
کلاس 3 ماهه گروهی آنلاین آیلتس (دی ماه 1403)


کلاس 3 ماهه آنلاین آیلتس دیماه 1403

قیمت اصلی 7.000.000 تومان بود.قیمت فعلی 3.000.000 تومان است.


دوره فشرده گروهی 3 ماهه آنلاین آیلتس دی 1403

🔴 تا 60% تخفیف موقت! کلاس آنلاین فشرده آیلتس دی ماه 1403 روزهای 2 شنبه و 5 شنبه ساعت 8 تا 9.30 شب. (با قوی ترین پشتیبانی) بهترین گزینه برای زبان آموزان سختکوش و هدفمند با هدف ارتقاء نمره در بازه زمانی کوتاه


✍️ این دوره از سطح نمره 5.5 تا 6 آیلتس شروع میشه و شما رو تا سطح 6.5 تا 7.5 آیلتس می‌رسونه. اگر به تازگی در دوره یا آزمونی شرکت نداشتید با لینک تعیین سطح می‌تونید سطح رو مشخص کنید و نتیجه رو برای پشتیبانی بفرستید.

✅ کلاس آنلاین ویدیویی در اسکایپ هست و هر 4 مهارت آیلتس (رایتینگ، اسپیکینگ، ریدینگ و لیسنینگ) لغت و گرامر رو شامل میشه.

✅ تمامی تکالیف در تلگرام و برخی همین صفحه از سایت در تایم خارج از کلاس تصحیح میشه. (دیدن نمونه دوره های قبل)

پشتیانی طلایی! حرفه ای ترین پشتیبانی رو در تلگرام و در ارتباط مستقیم و پیوسته با استاد دارید (بشنوید!):

منابع این دوره گلچینی از معتبرترین و جدیدترین کتاب های انتشارات کمبریج و نکات و جزوه های تکمیلی اگزمینر های مطرح آیلتس در سطح جهانی (بشنوید!):

✅ این کلاس گروهی هست و معمولا 15 نفر و حداکثر ظرفیت 20 زبان آموز رو داره که معمولا تعداد فقط شنونده هستند.

✅ تمامی آموزش های پایه به صورت رکورد شده در دسترس است و هیچ جای نگرانی از نظر غیبت یکی دو جلسه در طول دوره وجود نداره.

📝 24 تصحیح کامل رایتینگ کاملا منطبق با فرمت رایتینگ‌های آیلتس و فیدبک بر روی صد فایل صوتی ارسالی بخش اسپیکینگ وجود داره.

🎯 برنامه ریزی شفاف و حرفه ای. اصول تمامی 4 مهارت آیلتس و صفر تا صد نکته‌ها به صورت دقیق در همین دوره کاور میشه (بشنوید!).

📆 دوره به مدت 3 ماه در 24 جلسه 1.5 ساعته ادامه داره.

👨🏻‍🏫 مدرس این دوره مهندس ابوالقاسمی با نمره 8 آیلتس آکادمیک و بیش از 15 هزار ساعت تجربه تدریس هستند. (بررسی رزومه و مدارک) (نمونه تدریس)

🚀 #آغاز این دوره روز 2 شنبه 3 دیماه 1403 هست.

👈 توضیح بیشتر (در یوتیوب)


😍😍😍 تنها 2 میلیون تومان برای 5 ثبت نام اول
😍😍 3 میلیون تومان برای 5 ثبت نام دوم
😍 4 میلیون تومان تا تکمیل ظرفیت

❤️ در تمامی حالت ها، شما 100% خدمات رو دریافت میکنید و کوچکترین تفاوتی وجود نداره. بنابراین یک پیشنهاد خیلی خوب هست برای دوستانی که مشکل مالی برای پرداخت شهریه های آیلتس رو دارند. فقط لطفا به موقع استفاده بفرمایید چون ظرفیت ها مشخص و محدود هست.

