
هوش مصنوعی برای تصحیح رایتینگ آیلتس

هوش مصنوعی برای ویرایش و تعیین نمره رایتینگ آیلتس

در پست‌های جداگانه درباره استفاده از هوش مصنوعی و تعیین سطح اسپیکینگ آیلتس و نوشتن نمونه رایتینگ های آیلتس در سطح نمره 8 صحبت کردیم. اما عزیزان زیادی درباره استفاده از هوش مصنوعی برای تصحیح و نمره دهی رایتینگ آیلتس از ما پرسش داشتند؛ کوشش میکنیم از تجریباتی که دیگران در این زمینه داشتند کوتاه صحبت کنیم و هم منابعی اینچنینی را به شما معرفی کنیم.

آموزش ویدیویی تصحیح رایتینگ آیلتس با هوش مصنوعی


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دستور ارسال شده به ربات هوش مصنوعی برای تصحیح رایتینگ نوشته شده توسط یکی از زبان آموزان و تعیین نمره:

رایتینگ آیلتس آکادمیک تست اول کمبریج آیلتس 19
رایتینگ آیلتس آکادمیک تست اول کمبریج آیلتس 19

Specify my grammatical and vocabulary mistakes in the following IELTS Essay and give me the score based on the criteria in this exam.

Question is:

Some people think that competition at work, at school and in daily life is a good thing. Others believe that we should try to cooperate more. rather than competing against each other.

Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

My answer:

Some argue that putting workers or school students in a competitive environment is a positive approach as it encourages them to do their best, while others feel collaboration is more effective by creating a friendly atmosphere in which individuals can learn from each others. I think cooperation is more beneficial in flourishing human’s skills and improving their productivities.

Competition has been one of the significant instruments that encourage humans to do better and better to show their abilities in various environments such as workplaces or schools.In fact, competition pushes people to do their duties better to be one step ahead of their counterparts which ultimately brings good results for themselves and their companies. Besides, for children, it is the best tool to highly motivate them to study their lessons in a healthy environment. For example, my teachers always tried to provide a competitive environment in our class which led to students have a strong desire to study harder than their classmates to achieve better grades especially those who were weaker.

However, it is necessary to consider that collaboration is another important factor which helps individuals to face different challenges in their lifes.Humans are sociable creatures so they need to live and cooperate with others.When people work together in teams whether at schools or workplaces, they have this chance to utilize other people’s knowledge and experiences in a friendly circumstance to enhance their skills.Also , they get famliair with different personalities and ideas too.For instance, those who work as a team in their companies perform better because they share ideas and experiences together which results in more productivity and provides a positive atmosphere.

In conclusion, although some people think that competition can motivate humans to try more than before, In my opinion, collaboration is more valuable and effective as it provides a positive and friendly atmosphere in which people can learn from their colleagues, share their responsibilites and boost their performances. (320)


پاسخ ارسال شده توسط ربات و نمره تعیین شده:

Overall, your essay is well-structured and addresses the given question effectively. However, there are a few grammatical and vocabulary mistakes that can be improved. Here are some suggestions:

1. In the introduction, change “while others feel collaboration is more effective by creating a friendly atmosphere in which individuals can learn from each others” to “while others argue that collaboration is more effective in creating a friendly atmosphere in which individuals can learn from each other.”

2. In the first body paragraph, change “Competition has been one of the significant instruments that encourage humans to do better and better to show their abilities” to “Competition has been a significant factor in motivating individuals to continuously improve and showcase their abilities.”

3. In the same paragraph, change “which ultimately brings good results for themselves and their companies” to “ultimately leading to positive outcomes for both individuals and their organizations.”

4. In the second body paragraph, change “However, it is necessary to consider that collaboration is another important factor which helps individuals to face different challenges in their lifes” to “However, it is necessary to consider that collaboration is another important factor that helps individuals tackle various challenges in their lives.”

5. In the same paragraph, change “Also , they get famliair with different personalities and ideas too” to “Additionally, they become familiar with different personalities and ideas.”

6. In the conclusion, change “In my opinion, collaboration is more valuable and effective as it provides a positive and friendly atmosphere in which people can learn from their colleagues, share their responsibilites and boost their performances” to “In conclusion, I firmly believe that collaboration is more valuable and effective as it fosters a positive and friendly atmosphere where individuals can learn from their colleagues, share responsibilities, and enhance their performance.”

Based on the criteria of the IELTS exam, your essay demonstrates a good level of coherence and cohesion. Your arguments are well-developed and supported with examples. There are some minor grammatical errors and vocabulary choices that could be improved. Overall, I would rate this essay at a Band 7 or 7.5 level.

دستورالعمل درخواست برای بهبود همین رایتینگ از ربات هوش مصنوعی و پاسخ ربات:

In what ways can I improve this essay?

Here are some additional suggestions to improve your essay:

1. Use more specific examples: While you provide some examples to support your arguments, try to include more specific and detailed examples. This will make your arguments more convincing and demonstrate a deeper understanding of the topic.

2. Vary your vocabulary: While your vocabulary is generally good, try to incorporate a wider range of vocabulary to showcase your language skills. This can include using synonyms or more advanced vocabulary words to express your ideas.

3. Provide counterarguments: To strengthen your essay, consider addressing counterarguments and refuting them. This shows that you have considered different perspectives and strengthens your own argument.

4. Use more complex sentence structures: While your sentence structures are generally clear and coherent, try to incorporate more complex sentence structures, such as compound and complex sentences, to demonstrate a higher level of language proficiency.

