
سوال و جواب اسپیکینگ آیلتس کمبریج آیلتس 17 تست 3

سوال و جواب اسپیکینگ آیلتس کمبریج آیلتس 17 تست 3
سوال و جواب اسپیکینگ آیلتس کمبریج آیلتس 17 تست 3

سوال و جواب اسپیکینگ آیلتس کمبریج آیلتس 17 تست 3

هر 4 آزمون اسپیکینگ کمبریج آیلتس 17 هم به صورت صوتی و هم به صورت متنی در سایت ielts2.com پاسخدهی و به صورت رایگان در دسترس عزیزان قرار داده شده است. در این صفحه پاسخ های متنی تست سوم این کتاب را مشاهده میفرمایید. تمامی این پاسخ ها توسط مهندس ابوالقاسمی، مدرس آیلتس با نمره 8.5 اسپیکینگ آیلتس در آزمون رسمی و 15 هزار ساعت تجربه تدریس تنظیم شده است. برای دانلود  دوره های آموزشی رایگان اسپیکینگ آیلتس از این صفحه  و برای کلاس های اسپیکینگ استاد زهرا امیدی از مدرسان برجسته اسپیکینگ آیلتس از این صفحه بازدید بفرمایید.

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سوالات اسپیکینگ آیلتس کمبریج آیلتس جلد 17، تست 3

سوال و جواب اسپیکینگ آیلتس کمبریج آیلتس 17 تست 3
سوال و جواب اسپیکینگ آیلتس کمبریج آیلتس 17 تست 3


✅ PART 1

The examiner asks you about yourself, your home, work or studies and other familiar topics.

• What do you like to drink with your dinner? (Why?)

Oh! to be honest I don’t drink anything when I have dinner or lunch. When the meal is finished, I may have some water. just half a cup, maybe. I’ve heard that it is not healthy to drink with your food so I try to keep it to the minimum. 


• Do you drink a lot of water every day? (Why/Why not?)

I do. I think I drink far more than an average person in my country. I can’t help it because I feel thirsty a lot, so I drink a lot of water everyday. I can say I drink 4 to 5 bottle of water each day because tap water tastes funny where I live. Most people I believe drink half that amount. 


• Do you prefer drinking tea or coffee? (Why?)

I drink both and I am a big fan of a type of brewed coffee called “French coffee” in my country. I am a fan of both back and green tea as well. I drink two cups of coffee and twice as much green and black tea. I really enjoy my breaks with those beverages. 


• If people visit you in your home, what do you usually offer them to drink? (Why/Why not?)

I ask them what they like I guess but beverages such as coffee, tea and coke would be available should they be interested. I think people have different tastes and welcome of avoid different think for so many reasons and I try to respect that, especially when a guest is concerned. 


✅ PART 2

• Describe a monument (e.g., a statue or sculpture) that you like. You should say:

what this monument is

where this monument is

what it looks like

and explain why you like this monument.

Well, I am going to talk about a sculpture of a great mastermind, a philosopher, a mathematician and a poet who lived exactly a thousand years ago in present day Iran. The sculpture is located in a rather unusual location, which is in a large restaurant on a road about 10 Kilometers off the city of Sari, in north of Iran on a road to the sea. This restaurant is make like a small museum and many statues of old Persian poets and philosophers can be seen there. There are also a rather large hall containing many old objects from this region which shows the history and culture of people who used to live there at about 100 years ago. 

The sculpture of Khayyam is actually a bust, which only shows the head and the upper part of the body with a short script about his achievements and influence over the history. I guess the figure is only imaginary since no one really know how he actually looked like since sculptures were forbidden due to religious reasons of the time. But it still is impressive enough and I believe it is crafted so artistically can it leaves an impression that it supposed to. 

I should say the first time I saw it I was impressed by the mindset of the owner of that large restaurant for including all those sculptures and it was a moment of awe and appreciation for both having such citizens today and such great figures in the past. The present day Persian calendar which is one of the most accurate ones is the work of Khayyam and I also had read some of his poems long before when I was about 17 years of age. There is so much to think about when you look at such a long time in the past and see the ideas or even names have survived it. I believe this is such a source of inspiration for everyone regardless of the race or religion. 


✅ PART 3

Discussion topics:

• What kinds of monuments do tourists in your country enjoy visiting?

I am not really sure about specifics and their itinerary but I know tourists in my country are fascinated by both the present culture and its expression in all sorts of artifacts and the long history and the glorious past of this ancient land, so I can imagine the museums of art and some palaces that has turned into museums would be very interesting for them. The museum of coin and national jewelry plus the ones that related to carpet and glassware must be a fantastic experience to those who are inspired by such things.  


• Why do you think there are often statues of famous people in public places?

Well, I can think of two main reasons. First first one is the fact that every country wants to have heroes and those famous people serve this purpose. I mean there are poets, scientists, politicians and national builders that usually a large number of people take pride of having them in their history. The second reason is that they are good role models for everyone especially for younger generations. The system wants us to think about them and ask about them, so their ideas or their efforts will last longer. 


• Do you agree that old monuments and buildings should always be preserved?

I personally really enjoy watching old buildings and thinking about their good days far into the future. I think it somehow puts my life in perspective and reminds me that the current situation is only a fraction of second in the history, so I may need to focus on some more important goals and do more meaningful things since the time I have, no matter short is a precious gift and I should use it in the most honorable and meaningful way. So, going back to the question, I think they are worth preserving if they can make enough number of people think the way they make me think. 


• Why is architecture such a popular university subject?

Well, popular university subjects have one thing in common and that is a great potential for making money in the future and architecture I believe provides this possibility. Since real estate is such a great investment almost for everyone these days, no matter what you build, there is a market for that and paying customers. Rarely you find such potential elsewhere. And of course there are people who look at this field as a sort of art and try to find a way to express the culture and necessities of our time in it. Things such as maximum benefit from solar energy or how to design in order to minimize the need for artificial ventilation in the building and so on. I think this is as least explain it to some extent.  


• In what ways has the design of homes changed in recent years?

In my country new homes tend to be smaller but more flashy and showy. I think they try to use the best materials they can to project the image of excellency and wealth in the viewer but the real reason is to maximize the profit. The kitchen and bathrooms are totally different now compare to a couple of decades earlier and kitchen receives a lot of light and is not isolated from the rest of the house as it used to be. There are more bathrooms for the guests and other rooms. I believe air conditioning systems are central now and a few other adjustments in design. 


• To what extent does the design of buildings affect people’s moods?

I believe everything in the building can influence your mood and even your confidence. Old homes with old designs reinforces the feeling of belonging to older generations and somehow separated from mainstream society, while new ones with the latest design, colors and even exterior and façade, send a subliminal message that you are successful and in control and people are bound to appreciate it. Funny thing to me is that like the new books you find in bookstores or the latest fashionable clothes, buildings are also a carbon copy of the latest designs and product of the west, and to my opinion irrelevant to the culture and mood of Iranian people. It is rather unusual to me how people are receptive to all these “new” developments and never question them let alone attempting to influence it whatsoever. 


خریداری 1000 سمپل صوتی اسپیکینگ آیلتس


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