از لحظه ثبت نام میتونید تمرین با منابع رو آغاز بفرمایید 🥰✌️

👈 تعیین سطح رایگان با این لینک و ارسال نتیجه با اسکرین شات به پشتیبانی در تلگرام

لطفا برای ثبت نام فعلا از سایت اقدام نفرمایید. با توجه به اینکه درگاه بانکی هنور فعال نشده است. لطفا در تلگرام با این شماره هماهنگ بفرمایید:


توضیحات تکمیلی

نام مدرس

مهندس ابوالقاسمی با نمره 8 آیلتس آکادمیک و بیش از 15 هزار ساعت تجربه تدریس

مهارت هدف

4 مهارت اصلی آیلتس

مجموع ساعات آموزشی

36 ساعت

مدت زمان هر جلسه

1.5 ساعت

پتلفرم تشکیل کلاس

آنلاین در اسکایپ

منابع دوره

گلچینی از کتاب های انتشارات کمبریج و آکسفورد

سطح آغاز دوره

نمره 5.5

سطح پایان دوره

6.5 تا 7.5

پشتیانی دوره

به طور کامل در تلگرام و به صورت تلفنی

اشتراک در
اطلاع از
قدیمی‌ترین بیشترین رأی
بازخورد (Feedback) های اینلاین
مشاهده همه دیدگاه ها
3 روز قبل

The diagram illustrates the process involved in the manufacturing of instant noodles.

Overall, the diagram shows the production of instant noodles with eight main steps starting with transporting flour from silos and ending with labeling and sealing of the finished product. Several stages such as mixing water and flour, shaping dough, cooking and dying, adding vegetables and spices, packaging in cups, labeling and sealing are involved in this linear process.

In the first stage, flour is taken from storage silos and delivered to the noodle factory by truck. After that, the flour is put through a mixer where water and oil are added to form a dough. Following this, the dough is rolled out into sheets and cut into strips to create noodle discs. Subsequently, the noodle discs pass through a cooking and drying machine where they are cooked in oil and allowed to dry.

In the final steps, the instant noodles are put into cups where vegetables and spices are added to enhance flavour. The finished product is then packaged in cups, labeled and sealed for distribution. Then the production process of instant noodles is completed.

Total= 187 words

10 روز قبل

These days, a significant number of people tend to work for themselves instead of being employed by others. The most likely reason contributing to this phenomenon is the autonomy and freedom that comes with working for yourself, although facing financial risks due to unpredictable future and unstable work conditions can be considered as the most important drawback. (57 words)

The primary reason that contributes to individuals opting for self-employment is the autonomy that these people can gain by choosing this career route. When you are an employee in a certain company, you have to respect their rules and values in most cases and your personal preferences is of no importance. However, running your own business gives you the opportunity to do everything according to your will. For instance, a web designer who works for a well known company has to comply with the company’s guidelines, but if they start their own business, they can create their own rules and goals which may gives them the chance to be successful sooner. (113 words)

However, it is undeniable that being self-employed may cause some potential drawbacks. The biggest downside is the risk of venturing out on your own. Financial stability can be a crucial issue for some individuals, as they do not have a fixed income. If the business is not successful, there will be no income which leads to a deficiency of sense of financial security as well. For example, the owner of a restaurant in my city became bankrupt not long after he ran his own business, as he could not attract enough customers to pay his bill and loans and the high rate of inflation also caused this downfall. (107 words)

In conclusion, there are quite a lot of reasons that can explain the trend of individuals deciding to work for themselves instead of being employed by companies. The most important ones are freedom and autonomy which is the result of being self-employed, while the risk of financial unstability is considered as a big drawback. (54 words)

Total= 331 words

Saba Amiri
Saba Amiri
17 روز قبل

The line graph indicated amount of transported cargo by four type of transportation modes over a period of 2 years from 1974 to 2002. (24 words)

Overall, most categories exhibited an upward trend throughout the period, despite starting at different values. However, the final figure remained unchanged in only rail case. (25 words)

Road transportation had the highest initial value among all the transportation modes and follow fluctuated pattern over the years. It eventually reached to their maximum value of about 100 Million tones (MT). Water mode also indicated some fluctuation over the years and eventually rose to its peak of above 60 MT. On the other hand, Pipeline category with the lowest initial value of about 4 MT was the only category with no drop or fluctuation and after experiences some rises, it finally reached to its highest point of 21 MT and remained constant at this level till the final year in 2002. (102 words) 

Both rail and water modes carried the same amount of starting point of amount of 40 MT in 1974. Although water transport exhibited an overall upward trend despite some fluctuation, rail transport experienced multiple declines, reaching a low of 24 in 1995. However. In the final seven year, it recovered and returned to its initial level of 40 MT. (59 words) 

