
Use the animals in any way for benefits of human beings

use the animals in any way for benefits of human beings

IELTS Band 9 Essay About use the animals in any way for benefits of human beings

Here we take a look at a band 9 ielts writing task 2 sample about “use the animals in any way for benefits of human beings”. This sample then will be further analyzed for its vocabulary, grammar and format, so we see how it has qualified for such band score. We also suggest over 150 band 9 IELTS sample released in 2024.

Explanation about “use the animals in any way for benefits of human beings”

The use of animals for human benefit has been a controversial issue for decades. Some argue that humans, as the dominant species, have the right to exploit animals for food, medical research, and industrial purposes. They emphasize the practical advantages, such as advancing medicine and feeding populations. On the contrary, others believe that animals possess intrinsic value and should not suffer for human gain. This perspective often stems from ethical considerations and concerns about cruelty. The debate raises fundamental questions about morality, sustainability, and the balance between human progress and animal welfare, challenging us to find equitable solutions.

Band 9 Sample Answer

Some people think it is acceptable to use the animals in any way for benefits of human beings, while others think it is not justifiable.

Discuss both sides and give your opinion.

The ethical treatment of animals has long been a contentious issue. While some advocate for the unrestricted use of animals to benefit human beings, others argue that such practices are morally indefensible. This essay will examine both perspectives before offering my own view.

On the one hand, proponents of utilizing animals argue that it is both pragmatic and necessary. For centuries, animals have played a critical role in human survival, serving as sources of food, clothing, and labor. In modern times, animal testing has been instrumental in the development of life-saving medicines and vaccines. Supporters contend that prioritizing human needs is justifiable, given our reliance on such advancements. Moreover, they highlight that many industries depend on animals to sustain global economies, from agriculture to pharmaceuticals, making their use an indispensable aspect of progress.

On the other hand, opponents of animal exploitation underscore its ethical and environmental implications. They argue that animals are sentient beings with the capacity to experience pain and suffering, which makes their mistreatment inherently unethical. Furthermore, with the emergence of plant-based diets and cruelty-free alternatives, the necessity of exploiting animals has diminished. Critics also point to the environmental impact of industries like factory farming, which contribute significantly to greenhouse gas emissions and deforestation. By adopting more sustainable and compassionate practices, humanity can reduce its dependence on animal exploitation while addressing pressing global challenges.

In my opinion, while the use of animals for certain purposes, such as medical research, may be unavoidable at present, this should be strictly regulated to minimize harm. Advancements in technology, such as artificial intelligence and synthetic biology, provide promising alternatives that could reduce or eliminate the need for animal testing. Additionally, greater public awareness of ethical and environmental concerns can drive the adoption of more sustainable practices.

In conclusion, the debate over the use of animals reflects broader tensions between human advancement and ethical responsibility. While animals have undeniably contributed to human progress, it is imperative to pursue alternatives that prioritize both humanity’s needs and the well-being of animals. A balanced approach, combining regulation and innovation, is key to resolving this complex issue.

Academic Vocabulary in the sample for use the animals in any way for benefits of human beings

  1. Pragmatic (præɡˈmætɪk)
    • Sentence: A pragmatic solution often requires compromising between idealism and practicality.
  2. Development (dɪˈvɛləpmənt)
    • Sentence: The development of renewable energy sources is crucial for combating climate change.
  3. Indispensable (ˌɪndɪˈspɛnsəbl)
    • Sentence: Education is an indispensable tool for improving societal conditions.
  4. Emergence (ɪˈmɜːrdʒəns)
    • Sentence: The emergence of e-commerce has revolutionized the retail industry.
  5. Sustainable (səˈsteɪnəbl)
    • Sentence: Investing in sustainable practices ensures long-term benefits for the environment.

Advanced Grammar Structures

  1. Complex Sentences with Subordinate Clauses
    • Example: “While some advocate for the unrestricted use of animals to benefit human beings, others argue that such practices are morally indefensible.”
    • Explanation: The use of subordinate clauses adds complexity and variety, which are essential for a high band score.
  2. Cohesive Devices
    • Example: “On the one hand,” “On the other hand,” and “Moreover.”
    • Explanation: These link ideas clearly and logically, enhancing coherence and cohesion.
  3. Passive Voice
    • Example: “Animal testing has been instrumental in the development of life-saving medicines and vaccines.”
    • Explanation: Passive structures demonstrate grammatical range and allow focus on the action rather than the subject.
  4. Conditional Sentences
    • Example: “If humanity adopts more sustainable and compassionate practices, its dependence on animal exploitation could be reduced.”
    • Explanation: Conditional sentences showcase the ability to hypothesize, an advanced skill for high-scoring writing.
  5. Parallel Structures
    • Example: “Serving as sources of food, clothing, and labor.”
    • Explanation: Parallelism ensures clarity and stylistic consistency, improving the overall readability of the essay.

Writing Format for Band 9

  1. Introduction: A clear outline of the topic and the essay’s approach.
  2. Balanced Body Paragraphs: Each paragraph presents one perspective, with evidence and examples for support.
  3. Sophisticated Vocabulary: Precise, academic language enhances clarity and demonstrates advanced lexical resource.
  4. Logical Progression: Ideas flow seamlessly, aided by cohesive devices and a well-structured argument.
  5. Task Achievement: The essay fully addresses all aspects of the question, providing a nuanced opinion and justifying it with evidence.

By adhering to these elements, the essay meets the criteria for Band 9.

Free IELTS Sample Essays with Answers PDF

Here you can download over a 1000 sample essays in pdf written by ex ielts examiners: PDF 1 / PDF 2 / PDF 3 / PDF 4 / PDF 5

Last But Not Least!

We suggest a useful IELTS website in English for more valuable IELTS sample essays on a range of topics. Our final suggestion is our writing free correction Telegram channel where you can send your own sample for evaluation and correction by an experience IELTS tutor with over a decade of practical experience in this matter.



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