
دوره فشرده آیلتس شهریورماه 1403


یک دوره نیمه خصوصی فشرده یا پشتیبانی قوی و تدریس دقیق تمامی مباحث آیلتس و برنامه ریزی روشن جلسه به جلسه با کارنامه های پرشمار موفقیت زبان آموزان سختکوش دوره های قبل از سال 1390 تا 1403

قیمت اصلی 7.000.000 تومان بود.قیمت فعلی 6.000.000 تومان است.


دعوت از زبان آموزان سختکوش برای شرکت در دوره نیمه خصوصی آیلتس شهریورماه 1403 مهندس ابوالقاسمی

🔴 کلاس 6 نفره آیلتس مردادماه 1403 برای روزهای شنبه و 3 شنبه ساعت 8 تا 9.30 شب رو در حال ثبت نام هستیم.


✍️ این دوره از سطح نمره 5.5 تا 6 آیلتس شروع میشه و شما رو تا سطح 6.5 تا 7.5 آیلتس می‌رسونه. اگر به تازگی در دوره یا آزمونی شرکت نداشتید با لینک تعیین سطح می‌تونید سطح رو مشخص کنید و نتیجه رو برای پشتیبانی بفرستید.

✅ کلاس آنلاین ویدیویی در اسکایپ هست و هر 4 مهارت آیلتس (رایتینگ، اسپیکینگ، ریدینگ و لیسنینگ) لغت و گرامر رو شامل میشه.

✅ تمامی تکالیف در تلگرام و همین صفحه از سایت در تایم خارج از کلاس تصحیح میشه.

✅ حرفه ای ترین پشتیبانی رو در تلگرام و در ارتباط مستقیم و پیوسته با استاد دارید.

📝 دست کم 12  تصحیح کامل رایتینگ کاملا منطبق با فرمت رایتینگ‌های آیلتس و فیدبک بر روی صد فایل صوتی ارسالی بخش اسپیکینگ وجود داره.

🎯 اصول تمامی 4 مهارت آیلتس و صفر تا صد نکته‌ها به صورت دقیق در همین دوره کاور میشه.

📆 دوره به مدت 3 ماه در 24 جلسه 1.5 ساعته ادامه داره.

👨🏻‍🏫 مدرس این دوره مهندس ابوالقاسمی با نمره 8 آیلتس آکادمیک و بیش از 15 هزار ساعت تجربه تدریس هستند. (بررسی رزومه و مدارک) (نمونه تدریس)

🚀 آغاز این دوره روز شنبه 3 شهریورماه 1403 هست.


✅ امکان پرداخت شهریه در 2 بخش وجود دارد. 

✅ همچنین شهریه بدون دریافت فیدبک اسپیکینگ و رایتینگ نیم بها خواهد بود. 

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نام مدرس

مهندس ابوالقاسمی

تعداد جلسات

24 جلسه

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1.5 ساعت

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Bahareh Najafi
Bahareh Najafi
7 ساعت قبل


In one hand, teenage years are happy due to different reasons. First and foremost, happiness comes mainly from the low degree of responsibilities for them. Admittedly, they have only few things to be concerned about besides that most of them are so ambitious and motivated. For instance, juveniles can spend their free time with their peers and create pleasant and unforgettable moment.

On the other hand, adults can do what they are keen on without any limitations. As a salient example, if they have financial adequence and their own family, it’s undeniable that they can enjoy their lives. It’ s beyond doubt that, they we can see them happy if they be satisfacte by their attempting during their lives for futeure and spend their leisure time with family and friends. Thus, with more freedom to dictate their own lives, they also find more happiness.

18 ساعت قبل
  1. Teenage years are full of energy so have a big portion of happy times in most people’s lives. As they have less responsibility in the period of teenage, besides less close relationships with their parents and distant family, teenagers are free to enjoy their time. From the age of 18-22, youngsters used to be with their friends to have a happy time, go surfing, and laugh together. So makes this part of their lives the best one. For example, in my city Bojnurd, the majority of youngsters work on their own so have free time to spend with their friends, go on a trip for 5-7 days in a forest or somewhere near our city. While they are not married and have responsibilities, prefer to have a fun and happy time with friends. All in all, teenagers have much more fantastic times.(142)
  2. Having an enjoyable time with family is the key point for adults in their life. Adults as their responsibilities in daily life, should work hours in a day and also struggling with many challenges besides difficulties. So they come back home in the evenings to relax and have a relaxing time. For this reason, adults prefer to have a happy time with family, especially wife and husband to reduce their daily pressure to get ready for the next day. For instance, in Tehran, the capital city of IRAN, people used to work from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. After they got home in a rush traffic, their happy time started. Usually, they have a meeting at home or a restaurant, moreover, maybe tell jokes and laugh together. All in all, adult time has more attractive and happy time in all life.(141)

afra kalahdoozian
afra kalahdoozian
1 روز قبل

In my point of view, being a teenager means having less social responsibilities. In other word, a teenager does not confront with serious problems such as payments, bills, work challenges, and family management. They have their own spare time and they can hang out with friends without being worry about anything at home. Although, in this period, they face with emotional and physical changes that may cause isolation and depression, but they are cheerful. For instance, there was a survey conducted among high school students in my hometown, which was about teenage life satisfaction, all the students were almost happy and free of anxiety and they only concern was about their studies. (112)