5. Proofread for grammar and punctuation errors: Although your essay is generally well-written, there are a few grammar and punctuation errors throughout. Take the time to proofread your essay carefully to correct any mistakes and improve the overall clarity of your writing.

By implementing these suggestions, you can further enhance the quality and effectiveness of your essay. Good luck!

دستورالعمل درخواست از ربات هوش مصنوعی برای نوشتن یک رایتینگ نمره 8 برای همین تاپیک و نمونه رایتینگ نوشته شده توسط ربات در سطح نمره 8:

Can You write a band 8 essay on this topic for me?

Certainly! Here’s a Band 8 essay on the topic of competition and cooperation:

In today’s competitive world, the role of competition and cooperation in various aspects of life is a topic of considerable debate. While some argue that competition fosters innovation and personal growth, others believe that cooperation leads to a more harmonious and collaborative society. In this essay, I will discuss both perspectives and provide my own opinion on the matter.

Proponents of competition argue that it serves as a driving force for progress and excellence. In the workplace, healthy competition can motivate individuals to strive for higher productivity and efficiency, leading to overall organizational success. Similarly, in educational settings, competition can spur students to work harder and achieve their full potential, ultimately preparing them for the challenges of the real world. Moreover, competition is seen as a mechanism for identifying and rewarding merit, thereby promoting a meritocratic society where individuals are recognized for their hard work and talent.

On the other hand, advocates for cooperation emphasize the importance of collaboration and teamwork in achieving common goals. In many professional environments, successful projects are often the result of effective teamwork and cooperation among colleagues. Furthermore, in daily life, cooperation promotes social harmony and mutual support, leading to a more inclusive and compassionate society. In educational settings, cooperative learning strategies have been shown to enhance academic achievement and interpersonal skills among students.

In my opinion, while competition can be a powerful driver of progress and individual achievement, it should be balanced with a spirit of cooperation. Both competition and cooperation have their respective merits, and a harmonious blend of the two is essential for a well-functioning society. Healthy competition can inspire individuals to reach their full potential, but it should not come at the expense of collaboration and empathy towards others. Moreover, fostering a culture of cooperation can lead to greater inclusivity and social cohesion, benefiting society as a whole.

In conclusion, the roles of competition and cooperation are complex and multifaceted. While competition can spur innovation and personal growth, cooperation is essential for fostering harmonious relationships and achieving collective goals. Striking a balance between these two forces is crucial for creating a society that values both individual excellence and collective well-being.

Total: 360 Words

Remember to develop your body paragraphs with specific examples and evidence to support your arguments. Good luck with your essay!

آیا هوش مصنوعی میتواند به من در ویرایش یا نمره دهی رایتینگ آیلتس کمک کند؟

جواب خوشبختانه مثبت هست اما بجز دردسرهای استفاده از هوش مصنوعی در ایران بدلیل محدودیت هایی که برای کاربران ایرانی و IP ایران وجود دارد، بدلیل پیچیدگی هایی که فرایند تصحیح رایتینگ آیلتس دارد و مفاهیمی که در رایتینگ های آیلتس مطرح هستند، تجربه نشان داده که نسخه های فعلی(سال 2023) قادر به تعیین نمره درستی نیستند و حدودا 60% در این زمینه موفق هستند که شاید برای یک سرویس کاملا رایگان بد نباشد.

اما هوش مصنوعی در تصحیح رایتینگ و پیدا کردن خطاهای دستوری و لغت های نامناسب و در یک کلام در مقام یک ویرایشگر متن بسیار موفق تر هست و از این نظر میتواند کمک بیشتری به شما بکند. همچنین بات های تلگرام هم میتوانند در این زمینه سودمند باشند که آن ها را هم به شما عزیزان معرفی خواهیم کرد.

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تجربه عزیزانی که با این ویرایشگر ها تجربه کار داشتند نشان میدهد بزرگترین کاستی آن ها شناسایی کلمات با توجه به Context یا متن هست. یعنی سعی میکنند کلمات را به صورت واژه به واژه بررسی کنند و درک عمیقی از معنای ضمنی متن ندارند. ضمنا دیگر عزیزان عنوان کرده اند که این ویرایشگرها معمولا جمله های مجهول را به عنوان جمله نادرست اعلام میکنند و از شما میخواهند آن ها را به جمله های معلوم تبدیل کنید که الزاما پیشنهاد درستی نیست. ضمنا نسخه کنونی این هوش مصنوعی امکان تعیین نمره رایتینگ را ندارد و نمره های ارایه شده آن قابل اعتماد نیست.

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کلام آخر

ابزار هوش مصنوعی و ویرایشگر های آنلاین و بات های تلگرامی با وجود همه محدودیت هایی که برای کشور ایران در استفاده از آن ها وجود دارد (آموزش لازم برای دور زدن محدودیت ها و استفاده از آن ها را از اینترنت دریافت کنید) و محدودیت هایی که نسل فعلی این ویرایشگرها دارند، میتوانند یک ابزار سودمند برای کسانی باشند که در سطح پایینی از زبان انگلیسی هستند و یا با بودجه محدودی قصد دارند کار را پیش ببرند.

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در این مطلب در خصوص چگونگی استفاده از هوش مصنوعی برای تصحیح رایتینگ آیلتس صحبت کردیم. البته خدمات AI محدود به این مورد نیست و حتی برای ایده پردازی رایتینگ آیلتس با هوش مصنوعی به تازگی مطالبی را برای شما عزیزان منتشر کرده ایم. برای دانلود هزاران منبع به روز آیلتس و زبان انگلیسی در کانال های دانلودی ما در تلگرام به نشانی (https://t.me/ielts2official) و (https://t.me/ielts2download) همراه باشید.



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