
دوره آموزشی پیش آیلتس تیرماه 1403


دوره های 2 ماهه فشرده پیش آیلتس از سطح کاملا مقدماتی برای رسیدن به آمادگی لازم برای دوره های آیلتس

قیمت اصلی 4.000.000 تومان بود.قیمت فعلی 3.000.000 تومان است.


  کلاس 6 نفره سطح پیش آیلتس به صورت 2 روز در هفته
✍️ این دوره از سطح نمره 4 تا 4.5 آیلتس (کاملا پایه) شروع شده و سطح زبان آموز را تا سطح 5 تا 5.5 آیلتس بهبود میبخشد تا ایشان بتوانند استارت پرقدرتی را در دوره های آیلتس داشته باشند.

✅ این کلاس #آنلاین_ویدیویی در اسکایپ بوده و هر 4 مهارت آیلتس (رایتینگ، اسپیکینگ، ریدینگ و لیسنینگ) همچنین لغت و گرامر را شامل میشود.

✅ تمامی #تکالیف در #تلگرام در تایم خارج از کلاس تصحیح خواهد شد.

📝 این دوره شامل 8 #تصحیح_رایتینگ کاملا منطبق با فرمت رایتینگ های آیلتس و #فیدبک بر روی 50 فایل صوتی ارسالی بخش #اسپیکینگ هست.

📆 این کلاس به مدت 2 ماه برابر 16 جلسه 1.5 ساعته ادامه خواهد داشت.

👨🏻‍🏫 مدرس این دوره مهندس ابوالقاسمی با نمره 8 آیلتس آکادمیک و بیش از 15 هزار ساعت تجربه تدریس هستند. (بررسی رزومه و مدارک) – (نمونه تدریس)

⌛️ برای اطلاع از روز آغاز دوره جدید و همچنین اطلاع از شهریه و تخفیف ها در کانال تلگرام دوره ها همراه باشید یا مستقیما با مشاور در تماس باشید

👈 09107751201

توضیحات تکمیلی

نام مدرس

مهندس ابوالقاسمی

نحوه برگزاری کلاس

کلاس نیمه خصوصی

تعداد جلسات

شانزده جلسه

مدت زمان هر جلسه

یک ساعت و نیم

کل ساعات آموزشی

24 ساعت

پلتفرم برگزاری کلاس


27 دیدگاه برای دوره آموزشی پیش آیلتس تیرماه 1403

  1. Mozhgan

    جلسه نهم disadvantage,Fast food

    fast food can have a lot of negative impact on human health,It has a lot of harmful materials,include salt and sauce . These materials and Today’s eating habit increase the chance of being overweight and being sick.For example in my country, Iran,people go to restaurant and eating fast food more than twice a week and This can increase Sick in the country.

    • مهندس ابوالقاسمی

      ,including salt and sauce باید باشه

      توضیحات و مثال هر کدوم باشد 50 کلمه باشند.

      پاراگراف ها اصلی نباید از 110 کلمه بیشتر باشند. حتما تعداد کلمات رو بنویسید.

      کلیت پاراگراف خوب هست اما این موارد باید رعایت بشه

  2. Moein

    Assignment 9th session Select Reading Unit8

    1. One disadvantage of living in big cities is the heavy traffic jams.
    2. Fast foods have a negative impact on the human body, such as causing high blood pressure and high blood cholesterol levels.
    3. There is a reason why some students prefer to study abroad.
    4. People who live in big cities worry about pollution.
    5. There are more facilities to enjoy in big cities, such as the capital city.

    • مهندس ابوالقاسمی

      بسیار خوب هستند. 👌👌👌

  3. Moein

    Assignment of 9th session Oxford Words Intermediate Unit 9

    1. Students have emotional support from their parents while studying in their home country.
    2. Students who are the only child in a single-parent family prefer to study in their home country.
    3. Students learn better by studying in groups because each member of the group needs to explain their ideas in more detail to convince others.
    4. Students who wish to study abroad often choose to immigrate to Western countries.
    5. Students who wish to study abroad emigrate from their home country to Western countries.

    • مهندس ابوالقاسمی

      بدون مشکل هستند 👌👌👌

  4. Mozhgan

    جلسه نهم collocation #Impact
    1.fast food can have a lot of negative impact on your health.
    2.Living abroad can has an impact on people’s future.
    3.moving to another company have a big impact on my salary.
    4.the government is looking at ways to reduce impacts of global warming.
    5.Having a university degree may positive impact on your income.

