
جملات کاربردی در رایتینگ آیلتس

جملات کاربردی در رایتینگ آیلتس
جملات کاربردی در رایتینگ آیلتس

جملات کاربردی در رایتینگ آیلتس

در اینجا مجموعه ای از (1) لغات آکادمیک و سطح پیشرفته و (2) ترکیبات و کالوکیشن های حرفه ای تر برای نمره 7 رایتینگ آیلتس و نمره 6 رایتینگ آیلتس به صورت گروه های 5 تایی دسته بندی شده است. این واژگان و ترکیب ها از رایتینگ های استاندارد از منابع مختلف بیرون آورده شده و از نظر درست بودن در دیکشنری لانگمن و گوگل بررسی شده اند. امیدواریم این مجموعه بتواند در دستیابی زبان آموزان گرامی به نمره 7 رایتینگ آیلتس کارساز و سودمند باشد.


فایل صوتی 8 دقیقه ای توضیحات از مهندس ابوالقاسمی در مورد چگونگی گزینش این مجموعه و تمرین با آن:



لغات ضروری پیشنهادی برای نمره 7+ رایتینگ آیلتس

در ادامه فهرست هایی دربرگیرنده 5 واژه یا ساختار نسبتا دشوار به همراه مثال هایی برای هر یک از واژگان در سطح نمره بالای 7 رایتینگ آیلتس و معادل همان مثال در سطح نمره 6 آورده شده است. هر یک از این مثال ها مستقیما به یکی از تاپیک های سری کتاب های کمبریج آیلتس 1 تا 14 ارتباط داشته و مستقیما از دیکشنری کپی نشده است.

لغات ضروری برای نمره 7 رایتینگ آیلتس
لغات ضروری برای نمره 7 رایتینگ آیلتس


گروه بیست و دوم:

1. beyond the capacity of

Band +7: It is beyond the capacity of nature to renew itself since human development is destroying the planet at an unprecedented rate

Band +6: 

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2. Stigmatize

Band +7: Those who have not acquired material wealth might be stigmatized in such societies.

Band +6: 

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3. give ….. equal opportunity

Band +7: Government’s loans attempt to give equal opportunity of purchasing a house to larger number of young people. 

Band +6: 

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4. To reach its limits in terms of effectiveness

Band +7: In many areas, advertising has already reached its limits in terms of effectiveness and fails to persuade people to purchase items they do not necessarily need. 

Band +6: 


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5. A rapid generation turnover

Band +7: Following excessive environmental exploitation, endangered species habitat is permanently occupied by those with a rapid generation turnover

Band +6: 

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گروه بیست و یکم:

1. Natural resource depletion

Band +7: Due to natural resource depletion, a larger proportion of rural populations is now at risk of starvation. 

Band +6: 

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2. Social alienation 

Band +7: Social alienation is a possible consequence of long-term unemployment among young adults. 

Band +6: 

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3. ….holds different meaning

Band +7: Happiness holds different meaning for each individual but culture determines how a happy person is characterized. 

Band +6: 

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4. For much of recent history

Band +7: Conservation of rare species has for much of recent history been neglected by both policy makers and general public. 

Band +6: 


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5. Old notions are being challenged and expanded

Band +7: A deeper historical understanding helps us benefit from wiser decisions given the fact that old notions are being challenged and expanded

Band +6: 

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گروه بیستم:

1. Contribute to the likelihood of….

Band +7: The presence of both genders will contribute to the likelihood of mistreatment in schools. 

Band +6: 

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2. To fluctuate enormously

Band +7: If the temperature continues to fluctuate enormously, the risk of extinction of rare species grows. 

Band +6: 

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3. Adds yet another layer of uncertainty to….

Band +7: Global crisis adds yet another layer of uncertainty to the future of many self-employees. 

Band +6: 

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4. Ground-dwelling herbivores 

Band +7: Extensive commercial logging has already forced many ground-dwelling herbivores out of their natural habitats. 

