

  51. Samaneh

    and the number of these types of tourists is increasing every day

    • مهندس ابوالقاسمی

      لطفا کامنت با محتوای ناقص نگذارید.

  52. Samaneh

    Introduction tourist in difficult places
    Seeing places with hard situation like the deserts and wilderness has been desirable for many of tourists these days, and the number of this type of visitors. In fact, they have a big problem to stay and find proper accommodation; however, this situation could be a priceless gift for them to gain many experiences to face difficult and unexpected happening in their life.

    • مهندس ابوالقاسمی

      and the number of this type of visitors. جمله بدون داشتن مفهوم کامل تموم شده.

      they have a big problem کلا در رایتینگ های آیلتس نباید با لحن محکم و قطعی بنویسید چون همه موضوعاتی که صحبت میشه حالت دیدگاه و بحث داره. بنابراین همیشه باید با استفاده از مودال ها کوشش کنید لحن رو ملایم کنید. برای مثال اینجا ممکنه بعضی اصلا مشکل بزرگی نداشته باشه. بنابراین باید بنویسید some of them may have problems

      برای رایتینگ های بعدی دفت کنید. اما در کل خوب هست. پاراگراف اول رو بنویسیدو

  53. Yasamin

    Some people argue that mandatory work without payment should be implemented in activities for students. This essay totally agrees with this statement. I personally believe this mandatory work is a good idea because this kind of experience assists their future career and also gives them a chance to find and meet new friends.(44)

    • مهندس ابوالقاسمی

      ✅ بدون مشکل هست آفرین.

      نوشتن پاراگراف اول رو شروع کن. ضمنا ارسال تکالیف باید به صورت کامل باشه. جمله سازی ها رو فراموش نکن.

  54. mona

    The main advantage of visiting new places would be that it broadens horizon of tourists. They have a chance to see new parts that they have never imagined before. Tourists communicate with locals and talk about their cultures and customs, it raises their awareness. Also, if visitors travel to remote destinations without modern facilities, they would encounter serious problems which change their mind. For example, before exploring the kandovan village in Azerbaijan city, tourists thought it was impossible to live in caves. While traveling, they found that how inhabitants live there peacefully. In the meanwhile, they had to climb mountains and get familiar with locals ,hence they gain precious experiences. (110)

    Turning to the other side of argument, the most significant problem is serious hazards. Visitors may face harsh climate, lack of amenities, shortage of medical cares. Due to the fact that most of tourists are not accustomed to such conditions, they are not be able to cope with them. Therefore, it is vital to be guided by an expert leader and be equipped with technological tools. For instance, last year, some youngsters traveled to kavir desert in my country, unfortunately they got stuck in middle of desert. ultimately, as a result of shortage of foods and water, just one of them could survive. (104)

    • مهندس ابوالقاسمی

      talk about their cultures and customs, it raises بین دو تا جمله هرگز نمیتونیم فقط ویرگول داشته باشیم. یا نقطه یا کلمات ربط. به الگوها دقت کنید.

      اجازه وارد کردن دلیل چدید ندارید Also, if visitors travel to remote destinations without modern facilities, آموزش جلسه اول رو با دقت بشنوید. بارها این مورد رو در کلاس توضیح دادیم و کار کردیم.
      اینجا میتونید چک کنید:
      ✍️ آموزش ویدیویی نوشتن #پاراگراف های اصلی (https://youtu.be/3PZA8rZmpNQ)

      ❌ پاراگراف رو طبق این شیوه بازنویسی کنید.

      لطفا 2 پاراگراف نفرستید. چندین بار اطلاع رسانی کردیم که در کلاس شما فعلا ارسال به صورت تک پاراگراف هست.

  55. zohreh

    ….. introduction
    Writing, Tourists in difficult places
    The number of tourists with demand for traveling to places with extreme weather or conditions has been rising in recent years than ever before. Although these journeys can be considered fascinating and valuable experiences, they may threaten visitors’ health or even their lives. (43)

    • مهندس ابوالقاسمی

      ✅ بدون مشکل خاصی هست آفرین. پاراگراف اصلی اول رو استارت بزنید.

  56. zohreh

    , Unit #3 Essential words
    1. The flames cast reddish shadows on the wall.
    2. Modern buildings benefit from energy efficient heating, cooling and lighting systems.
    3. The equipment was freighted by ship.
    4. People all over the world are under intense pressure from inflation.
    5. A portable air- conditioner can be a simple alternative during hot summers.
    6. Government made a stringent control on supply foods because of famine in their country.

    • مهندس ابوالقاسمی

      خوب هستند اما باید کوشش کنید جمله ها رو ببرید سمت تاپیک های رایتینگ و بی هدف نباشه.

  57. mona

    Nowadays, places with difficult conditions become popular destination for tourists. Many people have a tendency to spend a lot of time in tough areas such as deserts. Traveling has positive effects on their mindset because it opens new doors to them. However, the danger of the life-threating situations should not be ignored. (52)

    • مهندس ابوالقاسمی

      زمان حال ساده با nowadays نمیتونه بیاد چون داره به ادامه داشتن یک اثر یا پدیدار شدن یک روند جدید اشاره میکنه نه یک حالت کلی و فکت: Nowadays, places with difficult conditions become

      دو جمله اول رو هم میتونستید با هم ترکیب کنید نیازی نبود هر دو نوشته بشه.

      ✅ در کل خوب هست میتونید نوشتن پاراگراف اصلی اول رو طبق فرمولی که در کلاس گفتیم انجام بدید. دقت بفرمایید حتما بر پایه همون فرمول باشه.

  58. arezoo.n

    The bar chart gives information about the whole number of minutes which was spent on three various types of telephone by British individuals over a seven- year period commencing in 1995.

    Overall, all figures experienced a rising trend, except for the local-fixed line which remained steady. It is also noticeable that local calls had the highest number of minutes throughout the period in question.

    In 1995, the figure for local-fixed line started at around 70 billion minutes which was the highest number of minutes at the beginning of the period. After a significant rise it peaked at about 90 billion minutes, there was a sharp decline and returned to its initial figure of 70 billion minutes in 2002.

    The figure for national and international-fixed line experienced a considerable growth from slightly less than 40 billion minutes in 1995 to approximately 60 billion minutes in 2002. Similarly, the figure for mobile phones began at almost 5 billion minutes in 1995 which is the lowest number over this period, and then it increased by roughly 40 billion minutes and amounted to 45 billion minutes at the end of the period. (188 words)

    • مهندس ابوالقاسمی

      British individuals معادل خوبی نیست. میتونستید بگید British citizens یا people from Britain

      در کل از نظر گزینش اطلاعات و توضیح کار به خوبی انجام شده.

      بدون شک میشه ساختارهای حرفه ای تری رو برای توصیف به کار برد که با استفاده از سمپل های نمره بالای استاندارد میتونید توی این بخش مهارت لازم رو به دست بیارید.

      مورد دیگه زمان هست که باید حتما توجه کنید.

      حالت ایده آل این هست که پاسخ شما در همین سطح از کیفیت در کمتر از 15 دقیقه به پایان برسه پس روی سریع نوشتن تمرین داشته باشید.