Conversely, adulthood presents a new prospect of life. An adult usually faces with a vast variety of both challenging and interesting occurrences. Independency is the most important achievement of becoming an adult that affects many aspects of our lives ranging from finding an appropriate job and earning money, having the chance of choosing their own life path and maintenance serious relationships. However, there is no doubt that it is a complicated phase. For example in my country when you become an adult, you can choose your work field and job career, this opportunity elevates their life satisfaction and as a result leads them to be happy. (106)

1 روز قبل

تصحیح رایتینگ

The teenage years are happiest time of people’s life because of the support of family. Teenagers receive family emotional and financial support because adults believe that teenagers need to get older to gain the experience that are necessary for independence. That allows teenagers to be happier than adults because they do not worry about necessities, their families typically provide their necessities. For instance, in my country, people are careful about teenagers’ life. They spent a lot of money for teenagers’ academic studies to have better future. They support teenagers by providing everything they need to have better education. Teenagers have happy time because they are not required to provide necessities by themselves. (112 words)

The adult years are happiest time of people’s life because they have jobs. Many adults choose to work because they can have an income by working, that allows them to be happy because they can have a better life by having income and that is pleasurable. They can spend money on a variety of enjoyable activities that make them feel happy. For instance, in my country, many employees allocate a portion of their salary for travel because that provides them pleasurable experiences. In other words, people can pay for a range of enjoyable activities when they have sufficient money and job makes it possible.(104 words)

Ali Najafi
Ali Najafi
3 روز قبل

The teenagers are very hopeful for future. They usually consider positive aspects of life and imagine their future full of the best adventures. Beside they enjoy of life at the moment without any concerns about future problems, they try to spend more time with their friends and have pleasure of recreational activities. They usually don’t have irreparable failure in life, hence they are happiness. For instance, in my country in the most of time they aren’t responsible for other members of family. When they are suggested something as amusement, is accepted by them without any consideration and they don’t worry about anything. It looks like they were born just to have fun and have an optimistic attitude in the future. (119 words).

Adult have sense of independence more and more. They can either decide for life’s issues themselves or can consult with others, so in both of these situations they feel free. All of their selections in deference aspect of life like job, lifestyle, city for living and other things are performed with their will, thus, it means they have a kind of freedom. For instance, in our culture in my country we have same experience when we talk about the results of our actions in life with others people, that does not matter whether they are positive or negative but authority of act is crucial. Our parents regardless of all challenges are happiness and role model for us. (117 words)

In my attitude each period of life has significant advantages and we had better to find them and live according to these reasons for have sense of happiness and improve our characteristics.

4 روز قبل

Writing 3rd session

Adults often have a limited possible chance of happiness because most adults spend a significant port of their lives at work. Most people when getting older, they must have a job to provide their necessities. A main part of people’s life in adult years spend at work. This can lead to feel exhausted and unhappy because they think they sacrifice a part of their lives. For example, in my country, people in Tehran wake up early in the morning to go to work and back home in the evening. They spend many hours at work which frequently make them feel tired and unhappy. (103 words)

The teenage years are happiest time of people’s life because of the support of family. Teenagers receive family emotionally and financial support because adults believe that teenagers need to get older to gain the experience that are necessary for independence. That allows teenagers to be happier than adults because they do not worry about necessities, their families typically provide their necessities. For instance, in my country, people careful about teenagers’ life. They spent a lot of money for teenagers’ academic studies to have better future. They support teenagers by providing everything they need to have better education. Teenager have happy time because they are not required to provide necessities by themselves. (111 words)

Ali Najafi
Ali Najafi
6 روز قبل

The teenagers are very hopeful for future . they usually consider positive aspects of life and imagine their future full of the best adventures . Beside they enjoy of life at the moment without any concerns about future problems ,they try to spend more time with their friends and have pleasure of recreational activities . For instance , in my country teenagers that they are studding in high school , try to plan motivated to achieve top ranks at university . They decide to have high level qualification without any doubt . They do not observe any obstacle on their way why is that they have an optimistic attitude in the future .(105 words)

