
IELTS Writing Task 2 Sample Free Share Information

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IELTS Writing Task 2 Sample Free Share Information

نمونه های مقدمه 2 جمله ای

Information sharing is an inevitable result of modern communication. While some people support the idea of maximum information sharing, others believe it should be under restriction and to some extent I agree with both views. (35 words) 

Sharing information is commonplace in the modern world that we live in. While some argue that maximum sharing information should be encouraged, others believe some information is too important for sharing freely and I tend to agree with both views.(40 words)


آموزش رایتینگ تسک 2 رایتینگ آیلتس سایمن، Discussion Essays


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نمونه پاسخ مدرس در سطح نمره 7 تا 7.5

The unbelievable progress in the field of science and technology in the recent decades would be impossible without sharing information with generosity. While some argue that information sharing should be maximized without restrictions, others including me think it must be under control. (42 words)
Some argue for the maximum level of sharing information. First of all, this approach saves time since otherwise a great deal of research would be repetitive and millions of hours would be spent on achieving the same results around the globe. A more synchronized research with collective targets would be imaginable if sharing the information is the priority. Secondly, the pace of progress in science and academic world will increase drastically as many studies pave the way for future breakthroughs. Having access to the results of thousands of studies worldwide each year enables a scientist to directly benefit from contribution of others and have numerous hours to observe, ponder and broaden their horizon. (113 words)
Yet others maintain that because of the outstanding value of some information, there should be a limit on how much is to be shared. First of all, unchecked information sharing inevitably discourages new lines of research since the results will be revealed for free. In today’s world, where financial incentive for every serious activity is the key, the charitable nature of free display of results will be proved disastrous. Secondly, the risk that some sensitive information may fall into the wrong hands should not be overlooked. Terrorists groups around the world, for instance, undoubtedly seize every opportunity and abuse free information related to say nuclear facilities or water treatment plants to launch lethal terror attacks. (115 words)
In conclusion, while there are valid arguments for free sharing of information, the benefits of limiting such approach is enormous and I am personally convinced that more benefits can be gained when sharing information is controlled by imposing some limitations. (40 words)
Total = 310 words


نمونه پاسخ مدرس از نظر لغات و ساختار های دستوری در سطح نمره 6 تا 6.5

Human has always shared information with others though the history. Although some people think information should be shared with others without any limitation, others including me think information sharing should be limited somehow. (33 words)
Some people think there are more benefits in sharing information as much as possible. First of all, it will be cheaper for scientists to continue their work because they can easily use the results of the works of others. Research is very expensive and also takes a lot of time too. When people start to share their works, it will be very easy for others to simply use the results and save their time and money. Secondly, science can make more progress because what researchers find can help others to work on new ideas and products. New research and development is impossible without necessary information of the past, so sharing information is a critical factor. (115 words)
On the other hand, some people think that we should restrict the information that is shared. First of all, when all information is shared, very few people will be eager to continue to work because they cannot make money. This is very important because these days, financial side of any business or even scientific and academic world is important to everyone. Secondly, some of this information can be used for killing people by terrorists. Information related to nuclear research, for example, can be used to make bombs or to kill millions of people if it is shared without limitation, so some rules must keep certain information secret and hidden. (109 words)
In conclusion, it is obvious that sharing information without any limitation benefit many people but some people think that the dangers of sharing some information is real and I personally agree with the second group. (35 words)
Total: 293 words


نمونه پاسخ پایان کتاب کمبریج در سطح نمره 6


نمونه پاسخ نوشته شده توسط زبان آموزان دوره تیرماه 1399 (سطح نمره 6.5)

These days sharing information is an important issue in the society. Although there are people who believe information can be shared freely, I think it is required to consider some restrictions for sharing information. (34 words)
Some people believe maximum sharing information is more helpful. First of all, unlimited sharing information results in developing free online resources of information and this can facilitates accessing information. For example, online libraries provide accessing a lot of books for everyone all over the world. Also, researchers and scientists can easily find and read any scientific paper in the field of their study which prevents duplicate research and helps advancement of science more rapidly. Secondly, with easy sharing of information people can save their time because in a few minutes everyone can access almost any information they required on the internet, while in the past people have to spend a lot of time for obtaining information. (116 words)
Other people think sharing information must have some restrictions. First of all, information security is an important issue in the current modern society. In order to protect people’s privacy, some information should publish with limitations. Because in some cases the information belongs to people or corresponds to confidential subjects. Some people can use information illegally if there isn’t any limitation for accessing information. They can apply the information for committing crimes and damaging people. Secondly, some people and companies earn money from their inventions and ideas. So, they don’t want to let other people and their competitors to access the results of their efforts. Free sharing information can be led to poor quality of information and decreasing motivation of inventors. Because it would be irrational to spend a lot of time and obtain no money. (135 words)
In conclusion, while some people agree with unlimited sharing information, others believe sharing information should have some limitations. I think it is more beneficial to control sharing information. (28 words)


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darya m.sattarchi
darya m.sattarchi
3 سال قبل