Band +6: 


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5. To produce young

Band +7: Habitat destruction is the primary cause of population decline since rare species will be unable to produce young

Band +6: 

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گروه نوزدهم:

1. To gain public visibility

Band +7: Companies may use charitable donations as a way of gaining public visibility.  

Band +6: 


2. Contingent on

Band +7: While for an employee, acceptance of a brilliant idea is contingent on the company’s profit performance, entrepreneurs can instantly seize the opportunity.  

Band +6: 


3. Glamorous

Band +7: They only think about leading an exciting and glamorous life.

Band +6: 


4. Celebrity endorsement

Band +7: If copyright infringement is not addressed appropriately, famous people might end up having very few options such as celebrity endorsement to make a living. 

Band +6: 


5. Particular features

Band +7: Particular features of a profession may appeal to some employees to such an extent that they accept some unfavorable decisions. 

Band +6: 



گروه هجدهم:

1. Resilient

Band +7: Humans have proved to be one of the most resilient species on the planet, yet at risk of any major climate change. 

Band +6: Human are one of the most adaptive and strong form of life in the earth, but they are also at the risk of a big change in environment. 

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2. Determination

Band +7: Any permanent solution requires the government’s determination to ensure conditions that will allow free trade.

Band +6: A long term solution needs government’s power to make sure there is no limitation in doing business freely. 

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3. Gruesome

Band +7: Scientists have made a gruesome discovery that it is already too late to reverse global warming and we would probably face its dire consequences. 

Band +6: scientists have found out a shocking fact that global warming cannot be stopped at this point and we face its negative effects. 

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4. Radically

Band +7: School subjects and the required skills at work appears to be radically different. 

Band +6: School subjects that students study at school and what employers need at work are totally different. 

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5. Faith 

Band +7: They show an enormous faith in the ability of history in resolving any and every current challenge. 

Band +6: They are completely sure that history can solve every problem we have at the moment. 

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گروه هفدهم:

1. A fair degree of accuracy

Band +7: It is possible to estimate the greenhouse gas emission of each mode of transport with a fair degree of accuracy

Band +6: It is possible to guess the amount of greenhouse gas production from each type of transport very close to the real amount. 

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2. Precise

Band +7: They argue that keeping a room tidy and dedicating a precise location to each single item can boost efficiency.  

Band +6: They believe having a tidy room and making an exact place for every single thing can increase the quality of work. 

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3. Brings a sense of balance

Band +7: The presence of both male and female students in an education setting can bring a sense of balance, which would otherwise be lost. 

Band +6: When both boys and girls study together in classroom, the place will be more equal. 

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4. To prove themselves capable

Band +7: Working under authority reduces the chance for employees to prove themselves capable of making major decisions. 

Band +6: When employees work under the control of managers, they can not show how capable they are by making important decisions. 

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5. Interpersonal communication

Band +7: Women have been distinguished for their unique capabilities of interpersonal communication

Band +6: Women are famous for being able to communicate with others easily. 

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گروه شانزدهم:

1. Hostility

Band +7: Immigrants inability to use the second language effectively can provoke anger and hostility

Band +6: When immigrants can not use the second language, native people may be angry and unfriendly. 

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2. Numerous

Band +7: Recent research suggest that some companies in fact started to lose sales when customers were given numerous choices.

Band +6: Research show that in some companies when people have many choices, they in fact buy less. 

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3. Devise

Band +7: At present there seems to be no agreement among educationalists on how to devise schemes to enable youngsters develop required skills at work. 

Band +6: Education experts do not know how to design educational programs to teach students skills necessary for work. 

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4. Dedicate

Band +7: Most youths need to be motivated or tricked into dedicating specific hours to cleaning as it is tiring without any immediate reward. 

Band +6:

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5. Confrontation

Band +7: In order to keep minor clashes of superpowers from developing into all-out confrontation, we need to fully appreciate significant historical events.

Band +6: If we want to keep small fights of powerful countries from becoming major wars, we need to understand important events of the history. 

