
کلاس های نیمه خصوصی آیلتس تیرماه

 کلاس های 6 نفره آنلاین آیلتس مهندس ابوالقاسمی در سال 1403 به صورت 2 روز در هفته به صورت فشرده

✍️ این دوره از سطح نمره 5.5 تا 6 آیلتس آغاز شده و سطح زبان آموز را تا سطح 6.5 تا 7.5 آیلتس بالا میبرد

6.000.000 تومان


 کلاس های 6 نفره آنلاین آیلتس سال 1403 به صورت 2 روز در هفته به صورت فشرده

✍️ این دوره از سطح نمره 5.5 تا 6 آیلتس آغاز شده و سطح زبان آموز را تا سطح 6.5 تا 7.5 آیلتس بالا میبرد.

✅ کلاس آنلاین ویدیویی در پتلفرم اسکایپ بوده و هر 4 مهارت آیلتس (رایتینگ، اسپیکینگ، ریدینگ و لیسنینگ) + لغت و گرامر را شامل میشود.

✅ تمامی تکالیف در تلگرام در تایم خارج از کلاس تصحیح خواهد شد.

✅ حرفه ای ترین پشتیبانی رو در تلگرام و در ارتباط مستقیم و پیوسته با استاد از دیگر برتری های این دوره هست.

📝 ضمنا 12 تصحیح کامل رایتینگ کاملا منطبق با فرمت رایتینگ های آیلتس و فیدبک بر روی 100 فایل صوتی ارسالی بخش  اسپیکینگ وجود دارد.

🎯  اصول تمامی 4 مهارت آیلتس و صفر تا صد نکته ها به صورت دقیق در همین دوره کاور خواهد شد.

📆 دوره به مدت 3 ماه در 24 جلسه 1.5 ساعته ادامه داره.

👨🏻‍🏫 مدرس این دوره مهندس ابوالقاسمی با نمره 8 آیلتس آکادمیک و بیش از 15 هزار ساعت تجربه تدریس هستند. (بررسی رزومه و مدارک) – (نمونه تدریس)

برای آگاهی از تاریخ آغاز دوره و آخرین تخفیف ها در کانال تلگرام(https://t.me/ielts2course) همراه باشید.

👈 اطلاع از شهریه و تخفیف ها: 09107751201

توضیحات تکمیلی

نام مدرس

مهندس ابوالقاسمی

نحوه برگزاری کلاس

کلاس نیمه خصوصی

مدت زمان دوره

3 ماه

تعداد جلسات

24 جلسه

مدت زمان هر جلسه

1.5 ساعت

کل ساعات آموزشی

36 ساعت

پلتفرم برگزاری کلاس


اشتراک در
اطلاع از
قدیمی‌ترین بیشترین رأی
بازخورد (Feedback) های اینلاین
مشاهده همه دیدگاه ها
1 ماه قبل

writing task 2: paying cash

With the growing technological advancements, it is likely individuals tend to use the credit card and smart phones for shopping instead of paying cash. I believe that this shift towards card and mobile payments is likely to occur, but it will not be universally pleased. While it is easier than using cash, privacy issues can be seen as a drawback for people. (62 words)

The convenience of digital transactions will eventually eliminate cash payments from the payment system. Since with the rise of technology, people are increasingly accustomed to using cards and smartphones for their purchases, these methods not only speed up the checkout process but also provide additional features such as tracking expenses and managing budgets through banking apps. For instance, in my country mobile payment applications have gained popularity, allowing users to make transactions quickly and easily without the need for physical cash. (81 words)

There are definitely privacy and security concerns that worry people. Some individuals worry that electronic transactions could lead to identity theft or unauthorized access to their financial information either by the government or by private companies. Because they have to use their important personal information such as ID card number, bank account password and access permission, which all of these information causes hacking and tracking their account. Also in my country, a significant portion of the population, especially older adults and those in rural areas, may find it challenging to adapt to new technologies. (94 words)

In conclusion, it is likely that cash payments will deletion in the future and will help people by the convenience it offers. The transition will not be without its challenges; privacy issues is one of the drawbacks of this advancement. (40 words)

مهندس ابوالقاسمی
پاسخ به  Mitra
1 ماه قبل

it will not be universally pleased. مفعول مردم هستم اما نوشته نشده برای همین این ساختار نادرست است.

Also in my country, a significant portion of the population, especially older adults and those in rural areas, may find it challenging to adapt to new technologies. فقط باید موردی که گفتید رو توضیح بدید و یک مثال با توضیح 50 کلمه ای بنویسید که نوشته نشده. مورد دیگه اصلا نباید نوشته بشه. این مدل رفتن توی یک موضوع دیگه بدون توضیح نمره انسجام و پاسخ درست به سوال رو کم میکنه چون قانع کننده نیست و گسسته هم هست.

will deletion فعل چی شد؟

✅ در کل کم خطا هست و باید روی تایمینگ بیشتر کار کنید.

1 ماه قبل

writing topic” manufacturing noodle”

The diagram illustrates the procedure of manufacturing semi-ready noodle from primary materials to the final product by using industrial machinery.

Overall, the diagram reveals the production of instant noddle, with 8 steps which starts with moving flour and ends by labeling and sealing. Industrial machines play an important role for different parts of this process.

In the beginning, the flour is transferred from storage silos with special machine. This main material is mixed with water and oil in a large container known as a mixer. The obtained product is dough that moves from mixer and turns into sheets of dough by the rollers. Dough sheets are turned into dough strips with sharp blades, then are send into noodles discs.

Following that, by cooking in oil and drying, they are placed into several cups. Each cup is flavored with vegetables and spicy sauces for extra taste. Eventually The manufacturing process is done, and the noodles finally reach their packaging step, which is labeling and sealing. In this step, the company’s labels are put on every cup along with the product’s sealing to make sure that the product is safe and secure before selling.

مهندس ابوالقاسمی
پاسخ به  Mitra
1 ماه قبل

are send دقت کن قسمت سوم باید باشه

cooking in oil فعل درست به کار ببر.

process is done, توی دیکشنری عبارت بهتری پیدا کن.