    • مهندس ابوالقاسمی

      moving to another company have باید has باشه چون جمع نیست.

      may positive impact فعل نوشته نشده. بی توجه به منابع ننویسید.

  5. Mohammad Kazem

    Assignment 9th session —collocation =Impact
    1-Healthy foods can have an impact on decreasing blood pressure.
    2-Decreasing the use of fast foods has a dramatic impact on losing weight.
    3-Using a lot of oil and salt in fast foods results a negative impact on missing health.
    4-Managers are looking at ways to reduce the impact on human resources.
    5-U.S election has had a major impact on the financial market in the last month.

    • مهندس ابوالقاسمی

      results a negative impact on missing health. بی معنی هست. بدون منبع ننویسید.

      بقیه خوب هستند.

  6. Sara Mohammadkhani

    جلسه ی ۸:
    Collocation….> information
    1.I need more information to solve the problem.
    2.The officer received information about a fugitive.
    3.The newspaper contains useful information in different sections.
    4.Artificial intelligence has interesting information about the future.
    5.The manager had received wrong information.

    • مهندس ابوالقاسمی

      خوب هستند آفرین 🌸🌸🌸

  7. Sara Mohammadkhani

    Writing : 98 word

  8. Sara Mohammadkhani

    ☆جلسه ی هشتم:
    Studying alone enables individuals to focus more efficiently on their academic goals. Without the distractions and interruptions of others, one can better manage their study schedule and make optimal use of their time. This independence allows for a more effective learning process, as one can concentrate more effectively on absorbing and comprehending the material. Furthermore, setting specific study times without interference from external factors allows for better concentration and a more productive use of time. Overall, studying alone provides a conducive environment for enhanced learning and academic achievement.

    • مهندس ابوالقاسمی

      توضیحات خوب هست اما مثال وجود نداره. در فرمولی که گفتیم 50 کلمه باید مثال نوشته بشه. تدریس کلاس و فرمول رو با دقت ببینید و بازنویسی کنید.

  9. Moein

    Assignment 7th session writing

    Students can share their ideas by studying in groups. It really helps them learn better because each member of the group needs to explain their ideas in more detail to convince others that it is a good idea for solving a problem. This provides an opportunity for students to discuss different ideas and receive more information about the subject. For example, in my country, students in groups share different ideas for solving a physics problem. This helps students consider the problem from different perspectives. They need to search for information about the ideas and make corrections if necessary.(98Words)

    Studying alone allows students to concentrate more on their homework and learn better. There are less distractions and annoyances that can affect their studying when they study alone in a quiet place, such as a library or a private place. This helps students focus on their homework effectively. For instance, in my country, students who want to study go to the library to find a single desk for studying because they believe they can concentrate better and study harder when there isn’t anyone close by making noise or causing distractions. This enables students to relax and concentrate better on their studies. (101 words)

    • مهندس ابوالقاسمی

      بسیار خوب هست به همین شکل ادامه بده 🌸🌸🌸

  10. Moein

    Assignment 8th session Select Reading Unit 7
    1. Some students decide to study abroad because they wish to have a better future.
    2. Big cities have air pollution, and some people have a problem with that.
    3. Students learn better during group discussions.
    4. It seems to me that some students prefer to study in their home country because they don’t have enough money to study abroad.
    5. Some people with lung problems should avoid living in big cities.

  11. Moein

    Collocation “Impact”

    1. Some people prefer to live in small towns due to the health impacts of air pollution.
    2. Some students prefer to study in their home country because of financial problems.
    3. Some employees move from one company to another one due to financial problems.
    4. Some students prefer to study alone because they believe it has a significant impact on concentration.
    Some students prefer to study in groups because they believe it has a significant impact on their academic qualifications.

  12. Mozhgan

    Assignment of the 8th season collocation #information
    1.She gave me some general information about another company.
    2.Internet provide new information for me.
    3.Studying in group provided an opportunity to exchange information.
    4.I need additional sources of information about live in big cities.
    5.They are gathering basic information about big companies.

  13. Moein

    Collocation “job”
    1. Some people move from company to another because of job satisfaction.
    2. Some people transfer to big cities to take a permanent job.
    3. Some people lose their jobs because of economic issues in their country.
    4. Some employees quit their job because they find a better job.
    5. They quit their job because they applied for a new job.