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گروه پانزدهم:

1. Notorious

Band +7: Megacities in the eastern hemisphere are particularly notorious for their smog. 

Band +6: Large cities in eastern world are specially famous for their air pollution and toxic smokes. 

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2. By and large

Band +7: By and large, railway transport produces far less emission per kilometer and it is second only to walking and cycling. 

Band +6: In general, railway has much less pollution in every kilometer and only walking and cycling pollute the air less. 

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3. Undeniable

Band +7: Undeniable popularity of tough destinations among young generation who truly wish to leave the world behind has revolutionized the tourism industry.

Band +6: Obvious popularity of difficult places among young people who want to go to unknown places has completely changed the businesses related to tourism. 

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4. Irrelevant

Band +7:They argue that personal information from applicants is irrelevant to the recruitment criteria. 

Band +6: They think personal information from candidates is not related to the job requirements. 

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5. Hypothetical

Band +7: In an entirely hypothetical situation in which one does nothing to improve his condition, there will still be support from both the state and the potential volunteers. 

Band +6: In a completely theoretical situation when someone does not try to change anything, there is support from the government and other people. 

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گروه چهاردهم:

1. Hence the name

Band +7: A major advantage that fast foods offer is that they require much less time to prepare, hence the name

Band +6: A big advantage of fast foods, as their name shows, is that they take much less time to prepare.   

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2. Attract criticism

Band +7: Current education system has attracted criticism around the world when graduates have constantly failed to demonstrate essential skills across industries. 

Band +6: Our education system around the world is criticized because graduate students have not been able to show necessary skills at work in different fields. 

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2. Possessed by (somebody)

Band +7: Following the loss of a native language in a small community, most of the unique traditions and customs possessed by their ancestors will inevitably disappear too.  

Band +6: When a language dies, most traditions of their older generations also die with it. 

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3. Respond Promptly

Band +7: Regarding conservation of endangered species, it is absolutely essential to respond promptly since extinctions are irreversible changes in global biodiversity.

Band +6: Protection of endangered animals and plants should start very quickly because nature will never be able to recover lost species. 

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4. Accusations of plagiarism

Band +7: In the scenario of unchecked information exchange, the accusations of plagiarism among scholars will rise markedly. 

Band +6: When information is shared freely, the cases of stolen information or research among scientists will increase quickly. 

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5. Chronic procrastination

Band +7: Large corporations are known for chronic procrastination at the time of making major decisions.  

Band +6: Big companies are famous for long delays in making important decisions. 

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گروه سیزدهم:

1. Outrageously expensive

Band +7: Conservation programs for endangered species in underdeveloped countries seem to be outrageously expensive

Band +6: Plans to protect rare animals and plants in poor countries seem to be too expensive. 


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2. Quickly grasp (new concepts)

Band +7: For those who quickly grasp new concepts, shared information on cyber space is a blessing. 

Band +6: For people who understand new ideas quickly, available information on the Internet is a big advantage. 


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3. (to) Patent an idea

Band +7: Brilliant employees in countries with rule of law can easily patent their ideas and financially benefit from them.   

Band +6: Smart people in advanced countries can copyright their ideas and make money from them. 


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4. Instant recognition 

Band +7: Immigrants may have an instant recognition of misbehavior in workplace where they have to communicate with a foreign language. 

Band +6: Immigrants may immediately understand bad behavior in workplace where they have to speak a second language. 


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5. Compromise integrity

Band +7: Employees will not last long when the integrity in the workplace is compromised

Band +6: Workers leave the company when everyone is dishonest. 


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گروه دوازدهم:

1. Talent and devotion

Band +7: Achievements of self-employed individuals result from their talent and devotion rather than making a few wise decisions and coming up with genius ideas. 

Band +6: Successful self-employed people have abilities and are hard working. Their success is not the result of several good decisions or good ideas. 


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2. Demand surpasses/exceeds the available supply

Band +7: Food insecurity is a major issue in regions where demand surpasses/exceeds the available supply

Band +6: Shortage of food happens in the places that enough food is not available for people who need it. 


