
It is a commonly held belief that death penalty good deterrent

It is a commonly held belief that the death penalty is a good deterrent

IELTS Band 9 Essay About it is a commonly held belief that the death penalty is a good deterrent

Here we take a look at a band 9 ielts writing task 2 sample about “It is a commonly held belief that the death penalty is a good deterrent”. This sample then will be further analyzed for its vocabulary, grammar and format, so we see how it has qualified for such band score. We also suggest over 200 band 9 IELTS samples released in 2025.

Sample Answer (Band 9)

It is a commonly held belief that the death penalty is a good deterrent to prevent heinous crimes. However, others believe that life long sentence is a better deterrent.

Discuss both views with opinion.

The debate surrounding capital punishment as a deterrent for heinous crimes remains a contentious issue. While some argue that the severity of the death penalty serves as an effective deterrent, others believe that a life sentence is a more ethical and equally powerful alternative. This essay will examine both perspectives before presenting a reasoned opinion.

On one hand, proponents of the death penalty contend that it delivers the ultimate punishment, thereby instilling fear in potential criminals. The principle of retribution suggests that individuals who commit grave offenses, such as murder or terrorism, deserve the harshest penalty. Furthermore, many believe that executing criminals permanently removes the threat they pose to society, ensuring justice for victims and their families. Additionally, some research suggests that nations with capital punishment experience lower rates of violent crime, indicating its deterrent effect.

On the other hand, opponents of the death penalty argue that it is not only ethically questionable but also fails as a superior deterrent compared to life imprisonment. Studies indicate that the possibility of wrongful convictions makes capital punishment an irreversible and often unjust practice. Moreover, the prolonged nature of a life sentence, which forces criminals to endure the consequences of their actions over decades, can act as a stronger psychological deterrent than immediate execution. From a financial perspective, maintaining a death row inmate, due to lengthy legal proceedings and appeals, is often more costly than life imprisonment. Furthermore, the death penalty does not necessarily address the root causes of crime, such as poverty, lack of education, or mental health issues.

In my opinion, life imprisonment is a more appropriate and effective deterrent than capital punishment. While the death penalty may provide a sense of justice, it does not allow for rehabilitation or the possibility of overturning wrongful convictions. A lifelong sentence ensures that criminals are held accountable without violating ethical standards or risking judicial errors. Therefore, a justice system that prioritizes life sentences over capital punishment is more humane and socially responsible.

سمپل رایتینگ آیلتس

Academic Vocabulary in the sample for death penalty is a good deterrent

  1. Severity (/sɪˈvɛr.ɪ.ti/) – The government increased the severity of punishments to reduce crime rates.
  2. Retribution (/ˌrɛtrɪˈbjuː.ʃən/) – Many people believe that severe crimes require retribution rather than rehabilitation.
  3. Justice (/ˈdʒʌs.tɪs/) – The legal system should aim to balance justice with fairness.
  4. Deterrent (/dɪˈtɛr.ənt/) – The presence of security cameras acts as a deterrent to potential burglars.
  5. Irreversible (/ˌɪr.ɪˈvɜː.sə.bəl/) – Climate change has caused irreversible damage to some ecosystems.

Advanced Grammar Structures

  1. Complex Sentences – “While the death penalty may provide a sense of justice, it does not allow for rehabilitation or the possibility of overturning wrongful convictions.” (Combining multiple ideas smoothly)
  2. Passive Voice – “Some research suggests that nations with capital punishment experience lower rates of violent crime, indicating its deterrent effect.” (To maintain a formal tone)
  3. Parallel Structure – “A lifelong sentence ensures that criminals are held accountable without violating ethical standards or risking judicial errors.” (Balanced sentence structure for clarity)
  4. Relative Clauses – “Moreover, the prolonged nature of a life sentence, which forces criminals to endure the consequences of their actions over decades, can act as a stronger psychological deterrent than immediate execution.” (Providing additional information concisely)
  5. Conditional Sentences – “If the goal is to deter crime while upholding human rights, life imprisonment is a more ethical solution.” (Expressing hypothetical situations)


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