Total: 210 words

17 روز قبل

The line graph illustrates the amount of goods transported in the United Kingdom from 1974 to 2002 by four transportation modes (road, water, rail, and pipeline). (26 words)

Overall, there was an upward trend in the road, water, and pipeline transportation, while the rail mode remained stable. The amount of products transported by road was consistently the highest throughout the analyzed period. (34 words)

Initially, the figure for products transported through pipeline was the lowest among the 4 modes, with a starting point of 4 MT, then rose to roughly 22 MT in its highest point and remained the same until the final year in 2002. Road transportaion, which remained the highest figure among the 4 modes, began at above 60 MT and increased to under 100 MT at the end of the period. (70 words)

Regarding rail and water, both figures had a starting point of roughly 40 MT, then the water-transported goods showed an increasing pattern, while rail-transported products decreased to nearly 30 MT in the period of 1982 to 1994. Although the figure for rail mode gradually recovered to its initial number of approximatrly 40 MT, the figure for water dropped in 1998, then quickly increased to around 70 MT. (67 words)

Total = 197 words

پاسخ به  مهندس ابوالقاسمی
17 روز قبل

چشم حتما

24 روز قبل

Although we have achieved significant advancements in agriculture and food production, yet a large proportion of the world population are dealing with starvation. It seems that the main reason for this issue is the climate change which has always had a significant impact on agricultural products. To prevent this issue the government should be aware of the best time for harvesting. (61 words)

Climate change is a major problem in today’s world which exacerbates the issue of food shortages worldwide and leads to notable losses in farm products. Extreme weather conditions such as draughts, floods, or heat waves can adversely affect crops. Due to these significant changes, there is a huge number of farmlands which are damaged and can not be used next few years. Although the farmers work very hard, these natural disasters make their products can not continue growing. For example, there was an enormous flood in the northern part of my country in 2019 which caused a huge loss in agricultural lands and many people have starved bacause there was a huge impact on rice resouces which is the main food supply in my country. (127 words)

To address this complex issue, it is essential to take a comprehensive approach which includes a long-term program. The govenment should follow the weather condition to detect when it is the best time for harvesting. It means that the authorities should watch how the clouds are moving in each farming area to prevent the product loss. Moreover, they need to make important decisions such as when it is the best season for planting. For instance, after experiencing such disasters in my country, the government and related organizations has been successful in predicting the probable time of these climate changes and they’ll be able to manage the main food supplies for people in these conditions. (114 words)

In conclusion, the issue of global hunger is a complex problem which climate change can be one of its most important cause. Governments should consider this issue seriously and produce new products for people effectively at the adequate time for harvesting. (45 words)

Total= 347 words

1 ماه قبل

The bar graph illustrates the combined time spent in billions of minutes, on three different kinds of telephone calls in the UK, over a priod of 7 years from 1995 to 2002. (32 words)

Overall, although both international and national calls and mobiles increased over the period, the local- fixed lines were the most frequently used at all time which had a drop. The gap between three categories was narrowed by 2002. (38 words)

Minutes spent on local- fixed calls fluctuated over the period. Starting with 1995, it had the largest number of minutes among the three, with just over 70 billion minutes, peaking at 90 billion minutes in 1999. However, it started to decrease steadily to slightly over 70 BM in 2002 which was the same as its starting point in 1995. (60 words)

National and international calls experienced a steady increase year on year, from just under 40 billion minutes in 1995 to a peak of approximately 60 BM in 2002. The same trend can also be seen in the figure of mobiles. It increased more significantly from 3 billion minutes in1995 to around 45 billion minutes in 2002. Mobile minutes increased dramatically. Its number of minutes doubled from approximately 22 BM in 2000 to 40 BM in 2001. (76 words)

Total : 206 words

Saba Amiri
Saba Amiri
1 ماه قبل

There is an opinion that certain types of unpaid obligatory activates should be incorporated into high school students,s schedules. I agree with this opinion and personally think engaging high school students in mandatory tasks can provides opportunities for them to enhance their practical skills and effectively boost their communication abilities (50 words).   

