
پیشنهاد جملات حرفه ای تر رایتینگ آیلتس

پیشنهاد جملات حرفه ای تر رایتینگ آیلتس
پیشنهاد جملات حرفه ای تر در رایتینگ آیلتس

پیشنهاد جملات حرفه ای تر در رایتینگ آیلتس

در اینجا فهرستی از جمله های نوشته شده توسط زبان آموزان دوره های آیلتس مهندس ابوالقاسمی به همراه معادل های بدون خطا، آکادمیک تر و حرفه ای تر آن ها از نظر گرامری در دسترس خواهد بود. بازدیدکنندگان گرامی میتوانند جمله های پیشنهادی خود را در بخش دیدگاه های همین صفحه وارد کرده و برابرهای مناسب تری برای آن ها دریافت نمایند.

تمامی منابع سایت به همراه هزاران کتاب دیگر در بزرگترین کانال های دانلود زبان انگلیسی و آیلتس در تلگرام با نشانی (https://t.me/ielts2official) و (https://t.me/ielts2Books) در دسترس شما عزیزان می باشد. 


1. واژه Essential بجای Important، Big یا Significant

✍️ مثال: Transportation system is an essential part of urban life


2. واژه Approach بجای Way یا Method

✍️ مثال: Managers need to take a different approach to solve this problem


3. واژه Comprehend بجای Understand یا Get

✍️ مثال: Some students may have problem comprehending mathematical concepts


4. واژه Drop بجای Decrease یا Reduction

✍️ مثال: Many businesses saw a drop in their output and employees fear they may lose their jobs


5. واژه Annually بجای Yearlyیا Every Year

✍️ مثال: Annually, millions of tourists travel the world to gain a first-hand experience of different cultures


6. واژه Individuals بجای People یا Person

✍️ مثال: Such facilities can be an important change for some young individuals


7. واژه Indicate بجای Show یا Prove

✍️ مثال: The fact that many young people choose online courses indicates that education is not what it used to be


8. واژه Distinctive بجای Different یا Not the Same

✍️ مثال: Some students have distinctive behavioral patterns and can be trained to be great leaders


9. واژه Observe بجای See یا Understand

✍️ مثال: A good teacher is supposed to carefully observe the changes in the progress each student makes


10. واژه Mention بجای Say یا Talk about

✍️ مثال: It is sometimes mentioned that young people are more creative than old ones but I do not believe it has ever been scientifically studied. 


50 جمله همراه با معادل های حرفه ای تر آن ها

در ادامه 50 جمله همراه با معادل های حرفه ای تر آن ها برای رایتینگ آیلتس برای شما عزیزان نوشته شده است. در بسیاری از موارد عبارت های مشخص شده را به سادگی میتوان در جمله های دیگر هم جایگزین کرد و بسیاری از افرادی که در اسپیکینگ و رایتینگ حرفه ای تر به نظر میرسند در واقع در دایره لغات خود همین معادل ها را به کار میبرند.


The level of children who are fat and unhappy is increasing very much.

Childhood obesity and depression are reaching an epidemic level.




Only professionals have the ability to see very well and also use at the same time with their physical skills.

Only professionals can coordinate physical skills with sharp vision.




Internet helps people get help when they have problems such as a bad disease.

Internet enables people to seek support when undergoing difficulties such as a grave illness.




….showed same changes in these years similar to…..

…….followed a similar pattern to that of…..




It is important to find ways of cutting trees that cause less harm to environment.

It is important to develop more environmentally friendly logging practices.



Roots of trees keep the soil in its place and stop soil loss.  

Tree roots stabilize the soil and help prevent erosion.



Internet removes the limitations that are caused by real world.

Internet eradicates  the limits imposed by the physical world.



Wheelchairs are big and heavy and also are difficult to move in small places.

Wheelchairs are unwieldy and difficult to maneuver in tight spaces.



He tried to gather support and money for that new business.

He rallied support and raised money for that venture.



These students are encouraged when they can talk with others or when teachers talk in class.

Discussions and verbal lectures stimulate these students.



He used only his brain and believed in hard work and at the end he changed aviation completely.

Depending only on his intelligence and work ethic, he eventually revolutionized aviation.



People always buy expensive things because they think these things give them higher level.

People consistently purchase pricey items because of the perceived status those items confer.



Important jobs need a lot of time.

High-level jobs require inordinate amount of time



The situation in some countries has become better but still more countries should do the same.

Although many countries have made improvements, many more have yet to follow their example.




Smart children use difficult methods to solve problems.

Gifted children take sophisticated approaches to problem solving.




Regardless of limitations of their organization or bureaucracies they can do the work with their own approach.

Being free from limitations imposed by organization or bureaucracies they will be able to perform the tasks the way they consider the best. 



People think that it could bring a higher future work.

People think that they can have better career prospects.




Employment has a better situation in big cities.

There is a higher rate of employment in major cities.




This repair had a good effect on museum.

This renovation had a considerable/profound/significant/major effect on the museum. 




Research need a lot of money.  

Conducting a research requires considerable financial resources



Some companies earn some money with selling their information.

Some companies put up their information for sale in order to generate revenue (=increase income)




The population in a small town definitely is fewer

the population in a small town is comparatively smaller




So, there is a better chance of a job position.

So, this improves your chance This will definitely improves your chance of being considered for a decent job.



When, some one get older get into a different situation also can decide better.

As people grow old they gain more experience and as a result they can make wiser decisions.




Also my new home don’t have any space for bicycle.

Moreover, there is not any space for parking my bicycle in the vicinity of my new home.