    • مهندس ابوالقاسمی

      people transfer to big cities نداریم چنین چیزی.

      بقیه خوب هستند. با دقت بیشتری بنویسید و سعی کنید نزدیک تر به تاپیک های رایتینگ باشه.

  14. Moein

    Assignment 7th session Oxford Words Skills Unit7

    1. Moving from one company to another one can make some people feel anxious.
    2. Studying abroad after graduating from high school makes some students feel delighted.
    3. Employees tend to perform better when they stay in one company for a long time because they have supportive friends to ask for help.
    4. Staying in one company for a long time can make some people feel terrified.
    5. Living in big cities can make some people feel upset.

  15. Moein

    Assignment 7th session Select Reading Unit6
    1.Some people believe big cities are better than small towns.
    2.Some students prefer to study in group instead of studying alone.
    3.Students receive a poor education by studying in their home country.
    4.Employees who want move from one company to another one may come across a few problems.
    5.People should have a healthy respect for air pollution in big cities.

  16. Nasim Hesari

    جلسه هفتم Job
    1-Temporary job: Teenagers can take temporary jobs to improve precious experience.
    2-Job satisfaction: The amount of salary is one of reasons of job satisfaction.
    3-Demanding job: Adults have permanent job therefore teenagers have much more demanding jobs than adults.
    4-Manual job: Houskeeper is the one of manual jobs.
    5-Quite job: Many quit their jobs because of a lack of job satisfaction.
    6-lose job: Losing job is the reasons why people face sadness.

    • مهندس ابوالقاسمی

      improve precious experience.این رو در لانگمن داریم؟

      teenagers have much more demanding jobs than adults. این اشتباه هست. من فکر میکنم شما معنی demanding jobs رو متوجه نشدی. یه تحقیق بکن و اگر متوجه نشدی بگو که توی کلاس صحبت کنیم.

      Houskeeper is the one of manual jobs. این اشتباه هست housekeeper یک شخص هست و ضمنا شما قرار بوده راجع به manual job بنویسی. داستان چیه دقیقا؟

      is the reasons why چرا جمع؟ شما به یک مورد اشاره کردی.

      ❌ تعداد خطاهای ریز بالاست. بی دقت ننویسی و قبل از ارسال چک کن.

  17. Nasim Hesari

    Nasim Hesari, jalase 7
    Some students prefer to study alone because they have more concentration during studying, almost they can focus on matters at home or in a library or other private space when they study alone. There is no one to disturb them and less distraction is something that can help every student since they try to understand their lessons. When students start to learn something alone, they can research deeply on the related books and articles individually. Therefore, many results achieve by students when they don’t have any distributions. Also, more deeply focus on lessons is the first result aloneness. (98 words)
    One the other hand, however, there are students who prefer to study in group because of sharing ideas with other members of people in group. For these people, it is important to know different ideas and argue about related sources. Some classmates have some idea to solve some mathematic problems and help each other to find the reason of problem solvently. In fact, every lesson can understand by many ways that students can improve their knowledge in team work. Also, as students talk together and share some ideas, new ideas create at the same time too.(98 words)

    • مهندس ابوالقاسمی

      during studying, almost بین دو جمله باید نقطه باشه نه ویرگول. وقتی جمله تموم میشه فقط نقطه!

      almost they can focus این ساختار کلا ترجمه فارسی هست. موقع نوشتن باید دقت کنی همون ساختار باید در لانگمن وجود داشته باشه. مثلا استفاده از almost رو باید چک کنید به چه صورت هست نه اینکه همونطور که در فارسی استفاده میشه بنویسید.

      توضیحات و انسجام متن خیلی خوبه فقط نمیدونم چرا شما 50 کلمه مثال رو اصلا ننوشتی.

      فرمول و فرمت رو اینجا چک کن حتما. چندین بار قبلا توی کلاس گفتیم:
      ✍️ آموزش ویدیویی نوشتن #پاراگراف های اصلی

  18. Moein

    achieve success
    a lot of success
    در لانگمن هست استاد
    achieve a lot of success هم سرچ کردم استفاده شده

    • مهندس ابوالقاسمی

      زمانی که منبع رو درخواست میکنیم جمله کامل رو باید از لانگمن بفرستی.

      اینترنت به هیچ عنوان ملاک نیست چون افرادی مثل تتلو هم ممکن است توش چیزی بنویسن و توسط گوگل ایندکس بشه. فقط لانگمن.