Engaging in charitable activities exposes high school students to real work environments which may provide opportunities for them to enhance their practical skills. These activities presenting challenges such as tight deadlines, limited resources and unforeseen obstacles. By working in such settings, students can be navigated to develop their practical skills by analyzing circumstances and devising creative solutions to overcome challenges. For instance, when planning a fundraising campaign for an environment cause, students are responsible for budgeting, and coordination. This process teaches them to prioritize tasks and fosters the development of critical thinking and problem-solving skills at an early age, thereby equipping them with qualifications essential for their future careers (109 words).

Moreover, including unpaid service in high school programs provides students with opportunities to learn how to communicate effectively with others and boost their communication abilities. By participating in such activities, students interact with diverse group of people which help them, build and expand relationships in a real work environment. This experience helps them learn effective communication techniques and enhance their interpersonal relationships that will be valuable in their future careers. For example, high school students volunteering at local charity organizations often interact with individuals from various backgrounds, including staff members and beneficiaries. These interactions teach them to articulate their ideas clearly, listen actively, and collaborate effectively (106 words).

In conclusion, incorporation unpaid obligatory activities into high school students, s schedules is a valuable initiative. In my opinion engaging high school students in charitable activities not only enhance their practical skills but also effectively boosts their communication abilities, which are crucial for their future success (46 words).

(Total=311 words)

1 ماه قبل

Writing) Unpaid compulsory community services in high school programmes

It is said that high school students ought to perform obligatory social services without financial compensation. I profoundly disagree on this matter since I argue that carrying out mandatory work by apprentices without any payment not only can have undesirable consequences on the household budget but also may adversely affect pupils’ mental health. (53)

One of the disadvantages of working compulsorily without paying money is that it may worsen the household income. Those who live under economic pressure, particularly impoverished families who often work with minimum wages or even do not have permanent jobs, require basic needs and are desperate to meet their vital demands. Such individuals living in poverty have limited time to engage in non-paid activities and thus, they have to spend their precious time to earn money through paid jobs and it is a must for them regarding their miserable condition. (90)
For example, in my country, there are millions of underprivileged families with insufficient financial resources who have to work with difficulty to make money for their living. Besides, in light of the high inflation rate, their situation has deteriorated. Incorporating some monetary incentives into such high school schedules for those students who do activities to contribute to their community can raise their socioeconomic status and reduce economic inequality in society. (70)

In addition, the other considerable justification is that individuals often tend to choose their favourite fields and do services based on their selections. Being forced to perform this work can restrict them from selecting their interests. If they have a wide range of choices to select from, their mind will be more relieved and it may lead to enhancing mental health and their pleasure. (64)
For instance, in my country, a two-year military service is mandatory for boys above 18 years old. Although it is with payment and not for teenagers, young men are discontented with this issue owing to not being optional. Since people are often willing to do that kind of work which have chosen according to their desires. Hence, not having autonomy and liberty in this matter may culminate in frustration and lack of enthusiasm. (73)

In conclusion, doing unpaid jobs obligatorily for high school students is not recommended on the grounds that receiving no wage for social work done by pupils can exacerbate the low financial ability of low-income families. Moreover, having no option in selecting such activities may have detrimental effects on apprentices’ minds owing to the absence of eagerness. (56) => (406)

1 ماه قبل

It is argued that many high schools make community service a mandatory element of their students’ curriculum. I personally believe this mandatory task is a good idea bacause it provides an opportunity for students to develop some essential skills and also they will improve their personal development. (47 words)

One of the most significant benefits of community service for high school students is that such work prepares them for the world outside. Making community servive compulsory allows students to build important skills that are not typically covered in traditional academic settings. Skills such as teamwork, effective communication, problem- solving, and leadership are often well- developed through these activities. For instance, the high students in my country usually welcome some group activities such as cleaning the school yard or doing some recycling projects. It is through these activities that they should share their ideas to solve issues which need a good communication, teamwork and problem-solving. These skills are not only beneficial for their studies but also prepare them for future careers. (123 words)

Moreover, mandatory community service for young learners and being a part of volunteer programs will help them to be more responsible for some issues. In addition, working for a charity or teaching sports to children can help them to develop empathy and social skills which are necessary to live in the society. Furthermore, helping others without thinking of any benefits gives internal happiness and more confidence to these students. For example, one of my classmates who got involved in a volunteer work at a charity used to mention the positive impacts they would have on others’ lives which not only develop their character but also inspire good habits in them. (112 words)

In conclusion, making unpaid community services part of high school program offers numerous benefits in terms of personal development and practical skills. Considering all the benefits, it is suggested that the community service should be mandatory in the high school curriculum. (43 words)

Total: 325 words

پاسخ به  Simadaraie
1 ماه قبل

سلام. استاد لطف میکنید برای این رایتینگ، فیدبک تون رو بفرمایید.


