
Education and high qualifications will bring success

Education and high qualifications will bring success

IELTS Band 9 Essay About education and high qualifications will bring success

Here we take a look at a band 9 ielts writing task 2 sample about “Education and high qualifications will bring success”. This sample then will be further analyzed for its vocabulary, grammar and format, so we see how it has qualified for such band score. We also suggest over 200 band 9 IELTS samples released in 2025.

Sample IELTS Writing Task 2 Response

Many people believe that education and high qualifications will bring success. Others think that it’s not required to achieve success in life.

Discuss both views and give your opinion

The perception of success varies among individuals, and the role of education in achieving it is a topic of considerable debate. While some argue that academic qualifications are indispensable for success, others contend that practical experience and personal attributes hold greater significance. This essay will explore both perspectives before presenting my own viewpoint.

On the one hand, proponents of education argue that it provides a foundation for success by equipping individuals with specialized knowledge and critical thinking skills. In today’s competitive job market, employers often prioritize candidates with higher degrees, as these are seen as indicators of competence and dedication. For instance, professions such as medicine, engineering, and law require extensive theoretical understanding, which can only be acquired through formal education. Moreover, education fosters intellectual growth and exposes individuals to diverse perspectives, enabling them to adapt to an ever-changing world. Thus, it is evident that education plays a pivotal role in shaping successful careers.

On the other hand, critics of this view emphasize that success is not solely dependent on academic achievements. Many entrepreneurs and innovators, such as Steve Jobs and Richard Branson, have achieved remarkable success without conventional qualifications. These individuals often attribute their accomplishments to qualities such as resilience, creativity, and practical experience. Furthermore, in fields like arts, sports, and entertainment, talent and hard work often outweigh formal education. For example, world-renowned athletes and artists frequently rely on their innate abilities and relentless practice rather than academic credentials. This suggests that success can be attained through alternative pathways.

In my opinion, while education is undeniably valuable, it is not the sole determinant of success. A balanced approach that combines academic learning with practical skills and personal development is more likely to yield long-term success. Education provides the tools and knowledge necessary to navigate complex challenges, but qualities such as adaptability, perseverance, and emotional intelligence are equally crucial. Therefore, individuals should strive to integrate both formal education and real-world experiences to maximize their potential.

In conclusion, the relationship between education and success is multifaceted. While academic qualifications offer significant advantages, they are not the only route to achieving one’s goals. Success ultimately depends on a combination of knowledge, skills, and personal attributes, making it essential to embrace a holistic approach to personal and professional growth.

Academic Vocabulary in the sample for Many people believe that education and high qualifications will bring success

1. Perception (/pərˈsɛpʃən/)
– *Sentence*: The public’s perception of climate change has shifted significantly over the past decade.

2. Foundation (/faʊnˈdeɪʃən/)
– *Sentence*: A strong foundation in mathematics is essential for pursuing a career in engineering.

3. Competence (/ˈkɒmpɪtəns/)
– *Sentence*: Employers often assess a candidate’s competence through both qualifications and practical skills.

4. Entrepreneurs (/ˌɒntrəprəˈnɜːrz/)
– *Sentence*: Many entrepreneurs have revolutionized industries through innovative ideas and risk-taking.

5. Theoretical understanding (/θiəˈrɛtɪkəl ˌʌndərˈstændɪŋ/)
– *Sentence*: A deep theoretical understanding of physics is crucial for advancements in quantum computing.

– *Explanation*: This structure allows for the presentation of contrasting ideas within a single sentence, enhancing coherence and demonstrating a high level of grammatical proficiency.

2. Conditional Sentences:
– Example: “If individuals combine academic learning with practical skills, they are more likely to achieve long-term success.”
– *Explanation*: Conditional sentences showcase the ability to discuss hypothetical scenarios, adding depth to the argument.

3. Passive Voice:
– Example: “Education is often seen as a key factor in achieving success.”
– *Explanation*: The passive voice is used to emphasize the action or idea rather than the subject, which is useful in formal writing.

4. Relative Clauses:
– Example: “Professions such as medicine, which require extensive theoretical understanding, are highly dependent on formal education.”
– *Explanation*: Relative clauses provide additional information without creating separate sentences, improving flow and cohesion.

5. Parallel Structures:
– Example: “Education fosters intellectual growth, exposes individuals to diverse perspectives, and enables them to adapt to an ever-changing world.”
– *Explanation*: Parallel structures create rhythm and clarity, making the writing more engaging and easier to follow.

These advanced grammatical structures contribute to a higher band score by demonstrating linguistic range, accuracy, and the ability to construct sophisticated arguments

Free IELTS Sample Essays with Answers PDF

Here you can download over a 1000 sample essays in pdf written by former ielts examiners: PDF 1 / PDF 2 / PDF 3 / PDF 4 / PDF 5

Last But Not Least!

We suggest a useful IELTS website in English for more valuable IELTS sample essays on a range of topics. Our final suggestion is our writing free correction Telegram channel where you can send your own sample for evaluation and correction by an experience IELTS tutor with over a decade of practical experience in this matter.



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