People’s Knowledge progress in every field increase with information sharing. While some people think maximize information sharing must be done in every scientific field freely. Others believe sharing information must be done with restriction and under control and I agree with both views. (42)
most people believe maximize information sharing is useful for community. first of all, we live in a world that new inventions happen almost every day and sharing information about these inventions help to keep us updated and these researchers can develop technologies with use of new information that causes improvement of society and also people can live easier. Secondly, people have to spend money and time for their research and million hours must be spent for investigating same results all over the word. The cost of such research can be saved if the sharing of scientific information is done for free and accessing for all community can be easy and people can be benefitted at large. (116)
Some people focuses on this idea that sharing information must be under control. First of all, there are important information that must be studied just by Specialists in order to serve the community because sharing this information can be dangerous and if abuse of this information can lead to wars or terrorist problem. For example, if methodology of making atomic bomb shared effortlessly in global. The deaths of the oppressed people would be innumerable. Secondly, many researchers same as experts dedicated their life to investigating in their specialized field and their achievements should have patent. (95)
In conclusion, I believe that essential information must share freely and access them be without admission for community. However, sharing vital and dangerous information should be restricted and provided narrowly. (30)

saeed bakhshian
saeed bakhshian
4 سال قبل

It is well known that information, which is shared inescapable, causes progress of different fields because its one of the most important source of researching. Even though sharing information are widely advocated by some people, others including me are firmly of the opinion that data should not be tendered .(50 word)

some people consider sharing information to be fruitful and support it steadily. First of all, a variety of fields can be improved, provided scientists receive free information. The number of scientists, who want to do research, may increase unless information doesn’t cost much and it seems that this opportunity will be strong desire for them. Secondly, this approach is able to save time and prevent scientists from wasting their time. It seems like limited sharing takes scientists’ considerable time to make same result. Thus, they will not waste their time, whether they are not compelled to gain same result by restricted information.(102 word)

In other hand some people are strong proponents of limited sharing and disagree over accessible data. First of all, distribution of information has negative effect on writer’s profit even if there is not any law to confine distribution of data to limited cases. Most scientists do research in other to have a source of income, which is possible to goes down by sharing information cheaply. Secondly, sharing inaccurate information is inevitable result of distribution of data extremely. Development of communication creates a situation that information is shared frequently whereas there is low chance which this information has been shared by experts of that field.(104)

In conclusion, although some people demand unrestricted access to information, others are partial to preventing people from accessing data without any restriction, data which are obtained by creator of them painstakingly.(31)

آرزو هاشمی
آرزو هاشمی
4 سال قبل

Maximum sharing
#selection become easy
#reducing percent of error

Sharing with limitation

# preserve worth of information
#boosting competitive

آرزو هاشمی
آرزو هاشمی
4 سال قبل

Maximum sharing
#raise awareness
#share experience freely

Sharing with limitation

#more competition
#prevent abuse information

These days,sharing information is normal and inevitable.Although I believe we should prevent sharing information, others think sharing information is a good idea.(21 word)
Some people think sharing information about some subjects are necessary .First of all,this idea lead to people get a lot of information easily specially information that have access to them is hard .For example,a student that living in Asia require to give lecture about Italy it can be clear that she would rather utilize information that are shared about such it.Secondly,with sharing information people can be giving experience .For example,a person that should decide to hes future job and he has several offers but he is uncertain about of them the best way for her is using experiences that already are shared about such jobs.(104 word)

On the other hand,some people believe that should not share all of information.First of all,among some business or companies there is highly competitive and they have to protect their valuable information from their rivals.For example,Apple company is internationally recognized and it has never shared its information about its productions and until now any company can not compete with its.Secondly,another reason that lead to limit information to share them is preventing information from abusing specifically in virtual world because hackers easily can with a small change in them turn them into wrong information or even remove them.(96 word)

In conclusion,although some people assume that sharing information in some fields is essential ,others have a different opinion of them.I am a firm believer that sharing information creates a lot of problems such as do not have access to original source of such information or exchange wrong information .(63 word)

محمد کرمی
محمد کرمی
4 سال قبل

محمد کرمی. کلاس آیلتس آذرماه
some people believe that it is good to share as much information as possible in scientific research, business and the academic world. Others believe that some information is too important or too valuable to be shared freely.
Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.
Knowledge is one of the most important tools for the progress of a society. As it is clear, many people believe that maximum share of data is necessary to our human culture while, lots of individuals think it is better to distribute information by security category. In my opinion, both these viewpoints have their advantages and disadvantages. (57)
The effort of all scientists throughout history have been to produce knowledge for rise quality of human life. First of all, progress of medical is one of the most important matter to us. For example, better cure accessible in cancer is very vital. When a scientist in poor country want to conduct a research in this field, it is not necessary to perform repetitive research, just by sharing previous data and studies in this era. Secondly, in the 21set, century the term of freedom of expression is very arguably in the world. As you know free flow information enable each person to access information everywhere in the world. For instance, Arab Spring happens just by achievement to information of other countries and compare their life with other countries. (128)
Humane society to reach this current situation has incurred a lot of living and financial expenses. First of all, production of knowledge has huge financial costs for progressive countries. For example, in stem cell study they build many machines and lab, develop programming languages and teach as well as train lots of scientists and expert in this field. Secondly, it can be devastating for every country and government, if important data fall into wrong hands. For instance, data about explosive weapons and nuclear physics is extremely sensitive and very confidential so that, not only does not must data share freely, but also it is vital to keep this information safely in producing country. (113)
In conclusion, there are a lot of people say that to have better life we must share totally data, however, others opine that to keep us safe and stay ahead of the competition, dangerous and serious data must not be exposed to public, nevertheless these regards, based on before experiences I have neutral one sight. (55)

5 سال قبل

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