  59. Sepideh

    Writing 6
    Some people think that without payment social work should be enforced on high school students. I believe this mandatory task is a great idea because it provides a valuable opportunity for personal growth and skill development and also they can earn work experience. (40 words)

    It is self-evident that students create a perfect setting for developing their social skills by taking part in unpaid activities. They can gain practical knowledge and experience alongside their education. This activity can help youngsters to flourish their communication skills, teamwork, and problem-solving as a result of the extensive training. For example, charity work students have excellent teamwork skills. They can extend their social network. They can improve their communication skills because when they participate in this social work they have a chance to learn how to communicate with others as well as they can able to learn significant knowledge about real-life conditions. (98words)

    Another benefit of unpaid community services is that they earn new experience in work. Individuals from a young age have an opportunity to acquire useful abilities and knowledge or even gain experience that will be necessary for their future lives. This activity enhances the sense of dedication and commitment to work in teenagers, these characteristics need to be practiced at regular intervals. If children get involved in activities that prepare them to handle more responsibilities, they will become more competent and reliable as future employees.
    For example, according to the Iranian National Research high school students who have worked in association service have had greater success in their careers rather than students who have been just studying at school. (96words)
    In conclusion, compulsory principles in the educational system can be beneficial. If children do mandatory activities, they will help them achieve more career opportunities and interpersonal skills. (24words)

  60. mona

    Nowadays, places with difficult conditions become popular destination for tourists. Many people have a tendency to spend a lot of time in tough areas such as deserts. Traveling has positive effects on their mindset because it opens new doors to them. However, the danger of the life-threating situations should not be ignored. (52)

    The main advantage of visiting new places would be that it broadens horizon of tourists. They have a chance to see new parts that they have never imagined before. They can get familiar with local people, it raises their awareness about different cultures. Also, if they travel to remote destination without modern facilities, they will encounter serious problems which impoverish them. For example, before exploring the kandovan village in Azerbaijan city, tourists thought it was impossible to live in caves. Since they have traveled, they found that how inhabitants live there peacefully. Beside tourists communicate with locals and obtain first-hand experiences. (103)

    Turning to the other side of argument, the most significant problem is serious hazards. Visitors may face harsh climate, lack of amenities, shortage of medical cares . Due to the fact that most of tourists are not accustomed to such conditions, they are not be able to cope with them. Therefore, it is vital to guide visitors by an expert leader and equip them with technological tools. For instance, last year, some youngsters traveled to kavir desert in my country,
    unfortunately they got stuck in middle of desert. ultimately, as a result of shortage of foods and water, just one of them could survive. (104)

    In summary, difficult places where are chosen for an adventures trip by tourists have both pros and cons . whereas traveling to remote touristy sites improve visitor’s abilities, tourists may endanger many perils because of frustrating circumstances.

    • مهندس ابوالقاسمی

      همونطور که در کانال کلاس اعلام شد رایتینگ های کلاس شما به صورت تک پاراگراف باید ارسال بشه. لطفا فقط پاراگراف مقدمه رو بفرستید.

  61. Niloofar

    Select readings (Unit 13)

    1. Profession: Studying abroad can offer unique opportunities that can be beneficial for one’s future profession.

    2. Survey: According to a recent survey, many people prefer consuming fast food to save time.

    3. Intense: Most students who study abroad are under intense pressure due to the high cost of living.

    4. Base: Some places in towns are ideal base for committing crime.

    5. Include: In big cities, the rate of crime is high, including theft.

    • مهندس ابوالقاسمی

      are an ideal place for باید باشه اگر منبعی برای are ideal base for از لانگمن دارید بفرمایید.

      بسیار خوب هستند ادامه بده 👌👌👌

  62. arezoo.n

    1. School children know that using drugs is against the law.
    2. It is widely accepted that strict laws should be introduced to conserve the environment.
    3. There was a public controversy after passing a law against smoking in public places.
    4. Due to the dramatic fall in the birth rate government introduce a tough law which prohibits intentional abortion.
    5. Politicians should impose severe punishment for those breaking civil law.

    • مهندس ابوالقاسمی

      بجای intentional abortion معمول تر هست که میگن Induced Abortion ولی شما که حوزه خودت هست بهتر میدونی.

      من intentional abortion رو تا حالا نشنیدم ولی در دیکشنری هست.

      بقیه هم که بی نقص هستند آفرین 🌸🌸🌸

  63. arezoo.n

    Unit 8 part 2
    1. Academic: noun
    Example: migrants who move from rural areas to large cities often fail to get decent job as major companies tend to look for employees who have academic qualifications.
    2. Bear: noun
    Example: mature adults have a stressful lifestyle. Sometimes they cannot bear the pressure of their job and get depressed.
    3. Dire: adjective
    Example: in order to escape from dire standards of living and extremely low wages, people have a strong tendency to migrate to major cities.
    4. Funding: noun
    Example: it is widely believed that additional funding should be allocated to deal with climate changing.
    5. Persist in: verb
    Example: old generation persist in using cash rather than other methods of payment because they are worried about their security.

    • مهندس ابوالقاسمی

      بی نقص 🌸🌸🌸

  64. arezoo.n

    Oxford word skill
    Unit 37
    1. Alternative to something:
    Example: in this advanced era, online payment platforms are satisfactory alternatives to cash.
    2. Experience of:
    Example: in competitive organizations, applicants should have previous experience of working in such positions. In fact, salaries will commensurate with their relevant experience.
    3. Cause of:
    Example: traditional farming is a major cause of food insecurity in developing countries which can be addressed by providing up-to-date equipment for farmers.
    4. Doubt about:
    Example: at the present moment, cyber attack is becoming increasingly popular trend which raises doubt about the safety of using online payments.
    5. Need for:
    Example: in major cities, there is an urgent need for improving infrastructures owing to population growth.

    • مهندس ابوالقاسمی

      این موارد هم خوب هستند آفرین 👌👌👌

  65. arezoo.n

    Oxford word skill
    Unit 36
    1. Concentrate on:
    Example: officials ought to concentrate their effort on providing modern agricultural facilities for farmers in order to help them to have fertile fields.
    2. Rely on:
    Example: teenagers are relying on their parents so they cannot participate in different kind of trips without their parents’ permission.
    3. Apologize for:
    Example: authorities should apologize for raising taxes and strive hard to improve the standards of living in small towns.
    4. Benefit from:
    Example: when managers encourage their employees to collaborate with each other, workers can benefit from their colleague’s support and become more productive.
    5. Prevent from
    Example: policy makers are convinced that by offering better facilities in villages they can prevent rural individuals from migrating to major cities.