Saba Amiri
Saba Amiri
1 ماه قبل

There is an opinion that some kinds of obligatory works should be incorporated into the schedules of high school students. I agree with this opinion and I personally believe that engaging high school students in mandatory tasks is a good idea because it provides the opportunity for the students to enhance their practical skills and learn how to communicate effectively with others (62 words).

Having the chance to engage in charitable work as high school students can help them develop practical skills and gain the qualification required for future jobs. Requiring students to work a set number of hours each week as a part of their programs ensures that they are assigned specific tasks with a clear agenda that they are obligated to complete. Being expose to a real work environment with well-defined tasks may present challenges, helping students develop critical thinking, time management and problem solving skills at an early age. A similar plan was implemented in the high school of my hometown as part of my friend’s university thesis a few years ago. I had the chance to review the report, and it was surprising to see how effective such a scheme was in enhancing student’s practical skills in various ways. It also demonstrated and how this approach could help nurture a more qualified and skilled workforce (155 words).   

Another major benefit of including unpaid service in high school programs is that it provides students with opportunities to build and expand relationships in a real work environment. By participating in such activities, students interact with diverse group of people, such as coworkers, supervisors, and community members, which help them, develop interpersonal and networking skills. Through these interactions, they learn to communicate effectively, adapt to different personalities, and resolve conflicts, all of which are essential for personal and professional growth. Additionally, forming connections in a work-like setting boosts their confidence, prepares them for future teamwork. These experiences create a strong foundation for their ability to succeed in the professional world. For instance, a friend of mine had such an experience, and she told me how helpful it was for her. Although there was no payment, she learn how to communicate effectively with the staff there (144 words).

In conclusion, the opportunity for young students to work in unpaid jobs is a valuable initiative. It not only teaches them essential aspects of the work environment but also provides an excellent chance to develop practical skills and learn effective communication, which are crucial for their future success (48 words).


Saba Amiri
Saba Amiri
1 ماه قبل

There is an opinion that some kinds of obligatory works should be incorporated into the schedules of high school students. I agrees with this opinion and I personally believe that engaging high school students in mandatory tasks is a good idea because it provides the opportunity for the students to enhance their practical skills and learn how to communicate effectively with others (62 words).

Having the chance to engage in charitable work as high school students can help them develop practical skills and gain the qualification required for future jobs. Requiring students to work a set number of hours each week as a part of their programs ensures that they are assigned specific tasks with a clear agenda that they are obligated to complete. Being expose to a real work environment with well-defined tasks may present challenges, helping students develop critical thinking, time management and problem solving skills at an early age. A similar plan was implemented in the high school of my hometown as part of my friend’s university thesis a few years ago. I had the chance to review the report, and it was surprising to see how effective such a scheme was in enhancing student’s practical skills in various ways. It also demonstrated and how this approach could help nurture a more qualified and skilled workforce (155 words).   

Another major benefit of including unpaid service in high school programs is that it provides students with opportunities to build and expand relationships in a real work environment. By participating in such activities, students interact with diverse group of people, such as coworkers, supervisors, and community members, which help them, develop interpersonal and networking skills. Through these interactions, they learn to communicate effectively, adapt to different personalities, and resolve conflicts, all of which are essential for personal and professional growth. Additionally, forming connections in a work-like setting boosts their confidence, prepares them for future teamwork, and can even open doors to mentorship or career opportunities in the future. These experiences create a strong foundation for their ability to succeed in the professional world (123 words).

In conclusion, the opportunity for young students to work in unpaid jobs is a valuable initiative. It not only teaches them essential aspects of the work environment but also provides an excellent chance to develop practical skills and learn effective communication, which are crucial for their future success (48words).


1 ماه قبل

Writing 7 session
The two maps below show an island, before and after the construction of some tourist facilities.
The two maps illustrate development of island before and after some constructions and facilities that tourists can use.