Ali Najafi
Ali Najafi
7 روز قبل

There are a lot of job opportunities in a big city. Many companies and industries develop many projects in big cities why is that they needs lots of employees to handle their activities so they provide the range of variety jobs . Individuals can get a proper job , compatible with their qualifications and have a more salary it can be prepare better

circumstance .(62 WORDS) For instant , in Tehran where is the biggest town and capital of Iran too , the large number of online taxis come from another small town and when they are asked about reason they express that job opportunities are very available in Tehran and working there is affordable and they can have more income at the special time.(57 words)

Living in small cities have many benefits like clean air . Generally pollution in these cities is the range of low level and people enjoy clear sky and environment without any noise . they usually calm and relax and have a sense of beautiful emotion . they can use of organic production that is produced of clean water and soil. (57 words) For example , in our country Iran when doctors visit their lung and heart patients advice them to move small town where have a clean air until they can go walking without any concerns about breathing polluted air . Even the doctors believe that living in clear environment is effective more than drugs .(51 words)

Ali Najafi
Ali Najafi
پاسخ به  مهندس ابوالقاسمی
7 روز قبل

چشم حتما ممنون از شما

afra kalahdoozian
afra kalahdoozian
8 روز قبل

In one hand, there are uncountable advantages of living in big cities but the important one is the vast variety of job opportunities. Big cities with their urgent requirement to hire labor forces in different levels of education and experiments have provided job positions for everyone, Also the number of factories, governmental and private sectors, banks and hospitals are extremely huge, so any job seekers can find an appropriate position. In addition, the salary is incomparable with its same situation in small cities. As an example: Tehran is the capital city of our country where contained almost 50% of factories, industrial parks and infrastructures industries that provide distinct positions and occupations.

On the other hand, living in small cities accompanies the plot of healthy life. The life that does not contain air and environmental pollution. also everyone has access to the consumption of organic food and drinks. There is no serious traffic issues so transportation is smooth. The relation between people is quiet friendly and the family radical is strong due to their beliefs. For example: my hometown Bojnourd , is a small city located in north east of Iran where there is no skyscrapers around and every house has its own backyard and the town is surrounded by paddy fields and vineyards. The life is peaceful and we have access to the organic source of vegetables, meet, diary and nuts.

8 روز قبل

Some people prefer to live in a big city. Others think it is better to live in a small town.
Discuss both views.

Big cities have a lots of attractions which the main one is job oppotunities. As a lot of small and big companies usually gather in big cities, more job capacity is provided in these cities. These job opportuinities needed professional engineers, academic researchers, ordinary workers, etc which all of them would probably reason of big city,s attraction leads to choose big cities for living. For example in TEHRAN, capital city of my contry, IRAN, there are central of tele-commucations operators like Irancell. Many computer students from all around unversities are keen on work in Irancell Company. So whenever they gratuade from university, choose big city of Tehran for living and work. All in all, variety of job opportunities absorb people to live in big cities.

On the other hand, there are some one who prefer to live in a small town which the main reason may be mental and physical health. As in small towns there are fewer vehicles, the air pollution in much lower than big and crowded cities. Non-polution or low amount of it, certainly lead to physical and mental health which have a tight relation with living in small cities. For example in my city Bojnurd, central city of North Khorasan province, which is a small city in parallel with Tehran, we have only 20-25 days of polutet air (This amount in tehran is about 125 to 150 days in a year!). So physical problems which caused by pollution is much lower in small cities.

8 روز قبل

Writing 1st session

Living in big cites is better than small towns because big cities have more job opportunities. There are many companies in big cities which owners spend more money. That allows people to have more options to choose a job because these companies may have more customers in big cities, they need to employ more employees. For example, in my country, many people move from small towns to Tehran. They prefer to live in Tehran because they think there are enormous job opportunities. That helps people to find a job quickly. Most companies and owners prefer to start their business in big cities like Tehran to have more customers.(108 words)

Some people prefer to live in small towns because air pollution in big cities has a negative effect on human’s body. The number of vehicles and factories in small towns is fewer than in big cities. In other words, the amount of fumes that cause air pollution decreases significantly. Fumes contain various gases which damage human’s body. For instance, in my country, many people move from Tehran to small towns because Tehran has air pollution and that causing health risks. They believe air pollution can increase the risk of developing lung diseases. Living in small towns can be healthier big cities.(101words)

9 روز قبل

Essential words unit1

1. Living in big cities has several negative aspects, for example air pollution.

2. Some students are fascinated by studying abroad.

3. High consumption of fossil fuels gradually increase air pollution.

4. It is imperative to replace fossil fuel energy with renewable energy sources to reduce air pollution.

5. Living in small towns is better because big cities have air pollution that impact on human’s body.

9 روز قبل

oxford word skill – lesson 1
Foreign: My wife and I will travel to a foreign country next month. While we will be there, we are foreigner.
Basic: The basic rule of this job is to be patient. However, other colleagues believe that you should be professional basically.
Recognize: They recognized the process of factory is more complicated to understand easily.
Go through something: When we faced with a foreign vocabulary, first of all we go through a dictionary, look up for definition an examples.

