
اسپیکینگ آیلتس کمبریج 17 تست 4

اسپیکینگ آیلتس کمبریج 17 تست 4
اسپیکینگ آیلتس کمبریج 17 تست 4

اسپیکینگ آیلتس کمبریج 17 تست 4

در این صفحه تست اسپیکینگ تست چهارم و پایانی کتاب معتبر کمبریج آیلتس 17 آورده شده و برای تک تک سوالات پاسخ های متنی مناسب در سطح نمره 8 و بالاتر ارایه شده است. این پاسخ ها همراه با پاسخ های صوتی رکورد شده توسط مهندس ابوالقاسمی با نمره 8.5 اسپیکینگ در آزمون رسمی آیلتس برای دانلود رایگان و خریداری یکجا در دسترس هستند. تست های قبلی همین کتاب را در لینک های زیر میتوانید دسترسی داشته باشید: 
تست 1 / تست 2 / تست 3 / تست 4


سوالات اسپیکینگ آیلتس کمبریج آیلتس جلد 17، تست 4



• Do you think it’s better to use a paper map or a map on your phone? [Why?]

To me I guess it doesn’t make any difference. You can put your finger on an actual paper map and get a sense of reality and imagine it better, but on your phone you can enjoy all the fancy options ranging from suggestions for the best routes to an real-time display of your exact location. So it is hard to choose really. 


• When was the last time you needed to use a map? [Why? / Why Not?]

I believe it was a few months back when I decided a different route from Tehran to Sari, I chose a rather longer road. The one we used to take when I was a child. It brought back a lot of memories and I enjoyed it but in one of the small towns not far from destination I made a poor judgement call and made a wrong turn. Then I wandered for a couple of minutes and I really needed a map since it was late and there was no one to ask for direction. 


• If you visit a new city, do you always use a map to find your way around? (Why/Why not?]

I don’t think so and I don’t can’t think of a reason to justify it. I think this is something like you see in a movie that a guy looks at a map and orient himself but in real life I never saw it. The standard way of it, though, it to ask for direction, which is what I do when I am in a new place. Never a map! 


• In general, do you find it easy to read maps? [Why? / Why Not?]

Not at all because I have no idea how big I should imagine things and there is so much in reality that is not even on a map like how big buildings and structures are or of what color. Sometimes, there are changes that are not included or there are streets that are only one-way and it is hard to check things like this on a map. Like I said, maps won’t work for me. I just ask around every step of the way. 


✅  PART 2

• Describe an occasion when you had to do something in a hurry. You should say:

• what you had to do
• why you had to do this in a hurry
• how well you did this and explain how you felt about having to do this in a hurry.

I am going to explain a situation in which I was in a hurry to do something. To be honest it was a very important thing to do at that time and I was racing against the clock to get it done. 

It was in 2009 if I am not mistakes and after 2 years of studying hard and successfully defending my thesis in master’s level in Sweden, I was on my way back home. I had planned it weeks before my departure since I had a lot of time. All train and plane tickets were booked far in advanced and I the paperwork for the flat I rented was properly taken care of. The only problem was a tiny miscalculation and it was the distance between my home and the train station. I though it would take about half an hour on foot and I wanted to enjoy the scenery for the last time circling a beautiful lake like I had done a thousand time before.

Unfortunately, in the middle of the way I realized that my luggage was too heavy and it was impossible to move fast enough to get there in 30 minutes. I tried to abandon everything unnecessary but most of it was very important to me. I called a friend who was waiting for me in the station to somehow stop the train or find me a taxi but all our efforts failed since taxis needed to be booked a day prior to the time of departure and I actually did not know the roads and streets around the lake by their Swedish names. So I was in a state of shock after so much stress and anxiety because by missing the train I was going to missed an international and expensive flight from another city back to my country and it would be a real tragedy for me. 

So this unpleasant experience of being in a rush and hurry for hours that day due to a little underestimation of time and distance became an unforgettable tragedy for me for years to think about.  


Discussion topics:


• Do you think it’s OK to arrive late when meeting a friend?

I don’t think arriving late is ever justified. It is rude and disrespectful and should be avoided as much as possible. Unless there is a good reason to be late, I believe we need to be punctual at all times since being late implies that the person we are meeting is not important for us and we do not prioritize them. 


• What should happen to people who arrive late for work?

I believe there should be some sort of penalty or compensation for them. Being punctual and showing up on time is even very important in formal settings and it impacts not only our performance at work but also our colleagues and whoever we interact with. I believe all employees should be made aware of this point. 


• Can you suggest how people can make sure they don’t arrive late?

It is not that hard to keep yourself informed and reminded of an important time ahead. There are all sorts of reminders and alarms on out cellphones and other electronic gadgets. Also people can purchase some traditional alarm watch and set at home. These are extremely reliable. Finally you can ask a good friend or your partner to who is punctual to remind you of an important time. Another consideration is taking into account the traffic and some other unpredictable events, so arriving in time is assured. 


• Is it better to study for long periods or in shorter blocks of time?

I am certain that for most people it works much more effectively if we have short breaks every half an hour or so. I have read somewhere that our attention and understanding of what we read and comprehend diminished quite rapidly as the time passes, so we need to have short intervals to get it back to a maximum. A tea break or even a quick walk out of room would be sufficient for that I suppose. 


• What are the likely effects of students not managing their study time well?

When we do not plan our study time wisely or we cannot perform as we have planned, we feel frustrated because of both feeling exhausted and the fact that we learn very little if any. Students find themselves distracted easily and fall behind schedule and feel even more anxious because of that. I think these are the most common effects that most students are quite familiar with. 


• How important is it for students to have enough leisure time?

I am convinced that it is critical but unfortunately in some cultures it is quite often ignored and a good student is pictured as one without a respite from incessant studying, which is a quite damaging practice if you ask me. Leisure time especially if it is adjusted appropriately in a timely manner can maximize student’s learning and performance, which is the most important goal. I believe among the success stories of all students you can see the signs of such activities to relax and unwind. 


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