There is a small age gap between children and parents

Age difference between children and parents




 They have a better children

They can raise better children




Grow a baby.

Raise a child.




Millions of people lives in poor situations.

Millions of people live in poverty.




…and probably not get in to trouble.

….or perhaps avoid danger.




From Some people’s opinions

From Some people’s perspective/point of view, …



All they are obligated to do sums up to

All they are obligated to do are limited to




Others including me contrary to these opinions think…

Others including me disagree with this opinion and think…




Teenagers are supported about basic necessities.

Teenagers are supported when it comes to basic necessities.




Students can progress their different abilities

Students can improve their different abilities




You can fit studying in throughout your day

Student can set a time that fits them best. 




These children are upbringing according to the latest information of the day.

These children have been educated based on the latest research in education.




Due to they can take benefit from their parents‘s support.

Due to the fact that they can take full advantage of their parents‘s support.




This policy will have a deep effect on society. 

This policy will have a dramatic/profound/significant effect on society. 




We will have the chance to get on our feet again.

It will be easier for young adults to recover from such emotional traumas




The problems that these societies have are substantial.

The challenges that these societies face are substantial.




So, usually as much as we getting close to adult life we become more conservative.

 Furthermore, as one starts to live their adult life, more caution will be likely for them to exercise and become more conservative as a result.




I was shocked because she said it might be damaged after I bought it. I think it is unreasonable.

It was very disturbing to hear from your staff that the item might have been damaged after the purchase and I find this claim very unreasonable.




Students will have a lot of chance to find a good job after graduation. 

Students will have plenty of opportunity to begin successful careers after graduation. 




Some people think that acceptance of a bad situation should be done. 

Some argue that an unfavorable condition should be accepted/embraced




Since pollution treatment needs spending money, they probably release much of it into the atmosphere. 

Since pollution mitigation requires proper financial resources, a major part of it is probably released into the atmosphere.




I’m writing this letter to say to you that…

I’m writing this letter to inform you of




Moreover, no neighbors to bother you when you live in a house. 

Moreover, residents of houses are not bothered by curiosity of immediate neighbors in comparison with living in apartments.




There are many reasons for air pollution in big cities

Several factors are behind the air pollution in megacities




Students can study at any time

Students can enjoy a more flexible learning schedule


پیشنهاد جملاتی حرفه ای و مناسب تر در رایتینگ آیلتس – Task 1



The graph shows….

A glance at the graph provided reveals…



A and B look like each other and are similar.  

There are some striking similarities between A and B



  There were big fluctuations in A and B. 

Both A and B saw considerable fluctuations.



The figure increased from %10 in 1920 to %15 in 1935 and then it decreased rapidly to only %5 in 1945. 

√ Increasing from %10 in 1920 to %15 in 1935, the figure then plunged to a low of just %5 in 1945. 


لغات نامناسب در رایتینگ تسک 2 آیلتس


لغات ضروری نمره 7 برای تسک 1 رایتینگ آیلتس


جملات حرفه ای تر برای رایتینگ آیلتس – مطالب پیشنهادی

دانلود سری کمبریج آیلتس جلد 1 تا 18

دانلود خودآموز ویدئویی رایگان 4 مهارت آیلتس

دانلود 1000 صفحه سوالات واقعی آیلتس از سراسر جهان



10 پاسخ

      1. سلام استاد,
        من offical guide for IELTS دانلو کردم ولی بخش فایل های Audio آن در ونرر پسورد میخواهد.
        میشه که پسورد آنرا در دسترس من قرار بدهید.

        1. درود. هر جایی هر فایلی دانلود میفرمایید پسوردش زیرش نوشته شده بررسی بفرمایید.

  1. واژه remain در این جمله مناسب هست؟ :
    some prefer to accept difficult situations and remain in a stable condition
    جمله زیر درست است؟ و به عنوان جمله اول پاراگراف جهت بیان main ideaزیاد طولانی نیست؟
    Some people are strong advocate of this approach that the best way to do on approach to the undesirable situation is acceptance
    در مورد درست بودن جمله های زیر هم شک دارم
    not thinking to changing difficult situation contributed to people stay away from stress
    changes are always challenging and might be create tension
    However they don’t know; if do work toward changing unfavorable conditions, what will happen next.

    1. این جمله خوب و درست هست:
      some prefer to accept difficult situations and remain in a stable condition

      کلا متوجه این قسمت نمیشم نمیدونم منظور شما چی بوده اصلا:
      the best way to do on approach to the undesirable situation

      این جمله not thinking to changing difficult situation contributed to people stay away from stress رو میشه به این صورت بازنویسی کرد:

      if they do not think about changing a difficult situation it helps people stay away from stress

      ساختارهایی که قبل ندیدید رو اصلا استفاده نکنید مثلا contributed to people چنین ساختاری کاملا بی معنی است.

      این بخش might be create tension در خطاهای متداول مورد 8 ام هست. نگاه کنید: (مبحث مجهول رو کامل و دقیق بخونید)

      اینجا if do work toward changing unfavorable conditions واژه do بر چه اساسی آورده شده؟؟ مبحث شرطی ها رو بخونید.

  2. سلام
    ممنون از خدمات بی‌منت شما
    A noticeable skill I lately as a python programmer in the R&D group achieved, discovery connections between data and our model.
    تشکر 🙂

    1. درود 😉

      بیشتر قسمت ها بخاطر تخصصی بودن و داشتن معنای خاص و مشخص قابل تغییر نیستند اما میشه به این شکل جمله رو بازنویسی کرد:

      As a noticeable skill I have recently acquired as a python programmer in the R & D group is the discovery connections between data and our model

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