
موضوع رایتینگ ساده زبان انگلیسی Few Close Many friends

Some say it is better to have a few close friends, while others believe it’s better to have many casual friends.

Discuss both these views.

A few close friends

# Discuss important issues

# You can get help in emergencies

Many casual friends
# you get help for different things
# They do not ask for much


Some people say it is better to have only a few close friends. First of all, it will be possible to discuss important things with them. Close friends know us and our situation in life better and can have better suggestions for us. Also, they probably take more time to think about the problem before giving their answer. Therefore, it would be possible to talk to them about important issues in our life before making an important decision. Secondly, it is possible to get help in emergencies when there is a close friend. It may not be appropriate to ask for help in emergencies if the person is not very close or we do not know them very well. (119 words)

Other people argue that it is better to have many causal friends. First of all, it will be possible to ask for help about many different things since our friends are not limited in number and they perhaps have education or experience in different fields. They will be happy to do us small favors and we will be able to return such favors. Secondly, when our friends are not very close, they probably will not ask for much. Unlike close friends, casual friends may not ask for big favors and it will not be very hard and demanding to keep them as friends. So, it may be easier to increase the number of our friends without having too much responsibility for them. (122 words)




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