1 ماه قبل

Technological development has accelerated growth of agricultural industries in

contemporary world. It leads to produce massive food storages, nevertheless some people suffer from diseases related to malnutrition and hunger. In my point of view, the main reason of the phenomenon is unfair distributions of foods which caused by natural changes within nations. To combat the issue, it is crucial to contribute economic of poor nations globally. (64)

Primary reasons behind to impaired food chain supply is being geologically unstable zones. Due to the unequal widespread of natural resources in different parts of world, agriculture industries face many problems. It means that harvesting plants depend on many factors such as fertile soil, water and wet climate but the shortage of the factors in unstable areas make it hard to agricultures. In other word, there is not similar predicaments. So technology development has different effects on agriculture in variety of places. For instance, in my country, cultivation of seeds and harvesting is almost impossible in desert which is arid places even though technological tools are accessible while farmer can take advantages of latest technological tools which produce foods enough to meet their local needs in the north of iran with tropical weather and fertiled soil. (126)

To solve the problem, universal cooperation is needed. To eradicate starvation in global scale, it is essential that enriched nations where equipped with modern technological facilities give a helping hands to poor developing countries. It is likely that many economic programs improve food supplements in some nation. Hence, rich countries can not only invest on whether improving agricultural systems or teaching upgraded technology but also can donate foods to people who live in poverty. For example, government dedicated budgets to eliminate poverty in my country. Beside, capable farmers are able to move from north of Iran to use modern technological tools, consequently, they can send it to the south where they come from.(119)

In conclusion, although rapid growth of technological advancement produces wide range of foods, hunger is still common issue worldwide. Natural limitation which finds in some poor nations bring about hungry. To solve problem developed countries give them financial merits that help fulfill their basic needs. (45)

مهندس ابوالقاسمی
پاسخ به  mona
1 ماه قبل

خوشبختانه فرمت در نهایت درست هست اما مثل همه رایتینگ های قبلی خطاهای دستوری و جمله های ناقص یا بخش های بیمعنی داره که براتون فهرست میکنم. اما باید حتما طوری بنویسید که بیشتر جمله ها بدون خطا باشه در غیر اینصورت هرگز به سطح 6.5 تا 7 دیگه نمیرسه

1 ماه قبل

Writing: Line graph

The line graph illustrates the number of products which has been moved in Britain from 1974 to 2002 by four various types of transport.

Overall, road was the most popular way of transport, while pipeline was the least one among them.

Rail and water transported had an approximately same starting point in 1974 nearly 40 Million tones (MT). While water showed an upward trend with some fluctuations which finally it reached a peak at 64 MT in 2002, rail experienced a rapid decrease in 1984 about 30 MT and after some oscillations it hit the lowest point at 25 MT in 1995. Eventually this category back to its initial number of 40 MT in 2002.

 Road transported was the highest demands in 1974. Showing some fluctuations over the years, it rose significantly to peak at nearly 100 in 2002. Pipeline which had the lowest of all starting point at 4 MT, it increased gradually without any fluctuation, then it reached its highest point of nearly 22 MT and remained constant at this level till the final year in 2002.

(180 words)

مهندس ابوالقاسمی
پاسخ به  Mitra
1 ماه قبل

products which has باید بیشتر از این دقت کنید و ضمنا پیش از ارسال حتما چک کنید.

چند بار گفتیم که پاراگراف جمع بندی نمیتونه فقط اشاره به بزرگترین و کمترین عدد باشه و این مدل نوشتن اشتباه هست. حتما باید اطلاعات اصلی رو فهرست کنید که ممکنه تصادفا یکی از این ها هم توش باشه. ضمنا این پاراگراف باید 40 کلمه باشه.

Rail and water transported had این ساختار بی معنی هست. به سمپل با دقت نگاه کنید.

which finally it reached این ساختار غلط هست حتما سرفصل موصولی ها رو دقیق بخونید. همین مورد در خطاهای رایج هم هست دقیقا.

at 64 MT in 2002, rail experienced بارها گفتیم اول و آخر جمله ها باید مشخص باشه و با نقطه جدا بشن نه ویرگول.

Eventually this category back to فعل چی شد؟

خطاهای گرامری در پاراگراف بعدی هم همینطور وجود دارند.

در کل ایراد بزرگی وجود نداره اما این حجم از خطاهای کوچک نمره شما رو کم میکنه. باید با دقت بیشتر به سمپل ها و توجه بیشتر به نکات گرامری بنویسید.

1 ماه قبل

Writing: line graph

The line graph demonstrates how much freight has been carried between 1947 to 2002 in the UK by 4 different types of transport.

The graph shows road as the most frequently transported cargo in the UK, rising from 70 million tonnes (MT) in 1974 to just under 100 MT at the end of the period, and pipeline as the least used transport method, growing from 4 MT in 1974 to 22 MT in 2002.

Although water and rail have almost the same starting point, 40 MT and keep that figure for first 4 years, they followed different trends after 1978. Water conveying method has experienced dramatically increasing, with a growth rate of 50% between 1978 and 1982, while rail transport has confronted with a decline rate of 25%, which has had considerable effect on its chart over the remaining period.

Overall, road, water , and pipeline with quite different initial quantities have the same rate of growth over the period shown while rail despite a reduction throughout these years, has kept its final amount unchanged. (175)

مهندس ابوالقاسمی
پاسخ به  Zohreh
1 ماه قبل

road as the most frequently transported cargo این ساختار بی معنی هست چون road نمیتونه cargo باشه. ساختار کلی و مدل بیان خیلی خوبه اما در نهایت جمله در زبان انگلیسی بی معنی هست. باید خیلی دقت کنی چیزی که میگی واقعا معنی داشته باشه

pipeline as the least used transport method مثلا این معنی داره و عالیه

same starting point, 40 MT and حتما باید توی پرانتز باشه وگرنه جمله غلط میشه. پس باید باشه same starting point(40 MT), and

این ساختار از نظر دستوری غلط هست has experienced dramatically increasing باید باشه has experienced a dramatic increase دقت کن که قید باید فعل رو توصیف کنه و صفت اسم رو. حتما ساختارها رو حفظ کن چون خیلی نمیشه تغییر داد.

which has had considerable effect on its chart over the remaining period. کلی گویی نکن بگو چی بوده خیلی کوتاه

Overall, road, water , and pipeline with وقتی کلا 5 تا هست نمیخواد 4 تا رو بگی. بگو همه بجز…..

در کل خیلی خوب نوشتی اما این ایراد ها رو باید بگیری.

1 ماه قبل

Listening: course feedback

21.B…. my overall style was quite professional

22.C… the didn’t worry about presentation style or eye contact

23.B….I didn’t feel positive at all

24.A….not very happy

25…C…..they are familiar to each other

26.B ….trying to speak more

27.A…. using the list of references



30.B. read more about her filed

مهندس ابوالقاسمی
پاسخ به  Zohreh
1 ماه قبل

ممنون از پاسخ شما

من قبل هم عرض کردم کلیدواژه هایی که با هم مچ کردید هر دو بایدنوشته بشه از روی یک ست نمیشه چیزی رو مشخص کرد.

الان کلیدواژه های سوال اصلا نوشته نشده. تکمیل بفرمایید

1 ماه قبل

writing: hungry

These days we are facing many hungry people around the world despite progress in agriculture. One of the most significant reasons can be the lack of application of modern techniques which will be mitigated by raising awareness and using advances in farming methods. (43)
The inadequate adoption of new cultivation practices and machinery is the main cause of insufficient harvests to feed populations in undeveloped countries. This has led to serious malnutrition or famine in these areas. Every year, many available resources of human, soil and water are wasted because they do not have access to new technologies, are not aware of them, or do not trust them due to having an old fashion mindset.  For example, in some parts of my country, farmers continue to practice the traditional agriculture they learned from previous generations, without any updates or improvements. As a result, crops reduce, then they can no longer make a living, and tend to change their carriers or their agricultural land use! (118)

 A reasonable approach to overcome this problem is to find ways of increasing the implementation of contemporary methods by providing the up-to-date information via regulated farmers training and by making modern equipment available to them. Government financial support for this change will be highly effective and essential. In addition, international aid will bring alleviation to poor countries encountering severe famine. For example, in my country, the government has encouraged farmers to use the new methods based on the environment, climate, and weather conditions of each region, which has made it possible to have less waste and greater efficiency and productivity. (100)

In conclusion, traditional agriculture, which is an effective factor in reducing food yields, particularly in poor countries, can be improved through enhanced knowledge and the use of new technologies. This modification can optimize agricultural production, make food resources more accessible and increase the income of the agricultural industry. (47)

مهندس ابوالقاسمی
پاسخ به  Zohreh
1 ماه قبل

پاراگراف دوم 2 تا دلیل آوردید باید 1 دلیل باشه اما توضیح کامل ارایه کنید.