    • مهندس ابوالقاسمی

      خوب هستند آفرین 🌸🌸🌸

  66. zohreh

    / Edition number 2 …..Tourists in difficult places
    Nowadays, the tourist industry is encountering much more demand for visiting remote and extreme weather conditions places such as the Saharah desert or the Antarctic. It would be thrilling and beneficial for tourists, and it might have negative points and disadvantages for them too. (44)

    Visiting such places can convey enormous appealing experiences for any people, no matter their age. First of all, since unknown nature of these adventure tourism, traveling agencies can not provide many details or fix schedule for passengers. Then, these would be assumed as discovery trips. Visitors can feel different stunning excitements of liveness that can never be touched in predictable travels or activities in ordinary vacations. Secondly, for making such epic journeys, undoubtedly, tourists need skilled local guides who are familiar with the best and simplest ways of dealing with the wild-natured. Getting in touch with these industrial people and knowing their believes and attitudes perhaps opens a window to introducing a different life conception to urban people as a worthless experience. (122)

    Fulfilling a dream of traveling to faraway places can have some disadvantages. Firstly, unlike to pass a holiday in a famous tourist destination, traveling to uncharted territories is unanticipated. Therefore, it might occur tough situations there that they not only have no facilities or amenities by themselves to encounter with them but also don’t have access to fast support or help such as hospital or service centers. Secondly, uncharted territories are habitat of unknown wild animals or insects and be a potential danger for tourists’ health. This severe threat, and lack of access to health services may result in a permanent health problem for their entire lives. (107)

    In summary, in addition the benefits of visiting difficult areas, its drawbacks to the live of visitors need to be seriously considered. (22)

    • مهندس ابوالقاسمی

      tourist industry چنین ترکیبی نداریم. منبع شما؟

      extreme weather conditions places این مورد هم بدون چک کردن نوشته شده. آیا در لانگمن چنین ترکیبی داریم؟ میتونید weather یا condition رو چک کنید وترکیب هایی که مجاز به استفاده هستیم رو ببینید.

      چندین بار گفتیم که باید دقیقا نوشته بشه که چه چیزی هست it might have negative points and disadvantages for them too. پاسخ سوال باید کامل داده بشه در مقدمه در حالت اشاره به موردی که قرار هست صحبت کنیم. کلی گویی نباید باشه

      any people منبع شما؟؟؟

      First of all, دلیل مطرح شده باید 50 کلمه توضیح داده بشه. برای این دلیل نمیتونیم دلیل دیگه بیاریم که بخوایم first of all بنویسید.

      این مدل با شیوه ای که نوشتیم اصلا هماهنگی نداره.

      since unknown nature of these adventure tourism, این جمله غلط هست نمیتونیم با since بنویسید. since رو در لانگمن چک کنید و ساختارهایی که مجاز هستیم رو ببینید.

      traveling agencies can not provide many details or fix schedule for passengers. این دلیل نه درست هست نه میتونه یک مزیت حساب بشه. دلیل که در آغاز پاراگراف نوشته شده appealing experiences هست و این توضیح ارتباطی بهش نداره.

      ❌ رایتینگ بدون چک کردن ساختارها و بدون توجه به شیوه تدریس نوشته شده. به طور کلی بازنویسید کنید و فقط پاراگراف اصلی اول رو بفرستید. هر زمان این پاراگراف تایید شد پاراگراف دوم رو شروع کنید. بدون بررسی در لانگمن و بدون منبع جمله و ساختاری رو وارد رایتینگ نکنید.

  67. mona

    Nowadays, places with difficult conditions become popular destination for tourists. Many people have a tendency to spend a quality of time in tough areas such as deserts. There are both pros and cons of the decision. However, traveling has positive effects on their mindset due to opening new doors to them and gaining novel experiences, the danger of the life-threating situations is not negligible. (64)

    The main advantage of visiting new places would be that it broad horizon of tourists. They have a chance to see new part that they have never imagined before. They get familiar with local people who lives there, it raises their awareness about different cultures. Also, if they travel to remote destination, they will encounter without modern facilities. All of the achievements can change their outlook. For example, before exploring the kandovan village in Azerbaijan city, tourists thought it is impossible to live in caves but when tourists trip, they face hardships to pass impossible roads of rural area. Beside tourists communicate with local which transfer their wisdom. (109)

    Turning to the other side of argument, the most significant problems is serious hazard which visitors may face to reach resorts. Harsh climate, lack of amenities, shortage of medical care increases the risks. Due to the fact that most of tourists are not accustomed such conditions, they are not be able to cope. Therefore, it is vital to guide visitors by an expert leader and equip them with technological tools and first aids. For instance, some youngsters who traveled to kavir desert in my country, unfortunately they got stuck in middle of desert. ultimately, as a result of shortage of foods and water, just one of them could survive. (110)

    In summary, difficult places where are chosen for an adventures trip by tourists have both pros and cons . whereas traveling to remote touristy sites improve visitor’s abilities, tourists may endanger many perils because of frustrating circumstances.

    • مهندس ابوالقاسمی

      spend a quality of time بی معنی هست

      There are both pros and cons of the decision. چنین چیزی اصلا نباید نوشته بشه چون هم کلیشه و حفظ شده هست هم اینکه هیچ تاثیری در نمره شما نداره باید به خود موارد اشاره بشه

      ❌ پاراگراف مقدمه نباید بیش از 50 کلمه باشه در هیچ حالتی

      این هم نظر شرطی غلط هست هم فعل وجود نداره: when tourists trip, منبع شما؟

      transfer their wisdom. محدود به کالوکیشن های لانگمن بنویسید.

      ❌❌ تعدادخطاها بسیار بالاست چون بدون چک کردن این رایتینگ رو نوشتید. موارد بالا فقط مربوط به مقدمه و پاراگراف اول هست. پاراگراف دوم چک نشد.

      این دو پاراگراف رو فقط به طور کامل جمله به جمله در لانگمن چک کنید و تصحیح شده بفرستید. پاراگراف اصلی دوم فعلا نیازی نیست چون تعداد خطاها بسیار بالاست.

      they will encounter without مفعول نوشته نشده و جمله ناقص هست. حتما کلمه های اصلی رو در لانگمن ببینید تا با استفاده از اونها آشنا بشید.

      people who lives ناهماهنگی بین اجزای جمله

      it broad horizon فعل وجود نداره. بی دقت ننویسید. بدون چک کردن و بدون اطمینان از درست بودن ساختارها نباید بنویسید. تک تک جمله ها باید با تحقیق کامل نوشته بشه

  68. Sepideh

    جلسه ۱۵

    Some people think that without payment social work service should be an enforced part of secondary education requirement.I agree with this opinion because this mandatory task can be a great idea due to this it provides a valuable opportunity for personal growth and skill development and also it helps individuals to earn new experiences. (50words)

    • مهندس ابوالقاسمی

      payment social work service این ساختار بی معنی هست. زمان پارافریز کردن باید اطمینان داشته باشیم چیزی که مینویسیم در زبان انگلیسی وجود داشته باشه.

      an enforced part of منبع شما برای این ساختار چی هست؟ آیا در لانگمن چنین چیزی وجود داره؟ اگر هست بفرستید همینجا که چک کنیم.

      due to this it این ساختار کاملا بی معنی هست. در مورد این ساختار قبلا هم صحبت کردیم. پیشنهاد من این هست که اصلا ننویسید چون به نظر میرسه کنترلی ندارید روی گرامرش و همیشه غلط میشه. از ساختارهای ساده تر مثل because استفاده کنید.

      فرمت کلی درست هست اما خطاها بسیار زیاد هستند.