9 روز قبل

Oxford word skill lesson2
Aware: a group of scientists are aware of smell of some poison in the air.
Obvious: It is obvious that the average of world’s temperature is rising up in recent decade.
Encourage: It is great full to encourage disability people for their motivation.
Effectively: Our IELTS band will improve effectively by joining to IELTS2 online courses.
Express: whenever we are in a bad situation, usually express our feeling by shout.
Motivated: Among my motivated colleagues , those who motivate others are placed in high level of progress.
Keen: Scientists keen to discover new planets. In another way they are keen on exploring in the Cosmos.

9 روز قبل

Common mistakes in grammar

1. Many people these days think of living in big cities because they have a low income in small towns.
2. Vehicles produce fumes in big cities which have a negative effect on human’s body.
3. Some people prefer to live in big cities because they can enjoy more facilities.
4. Students can learn better by studying abroad.
5. In small towns, people can transport easily without spending time in traffic.

9 روز قبل

Collocation “income”

1. Some people prefer to live in big cities because they have a low income in small towns.
2. Some people prefer to have a fixed income.
3. People can have higher incomes in big cities.
4. The average income in big cities is higher than small towns.
5. People can increase their income by living in big cities.

9 روز قبل

Collocation “environment”

1. Human’s activities such as the high consumption of fossil fuels, can pollute the natural environment.

2. The government should encourage people to use renewable energy instead of fossil fuels to protect the environment.

3. High consumption of fossil fuels in big cities can impact on the environment.

4. The government should find an alternative energy because fossil fuels are bad for the environment.

5. Using renewable energy will not harm the environment.

16 روز قبل

Oxford Skills Words unit17

1. People who consume fast food excessively, put on weight gradually.

2. People should cut down on amount of fast food because it’s harmful .

3. Living in big cities with air pollution is unhealthier than living in small towns.

4. Fast food contains certain ingredients that can increase blood pressure levels.

5. French fries, contain higher levels of fat, which can increase blood cholesterol levels.

16 روز قبل

Select reading per-intermediate unit1

1. Consuming fast food excessively has harmful side effects for people.

2. Some people prefer to live in small towns to reduce mental stress.

3. In traditional universities, students can do experiment about a subject in laboratory.

4. Some people prefer to move from one company to another one because they have trouble working in their previous workplace.

5. Researchers believe that air pollution can be reduced if governments invest in renewable energy.

25 روز قبل

  It is widely believed that the principal goal of science is enhancing the quality of life for those living all around the world. I am in complete agreement with this attitude as science can improve individual’s health and provide food security for them. (43 words)

  To begin with, science has a significant impact on people’s health. There have been major advances in medical devices and procedures which can reduce the consequences of life threatening diseases on human life owing to the fact that people living in various regions have access to modern medical technologies and it helps them to address health challenges efficiently. For instance, cancer is an incurable and debilitating disease. In my hometown we have state of the art medical instruments which offer a precious opportunity to diagnose cancer in early stages and treat it effectively. Therefore, people often experience the least complications and restore their health again. (105 words)

  In addition, science can play a vitally important role in offering food security for the people. In fact, advanced science enabled individuals, especially farmers to produce significantly more products because they have an opportunity to use modern agricultural equipments which can result in increasing agricultural output and improve the stability of the food supply. For example, farmers who live in Urmia tend to use the latest mechanical equipments to irrigate wheat fields. By use of these facilities, they can increase their productivity as wheat is sensitive to the amount of water it receives and these devices can control irrigation, more crops are produced. So it can provide enough food for the population. (112 words)

  In conclusion, improving the lives of people is a major and crucial purpose of science. I totally agree with this idea due to its significant impact on human health and sustainable food supply in the world. (36 words)

25 روز قبل

    Given is a diagram illustrating the process by which ethanol is manufactured.

  Overall, the process of producing a biofuel which is called ethanol involves eight main steps commencing with absorbing energy by plants and trees and ending with emitting carbon dioxide by various vehicles. It is also notable that this process is a mixture of natural and mechanical phases.

  In the first stage, trees and other plants receive energy which involves sunlight and carbon dioxide and are essential for their growth. Consequently, fully grown trees and plants are harvested by especial equipment. After pre-processing phase which turns raw materials into cellulose, processing step starts and in this step cellulose is converted into sugar molecules by use of different chemicals in major laboratories.

  At this point, sugars undergo a biological process and microbes are added in order to break down sugars and produce ethanol. Finally, the ethanol is used to power different vehicles like car, truck and plane and they burn ethanol and release carbon dioxide as a waste into the atmosphere and then the cycle starts again.

)177 words)


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