در کل ولی خیلی خوب نوشته شده و از الان باید روی تایم 40 دقیقه هم تمرین بفرمایید.

1 ماه قبل

writing topic ” hungry

Despite agricultural methods, there are still many people in the world who do not have enough food to eat. The main reason for this issue can be the unfair distribution of food among people in the world, and it seems that the solution to this problem is international aid. (49 words)

One of the important reasons of hunger is unequal distribution of resources and wealth that are prevalent around the world. While some individuals are struggling with obesity and overeating and spend a lot of money every year on diet and weight loss, some people suffer from hunger. Among different factors, economic disparities often result in food being inaccessible to those in need due to high prices. This lead to that high food prices, make it difficult for people to afford enough food, particularly if their incomes are low. For instance, in my country people who live in poor areas may not have enough money to purchase adequate amounts of food, especially if food prices are high. (116 words)

The solution that I believe would be most effective is universal support. International aid organizations can provide financial assistance to people living in poverty, which can help them to address underlying causes of hunger. Likewise, governments should prioritize low-income families which suffer from lack of money and cannot support themselves. The financial aid can be either global or local. In my country humanitarian NGOs and the government provide emergency food assistance to people in need, particularly in times of crisis such as natural disasters, conflict, and economic downturns which they have been successful in reduce food insecurity over the long term. (101 words)

In conclusion, unfair distribution of food around the world can be an important reason for hunger which will remain stable if governments and global institutions do not take any measures to address this issue. (34 words)

مهندس ابوالقاسمی
پاسخ به  Mitra
1 ماه قبل

رایتینگ خوب نوشته شده اما در پاراگراف دوم مثال مشخصی از کشور شما که مربوط به تجربه یا دانش شما باشه وجود نداره ادامه همون توضیحات قبلی نوشته شده.

اما در کل خیلی خوب هست.

1 ماه قبل

14. 10

مهندس ابوالقاسمی
پاسخ به  Zohreh
1 ماه قبل


فقط آخری ها باید حتما با دلیل باشه دیگه

کلیدواژه های سوال و گزینه ها

1 ماه قبل

1.The boss should have the authority to discipline their workers

2.The freelancer always has challenge their authority

3.Legal authority enact laws to punish offenders

4 as people have undermined government authority,

they commit crimes

5.The employee take bribe and abuse his authority

مهندس ابوالقاسمی
پاسخ به  mona
1 ماه قبل

خوب هستند آفرین.

1 ماه قبل

essential words

1.Sense of competition in students should be encourage

2 It is inevitable that traditional culture will be lost as technology develops

3.Planning is a vital step in setting goals

4.The popularity of advertisements has influence on selling products

5.Marketing should be based on reputation

مهندس ابوالقاسمی
پاسخ به  mona
1 ماه قبل

be + pp در جمله اول باید باشه

بقیه خوب هستند اما الویت ما تمرین های کتاب هستند حتما ارسال بفرمایید.

1 ماه قبل

In contrast to being an employee, Self-employment is a preferable choice which is rife recently. The main cause of this phenomena is that there is less rules to follow. However,

they might face some challenges such as isolation and unstable positions. (41)

The fundamental reasons of majority of people have a tendency to be a freelancer is the fact the less strict rules are there; the less restriction provide for them .it gives them a sense of freedom because they can work based on their own preferences while employees must work according to rules of owner of business. Subsequently, self-employment bring about the high level of job satisfaction as they allocate their time for desired job and plan it by themselves. For example, I have watch a statistical report on the internet that calculated rate of contentment among various job owner in my country, the entrepreneurs of job satisfaction rate are much more than employees of that although the working hours are many, they like their jobs. (125)

But once they choose the path, they should overcome some difficulties, one of common outcomes is isolation. While working, spending a great deal of time alone lead to isolation. It means that lack of interpersonal relationship has adverse effect on their mental and physical abilities because man is a social animal. Another negative point is unstable circumstances that freelancer may struggle during work hours. Since there are different occasions which are disturbing. It is vital a freelancer improve his abilities to pass through challenges. For instance, unlike employee who earn stable income on time, the self-employee should manage their expenses by themselves despite of up and down of the business. (111)

In conclusion, most people prefer to establish their own business. Whereas there are some advantages which encourage them, to his efforts bear fruits finally, they have to cope with isolation problems and unbalanced situations. (34)

مهندس ابوالقاسمی
پاسخ به  mona
1 ماه قبل

is less rules و spending a great deal of time alone lead و a freelancer improve ناهماهنگی وجود داره

بارها گفتیم فقط یک مورد isolation and unstable positions.

majority of people have چنین ساختاری نداریم. میتونه having باشه

For instance, unlike employee who earn stable income on time, این مثال بیشتر ادامه توض

I have watch چنین ساختاری نداریم

I have watch a statistical report چنین چیزی مطلقا غلط هست. اصلا نباید به گزارش و عدد ارجاع بدید فقط توضیحات

For instance, unlike employee who earn stable income on time, این مثال بیشتر ادامه توضیح هست تا مثال. ضمنا باید 50 کلمه باشه نه انقدر کوتاه

فرمت کلی تقریبا مناسب هست اما تعدادخطاهای دستوری بخاطر عدم ارسال تکالیف منابع آموزش لغت و ریدینگ بالاست. دقت کنید باید همه تکالیف ارسال بشه نه بخش هایی که علاقه بیشتری دارید. برای جلسات بعدی لطفا اولویت بدید و رایتینگ رو بذارید آخر. ممنون

1 ماه قبل

Essential words, Unit 7, Part 1

  1. A key characteristic of unpaid community service is that it can provide valuable work experience for students.
  2. The strongest motivation to work as a freelancer is probably independence.
  3. Going to exotic places is a unique opportunity for tourists to enjoy their leisure time.
  4. engaging in community service can enhance students’ financial situation in the future.
  5. One of the profits of living in an apartment is that, it can be more affordable than .owning a house
مهندس ابوالقاسمی
پاسخ به  Mitra
1 ماه قبل

benefit باید باشه آخری
در کل خوب هست

1 ماه قبل

Essential words

  1. Unpaid community service gives students an opportunity to acquire a good knowledge.
  2. People who are freelancer, always endeavor to please their customers.
  3. Teenagers need constant supervision to have a healthy lifestyle and happiness time.
  4. Living in a house with ongoing renovations can be challenging, as it involves dealing with noise, dust, and other disruptions.
  5. Freelancers,should budget carefully to ensure that they have enough income to cover their expenses and maintain a comfortable lifestyle
مهندس ابوالقاسمی
پاسخ به  Mitra
1 ماه قبل

خوب هستند.