      موارد نادرست رو برطرف کنید دوباره بفرستید ممنون

  69. mona

    Essential words
    The war took place under authority of.1 Iranian council.
    2. Pupil suffer from depression had a number of emotional problems.
    3.My job requires considerable intellectual efforts.
    4The obvious way to achieve your goal is setting a plan .
    5.Parents were relanctant to talk about their offspring issues.
    ls il.

    • مهندس ابوالقاسمی

      ❌ جمله اول ناقص هست.
      relanctant اسپلینگ ها رو دقیق چک کنید قبل از ارسال

      فرمت رو دقت کنید و قبل از ارسال چک کنید که درست باشه بعد دکمه ارسال رو بزنید.

  70. mona

    There is an extensive research about.1
    effects of global warming on nature
    Scientist carried out a lot of research.2 related to find ing alternative source of energy
    Recently,government dedicate some.3 budget for research projects
    4.Invention of new generation medicine
    have been done by investment on
    . entensive research projects
    A research team of students.5
    .are doing exploring sea world projects

    • مهندس ابوالقاسمی

      قابل خوندن نیست متاسفانه.

      بعد از پست کردن مرتب کنید و بعد دکمه ارسال رو بزنید. کامنت های دیگه رو ببینید همین کار رو کردن. بدون چک کردن درست بودن فرمت ارسال نکنید.

  71. مهندس ابوالقاسمی

    پاراگراف های اصلی اصلا با فرمتی که تدریس کردیم نوشته نشده و کوچکترین هماهنگی نداره متاسفانه

    آموزش رو با دقت ببینید اگر فراموش کردید:

    ✍️ آموزش ویدیویی نوشتن #پاراگراف های اصلی

    سمپل های سایت که مربوط به سال ها پیش است ممکن است با تدریس ما که مربوط به سال 2024 هست یکی نباشد بنابراین برای فرمت رایتینگ نباید سمپل ها رو الگو قرار بدید فقط برای جمله بندی و ایده پردازی میتونید.

    بعد از برطرف کردن مشکلات ارسال بفرمایید.

  72. zohreh

    Essential Words Unit2/ p2
    1. Reports show that urban dwellers spend a large chunk of their monthly salary on rent.
    2. Intellectual development in adulthood gives young people greater decision-making capacity.
    3. Her research is aimed at reducing obesity among children.
    4. Despite overwhelming evidence of the drawbacks of smoking, many people continue to smoke!
    5. Epic journeys to wild territories have become a favorite pastime for some people.

  73. مهندس ابوالقاسمی

    لطفا آخر هر پاراگراف تعداد کلمات داخل پرانتز نوشته شده باشه.

    رایتینگ باید 4 پاراگراف باشه و خود سوال رو هم نیازی نیست که بنویسید.

    ویرایش بفرمایید دوباره بفرستید

  74. zohreh

    Nowadays tourists are exhibiting much more eagerness to visiting remote and extreme weather conditions places such as Saharah desert or Antarctic.
    Nowadays, the tourist industry is encountering much more demand for visiting remote and extreme weather conditions places such as the Saharah desert or the Antarctic. Although it would be thrilling and beneficial for tourists, it likely has negative points and disadvantages too.

    Tourists are exhibiting much more eagerness to visit exotic territories. First of all, visiting such places can convey enormous appealing experiences for any people, no matter their age. They can feel different stunning excitements of liveness that can never be touched in predictable travels or activities. Secondly, for making such epic journeys, undoubtedly, tourists need skilled local guides who are familiar with the best and simplest ways of dealing with the wild-natured. Then, it provides job opportunities for these unknown, industrial people. Also, it can open a window to introducing a different life conception to urban people.

    Although fulfilling a dream of traveling to faraway places can be very enjoyable, it perhaps has some disadvantages. Firstly, unlike to pass a holiday in a famous tourist destination, traveling to uncharted territories is unanticipated. Therefore, it might occur a tough situation there that they have no facilities or amenities to encounter it. Secondly, some special animal species live in unspoiled areas. By determining these places as tourist places and continually traveling there, undeniable changes will happen thereafter. This will affect their first habitants and put them in danger while they can be a people threat.

    In summary, besides the benefits of visiting difficult tourist areas, its drawbacks to visitors’ and habitants’ lives should be considered seriously. (277)

    • مهندس ابوالقاسمی

      تعداد لغات هر پاراگراف رو باید حتما در پرانتز بنویسید و بین پاراگراف ها هم فاصله بذارید(البته ممکنه بعد از انتشار مشخص نشه).

      پاراگراف های اصلی نباید زیر 110 کلمه باشه و با فرمولی که گفتیم هماهنگی داشته باشه.

      تصحیح کنید بفرستید ممنون

  75. یاسمین شمس

    یاسمین شمس، جلسه چهاردهم

    Ielts essential words 5_2

    1. Concentrarion: Information concentration in the hands of a few powerful entities raises concerns about data privacy.

    2. Indicate: Food insecurity rates indicate the extent of hunger in the population.

    3. Capacity: Limitation of information capacity is essential for optimizing data management.

    4. Disorder: Mental health disorders can impact happiness in teenage years.

    5. Link: Understanding the link between mental health and happiness is essential for the quality of life in adults.

  76. یاسمین شمس

    یاسمین شمس، جلسه چهاردهم
    Collocation 14:

    1. Consumption of fossil fuel is a key factor in global warming.

    2. Greenhouse gas emissions are one of the environmental impacts of oil consumption.

    3. In big cities, growth and industrial activities influence the demand for energy consumption.

    4. Infrastructure limitations in small towns influence household consumption patterns.

    5. Sustainable transportation reduces petrol consumption in big cities.

  77. arezoo.n

    1. Developed countries should take responsibility for tackling global warming because it may affect our planet.
    2. Ministers in charge of agriculture have responsibility for providing modern agricultural facilities.
    3. Women who are employee struggle to balance work and family responsibilities.
    4. These days, adolescents lead happy life as they do not shoulder responsibility.
    5. Policy makers ought to introduce rules which do not allow citizens to abdicate responsibility for recycling.

  78. arezoo.n

    Essential words
    Unit 8
    1. Trend: noun
    Example: migration is a growing trend which may have serious repercussions for the whole society.
    2. Impose: verb
    Example: officials are convinced that they should impose a ban on the sharing information to tighten security.
    3. Consequence: noun
    Example: out-dated agricultural facilities have disastrous consequences for agriculture.
    4. Community: noun
    Example: authorities have to pursue a policy in order to offer free education for community to eradicate illiteracy and move towards advanced society.
    5. Apparently: adverb
    Example: old generation apparently lack the desire to use online payment platforms as they are worried about their security.

  79. arezoo.n

    Oxford word skill
    Unit 33
    1. Service: noun
    Example: authorities claim that a large amount of money should be allocated for improving public services in cosmopolitan cities because such cities are facing overpopulation and there is a huge demand for modern public facilities.
    2. Destination: noun
    Example: At the present time, remote areas are becoming a popular tourist destinations and it can improve local economy in these places.
    3. Commute: verb
    Example: in major cities, migrants have to live in suburbs. They commute to work on a daily basis so they have considerable difficulties to get their work on time due to traffic jam.
    4. Warning: noun
    Example: tour agencies should be aware of the flooding warnings issued by local government in isolated places.
    5. Journey: noun
    Example: education staff believes that they should encourage parents to be involved in their child’s learning journey.