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3. Outnumber

Band +7: Many surveys suggest that young individuals who live a sedentary lifestyle outnumber those who exercise regularly. 

Band +6: Studies show that the number of young people who do not do exercise regularly is more than those who do. 


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4. Social status

Band +7: Successful people consciously pick certain clothing items to improve their social status.

Band +6: Those who are successful always choose clothes that increase their level among people. 


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5. Inexpensive and readily available 

Band +7: Manufacturers constantly look for inexpensive and readily available materials to maximize their output with no intention of recycling. 

Band +6: Companies always search for cheap and available material to increase production and do not care about recycling. 


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گروه یازدهم:

1. Oriented toward

Band +7: Critiques argue that current education system is not strongly oriented towards research.

Band +6: Others say the education system that we have now do not value research.


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2. Core values

Band +7: Inquiring employees about their personal life can be justified since sometime there is a stark contrast between stated core values of a company and the reality.

Band +6: Sometimes it is a good idea to ask employees about their personal life because what companies say about their activities and their real function is not the same. 


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3. Out of curiosity

Band +7: Some may listen to a random piece of traditional music of a remote part of the world just out of curiosity but find it fascinating and be inspired by its genius. 

Band +6: It is possible for someone to accidentally listen to a song from other part of the world and think it is a great music and love it.


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4. Solidify

Band +7: Many freelancers are those who have been repeatedly passed over promotion and failed to solidify their careers

Band +6: Many people who are self-employed have lost their chance of progress at work and could not get a more important position. 


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5. Scientific breakthrough

Band +7: They argue that scientific breakthroughs in the history were a major factor affecting the quality of life between centuries. 

Band +6: They think scientific discoveries in history always helped people to have a better life. 


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جدیدترین منابع Self Study آیلتس (2019) + برنامه ریزی!


کالوکیشن های ضروری نمره 7 رایتینگ آیلتس



گروه دهم:

1. Subtle difference

Band +7: They argue that the additional budget cannot be ratified since there is only a subtle difference between the suggested scheme and the traditional one. 

Band 6: They say more budget is not possible because there is only a small difference between the new and old plan. 


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2. Realize

Band +7: Sooner than later they realize their potential for extra hours of work to cope with the challenge they face. 

Band 6: Very soon they understand that they have the potential to do more work to solve their problem. 


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3. Imitate

Band +7: The freedom in self-employment creates an opportunity for them to imitate world famous business tycoons. 

Band 6: The freedom of self-employment can give them the chance of copying famous business leaders. 


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4. Inspiration

Band +7: Numerous people find inspiration in such motivational music. 

Band 6: Many people are motivated when they listen to this type of music. 


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5. Seems only a matter of time

Band +7: They hold the opinion that conserving such rare species is pointless as their extinction seems to be only a matter of time.  

Band 6: They think protecting these rare animals and plants is not a good idea because sooner or later they will disappear forever. 


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5. Render something inaccessible

Band +7: Road expansion is an inevitable part of developing countrysides which renders some parts of habitats inaccessible for numerous species. 

Band 6: Building new roads is a necessary for building towns in countryside and as a result of this many animals cannot have access to their habitats.  


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درخواست پارتنر(هم آموز) آیلتس، تافل و زبان انگلیسی


سمپل های 7+ رایتینگ کمبریج آیلتس


پیشنهاد جمله های حرفه ای تر رایتینگ آیلتس




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5.  Juvenile delinquency

Band +7: Juvenile delinquencies in this country range from serious disobedience, to vandalism and more violent crimes.

Band 6: Crimes committed by young people in this country can be a refusal to obey rules or more serious ones such as destruction of public property. 


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5. Self-assured

Band +7: They look confident and self-assured since they have a good command of the language of global business

Band 6: They look relaxed because they can easily speak the language of international business. 