1 ماه قبل

Essential words

  1. Ownership of accommodation will be costly if you live in well-decorated house
  2. People can economize on fuels as long as they prefer to commute by public transportation systems
  3. The members of congress honed their skills under supervision of government
  4. What ingredients are used in food is a significant part of having a healthy diets
  5. Most of courses are organized by students which is bring great advantage for them

مهندس ابوالقاسمی
پاسخ به  mona
1 ماه قبل

which is bring نداریم. منبع شما چی بوده؟

2 ماه قبل

Edit, Writing : telephone calls

The chart shows the amount of time spent by UK residents over a period of eight years from 1995 to 2002.

Local calls were the most popular way of telephoning in comparison with the other two categories. It rose steadily from 72 billion minutes to 89 billion in 1995 and 1998 respectively. After peaking at 90 billion in 1999, these calls decreased to 72 billion in 2002.

National and International-fixed calls increased continuously from 38 billion in 1995 to 61 billion in 2002, though the rise slowed over the last two years.

There was a dramatic growth in mobile calls from approximately 2 billion in 1995 to 21 billion in 2000.this figure showed a sharp upward trend to a peak of about 46 billion minutes.

Overall, although local calls were still the most popular group among people, the two other categories experienced a sharp growth which reduce the gap between them.

151 words

مهندس ابوالقاسمی
پاسخ به  Mitra
1 ماه قبل

در مقدمه مشخص نشده تایم صرف چه چیزی شده. خود سوال رو باید پارافریز کنید.

در پاراگراف مربوط به موبایل اصلا مشخص نشده سرعت افزایش تغییر داشته. نمیتونیم فقط نقطه اول و آخر رو بگیم. این مورد رو توی کلاس هم گفتیم. سمپل رو دقیق ببینید.

در کل خوبه هست اما باید سمپل ها رو با دقت بخونید که شبیه تر بنویسید. به خصوص توضیحات خیلی کوتاه هست و به جزئیات اشاره زیادی نشده.

2 ماه قبل

Writing:UK telephone calls

The chart shows the amount of time spent by UK residents over a period of eight years from 1995 to 2002.

Local calls were the most popular way of telephoning in comparison with the other two categories. It rose steadily from 72 billion minutes to 89 billion in 1995 and 1998 respectively. After peaking at 90 billion in 1999, these calls decreased to 72 billion in 2002.

National and International-fixed calls increased continuously from 38 billion in 1995 to 61 billion in 2002, though the rise slowed over the last two years.

There was a dramatic growth in mobile calls from approximately 2 billion in 1995 to 21 billion in 2000.this figure showed a sharp upward trend to a peak of about 46 billion minutes.

125 :words

مهندس ابوالقاسمی
پاسخ به  Mitra
1 ماه قبل

رایتینگ های تسک 1 نباید زیر 150 کلمه باشند. گفته بودیم دست کم 170 180 کلمه بنویسید. پاراگراف های اصلی 70 کلمه و مقدمه و overview حدودا 30 کلمه هر کدوم.

تصحیح کنید دوباره بفرستید.

2 ماه قبل

Writing: UK telephone calls

The chart illustrates the time spent on three different call types of telephone in the UK, between 1995 to 2002. (20)

Local fixed line started from 72 billion minutes (BM) in 1995, and after reaching a peak at 90 BM in 1999. While it experienced a decline over the last three years and ended at the same rate as at the start, it had the highest time spent throughout the period presented. (51)

National and international fixed line increased continuously from 38 BM to 61 BM in 2002. It yet was in the second place among the three categories. Whereas the mobiles calls were very low in 1995, at around 3 BM, it rose sharply to 45 BM in 2002. Particularly, the tripling of growth between 1999 and 2002 is remarkable. (58)

In conclusion, although the quantity of use of the three types of call tended towards a common point at the end of the period in question, the most popular type of call was still local fixed lines calls in 2002. (40)

Total words: 169

مهندس ابوالقاسمی
پاسخ به  Zohreh
2 ماه قبل

in 1995, and after reaching a peak at 90 BM in 1999. این جمله غلط هست چون معنی کاملی نداره

میشه گفت in 1995, and after that reached a peak at 90 BM in 1999.

same rate چنین ساختاری نداریم. هماهنگ با سمپل ها بنویسید. اینم همینطور was in the second place

In conclusion, در تسک 1 اصلا نباید چنین چیزی نوشته بشه چون گزارش هست نه بحث و گفتگو. سمپل سایت رو ببینید.

quantity of use چنین چیزی در زبان انگلیسی نداریم. ترجمه فارسی هست.

use of ترجمه فارسی سنگین

tended towards چنین ساختاری نداریم.

در کل فرمت و مدل توضیحات خوب هست.
❌ ساختارهای چک نشده یا خارج از سمپل زیاد در این سمپل هست. به هیچ عنوان چنین ساختارهایی نباید در رایتینگ های بعدی شما وجود داشته باشه. با هماهنگی بیشتری با سمپل ها بنویسید.

2 ماه قبل

Essential words #6-2

1.        Accommodation: The price of this tour includes flights and accommodation.

2.        Concept: The key concept of ecotourism is to make a positive contribution to the local ecology and culture.

3.        Culprit: Some believe that the development of automation is the main culprit behind rising unemployment.

4.        Delicate: These new strict rules have been adjusted to avoid damaging the delicate ecosystems of tourist regions.

5.        Dump: Many industrial units, illegally dump their wastes into the nearby river or sea.

6.        Strive: We strive for excellent exam result.

7.        Wary: Children need to be taught to be wary of strangers.

مهندس ابوالقاسمی
پاسخ به  Zohreh
2 ماه قبل

ممنون. در این مرحله باید تلاش کنید نزدیک به تاپیک های رایتینگ بنویسید در حد امکان.

2 ماه قبل

Reading: How tennis rackets have changed

1.        NOT GIVEN….it has been mentioned that 5 years ago he had been regarded as a talented outsider


3.        Not given

4.        F…. the rackets they use now weigh more than the average model

5.        Not given

6.        T… the choice of the strings that they are installed…. Climatic conditions

7.        T……. the serving power of him was attributed to that change.

مهندس ابوالقاسمی
پاسخ به  Zohreh
2 ماه قبل

دلیل موارد Not Given اشاره نشده چرا؟

2 ماه قبل

Essential  Words #6-1

1.   Adventurous: Adventurous people are most interested in visiting untouched nature.
2.   Construct: They decided to construct residential buildings with the old façade and interior fittings in local materials for tourists.
3.   Institute: Last year, the government instituted a short- term practical training program to reduce unemployment.
4.   Marvel: Unspoilt nature offers many marvels of its own.
5.   Pertain: Archeologists have discovered ancient plates pertaining a particular kingdom in Iran.