  80. arezoo.n

    It is predicted that in coming years most of financial transactions and payments will be made through credit cards and electronic gadgets in shopping centers. I suppose it is possible because it can offer convenience, however, some individuals are unhappy with this subject because online methods of payment can affect their confidentiality.(52 words)
    It is obvious that future generation will embrace new methods of payments because these methods provide people with unparalleled convenience. In fact, these methods enable individuals to make transactions whenever and wherever they want andthey can pay for goods and items easily by use of user-friendly platforms. In other words, there is no need to use cash inbusiness or wait in lines to access physical money. For instance, in my hometown a large number of individuals are familiar with digital payments and they are reluctant to use cash when they go shopping in stores because they can make payments conveniently by few taps on their cell phones without the need for physical currency and go to the bank for making transaction.(123 words)
    Some people are dissatisfied with online payment methods as they are worried about their privacy and data security. In fact, there is mistrust towards online payment platforms which have a full access to personal information about people and they may be at risk of privacy violation.Also, the popularity of the cyber attacks exacerbates their concerns about potential dangers of Internet fraud. For example, many cases of internet fraud are registered in police departments like phishing which fraudsters hack individual’s identity information and steal their money through online payment platforms so most people prefer cash rather than other methods to avoid being a victim of cyber fraud.(107 words)
    In conclusion, in the near future we will move towards cashless societies and digital payments may become dominant method of transaction in stores. However online modes of payment can make shopping incredibly convenient most people are concerned about privacy issues.(40 words)

    • مهندس ابوالقاسمی

      خیلی خوب شد آفرین.

      فقط هر کامنتی که میذاری حتما بالاش بنویس که دقیقا چی هست. مثلا این مورد “ویرایش رایتینگ جلسه….” باید باشه که بدونم قبلا نوشته شده و این ویرایش شده اش هست.


  81. Moein

    Students who wish to continue studying after high school have an opportunity to enhance their education by studying abroad. There are universities around the world that offer excellent quality of education. It’s easy for students to find these universities by searching on the internet. This provides an opportunity for students to study in high-quality educational institutions in foreign countries. For instance, in my country, due to economic issues, students couldn’t access high-quality education in their own country after graduating from high school. In other words, the government allocates insufficient resources and spends little money on universities to improve and enhance their educational standards. (103 words)

    • مهندس ابوالقاسمی

      این ترکیب اصلا رایج نیست و مشخص هم نیست دلیل شما دقیقا چی هست: enhance their education

      دلیل باید کوتاه و کاملا واضح در ابتدای پاراگراف نوشته بشه

      اگر دلیل این مورد هست universities around the world that offer excellent quality of education. باید (1) اول پاراگراف نوشته بشه و (2) کاملا توضیح داده بشه چرا این ادعا درست هست. توضیح شما بیش از حد کلی و طوری هست که گویا خواننده نیازی به متقاعد کردن نداره و به صورت پیش فرض قبول کرده که این حرف 100% درست هست.

      چرا وقتی به یک فکت اشاره میکنیم از ساختار گذشته استفاده کردید؟ students couldn’t access

      از ساختارهای آکادمیک تر استفاده کنید: spends little money

      مثال حالت کلی داره و مشخصا مربوط به کشور شما نیست. دقیق تر باید یک مورد مشخص رو توضیح بدید نه اینکه توضیحات کلی رو همراه با عبارت in y country بنویسید.

      ❌ این موارد رو تصحیح کنید دوباره بفرستید. در عنوان بنویسید که ویرایش ارسالی قبلی هست.

  82. Niloofar

    “Collocations  “Achievement ⚡️

    1. Promotion within a company is a major achievemant for employees.

    2. Using electric cars can be an impressive achievement for reducing air pollution in big cities.

    3. Studying abroad gives students a sense of achievement

    4. Studying favorite fields has an effect on students’ educational achievement.

    5. Studying abroad and working at the same time is quite an achievement.

    • مهندس ابوالقاسمی

      باید باشه Studying in favorite fields

      بقیه خوب هستند آفرین

  83. arezoo.n

    It is predicted that in coming years most of financial transactions and payments will make through credit cards and electronic gadgets in shopping centers. I suppose it is possible because it can offer convenience, however, some individuals are unhappy with this subject because online methods of payment can affect their confidentiality.

    It is obvious that future generation will embrace new methods of payments because these methods provide people with unparalleled convenience. In fact these methods enable individuals to make transactions whenever and wherever they want and there is no need to use cash in their business. For instance: in my hometown a large number of individuals are familiar with digital payments and they are reluctant to use cash when they go shopping in stores because they can make payments conveniently by few taps on their cell phones without the need for physical currency.

    Some people are dissatisfied with online payment methods as they are worry about their privacy and data security. In fact there is mistrust towards online payment platforms which have a full access to personal information of people and the popularity of the cyber attacks exacerbates their concerns. For example: many cases of internet fraud are registered in police departments and fraudsters hack individual’s identity information and steal their money through online payment platforms so most people prefer cash rather than other methods to avoid being victim of cyber fraud.

    In conclusion, in the near future we will move towards cashless societies and digital payments may become dominant method of transaction in stores. However online modes of payment can make shopping incredibly convenient most people are concerned about privacy issues.

    • مهندس ابوالقاسمی

      فاعل وجود نداره چرا مجهول نوشته نشده؟ payments will make

      For instance, in علایم نقطه گذاری رو رعایت کنید.

      ❌ تعداد کل کلمات و کلمات هر پاراگراف باید نوشته بشه برای تسک 2
      ❌ پاراگراف های اصلی نباید زیر 110 کلمه باشند.

      در کل رایتینگ خوبی هست اما توضیحات پاراگراف های اصلی بسیار کوتاه نوشته شده.
      توضیحات همچنین کلی هست باید مشخص تر و برای خواننده متقاعد کننده تر باشد.

      پیشنهاد میکنم تصحیح کنید دوباره بفرستید تا رایتینگ بعدی رو شروع کنید.

  84. Moein

    Students who want continue studying after high school have a chance to continuing their education in better quality by studying abroad. Annually QS World University Rankings publish a list of universities around the world which have excellent quality of education. This helps students to have opportunity to study in high quality of education in foreign universities. For instance in my country because of economic issue in universities students couldn’t study in high quality of education in own country after high school graduate. In other words the government dedicate insufflation resources and spends a little money for universities to improve their quality of education.(103 words)

    Students can study in own country at the minimum cost. Students who want continue studying after high school pay a little money for living in their country because they know how to save money and they are familiar with ways to buy cheaper and provide anything they need at the minimum cost. For example in my country students who continue studying in home country know where buy the second-hand text book and sell their old books . They usually find good places to buy something at the bargain price and borrow which they need from their family or friends. These ways help students to spend a little money and save money for future.(113Words)

    • مهندس ابوالقاسمی

      want continue دو تا فعل پشت هم معمولا ساختارهای حفظ کردنی دارند. با توجه به این ساختارها مشخص میشه فعل دوم باید به چه شکلی بیاد. ساختاری که نوشتید نادرست است چک کنید.

      chance to continuing این ساختار هم نادرست هست بعد از to شکل ساده فعل رو داریم. بدون چک کردن نباید ارسال کنید.