      هر دو رو اگر در لانگمن داری بفرست.

  19. Moein

    Assignments of the 6th session-Select Reading Elementary Unit 5

    1. In a small town, the streets are usually narrow.
    2. People have better job opportunities because big cities have many companies.
    3. Without sufficient financial resources, universities cannot improve the quality of education.
    4. It is possible for people to achieve a lot of success in their careers by moving to another company.
    5. can you bring me another pizza?

    • مهندس ابوالقاسمی

      آیا چنین ترکیبی در لانگمن بوده؟ achieve a lot of success خیلی دقت کنید.

      ❌ جمله پنجم آکادمیک نیست و چنین جمله هایی مورد تایید نیستند لطفا ننویسید. فقط جمله های 10 کلمه ای میخوایم که بتونیم مستقیما در رایتینگ استفاده کنیم.

  20. Moein

    Assignment 6th session Writing

    People have a chance to increase their income by moving from one company to another. Some companies pay employees more money because they have found ways to manage financial resources effectively, satisfy customers by improving the quality of products and services, and keep prices at a minimum. Moreover, they know if they satisfy employees it’s effect on the quality of products and services. For example, in my country, companies utilize digital marketing and websites for advertising and selling their products. This enables customers to purchase products directly from companies at a lower cost and cut out middlemen. These companies generate better profits, which in turn helps increase employees’ income.(109 words)

    Employees tend to perform better when they stay in a company long-term due to familiarity with the job environment, colleagues, rules, and various situations, which can impact performance. Additionally, having friends at work creates a friendly atmosphere, enhancing productivity and increasing opportunities for advancement. Compared to starting anew in a different company, staying in one place is less demanding. For instance,in my country, in professions like healthcare and employees who work in hospital, having work friends can be beneficial for shift changes and problem-solving. This support may not be available to new employees or those changing workplaces after few years. (100 words)

    • مهندس ابوالقاسمی

      have a chance to increase their income نباید به صورت فکت بنویسید. این تنها یک دیدگاه هست. لحن رو با استفاده از مودال ها ملایم کنید.

      they have found ways to manage financial resources effectively, satisfy customers by improving the quality of products and services, and keep prices at a minimum. این سبک نوشتن اشتباه هست. شما بجای توضیح منطقی و ساده موردی که ادعا کردید فهرستی از ادعاهای جدید مطرح کردید که خودشون بدون توضیح هستند. ضمنا بلافاصله وارد یک مورد دیگه شدید Moreover, they know if they satisfy employees it’s effect

      پاراگراف دوم هم به همین ترتیب نوشتن شده.

      آموزش پاراگراف نویسی رو با دقت اینجا ببینید و به شیوه ای که توضیح دادیم بازنویسی کنید:
      ✍️ آموزش ویدیویی نوشتن #پاراگراف های اصلی (https://youtu.be/3PZA8rZmpNQ)

      این سبک نوشتن کوچکترین هماهنگی با چیزی که تدریس کردیم نداره.

  21. Sara Mohammadkhani

    ☆تمرین جلسه ی ۶:
    Moving from one company to another can be better for potential career advancement. When you move to a new company, you have the opportunity to take on new challenges, learn new skills, and expand your professional network. This can lead to a faster career progression, as you are exposed to different perspectives and ways of working that can help you grow and develop. Additionally, some companies may offer better opportunities for promotion or career development than your current employer, allowing you to reach your career goals more quickly. By transferring to a new company, you can take control of your career path and create new opportunities for yourself that may not have been available in your current position.

    • مهندس ابوالقاسمی

      you have the opportunity to take on new challenges, learn new skills, and expand your professional network. این سبک نوشتن اشتباه هست. شما موردی که ادعا کردید(career advancement) رو باید به صورت ساده و گام به گام بدون طرح ادعای جدید توضیح بدید. جمله ای که اشاره شد 3 ادعای جدید مطرح کرده که هر کدوم نیاز به توضیح داره و از بحث اولیه هم فاصله میگیره. فرمت رایتینگ نویسی تدریس شده در جلسه اول رو با دقت ببینید.

      همچنین آموزش ویدیویی با نمونه:
      ✍️ آموزش ویدیویی نوشتن #پاراگراف های اصلی (https://youtu.be/3PZA8rZmpNQ)

      Additionally, some companies may offer better opportunities اینجا هم یک مورد جدید رو مطرح کردید درصورتیکه باید مورد طرح شده در اول پاراگراف توضیح داده بشه و 50 کلمه هم براش مثال بنویسید.