Overall, there are some accomodations and new establishment that would be more attractive for tourist in comparison to the island before.

Looking at the island before development, we can see there was just a huge island with several trees and a beach without any swimming area in the west. However, in the second map some buildings, restaurant and reception for tourist destination were built. Furthermore, a pier was built in the south part of map and some boats were added to make more attractive sailing place for travellers.

On the other hand, there are many vehicle track which connect pier, restaurant and reception to each other. And also accomodation in the west and east of pier were attached to each other by footpath. Moreover swimming area was added in the west part of the beach.(154 words)

پاسخ به  مهندس ابوالقاسمی
1 ماه قبل


پاسخ به  مهندس ابوالقاسمی
1 ماه قبل

ممنون استاد حتما رعایت میکنم🙏🙏

1 ماه قبل

Writing Task 1) Map of the island

A resort island is indicated in two maps, one of which illustrates conditions prior to and the other after putting up some amenities for tourists.

Overall, the Island sounds considerably varied over time. In other words, in addition to constructing some buildings to house visitors in central and western parts, several resort facilities have been set up, particularly in the north and heart of the island.

One of the remarkable transformations is the residential area to lodge travellers. It consists of two groups of cottages which are arranged around a circular footpath and join the beach in the west. There is some vegetation on the eastern side which has remained quite unchanged.

The other major change can be seen where the recreational region is located in the middle of the island. It includes a reception and a restaurant which are connected through a vehicle track. In the south, a pier is situated close to some boats to be used for sailing. Furthermore, at the western end, tourists can find the beach to swim as a popular seaside resort. (178 words)

1 ماه قبل

The two maps illustrate the development of an island before and after the establishment of various tourists facilities.

Overall, in comparison to the empty island before, the view of island has changed dramatically after construction, mainly in the western and central parts. The major changes include recreational facilities, accomodations, restaurants, transport likes and others, while still much of the island’s natural landscape is preserved.

In its original state, the island only had natural elements such as a beach and scattered palm trees around which remained the same after the constructions. In addition, the sea with a depth of 100 meters surrounded the area. In contrast, the second map shows several tourists accomodations connected by newly constructed footpaths. With regard to the recreational facilities, a designed swimming pool was set up to the west of island. A new restaurant was constructed near the middle of island as well.

Another significant change is a reception building which was built in the middle of the island. Additionally, a vehicle track was constructed from the pier in the south to the reception and restaurant. Also, the pier allows boats to access the island. (189 words)

پاسخ به  مهندس ابوالقاسمی
1 ماه قبل

سپاس از شما🍃🙏

1 ماه قبل

Writing) Tourists in difficult places: advantages and disadvantages)

There has been a growing trend of visitors interested in journeys to unexplored regions with adverse conditions. While positive aspects of this issue like having first-hand experience in natural environments may appeal to some tourists, some serious drawbacks including health threats merit attention on the negative side. (37 words)
Going to places with extreme weather would be incredibly exciting for adventurous travellers as extraordinary situations give them invaluable experience when they admire the breathtaking scenery and spectacular views. Exploring wilderness and being in virgin lands can bring about peace and quiet, which can improve their mental health. Hence, being in such unusual circumstances can be an enjoyable experience and bring a sense of relief. For example, Mesr Desert in my country has been one of the most attractive destinations for tourists in recent years. Its popularity is due to both its untouched nature and a myriad of brilliant stars shining in dark skies. The Milky Way galaxy can be observable without disturbing light pollution which is usual in cities. All these can bring visitors an unforgettable experience in their whole lives. (132 words)
One of the detrimental effects of being in such difficult places is endangering individuals’ physical health owing to exposure to too high or low temperatures and hazardous animals for humans. Exotic creatures and unknown species living in wildlands are potentially considered a threatening factor for visitors. Moreover, the tourists encountering new flora and fiona in these areas may show extreme sensitivity to them and feel unwell. For instance, deserts are the main habitats of some animals having poison such as snakes, scorpions and centipedes. They may bite or sting visitors and thus can be considered fatal. As such places are often located in remote lands, medical services provided may be distant and delayed. Consequently, such emergencies can culminate in casualties’ death. (121 words)
In conclusion, although tourists can find internal peace and receive substantial benefits from going to uncharted territories with harsh conditions, they may suffer from the dangerous consequences of becoming ill followed by being bit there. Hence, it would not be a good idea to choose these destinations to travel. (49 words)