      چنین ساختاری نداریم: in better quality

      QS اجازه نوشتن مخفف در رایتینگ نداریم

      این سبک نوشتن و اشاره به هرگونه رفرنس در رایتینگ آیلتس اشتباه هست: World University Rankings publish a list of universities around the world

      ❌ رایتینگ شما اصلا با شیوه تدریس شده نوشته نشده و خطاهای گرامری زیاد و ساختارهای چک نشده دارد. بعد از بررسی کامل و برطرف کردن کامل خطاها ارسال بفرمایید. سمپل را با دقت بررسی کنید و توضیحات مربوط به پاراگراف نویسی را بشنوید.

      ✍️ آموزش ویدیویی نوشتن #پاراگراف های اصلی

  85. Moein

    Collocations “provide”
    1.The hotel provides additional information for tourists.
    2.The government should provide educational opportunities for low-income students
    3.The government provides more facilities in big cities.
    4.They are here to provide a service for the children.
    5.He is hoping the police will provide an explanation for the accident.

  86. Moein

    Assignments of the 4th session-Oxford Word Skills Intermediate Unit 3

    1.Amin’s name had been omitted from the list of graduate students.
    2.You can study here without interruption.
    3.Have you any alternative ideas?
    4.You should keep your professional life completely separate from your private life.
    5. W.H.O is the written abbreviation of ‘World Health Organization’.

  87. Moein

    Assignments of the 4th session-Select Reading Elementary Unit 4

    1.For your convenience ,the shopping mall close at 23:00
    2.Please resume your seat , I’ll be back in a minute.
    3.He guested on a talk show yesterday.
    4.The two companies are close to signing a trade agreement.
    5.Please write in your own words.

  88. arezoo.n

    Unite 31
    1. Tip: noun
    Example: officials should launch campaigns to improve farmer’s knowledge about modern methods of farming and give them gardening tips.
    2. concentrate: verb
    Example: people who live in villages are far from hectic life. So they can concentrate on having healthy lifestyle and improve their mental health.
    3. Risk: noun
    Example: tourists who are passionate about travelling to unusual places with harsh conditions should consider the fact that it may carry serious risks.
    4. Fail: verb
    Example: migrants who leave their hometown due to poor standards of living and move to major cities may suffer from depression because they fail in their attempt to find suitable job.
    5. Damage: noun
    Example: policy of zero tolerance should be adopted against people who drive under the influence of alcohol because they can cause serious damage. So such people must serve long prison sentences.

  89. arezoo.n

    Essential words
    Unite 7 part3
    1. Boon: noun
    Example: sharing the highest level of information without restriction can be a great time-saving boon for researchers because it avoids performing repetitive scientific projects.
    2. Branch: noun
    Example: major companies have a tendency to open their branch in big cities because they can attract numerous customers with different backgrounds and make big money.
    3. Confront: verb
    Example: those who choose major cities for living may confront enormous problems as the cost of living in such areas is extremely high.
    4. Controversy: noun
    Example: Sharing information freely may arouse considerable controversy because it might be a serious threat to security.
    5. Enticing: adjective
    Example: employers cannot ignore the fact that providing enticing perks and incentives can play decisive role in improving employee’s productivity.

  90. arezoo.n

    1. Overpopulation in cosmopolitan cities which is a direct result of illegal immigration can cause serious damage to the balance of nature.
    2. In order to have a happy life, individuals should strive hard to keep a balance between their work and personal life.
    3. New scientific research projects indicate the importance of eating healthy balance of food as it can reduce the rate of chronic cardiovascular diseases.
    4. Deforestation can ruin the ecological balance because it can destroy the natural habitat of rare species.
    5. Huge factories tend to produce toxic gases which upset the balance of gases in the atmosphere and lead to global warming.

  91. zohreh

    collocations: research
    1. The professor will head a research team working on the effects of industrial pollutants on water sources.
    2. He will present his research findings about the coronavirus at the conference.
    3. Most of the scientific research is conducted by the universities.
    4. They are planning to carry out extensive research about the tourism industry and its development potential in Asia.
    5. The universities’ research grants are a great and practical support for research students.

    • مهندس ابوالقاسمی

      خوب هستند آفرین 👌👌👌

  92. zohreh

    collocations: provide
    1. Big cities have more job opportunities to provide young people with work.
    2. Usually, parents provide support for their children throughout their schooling years.
    3. Governments provide services and facilities for tourists in return for the money that tourism brings to their country.
    4. Watching movies in English provides a chance to boost our speaking and listening skills.
    5. Adventure tourism provides tourists with thrilling, non-repeatable experiences and a lot of new information.

    • مهندس ابوالقاسمی

      provide young people with work. این مورد گرچه با ساختار کاملا هماهنگ هست اما فکر نمیکنم در زبان انگلیسی وجود داشته باشه. بنابراین همیشه باید دقت کنیم که ساختار و قوانین از یک سو و رایج بودن اون عبارت حتما بررسی بشه.

      بقیه خوب هستند 🌸🌸🌸

  93. zohreh

    Essential Words: UNIT2, PART 2
    6. An experienced tourist exhibits extreme anxiety in the face of potential danger.
    7. We should remove exotic herbs from our garden.
    8. Iran’s first university was founded by Amir Kabir.
    9. The circus returned to its former grandeur.
    10. Reports show a massive increasing in the number of tourists in the difficult condition places.

    • مهندس ابوالقاسمی

      این موارد هم بسیار خوب هستند اما باید کوشش کنید نزدیک تر به تاپیک های رایتینگ بنویسید. گرچه بعضی ممکنه اصلا ممکن نباشه اما در کل کوشش کنید.

  94. zohreh

    Essential Words: UNIT2, PART 2
    1. Iran is famous for its ancient civilisation.
    2. They formed their rock band when they were at high school.
    3. AI is a major technical breakthrough in the present century.
    4. Parents have an effective role in developing a sense of responsibility in their teenagers.
    5. Wonderland provides great entertainment value for kids and adults.

    • مهندس ابوالقاسمی

      خوب هستند اما باید در این مرحله از کار جمله ها رو ببرید به سمت تاپیک های رایتینگ

  95. Niloofar

    “Collocations “Advantage ⚡️

    1. Small towns enjoy considerable advantages such as lower crime rates.

    2. Students should be aware of the advantages and disadvantages of the field they plan to study in the future.

    3. It’s a great advantage to be able to start your own business after studying abroad.

    4. One clear advantage of studying in your home country is the low cost of living.

    5. When students decide to study abroad, they should determine if the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

    • مهندس ابوالقاسمی

      خوب هستند آفرین 👌👌👌

  96. zohreh

    Writing: Teenage Years / Adult Life
    Adults have more peripheral vision than teenagers and think more logical because of more experiences and educations. These factors lead to better decisions making and take more advantages of their job and social opportunities. Despite more responsibility in adulthood, they can set further realistic and achievable short- term or long-term goals for their lives. Steady progressing toward their objects bring them more happiness, satisfaction, and motivation. For instance, in most countries, adults have more carrier opportunities because of their more skills and knowledges. Then they can wisely choose or change their job to earn their living and make planning to fulfill their dreams such as travel to another countries, buying a house and so on. Although some parents support them if needed, they are the persons who make decisions for themselves. (125)

    Teenage years are golden happiness period that is full of free and enjoyable time. Usually, teenagers’ first and imperative responsibility is studying. Most Parents support their teenagers financially. They don’t have to go to work or think about earning money to pay mortgage or rent. Therefore, having more free time means teenagers have more time to dream and do their favorite exciting activities. For instance, teenagers have summer and winter break in their schooling. Then, they have possibility to take part in a variety of activities on different themes such as music, art and language learning that adults don’t have that much. When I was a teenager, I had more time to talk and laugh with my friends, which I miss today. (123)

    • مهندس ابوالقاسمی

      استارت کار اصلا با دلیل خوبی شروع نشده: Adults have more peripheral vision than teenagers and think more logical because of more experiences and educations.