2 ماه قبل

A natural setting provides an exhilarating experience for tourists 1.
2.In some case,traumatic experience had a serious effect on mind
3.If children gain valuable experiences,they could improve their quality of life
4.Some people assume that studying books transfer
first-hand experiences to next generations

2 ماه قبل

oxford & Essentional words
1.Firms fail to take advantage of technological tools are in the verge of bankruptcy.
2.Students should concentrate on practical skills.
3.The highest rate of poverty occurred in capital of Iran.
4.Due to widespread of Covid viruses, people have suffered from serious conditions.
5.Montain climbing give me a sense of adventurous which refresh me.
6.Ali sadr cave is one of the most visited archeological sites in my country
7.The wonder of historical routes draw thousands of tourists annually.
8.A set of restrictions make palace an expensive place where many people can not afford to visit
9.You should avoid overspending on taxes to overcome your financial issues

2 ماه قبل

bar chart writing
The bar chart illustrates the amount of time spent on telephone calls which was categorized in three types namely local line, national and international line and mobile in the UK between 1995 and 2002. 
According to graph, the most popular form of calls was used by fixed line in both local and global scales. At the beginning, fixed- line used by locals was about 70 billion minutes which was twice as much as time spent in national and international calls. Over following years, it rose slightly and hit a peak in 1999 which was 90 billion minutes. Then, it went down to 70 million calls in 2002 whereas there was a gradually increase in international and national fixed-line that it reached from 30 billion minute in 1995 to 60 billion minute in 2002.(133)

2 ماه قبل

Collocation: Experience

1.He learned the best way of teaching through experience.

2. Experience suggest us that we should be very careful to choose our friends.

3. Most of reporters have had traumatic experience during their war missions.

4. Some students lack experience writing essays.

5. The job requires three years relevant experience.

2 ماه قبل

“Most common mistakes”

  1. Although living in big cities have some advantages, there are significant drawbacks.
  2. There is a direct link between teenage years and happiness.
  3. As a result of benefit of living in a house, people have less noise and disturbance from neighbors.
  4. Unpaid community jobs can create new experiences for students.
مهندس ابوالقاسمی
پاسخ به  Mitra
2 ماه قبل

خوب هستند در کل اما دقت کن دیگه برای تاپیک شهر بزرگ ننویس چون اون اصلا سوال آیلتس نیست.

نزدیک تر به منبع بنویس در حد امکان. ممنون

پاسخ به  مهندس ابوالقاسمی
2 ماه قبل

ممنون از شما استاد

مهندس ابوالقاسمی
پاسخ به  Mitra
2 ماه قبل


2 ماه قبل

“Collocation, section 17”

  1. Unusual tourist destinations have exhilarating experience for people.
  2. Living in big cities can have valuable experience.
  3. Teenagers have direct experience of happiness in this period of their life.
  4. Just some people who live in a house can share their experience with others who .live in an apartment
مهندس ابوالقاسمی
پاسخ به  Mitra
2 ماه قبل

جمله اول بدون منبع است چنین ترکیبی اصلا نداریم: destinations have …..experience for
بدون منبع ننویس
دومی هم همینطور هست.

❌ تصحیح کن بفرست

پاسخ به  مهندس ابوالقاسمی
2 ماه قبل

1.Unusual tourist destinations are an excellent way to gain exhilarating experience

2.Students who have got a lot of experience of doing some charitable works, they can make better career decision in the future.

2 ماه قبل

“Essential words, unit 6, part 1”

  1. Exotic places is a good choice for adventurous
  2. One of the marvels of teenage years is unconditional happiness
  3. living in small towns has some problems that pertain to some restrictions such as lack of job opportunities, access to some amenities and so on
  4. The upside of the living in a house is that homeowner have outdoor space like a yard or garden.
مهندس ابوالقاسمی
پاسخ به  Mitra
2 ماه قبل

جمله اول اصلا با منبع نوشته نشده این مدل جمله ها رو اصلا نباید بنویسی حتی چه برسه ارسال.

بقیه خوب هستند اما ارسال جمله ها باید حتما 5 تا باشه

2 ماه قبل

, Writing, house or appartement, third paragraph and conclusion

Lack of security is one of the negative points of living in a house instead of a flat. The feeling of security in a space we are living, day and night, and the assurance of the habitant’s safety when you are away, is one of the imperative criteria when choosing a place to live. However, it’s un undeniable facts that some apartments with a janitor at the entrance are more likely to be safe than a house, there are practical ways of improving home security such as installing burglar alarm, using cameras, anti-theft door and windows, and so on. Applying these methods reinforces the sense of security in our

individual house, while taking advantages of the other its amenities. (119)

In conclusion, in my opinion, if we can afford the cost of acceptable security in a house, living there has more advantages to offer for all family members than in an appartement due to the availability of more isolated spaces such as a yard. (44)

مهندس ابوالقاسمی
پاسخ به  Zohreh
2 ماه قبل

یک ویرایش کلی قبل از ارسال داشته باشید همیشه که مواردی که واضح نادرست هست رو برطرف کنید.

is facts ناهماهنگ هست.

دلیل به طور مشخص در اول پاراگراف نوشته نشده کلی گویی داشتید.

مثال هم نوشته نشده.

وسط پاراگراف هم رفتید اول خط

بعد از برطرف کردن این موارد و دریافت تایید مناسب بودن کیفیت کار میتونید پاراگراف نتیجه گیری رو بفرستید.

نوشتن بدون رعایت این موارد نمره خوبی نمیتونه داشته باشه. با این حال اگر میخواین میتونیم فقط گرامر و لغت رو بررسی کنیم.

2 ماه قبل

, WRITING, house or appartement, second paragraph

Having a private garden is one of the main advantages of living in a house. In today’s crowded cities and hectic pace of life, having an unshared garden available at all times for sitting in the shade with family or friends, gardening or barbecuing is a desirable situation that helps reduce stress and preserve our mental health. Moreover, it’s an appropriate response to children’s need to grow up and play in nature. For example, in my country, most families who live in a house have an agricultural and fruit garden. Family members enjoy spending time together socializing in this space and tending to the plants. Depending on the size of the outdoor space, they also organize events such as birthday parties. (122)

مهندس ابوالقاسمی
پاسخ به  Zohreh
2 ماه قبل

tend to the plants رو منبعی داری براش؟

در کل خوب هست.

پاسخ به  مهندس ابوالقاسمی
2 ماه قبل


tend /tend/ ●●● S1 W1 verb    

1  tend to do something

2 (also tend to somebody/something) [transitive] old-fashioned to look after someone or something

 Sofia was in the bedroom tending to her son.