5. Fired their enthusiasm further

Band +7: The simple fact that pupils have chosen their favorite field of study can fire their enthusiasm further and help them succeed.

Band 6: Having the freedom to choose the field of study will encourage students to be successful.



5. Incorporate

Band +7: The latest design attempts to incorporate the best features of the earlier models.

Band 6: Final versions try to include every good point of the models before. 

(Cambridge 8, Test 1 مربوط به رایتینگ)


:تمرین کلاسی با واژگان گروه چهارم

5. Gain self-confidence

Band +7:  Playing with peers helps children gain self-confidence.

Band 6: When children play with each other they will be more confident. 

(Cambridge 8, Test 1 مربوط به رایتینگ)


:تمرین کلاسی با واژگان گروه سوم

5. Face the consequences

Band +7: These officials must now face the consequences of their actions and be brought to trial.

Band 6: These people should go to prison or pay fine for their actions.

(Cambridge 9, Test 2 مربوط به رایتینگ)


تمرین کلاسی با واژگان گروه دوم


5. Far more (beneficial/detrimental)

Band +7: Leading a sedentary lifestyle is far more detrimental to our health than sugar or fat.

Band 6: Not having exercise have more negative effect on health than sugar or fat.

(Cambridge 9, Test 3 مربوط به رایتینگ)


تمرین کلاسی با واژگان گروه اول



لغات ضروری برای نمره 7 رایتینگ آیلتس – روش تمرین

بعد از چند بار مطالعه دقیق واژگان و جمله های زیر کوشش کنید با الگو گرفتن از مثال های آورده شده، بررسی واژگان در دیکشنری های مختلف و در نهایت و توجه به معنا و ساختارهای به کار رفته 2 تا 3 جمله مشابه بنویسید. این مثال ها را میتوانید در بخش دیدگاه ها در همین صفحه وارد کنید و از درست بودن آن ها مطمئن شوید. بعد از چند روز دوباره به فهرست مراجعه کنید و جمله های تازه ای بسازید. کوشش کنید تا حد ممکن  این واژگان و collocation ها را در رایتینگ ها و اسپیکینگ های خود به کار ببرید.


1. Triumph:
2. Leap: it was a great leap forward
3. Sacrifice:
4. Civil servant:
5. Hierarchy:

1. Eternal:
2. Alien:
3. Reveal
4. Haunt: This question has haunted humanity for centuries.
5. Foster: Earth has fostered a variety of life forms.

1. Horizon:
2. Wipe out:
3. Cause:
4. Vary:
5. Differ:

1. Appealing
2. Approve of
3. entrepreneur
5. Fall in a category

1. Uncharted territory
2. Value (v)
3. Renovation
4. Refurbishment
5. Rehabilitation

1. Exceed
2. Extort
3. Counterfeit
4. Phishing
5. Fraud

1. Undoubtedly
2. Overwhelm
3. Incline toward
4. Solitary
5. Pupil

1. Prioritized

2. Disobedient

3. Offence

4. develop a sense of responsibility

5. offer prospects

1. Entice:
2. Sibling rivalry:
3. Thrive:
4. Violent: Humans have always been remarkably violent.
5. Formidable:

detached from
uncharted territories

worst-case scenario

balance out
plays itself out
tip of a very large iceberg of
broaden horizons
most severe possible outcome that can reasonably be projected to occur in a given situation
put forward




جملات کاربردی در رایتینگ آیلتس – بیشتر بخوانید

1000 ویدئوی آموزش زبان انگلیسی


20 خطای گرامری متداول زبان آموزان ایرانی


دانلود 100% منابع لغت زبان انگلیسی و آیلتس


لغات دشوار ریدینگ کتاب های کمبریج

جزوه لغات دشوار ریدینگ های کتاب کمبریج آیلتس 9




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70% تخفیف! با 24 تصحیح رایتینگ و برنامه ریزی و پشتیبانی شخصی! فرصت فوق العاده برای شرکت در کلاس‌های آنلاین آیلتس اسفند ماه 1403

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