      یک مورد بسیار ساده رو همیشه انتخاب کنید که قانع کردن خواننده درباره اش بسیار ساده باشه

      These factors lead to better decisions making چندین باز گقتیم که نتیجه گیری از ادعایی که کردید نکنید بلکه خود ادعا رو توضیح بدید که چرا اصلا درست هست. این سبک نوشتن غلط هست.

      این مورد ارتباط منطقی و علت و معلولی با دلیلی که در ابتدای پاراگراف آوردید نداره و اون مورد رو ساپورت نمیکنه: . Despite more responsibility in adulthood, they can set further realistic and achievable short- term or long-term goals

      For instance, in most countries, adults have more carrier opportunities مثالی که زدید ارتباطی به مورد اشاره شده در آغاز پاراگراف نداره. ضمنا مثال باید از کشور خودتون باشه و مشخصا بحث رو پشتیبانی کنه نه اینکه کلی در مورد موضوع باشه.

      ترکیب ها رو محدود به کالوکیشن های لانگمن بنویسید. imperative responsibility اگر در لانگمن هست همینجا کامنت کنید که چک کنم.

      ✅ این موارد Most Parents support their teenagers financially. They don’t have to go to work or think about earning money to pay mortgage or rent. بسیار خوب هست چون دقیقا در حال توضیح مورد مطرح شده در آغاز پاراگراف هست. تنها ایراد این هست که شباهت زیادی به سمپل دارد.

      به خطاها دقت زیادی داشته باشید که برای رایتینگ بعدی رعایت بفرمایید.

  97. Moein

    Assignments of the 3th session-Writing

    Some people believe study abroad is better than study on their country. Study abroad help students to get experience and new experience could be a good reason why students try to apply for studying in foreign university after high school. For instance in my country students continue their study in other countries to have a new experience,it could be an exciting opportunity for students to live in foreign country. For example they know more about people in other country by learning new language and meeting people from different cultures , religions and life styles.(94 Words)

    Some student prefer to study in their country instead of study in other country. In home country students spend low money for education in university but study in foreign universities are usually more expensive and students who want continue their study abroad must spend more money for education. For example in my country because of economic problems students don’t study in foreign country after high school graduate. Study abroad need to pay for additional cost such as accommodation, transportation, food, which increased the cost of living in other countries so students prefer save their money by studying in home country.(100 Words)

    • مهندس ابوالقاسمی

      believe study فعل دوم تقریبا هرگز شکل ساده نمیاد. حتما با منبع بنویسید.

      پاراگراف باید با دلیل شروع بشه این جمله بی ارزش هست اصلا ننویسید. ضمنا این تعداد کلمه رو باید از 110 کلمه ای که باید بنویسید کم کنید چون کمکی به رایتینگ و توضیحات شما نمیکنه
      Some people believe study abroad is better than study on their country.

      Study abroad help students to get experience and new experience اگر دلیل شما برای پاراگراف اول این مورد هست هیچ توضیحی در موردش داده نشده.

      different cultures , religions and life styles.(94 Words) پاراگراف شما با رعایت مواردی که اشاره شد باید 110 کلمه باشه. کمتر از این مقدار قابل قبول نیست.

      low money منبع شما برای این ساختار؟؟؟

      but study in foreign universities فعل اگر در آغاز جمله هست باید ing داشته باشه.

      اگر دلیل شما این مورد هست In home country students spend low money for education هیچ توضیحی براش نوشته نشده. این مورد باید 50 کلمه توضیح داده بشه

      چندین خطا در این ساختار وجود داره: Study abroad need to pay for منبعی برای این عبارت دارید؟ در کلاس مطرح کنید که تک تک خطاها توضیح داده بشه

      ❌ تعداد خطاها بسیار بالاست و با فرمت و استایل تدریس شده هماهنگی کامل نداره. در رایتینگ های بعدی خیلی دقت کنید.

  98. arezoo.n

    1. Policy makers need to introduce rules to raise farmer’s awareness about modern equipment which can improve the production of agricultural products.
    2. Experts are convinced that they can raise social awareness by sharing a large amount of information.
    3. Scientific research projects have proved that social media plays vitally important role in increasing environmental awareness.
    4. It is widely accepted that a lack of awareness is a crucial reason for chronic diseases.
    5. Migration is becoming a complex issue and politicians have much greater awareness of this problem now.

    • مهندس ابوالقاسمی

      that lack of awareness باید باشه

      بقیه خوب هستند 🌸🌸🌸

  99. arezoo.n

    Essential words
    Unite 7 part 2
    1. Ignore: verb
    Example: it is virtually impossible to ignore the impact of modern farming methods on food security.
    2. Loyalty: noun
    Example: although migrants leave their home town, they feel an intense loyalty to their country.
    3. Bond: obviously there is a strong emotional bond between those living in rural areas so they never suffer from loneliness.
    4. Phenomenon: noun
    Example: overpopulation in urban areas causes violent criminal activities which are new social phenomenon and authorities are under severe pressure to reverse their policies to tackle this issue.
    5. Status: noun
    Example: competitive environment encourages people to set ambitious goal and try hard to attain the highest professional status.

    • مهندس ابوالقاسمی

      خوب هستند آفرین 👌👌👌

  100. arezoo.n

    Unite 29
    1. Symptom: noun
    Example: in major cities air pollution is a massive problem which can affect vulnerable individuals and they may experience severe symptoms of asthma.
    2. Lack: noun
    Example: in developing countries farmers are becoming frustrated. Although they try hard and work in their fields, they cannot have high-yielding crops because of lack of knowledge.
    3. At times
    Example: in cooperative environment where colleagues have a great relationship with each other and feel less stress at times.
    4. Painful: adjective
    Example: the accumulation of facilities in major urban conurbations forces rural individuals to make a painful decision and migrate to large cities.
    5. Reaction: noun
    Example: it is evident that there has been a positive reaction to tour agencies which advertise travelling to remote areas.

    • مهندس ابوالقاسمی

      in cooperative environment where colleagues have a great relationship with each other and feel less stress at times. این جمله معنی کاملی نداره

      باید باشه in cooperative environment colleagues have a great relationship with each other and feel less stress at times.