2 ماه قبل

Essential #5-3

1.   Alleviate : There’s always something everyone can do, like charity work, to alleviate the situation.

2.   Ascertain: Before buying a home, it’s important to ascertain the appropriate mortgage rate.

3.   Chronic: Chronic unemployment affects on families and increases the divorce rate in society.

4.   Combat: To combat inflation, the government raised interest rates.

5.   Deem: They deem that living in a house provide them with more space.

مهندس ابوالقاسمی
پاسخ به  Zohreh
2 ماه قبل

خوب هستند اما کوشش کنید ترکیب رو به طور کامل از مثال کپی کنید نه فقط کلمه رو

2 ماه قبل

living in a house is preferred by some people, while others tend to live in an apartment. The purpose of this essay is to discuss how those who reside in houses enjoy the opportunity to expand or renovate, but may also encounter problems like maintenance costs. I believe that the benefits in this cases may be equal to disadvantages. (55 words)

Owning an independent building can be considered an advantage. Unlike apartment buildings, houses don’t usually have shared areas like hallways, elevators, or laundry rooms, which means there is less opportunity for noise or disruption from other tenants, for example planting different plants in the yard, lack of limitations for car park, also commuting guests any time. All these factors are done with landlord’s decision not with the participation of other tenants.  (71 words)

It is an undeniable fact that living in a house have some advantages while there are difficulties such as needing more time and money for maintenance. Homeowners are responsible for all aspects of maintaining their property, including repairs, landscaping, and cleaning. For example, if a pipe bursts in an apartment, the landlord is typically responsible for fixing it. However, if a pipe bursts in a house, the homeowner is responsible for fixing it and paying for any associated costs. Additionally, houses typically have larger yards and more outdoor space than apartments, which means homeowners need to spend more time and money on landscaping and outdoor maintenance. (106 words)

مهندس ابوالقاسمی
پاسخ به  Mitra
2 ماه قبل

جمله های کلیشه ای اصلا نباید در رایتینگ شما باشه در هیچ بخشی: The purpose of this essay is to discuss how توی سمپل هم ببینید نیست اصلا تکرار نکنید.

❌ پاراگراف اول زیر 100 کلمه است. چند بار تاکید کردیم که در بازه باشه حتما

for example planting different plants in the yard, مثال رو گفتیم که باید از کشور خودمون به صورت تکمیل کننده موردی که مطرح کردیم باشه. اینجا به این صورت نیست اصلا. ادامه همون توضیحات هست.

living in a house have اینجا باید باشه living in a house has مفرد هست

مورد مربوطه باید ابتدای پاراگراف کوتاه و کاملا واضح نوشته بشه difficulties such as needing more time and money for maintenance اینجا 2 مورد نوشته شده بسیار نامشخص و در ادامه هم توضیح داده نشده. موردی که مینویسید باید 50 کلمه توضیح داده بشه. اینجا مستقیم رفته سراغ مثال

For example, if a pipe bursts in an apartment, the landlord is typically responsible for fixing it. However, if a pipe bursts in a house, the homeowner is responsible for fixing it تکرار شده. ضمنا مثال از کشور شما و در تکمیل مورد مطرح شده نیست یک مورد کلی هست بیشتر توضیح هست تا مثال

Additionally, houses typically have larger yards به هیچ عنوان اجازه وارد کردن مورد جدید ندارید. فقط همون مورد رو باید کامل توضیح بدید و بعد هم مثال بزنید.

❌ لطفا در آینده رایتینگ کامل نفرستید. پاراگراف به پاراگراف بعد از تایید بنویسید که مثل این مورد مجبور نشید از اول دوباره همه رو بنویسید.

پاسخ به  مهندس ابوالقاسمی
2 ماه قبل

1. پاراگراف اول (مقدمه)، با توجه به جمله This essay will discuss how داخل سمپل، من این جمله رو نوشتم : The purpose of this essay is to discuss
2. مثال پاراگراف اول دقیقا چون خونه خودمون حیاط داره به کاشتن و جای پارک اشاره کردم( پس از کشور خودمونه) ولی در خصوص اینکه مثال رو باز نکردم متوجه شدم.
3. در پاراگراف دوم با توجه به جمله اول معایب پاراگراف سمپل while advantages of living in a house… من این پاراگراف رو با یه توضیح کوتاه شروع کردم : It is an undeniable fact that living in a house
4. و همچنین ترکیدگی لوله، اینم بارها تو اطرافیان دیدیم دیگه، چرا از کشور خودمون نیست؟

2 ماه قبل

“Essential words”

unit 5, part 3

  1. One of the main reasons that people prefer to live in big cities, is that there are different ways to cure or alleviate specific disease.
  2. By unpaid jobs in high school, children will be able to ascertain not only in choosing jobs, but also in managing their budget.
  3. Since teenagers enjoy the happiest times, they need to gain experience and knowledge to prepare for adulthood at the interval.
  4. Nowadays some of apartments may be less desirable compared to houses.
  5. Some investigation has shown that people who live in small towns have a higher life expectancy than those who live in big cities.
مهندس ابوالقاسمی
پاسخ به  Mitra
2 ماه قبل

خوب هستند اما هنوز باور من این هست که بهتره نزدیک تر به سمپل های دیکشنری بنویسی.

2 ماه قبل


The comsumption of fresh vegetables are advised to reduce risks of heart disease..1

2.The domestic consumption of oil has risen in recent years

3.The government should impose strict rules to control household consumption of energy

4.Some people believe that high level of taxation has significant impact on stop using expensive cars with high petrol consumption

مهندس ابوالقاسمی
پاسخ به  mona
2 ماه قبل

خیلی خوبه منشکلی ندارند اما کوشش کنید ببرید سمت تاپیک های رایتینگ

2 ماه قبل

house Introduction

Living in a house is more preferable than living in an apartment by some people

.Others emphasize on the merits of apartments

In this essay,i will explain that convenience and safety

which are offered a house bring some advantages whereas the maintenance is costly

مهندس ابوالقاسمی
پاسخ به  mona
2 ماه قبل

مقدمه باید به صورت یک پاراگراف یکپارچه نوشته بشه. اینجا چندین بار سر خط رفتید. این مدل نوشتن نمره شما رو به شدت پایین میاره.

2 ماه قبل


It is proposed that the future is a world which all exchanges are executed by technologies like smartphones and card. I think it is conceivable that this kind of transition will occur. Some individuals prefer cash for privacy reasons and concerns.(41)

مهندس ابوالقاسمی
پاسخ به  Yasamin
2 ماه قبل

exchanges are executed این ساختار رو اصلا نشنیدم. اگر منبعی دارید از لانگمن بفرمایید.

در جمله دوم مقدمه سوال باید به طور کامل پاسخ داده بشه. اینجا 2 سوال پرسیده شده اما یکی فقط پاسخ داده شده.

2 ماه قبل

جلسه22 کالوکیشن balance

1. Government should strike a balance between sharing information and safeguarding privacy.

2. For addressing global hunger, we must maintain a balance between economic and environmental factors.

3. keeping a balance between financial concerns and health and well being plays a significant role in happiness.

4. Self employment can alter social balance by networking opportunities.

5. Teenagers must try to achieve a natural balance involves setting boundaries and making time for personal interests and mandatory responsibilities.

مهندس ابوالقاسمی
پاسخ به  Yasamin
2 ماه قبل

a natural balance involves setting این بخش بی معنیه

بقیه خوب هستند.