1 ماه قبل

These days people are eager to visit unusual places for tourism with extreme weather conditions. Experiencing such an adventure can have the advantage of overcoming challenges which offers unique rewards. Although exploring such regions can bring considerable health threats for tourists which is considered as a serious drawback. (50 words)

On the one hand, travelling to these challenging locations gives a sense of personal accomplishment to tourists. It is because of the fact that someone who travels to a place with extreme conditions will face many problems. These issues will force them to overcome these challenges in order to survive and return home safely. Successfully exploring these extreme climates provides a feeling of pride and achievement to them. For instance, some beginners in rock climbing became successful to climb a high mountain in a freezing area and it brought them a sense of proud and being unique. They could solve numerous challenges during their way and confront themselves with one of the most intense conditions safely. ( 118 words)

On the other hand, visiting remote and extreme environments comes with serious hazards. The severe weather conditions in these places can bring some health hazards especially if the tourists are not adequately prepared for these conditions. Tourists are not familiar with these vast regions and it can increase the real- life incidents. These remote areas often lack immediate access to medical support. It means that any health issues or accidents could threat the tourists’ lives. For example, in the Sahara desert, tourists might encounter venomous creatures such as scorpions and snakes. Thses animals’ poison could cause serious physical injuries for tourists. (101 words)

In conclusion, while travelling to remote places with difficult conditions can provide a rewarding and unique experience for tourists, it is also fraught with serious health hazards and challenges. If tourists are aware of the potential dangers and prepared carefully for them, such journeys will offer unforgetable life lessons and joyful memories to them. (56 words)

Saba Amiri
Saba Amiri
1 ماه قبل

The number of tourists interested in visiting challenging destinations such as the Sahara Desert or Antarctica is increasing. While these tourists enjoy certain benefits, there are also some disadvantages in travelling to hard places that should not be overlooked. (39 words)                                                                    

Visiting places with difficult conditions has several benefits for tourists. These locations allow visitors to explore the unseen and the unknown, which have been less explored by human beings in the past. Exotic places can be exciting and challenging, encouraging tourists to gain valuable experience. Challenging destinations help tourists embrace the hardships of the journey and teach them how to overcome them. For instance, tourists, who aim to climb mountains and explore forests, learn how to survive in harsh weather conditions and protect themselves from potential by animal attacks. These visitors, therefore, acquire several survival skills such as shelter building, water sourcing, hunting and foraging for food. These experiences can perhaps change one’s perspective on life.   (116 words)

On the other hand, traveling to challenging places can expose tourists to health hazards such as infections, and dehydration, especially if proper precautions are not taken. Extreme weather conditions, difficult terrain, and potential wildlife encounters can lead to accidents or injuries. Visiting remoted destinations can also result in feeling of isolation or loneliness, particularly if travelers are far from friends, family, or support networks. For Instance, Antarctica as a challenging destination is known for its extreme cold, strong winds, isolation, and ecological considerations. Those who travel to this destination must be well prepared and equipped to handle the numerous difficulties they may encounter. (103 words)

In conclusion, tourists visiting faraway places with difficult conditions enjoy certain advantages; however, there are several drawback to contend with in these locations. Nevertheless, the number of visitors to these destinations is following an increasing trend. (36 words)

1 ماه قبل

In recent years, there has been a growing trend among tourists to visit challenging environments. A primary advantage of such travel is the thrill and excitement it offers. However, a significant disadvantage is the high level of physical fitness required. [40 words]

One of the most significant advantages of traveling to difficult environments is the excitement and thrill it offers. Stepping out of one’s comfort zone can lead to personal growth and unforgettable experiences. When people encounter new challenges, especially those that differ significantly from their daily routines, their brains engage in problem-solving, and their bodies can experience heightened excitement. For instance, in my country, when people climbing Mount Damavand, they face numerous challenges, including harsh weather conditions and difficult terrain. Overcoming these obstacles not only boost their confidence but also teach them valuable survival skills and quick decision-making. Such experiences can be exhilarating and can provide a sense of achievement that more conventional vacations often lack. [115 words]