      بقیه خوب هستند 👌👌👌

  101. Niloofar

    Common mistakes in grammar ⚡️
    “number 8 “Passive voice

    In big cities, air pollution is created by industrial activities.

    Research on the negative effects of fast food is conducted by some scientists

    Opportunities for personal skill improvement are provided to students who study abroad.

    Staying in a company for several years is preferred by some people in order to receive salary raises.

    It is believed by some people that students should study in their field of interest.

    • مهندس ابوالقاسمی

      خوب هستند. لطفا تک تک جمله ها رو شماره بزن

  102. Niloofar

    “Collocations “Health ⚡️

    Endanger health: The pressure of studying abroad can endanger health.

    Physical/Mental health: The stress of studying abroad can have an effect on both your physical and mental health.

    Health benefits: Just 30 minutes of communicating with other students at university yields health benefits.

    Health effect: The study looked at the long-term health effects of studying abroad.

    Good health: Avoiding stress is essential to good health.

    Health hazard: The report looks at the health hazards linked to working hard due to the high cost of studying abroad.

    • مهندس ابوالقاسمی

      خوب هستند آفرین

  103. Niloofar

    Some people believe students should be free to choose whatever subject they like. Others think they should study somthing useful for the future.

    Discuss both of these views.

    On one hand, there are individuals who believe that students should be free to choose any subject that allows them to pursue their interests. When students are allowed to study a field they are truly interested in, they are more motivated to study and work harder to achieve success. By studying in their field of interest, they are provided with the opportunity to showcase their talents and improve their abilities. For example, in my country, when a student has a strong interest in studying music, they have the chance to develop their talents in playing their favorite instrument. This opportunity leads to an improvement in their abilities and significant progress in their artistic skills. (114)

    On the other hand, some individuals argue that students should choose their field while considering future job prospects. By studying these fields, students will acquire specialized knowledge and improve their skills, which will help them be successful in the competitive market and ensure job security in the future. For instance, in my country, Iran, medical fields currently have great job prospects. Students studying general medicine at university acquire the necessary knowledge and skills. After graduating, they can start their jobs with a high income and job security. Additionally, these fields are very helpful for the country and its people. (99)

    • مهندس ابوالقاسمی

      ببین این بخش کاملا اضافه هست: On one hand, there are individuals who believe that students should be free to choose any subject

      شما فقط باید با دلیل پاراگراف رو استارت بزنی. هر چیز دیگه بدون دریافت نمره هست و فقط فضا رو میگیره. در رایتینگ های بعدی طبق فرمول بنویس و اصلا چیز اضافی ابتدا ننویس.
      به اینصورت باید باشه: Reason + Explanation + Exmaple

      کوشش کن مثال شبیبه به توضیح نباشه و کلی گویی نکنی. واقعا یک مثال رو بنویسی مثلا در دانشگاه ها داره این اتفاق میفته و فلان چیز رو داریم میبینیم.

      توی پاراگراف دوم صرفنظر از جمله تکراری اولش تنها موردی که بعنوان دلیل و توضیح اومده این هست: By studying these fields, students will acquire specialized knowledge and improve their skills, which will help them be successful in the competitive market and ensure job security in the future.

      که اصلا کافی نیست. باید حتما دلیل که نوشته میشه به صورت مشخص با 50 کلمه توضیح داده بشه. اگر یادت باشه گفتیم که نباید نتیجه گیری کنیم. باید توضیح بدیم چرا حرفی که زدیم درست هست.

      در موارد قبلی خیلی به این نکته ها دقت کن. البته اگر دوست داشتی میتونی این رو تصحیح کنی دوباره بفرستی. 🌸🌸🌸

  104. Niloofar

    ⚡️ Select Readings (Unit 11)

    Competition: There is intense competition for promotion in companies.

    Decision: It will be a good decision to let students choose their favorite field freely.

    Concentrate: Most of Iran’s population is concentrated in big cities.

    Perform: Most of the students perform well in their favorite field.

    Talented: The development of talented employees is critical for companies.

    • مهندس ابوالقاسمی

      بسیار خوب و بی نقص 👌👌👌

  105. Niloofar

    ⚡️ “Collocations with “Pollution

    1. New measures are needed to reduce pollution from vehicles and factories.

    2. Industrial activities are a major cause of air pollution in big cities.

    3. In big cities, using public transportation can help control pollution.

    4. Establishing new factories will lead to severe pollution problems in big cities.

    5. A part of environmental pollution originates from plastic waste.

    • مهندس ابوالقاسمی

      این موارد هم بی نقص هستند. آفرین 👌👌👌

  106. Niloofar

    ⚡️ Collocations “Information”

    1. Studying scientific articles will give you useful information about the disadvantages of fast food.

    2. The company must provide you with all necessary information before you start your work.

    3. Before studying abroad, you can gather information about your destination university from their website.

    4. The internet provides a platform to exchange our information with people all around the world.

    5. The label of nutrition on products provides several useful pieces of information.

    • مهندس ابوالقاسمی

      عالی هستند آفرین 🌸🌸🌸

  107. Niloofar

    ⚡️ Collocations “Impact”

    1. Overpopulation in big cities has a negative impact on the environment.

    2. Studying abroad has a significant impact on communication skills.

    3. Salary raises in companies can have an impact on an individual’s job satisfaction.

    4. The researchers are looking at ways to reduce the impact of deforestation on the environment.

    5. Nowadays, most people are becoming aware of the long-term impact of consuming fast food to their health.

    • مهندس ابوالقاسمی

      Salary raise باید باشه نباید جمع به کار ببری.

      بقیه خوب هستند آفرین 🌸🌸🌸

  108. Niloofar

    ⚡️ Common mistakes in grammar

    1. The government must focus more on protecting the environment.

    2. By eating more fast food, you will be exposed to obesity.

    3. We should pay more attention to the dangers of fast food to our health.

    4. During studying abroad, you must try harder than native students.

    5. In response to overpopulation in big cities, the government must provide more job opportunities.

    • مهندس ابوالقاسمی

      بدون ایراد هستند آفرین 🌸🌸🌸

  109. Niloofar

    ⚡️ Select readings (Unit 10)

    1.Health: There is no doubt that consuming fast food  can seriously damage your health.

    2. Agree: Some parents agree that students should be free to choose whatever subject they like to study in university.

    3. Worry: Some individuals have no worries about changing their company every several years.

    4. Use: Many people in big cities use buses and trains to get to work every day.

    5. Popular: Nowadays, studying abroad is really popular among young people.

    6. Especially: The field that students choose to study at university is especially important for their future.

    • مهندس ابوالقاسمی

      عالی هستند آفرین 🌸🌸🌸

  110. Niloofar

    ⚡️ Collocations “Population”

    1. The elderly population should be cautious about consuming too much fast food due to its negative impact on their health.

    2. With population growth in big cities, governments should provide more facilities for the welfare of the people.

    3. Currently, Canada has a high population density of foreign students who have migrated there for educational purposes.

    4. The government should implement population control measures in some small towns due to the economic situation and limited job opportunities.

    5. The general population is often faced with the challenge of whether to stay with their company or move every several years.

    • مهندس ابوالقاسمی

      این موارد هم بدون مشکل هستند ممنون از شما 🙏🙏🙏

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