      ❌ این رایتینگ با شیوه تدریس شده کوچکترین هماهنگی نداره. اگر رایتینگ نویسی رو در نظر بگیرید بدون مشکل هست اما اگر میخواین آیلتس امتحان بدید باید به شیوه ای که گفتیم بنویسید.

      در آخر پاراگراف تعداد کلمات رو بنویسید و فرمولی که تدریس شده رو دقیق رعایت کنید.

  22. Sara Mohammadkhani

    ☆تمرین جلسه ۶:
    Provide <….Collocations
    1.Research provides valuable information in any field.
    2.Historical monuments provided information about the past to explorers.
    3.The company provides a guarantee for its customers.
    4.Technology provided a much appreciated service for people.
    5.new qualifications must provide for changes in technology.

    • مهندس ابوالقاسمی

      خیلی خوب هستند اما دقت کن که اگر چیزی رو اصلا عوض نکردی باید کوشش کنید ترکیب ها رو کاملا حفظ کنی و در مرحله بعدی با کمی تغییر سعی کنی ببری سمت تاپیک های رایتینگ.

      اینکه همیشه 100% کپی باشه اشتباهه اما برای شروع کار قابل قبول هست.

  23. Moein

    Collocation “information”

    1. The police have received accurate information about him.

    2. We need more information to make a decision.

    3. The man was jailed for providing false information.

    4. This document contains information about the victim.

    5. Sometimes the internet is not a reliable source of information.

  24. Moein

    Assignments of the 6th session-Oxford Word Skills Unit 6

    1. Some companies pay more money to hard-working employees.

    2. Some people move to another company because they believe.

    their new employer’s generous offer to pay the bill.

    3. Some people move to another company because their previous company was dull and boring.

    4. The company is responsible for a budget of over 5 million dollars.

    5. Mothers are always highly ambitious for their children.

    • مهندس ابوالقاسمی

      چرا وسط جمله نقطه گذاشتید؟ they believe. their new

      their new employer’s generous offer to pay the bill. این ترکیب بی معنی هست. قبل از ارسال تک تک جمله ها رو چک کنید.

      5 million dollars. این ترکیب برای نوشتن قیمت نادرست است. به ساختار درست دقت کنید $5 Million و همیشه قبل از ارسال چک کنید.

      ❌ تعداد خطاها بالاست. بیشتر دقت کنید و حتما قبل از ارسال با منبع چک کنید.

  25. Moein

    Assignments of the 5th session-Oxford Word Skills Intermediate Unit 4
    1. The mayor decides to change the appearance of the whole city.
    2. Everything in his room is neat and tidy.
    3. He has a fattish face with rough skin.
    4. The doctor thinks she is too old to get pregnant.
    5. He prefers to use contact lenses instead of glasses.

    • مهندس ابوالقاسمی

      خوب هستند اما همانطور که گفتیم باید درباره تاپیک های رایتینگ بنویسید.

  26. Moein

    Assignments of the 5th session-Select Reading Elementary Unit 4
    1.Choosing the right answer depends on your knowledge.
    2.your behaviour in the class is not acceptable.
    3.I can’t make a decision in this situation.
    4.It’s difficult to describe how he feels.
    5.It is traditional to eat watermelon Yalda celebration.

    • مهندس ابوالقاسمی

      watermelon in Yalda celebration باید باشه.

      قبلا هم بارها گفتیم که جمله سازی ها باید حتما درباره تاپیک های رایتینگ باشند. بی ربط نوشتن هدف ما از این تکلیف نیست.

  27. Moein

    Collocation “Research”
    1. His research is about the effects of smoking on the lungs.
    2. Scientists are doing research on treatments for cancer.
    3. The purpose of this research is to find treatments for the coronavirus.
    4. The research team requires financial support from the university.
    5. Government allocates a lot of money for medical research.

    • مهندس ابوالقاسمی

      خوب هستند آفرین 👌👌👌

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بهترین زمان برای یادگیری...

فرصت را از دست ندهید و در کلاس‌های نیمه خصوصی آیلتس ثبت نام کنید. شروع کلاس‌ها از هفته اول مردادماه با 20% تخفیف

برای کسب اطلاعات بیشتر با شماره تلفن زیر تماس حاصل کنید و اخبار آیلتس 2 را در شبکه‌های اجتماعی دنبال کنید.