However, traveling to these locations often requires good physical fitness and careful preparation. Many individuals may not possess the physical strength to cope with the tough conditions found in extreme environments. Dealing with the extremely hot or cold climates of these challenging areas demands significant energy and resilience, which can be quite overwhelming for many travelers. For instance, unpredictable weather patterns and potential hazards, such as dehydration or altitude sickness, create further difficulties, making it essential for visitors to be well-prepared and fit. This can discourage some eager travelers who might find these challenges too difficult to manage, making it harder for them to experience these incredible places unless they are adequately prepared. [113 words]

In conclusion, an increasing number of tourists are going to destinations characterized by challenging conditions. while visiting extreme places can offer thrilling experiences, it also presents challenges that require high level of physical ability. [34 words]

1 ماه قبل

The number of tourists traveling to landscapes with harsh conditions has increased recently. Although these experiences offer benefits, there are also drawbacks that must be carefully considered (53 words)

The untouched nature of remote places transforms these areas into interesting and amazing destinations. These places are home to unique animals and plants that remain unspoiled by human activity. They can create a peaceful environment for visitors, allowing them to relax away from the hustle and bustle of daily life. For example, in the Sahara Desert, visitors can enjoy watching the sunset over the sand dunes and observe camels, special birds, and other animals that have adapted to living in these harsh conditions (115 words).

On the other hand, there are challenging weather conditions in these places. Temperature variations are extreme. This fluctuation leads to health problems like hypothermia or heat exhaustion. Also heavy rainfall and sandstorms wind in some areas create further difficulties such as dangerous travel conditions, restrict visual ability and so on. As a result, These conditions make this areas dangerous specially for those who are unprepared. For instance, in the Sahara Desert, nights can be very cold at freezing point, while days can be extremely hot. People must have adequate supplies including warm clothes, sunscreen, food and …to cope with these conditions (125 words)

2 ماه قبل

Some people argue that the teenage years are the happiest period of life. Teenagers often have much fewer responsibilities compared to adults which can lead to a greater sense of freedom. Most adolescents are relieved from some of the difficulties that adults face; such as financial pressures, career concerns, and the responsibilities of family life. This factor allows teenagers to focus on their schoolworks and personal interests rather than complexities and challenges of adult life which can result in a more carefree lifestyle and their overall happiness. For instance, in my country the teenagers are mostly expected to study their school subjects without being worried about financial matters or other pressures. This can make the teenage years more enjoyable to many. (121 words)

Other people believe that adulthood brings greater happiness despite its challenges. As an adult, people typically gain more independence and autonomy to make their own decisions regarding relationships, careers, and personal goals. In other words, adults can shape their lives according to their preferences which can provide a deep sense of satisfaction and happiness to them. For example, a study found that 70% of adults report higher life satisfaction when they feel they have control over their lives which fosters the sense of independence. The freedom and ability to achieve their personal goals without any restrictions can lead to a more profound sense of joy. In many cases this can enhance their overall happiness. (116 words)

پاسخ به  Simadaraie
1 ماه قبل

سپاسگزارم 🙏

2 ماه قبل

Writing: happiness in teenage years vs. adulthood
Having a permanent career which is rewarding and well-paid plays a key role in feeling joy for many adults as people with a source of secure income can make decisions independently and bring their families economic prosperity and welfare. Job security can provide employees with psychological security due to financial ability and improve mental health which is a significant factor in feeling cheerfulness. Individuals act differently in pursuit of happiness. Some take satisfaction from spending savings on their favourite aspects of life, for instance, providing amenities like luxury houses, going on different trips, forming a family, backing family members or providing them with private education. Living such a satisfactory life can give them a growing sense of pleasure. (118 words)
Teenagers have more free time owing to bearing fewer responsibilities in this stage. They are mainly financed by their parents or do a part-time job. The main activity that is expected of them to do is studying their lessons. Therefore, they have liberty and a great chance to explore their preferred disciplines considering their talents. Consequently, they may feel a deep sense of enjoyment. For example, teenagers in my country have great opportunities to satisfy their curiosity about experiencing diverse fields of interest such as a sport or scientific discipline or a field of art as the key to success in future life. Hence, discovering and developing their talents and meeting their expectations can lead to real contentment for them. (120 words)

2 ماه قبل



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