
سوالات اسپیکینگ کمبریج آیلتس 16 با جواب

سوالات اسپیکینگ کمبریج آیلتس 16 با جواب

سوالات اسپیکینگ کمبریج آیلتس 16 با جواب

در این صفحه نمونه پاسخ هایی نوشتاری برای تست های اسپیکینگ جلد 16 ام کمبریج آیلتس ارایه میشود. این پاسخ ها توسط مهندس ابوالقاسمی با 15 هزار ساعت تجربه تدریس و نمره 8.5 اسپیکینگ آیلتس تنظیم شده است. برای خریداری 1000 سمپل صوتی به توضیحات پایان همین صفحه رجوع بفرمایید. همچنین اطلاعات دوره های آنلاین اسپیکینگ استاد زهرا امیدی از مدرسان برجسته اسپیکینگ آیلتس در این صفحه در دسترس می باشد.

کمبریج آیلتس 16 – سوالات اسپیکینگ تست 1



• Who do you spend most time studying/working with? [Why?]

Well I prefer to be alone both while I study and when I work. I am a freelance and I live alone, so I don’t spend time with anyone.


• What kinds of things do you study/ work on with other people? [Why?]

I don’t cooperate with others and I do things I like separately and I enjoy it a lot. Like most self-employed people, I work remotely and I am not in contact with a lot of people. My favorite leisure activities are walking and reading novels and other sorts of books in English. Those are also done without the presence of other people.

• Are there times when you study/work better by yourself? [Why/Why not?]

I believe I always study and work better by myself because there would be much less distraction and if I need some information or help, it would be really easy to just go online and search for it. There is so much variety and precision in the description of problems in different fields that you would be amazed how fast you can find what you were looking for. So there is no need for a coworker or a classmate as far as I am concerned.


• Is it important to like the people you study/work with? [Why/Why not?]

I guess if you have to work or study with someone or a group of people, you have to make peace with them and try to find a way to keep your relationship healthy and functioning because otherwise the damage and pain would be too much to tolerate.



Describe a tourist attraction you enjoyed visiting.
You should say:
• what this tourist attraction is
• when and why you visited it
• what you did there

and explain why you enjoyed visiting this tourist attraction.

Well, here I am going to talk about a tourist attraction in Mysore city in India. This place is a famous temple on top of a high hill in south of India. It is famous for both its beautiful view with lush jungles and breathtaking views and its religious significance to local people. I visited this place once in 2008, when I was improving my English for IELTS exam and I believe it was after the exam that I decided to go there by my bike. It was very steep and pretty far from my home by I did it. It was a crowded and I’d say an exotic place but I enjoyed every moment of that visit.

I took photos and I remember there were so many monkeys around the temple and local people fed them because probably these animals were sacred to them. I remember very poor and skinny rural people who did not speak English and bare feet  children who looked at us amazed in a way hard to explain but not at all unfriendly.

Some people do not like India because of the poverty that is prevalent there but I really liked the time I spent there and particularly this quick one-day trip because I was and am so thirsty for new things and observing diversity. I believe such experiences are a great help in putting things in perspective and it is what gives our life color and meaning.



• What are the most popular tourist attractions in your country?

My country, Iran is an ancient country with a long history of thousands of years, so there is no surprise that there are numerous historical places and monuments for tourists to visit and enjoy. I believe two cities of Isfahan and Shiraz are the most important tourists destinations with so many things to see, so and buy. Other places like the capital, Tehran, also has beautiful places for tourists to enjoy. Places like a range of museums, palaces and traditional restaurants with delicious cuisines they have never tasted or even seen before.


• How do the types of tourist attractions that younger people like to visit compare with those that older people like to visit?

I believe younger people tend to visit places that are more famous or romantic like Eifel tower or Venice or places that are located in advanced countries with more flashy appearance, whereas older people may show more interest in culture, diversity and way of life. Of course this is a broad statement and what appeals to people varies from a place to another or simply their budget but I believe what I just mentioned may be trues a great number of people based on their age.


• Do you agree that some tourist attractions (e.g. national museums/galleries) should be free to visit?

I don’t think they should be free to everyone. I believe some such places has great educational and cultural value and can be subsidized for people who can benefit greatly from them but temporarily cannot afford them. People such as young students or schoolchildren. These people should be exempted because of the reason I just mentioned. But making tourist attractions free for everyone does not make any sense to be since people who can afford it should pay for it so many local people can make a living out of it.


• Why is tourism important to a country?

I can think of a few reasons. One is the most obvious one, which is the cashflow. Tourists come not just to visit your country but to reside in hotels and dine in restaurants and some lives depend on they money at least seasonally. The other long term effect of tourism which is more gradual but profound is promoting the image of that tourist destination in people’s minds. Many countries have been trying it for a long time and there is nothing wrong with it. Tourists can improve the picture of the country they have just visited in many people’s minds back at home provided that the visit has been a pleasant one. There are of course other reasons why tourism matter to many country.


• What are the benefits to individuals of visiting another country as tourists?

 The main benefit is the fact that they can relax and unwind but for some people, the educational aspect is the most important one. They are into learning about other culture and enjoy seeing the differences and make a better sense of the world around them. Of course more you know about the people and about the world, the better you can appreciate everything and I believe you can make better decisions in your life. There are also financial or even possibilities for employment but the fact that you learn and understand I believe makes the real difference in your life as a tourist.


• How necessary is it for tourists to learn the language of the country they’re visiting?

I believe for some people it would be great because it is both fun and a way to have more meaningful communication and it someone can manage it well, they can actually make real friends and it is great. It is not necessary though, since for some people it is too difficult and in reality may not even work. For a simple communication you need a thousand words at least and I don’t believe you can manage it in weeks. Speaking an international language would be enough because people would understand you and you can get on with your trip. I think this is the approach that most people take.


خریداری 1000 سمپل صوتی/متنی اسپیکینگ آیلتس

برای خریداری یک هزار سمپل اسپیکینگ لطفا با شماره درج شده در بالای سایت در تلگرام در تماس باشید.


نمونه جواب برای پرسش های اسپیکینگ ایلتس جلد 16 ام

در اینجا نمونه سوالات اسپیکینگ کمبریج آیلتس 16 با جواب را با هم دیدیم. برای تعیین سطح رایگان اسپیکینگ و صد ها سمپل رایگان صوتی در کانال تلگرام اسپیکینگ ما همراه باشید.



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