2 ماه قبل

Writing: living in a house compare with an apartment / introduction

Although living in an apartment offers certain benefits, some people tend to choose to live in a house. Access to a private yard can be considered a privilege in a house, while the lack of security can be one of its drawbacks.

مهندس ابوالقاسمی
پاسخ به  zohreh
2 ماه قبل

خوب هست آفرین. جمله اول رو انقدر نزدیک به خود سوال ننویسی بهتره اما در کل خوبه

2 ماه قبل

writing topic, living in a house or apartment
Although, some people would like to live in a house, other’s preference is living in an apartment. I believe that owning an independent building has more advantages than living in an apartment, while maintenance costs can be a drawback. (38 words)

مهندس ابوالقاسمی
پاسخ به  Mitra
2 ماه قبل

این سوالات باید 50 50 نوشته بشه برای همین در مقدمه باید به یک عیب و یک مزیت اشاره کنی نباید بگی یکی بیشتره.

2 ماه قبل

Essential words, Unit5, part 1
1. The lure of exotic places is an undeniable fact for tourists.
2. Unpaid community service can be useful in rudimentary education system.
3. In big cities inflation rate and recession are rampant.
4. Happiness in juveniles stems from their motivation and life expectancy.
5. Migration to big cities can cripple job opportunities in rural areas.

مهندس ابوالقاسمی
پاسخ به  Mitra
2 ماه قبل

خوب هستند آفرین

2 ماه قبل

Individuals living in different parts of the world have access to globally produced food products in local supermarkets. Although it’s a positive occurrence as it can give customers a precious opportunity to taste different kind of healthy international cousins, I am convinced that it has negative consequences since it can exacerbate global warming. (52 words)

It is widely believed that importing food products from different countries and providing a wide range of such products in supermarkets is incredibly beneficial because it can offer valuable opportunities to customers in order to try various international dishes. In fact, people can enjoy diverse and nutritious foods as all ingredients are available in supermarkets. For instance, pineapple is not grown in my hometown naturally because it is a tropical fruit and my country does not have suitable weather condition for its cultivation. Mercifully thanks to food importing we are able to enjoy eating flavorful vegetarian pineapple curries which are full of vitamins and minerals. (105 words)

However, providing food products which are manufactured in other regions of the world has potential downsides due to the fact that it can lead to worsen global warming. In fact, producing such items in other countries and transporting them to other areas requires consuming a huge amount of energy and emitting a large amount of carbon dioxide and as a result it exacerbates global warming. For example, more than a million tones of avocados are produced in Mexico. Thousands of kilometers must be traveled to transport avocados to Asian supermarkets, and they must be transmitted by use of refrigerated trucks and ships which consume a large level of fossil fuels and emit a great deal of carbon dioxide, which is a major cause of global warming. (126 words)

In conclusion, people can benefit from food products which are produced in other countries conveniently and such products are available in the supermarkets. While it is a positive development as everyone can try nutritious international foods, I suggest it has a negative effect on global warming. ( 46 words)

مهندس ابوالقاسمی
پاسخ به  arezoo.n
2 ماه قبل

ربطی به cuisine نداره داستان

grow فعل لازم هست is grown نداریم. بی دقت و بدون چک کردن ننویس.

ترکیب اسمی food importing نداریم. از خودت نباید بنویسی باید حتما چک بشه.

transmit برای جابجایی فیزیکی نیست.

❌ مثال از کشور خودت باشه

در کل خوب هست اما به خطاها خیلی دقت کن. ساختار دستوری یا لغت و هر چیزی که چک نشده و بدون منبع هست اصلا نباید توی رایتینگ باشه

2 ماه قبل

The maps give information about the alterations that have taken place in the harbor since 2000.

Overall, it can be clearly seen that, this harbor has become modernized. Numerous transport and recreational facilities have been provided to make it more accessible and suitable to attract more tourists.

In 2000, there was a single dock in northern part of the harbor. At the present time another dock is constructed to provide more services for passenger ferries. It is obvious that public beach which is located in the north east has been remained unchanged. In the past there used to be a marina for private yachts in the North West. currently, it is relocated to south part and replaced with fishing boats. Moreover, showers and car parking are still staying the same, and car parking is connected to the main road which goes through north to south.

In southern part, another showers and toilets are added just near the car parking which links to main road. It is interesting to note that, lifeboats are still at the same location. Furthermore, cafes and shops are introduced for passengers just next to lifeboats. Also, disused castle was turned into a hotel and it is connected to the main road via small road. Another striking change is the replacement of public beach with private beach near the hotel.
(223 words)

مهندس ابوالقاسمی
پاسخ به  arezoo.n
2 ماه قبل

alteration معادل خوبی برای change نیست. اگر عبارت یا واژه ای در سمپل های تسک 1 نیست اصلا استفاده نکنید.

has been remained ساختار مجهول اینجا کاربرد نداره. فعلا لازم هست. به سمپل ها بیشتر باید دقت کنید.

car parking بعنوان اسم این محل نمیتونیم بگیم. parking lot خوبه

another با اسم جمع نمیاد!

links حرف اضافه نمیگیره.

در کل خیلی خوبه اما این سطح از خطاهای ریز اصلا قابل قبول نیست. ارسالی های بعدی نباید اینطوری باشه. حتما چک کن با دقت اول

2 ماه قبل

Essential words unit #4-1
1.lure: Social medias are luring children away from their parents.
2. Some believe that the rampant destruction of untouched natural resources is reinforced by the development of adventure tourism.
3.qualified: Regular participation in unpaid community services will make students more qualified communicators.
4. Standpoint: Let’s look at the tourism from an economic standpoint.
5. Stem: They are searching practical and effective methods to stem the tide of obesity.
6. Vacancy: Many vacancies in charity organizations can be filled by high school students as apart of an educational program.

مهندس ابوالقاسمی
پاسخ به  zohreh
2 ماه قبل

media فرم جمع نداره دقت کنید و حتما چک کنید.

بقیه خیلی خوب هستند 👌👌👌

2 ماه قبل

1. Some people believe that unpaid community service for students is a great achievement.
2. Experiencing exotic places will give tourists a tremendous sense of achievement.
3. Many students prefer to live in big cities، in order to gain educational achievement.

مهندس ابوالقاسمی
پاسخ به  Mitra
2 ماه قبل

خوب هستند آفرین

2 ماه قبل

advantage collocation
1.Tourism offers a considerable advantage in term of local job market
2.It is a great advantage to be able to study aboard
3.Social media platforms has a number of distinct advantage
4. Government gain considerable advantage from community services
5.Recently,people prefer shop online that its advantages outweigh the disadvantages

مهندس ابوالقاسمی
پاسخ به  mona
2 ماه قبل

خوب هستند اما کوشش کنید جمله های شما از 10 تا 12 کلمه کمتر نباشه چون جمله هایی که برای رایتینگ میخوایم همین اندازه هست. جمله های کوتاه تر اصلا مناسب رایتینگ نیستند.

