
The length of vacation that employees enjoy each year varies

The length of vacation that employees enjoy each year varies

IELTS Band 9 Essay About the length of vacation that employees enjoy each year varies

Here we take a look at a band 9 ielts writing task 2 sample about “The length of vacation that employees enjoy each year varies”. This sample then will be further analyzed for its vocabulary, grammar and format, so we see how it has qualified for such band score. We also suggest over 200 band 9 IELTS samples released in 2025.

Sample Band 9 Essay

The length of vacation that employees enjoy each year varies from job to job. Do you think people should have the same number of holidays regardless of their occupation?

Explain your answer.

The allocation of vacation time is a contentious issue, with some arguing that all employees should receive the same number of holidays regardless of their occupation, while others believe it should vary based on job demands. In my opinion, while equality in holiday entitlement is an admirable principle, it is not always practical or feasible due to the disparate nature of different professions.

Firstly, it is important to acknowledge that certain jobs are inherently more stressful or physically demanding than others. For instance, healthcare workers, firefighters, and construction workers often face grueling schedules and high-pressure environments. Granting them more vacation time could serve as a compensation for their arduous work conditions, helping to prevent burnout and improve overall well-being. On the other hand, jobs that are less strenuous, such as administrative roles, may not require the same level of recuperation.

Moreover, the economic implications of equalizing holiday entitlements must be considered. Industries that operate on tight deadlines or require continuous service, such as manufacturing or customer support, might struggle to maintain productivity if all employees were to take the same amount of time off simultaneously. This could lead to disruptions in service delivery and financial losses for businesses. Therefore, a flexible approach that takes into account the operational needs of different sectors is more sustainable.

However, it is also crucial to ensure that employees are not exploited or denied reasonable time off. Governments and organizations should establish minimum standards for vacation time to guarantee that all workers have the opportunity to rest and recharge. For example, the European Union mandates a minimum of 20 paid vacation days per year, which serves as a benchmark for fair treatment.

In conclusion, while the idea of equal holiday entitlements is laudable, it is not always practicable due to the varying demands of different occupations. A balanced approach that considers both the needs of employees and the operational requirements of industries is essential. By implementing minimum standards and allowing for flexibility, we can ensure that all workers are treated fairly while maintaining economic stability.

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5 Academic Vocabulary in the sample for the length of vacation that employees enjoy each year varies

  1. Allocation (/ˌæl.əˈkeɪ.ʃən/)
    • Example: The allocation of resources is critical for the success of any project.
  2. Contentious (/kənˈten.ʃəs/)
    • Example: The new policy has become a contentious issue among employees.
  3. Feasible (/ˈfiː.zə.bəl/)
    • Example: It is not feasible to complete the project within such a short timeframe.
  4. Disparate (/ˈdɪs.pər.ət/)
    • Example: The team consists of members with disparate backgrounds and skills.
  5. Recuperation (/rɪˌkuː.pəˈreɪ.ʃən/)
    • Example: After the surgery, she needed a period of recuperation to regain her strength.

5 Advanced Grammar Structures and Their Impact on Band Score

  1. Conditional Sentences (If-Clauses):
    • Example: “If all employees were to take the same amount of time off simultaneously, it could lead to disruptions.”
    • Impact: Demonstrates the ability to discuss hypothetical situations, which is essential for higher-level arguments.
  2. Passive Voice:
    • Example: “Governments and organizations should establish minimum standards for vacation time.”
    • Impact: Adds formality and objectivity to the writing, which is crucial for academic tone.
  3. Comparative Structures:
    • Example: “Jobs that are less strenuous may not require the same level of recuperation.”
    • Impact: Shows the ability to compare and contrast ideas effectively.
  4. Complex Sentences with Subordinate Clauses:
    • Example: “While equality in holiday entitlement is an admirable principle, it is not always practical.”
    • Impact: Enhances coherence and cohesion by linking ideas logically.
  5. Modal Verbs for Speculation:
    • Example: “This could lead to disruptions in service delivery.”
    • Impact: Demonstrates the ability to speculate and discuss possibilities, which is key for nuanced arguments.

Free IELTS Sample Essays with Answers PDF

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