2 ماه قبل

Essential Words… UNIT #4, Culture
1. Elaborate: The essential structures have been elaborated in the site development plan.
2. Evoke: The new nature tourism project has evoked a backlash from environmentalists.
3. Stereotype: Her speech about racist stereotype in the workplaces provoked strong reactions from the audiences.
4. Reign: He organized many useful seminars at the university during his reign at the Mathematics Department.
5. influence: Tourism is influential in the economic development in many positive ways.

مهندس ابوالقاسمی
پاسخ به  zohreh
2 ماه قبل

جمله ها بدون خطا هستند اما باید درباره تاپیک ها بنویسید. اگر اینجا نتونید قطعا در استرس و فشار امتحان و یک تاپیکی که جدید هست براتون هم نمیتونید پس روی این موضوع کار کنید.

2 ماه قبل

The line graph provides information about the number of Australian individuals who take part in five various activities at one social club in Melbourne over a twenty-year period commencing in 2000.

Overall, film club had the largest number of participants over the whole period. While the figures for table tennis and musical performance showed rising trends, amateur dramatics experienced a falling trend.

The figure for film club started at almost 65 members in 2000 which was the highest number of participants and it remained steady throughout the entire period. Similarly, martial art had around 35 participants. After some fluctuations it returned to its initial figure of 35 at the end of the period. Furthermore, amateur dramatics began at almost 25 members. Despite an initial rise of 5 members in 2005, it witnessed a sharp drop and fell to just under 10 participants in 2020.

At the beginning of the period, table tennis had the fewest participants approximately 5. After which, there was a sharp growth and it peaked at roughly 55 in 2020. While musical performance did not have any participants for 5 years, it showed a considerable increase and amounted to a little under 20 in 2020.
( 198 words)

مهندس ابوالقاسمی
پاسخ به  arezoo.n
2 ماه قبل

تقریبا بدون خطا هست.

دقت کنید تمامی اعداد باید با واحد نوشته بشه. مثلا 55 چی دقیقا؟ درصد هست، تعداد شرکت کننده؟ وزن یا هر چیری که هست باید مشخص نوشته بشه.

2 ماه قبل

It is widely convinced that saving money for future plays vitally important role in individual’s lives including younger generation. I am in complete agreement with this idea due to the fact that it can lead to financial security and increase their sense of satisfaction. (44 words)

On one hand, saving money can help young individuals to benefit from financial security. In fact, life is full of unexpected events which can affect people who do not develop a habit of saving. On the other word, those who prioritize saving money are well- prepared for unpredictable occasions in the foreseeable future and it can enable them to deal with economic issues and be financially secure. For instance, during the corona virus pandemic owing to volatile economic most companies had to make employees redundant and as a result a great deal of people lose their job and someone who did not have savings encounter severe financial problems and they were unable to pay house rent and buy their necessities. (120 words)

In addition, by saving money people can get a great sense of satisfaction. Because, youngsters can set themselves long-term goals and by use of their savings they would be able to achieve them in a short period of time and become more successful and it is a huge source of satisfaction for them. For example, adults who live in my hometown and have taught to save money in their youth are more satisfied with their life because their saving enabled them to pay higher tuition fees in university and become well-qualified and successful person. They are capable of managing their life effectively and it can make them feel fulfilled. (109 word)

In conclusion, saving money during the life can offer numerous benefits. I agree with this notion as saving can provide financial security and help them become more satisfied with their lives. (31 words)

مهندس ابوالقاسمی
پاسخ به  arezoo.n
2 ماه قبل

It is widely convinced چنین عبارتی نداریم بی معنی هست.

On the other word این مورد هم بی معنی هست.

a great deal of people lose their job در گذشته اتفاق افتاده باید در گذشته نوشته بشه

For instance, during the corona virus pandemic مشخص نیست موردی که داریم صحبت میکنیم چه ارتباطی به این مثال داره.

they would be able to achieve them in a short period of time این یک ادعای جدید هست نباید چنین چیزی نوشته بشه. باید مورد قبلی توضیح داده بشه که چطور saving به satisfaction مرتبط هست.

در کل خوب هست به خطاهایی که فهرست شده دقت کنید. به خصوص توضیحی که برای دلیل نوشته میشه باید حالت مشخص تری داشته باشه کلی نباشه و دوباره داخل توضیحاتش ادعای جدیدی مطرح نشه.

2 ماه قبل

The two maps compare the differences of a tropical island after constriction some facilities for arrival tourism with before that event over a period of time.
According to maps, the significant transformation is adding constrictions which include two accommodations collections, a recreational center and a restaurant. In the center of island, each of accommodation collections consists of some of the building in circle forms. The reception and restaurant areas are located in middle and north of island respectively surrounded by the units. Although the accommodation is connected by footpath, the reception amenity is link to a pier and the restaurant through vehicle tracks.
Another dramatic change was related to water facilities. Toward the western side of island, people can swim which they have not done previously. Besides, there are two boats for leisure time near a newly constructed pier in the south of island. In contrast, the vegetation of palm trees and beach are remained unspoiled over times.
Overall, the considerable development of the tropical island is owing to flourishing tourism in the place. It is noticeable that, however, most of facilitates are built in center and western part of island, the natures are preserved. (195)

مهندس ابوالقاسمی
پاسخ به  mona
2 ماه قبل

چند خطای بزرگ در این رایتینگ وجود داره

مورد اول اینکه تمام پاراگراف ها به هم چسبیده و به صورت یک پاراگراف خیلی بزرگ هست. به رایتینگ های دیگه که در همین صفحه ارسال شده نگاه کنید مشخص هست که پاراگراف ها باید جدا ارسال بشه

مورد بعد خطاهای اسپلینگ هست که مثل constriction حتی در سطح پایین هم چک نکردید و همینطوری غلط ارسال کردید.

باید دقت کنید این خطاها نمره زیادی رو از شما میگیره.

موارد بعدی خطاهای دستوری هست که چندین باز توضیح دادیم راجع بهش مثلا is owing to چرا حال استمراری نوشته شده؟ کدوم کار کاربرد حال استمراری رو الان اینجا داریم؟

با is link که بازها گفتیم چنین ساختاری نداریم نباید توبی همراه با شکل ساده فعل داشته باشیم

به نظر من بیشتر بحث بی دقت نوشتن و بی توجه بودن به توضیحات هست.

در آخر هیچ تکلیف جمله سازی از شما نداریم فقط تمرکز روی رایتینگ دارید و اون هم بی دقت مینویسید در تایم کوتاه. اگر برای آیلتس میخواین آماده بشید مدل کار کرد رو باید کاملا عوض کنید.

2 ماه قبل

Essential words,unit 4, part 1.
1.Deed: She teaches students by word and deed.
2. Encompass: My field of study encompasses designing, programming and preserving of landscape.
Inscribe: Artist’s name was inscribed at the end of every painting .3
4. Excavation: There are different excavation in historical places of Iran.

مهندس ابوالقاسمی
پاسخ به  Mitra
2 ماه قبل

ممنون اما باید درباره تاپیک های رایتینگ بنویسید.


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