
سوالات رایتینگ کمبریج آیلتس 19 آکادمیک

سوالات رایتینگ کمبریج 19

در اینجا سوالات رایتینگ آیلتس جلد 19 کمبریج آیلتس آکادمیک را با هم میبینیم. این سوالات مجموعا 3 نوع از  7 نوع سوال ممکن در رایتینگ آیلتس را شامل میشود. برای هر یک از سوالات یک نمونه پاسخ استاندارد آورده شده تا راهنمای شما عزیزان باشد. برای ارسال رایتینگ ها برای تصحیح رایگان به کانال تلگرام ما به نشانی (https://t.me/ielts2WritingCorrection) مراجعه بفرمایید..

موضوع تست اول

تاپیک رایتینگ آیلتس از کمبریج آیلتس جلد 19 آکادمیک تست اول

Some people think that competition at work, at school and in daily life is a good thing. Others believe that we should try to cooperate more, rather than competing against each other.
Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

نمونه پاسخ خوب از زبان آموزان اسفند 1403

Some individuals insist that competing in the workplace and daily life is beneficial, while others prefer cooperating. being a competitive person could help people improve their abilities and grow their talents, While cooperation leads people to help each other and solve problems together in less time.

Being a competitive person in life or the workplace has some benefits. when people have a chance that everyone is looking for, they don’t want to miss any opportunities so they work harder to improve their abilities, which leads them to more efficiency in work and their lives. As everyone knows, Improvement happens in hard situations. For instance when I was in high school, me and my friend were in one of the most competitive periods of our lives. We used to compete with each other regularly in who would get the best grade in exams and it made us study harder and take it seriously.

Cooperating is an essential feature of human beings. It’s a positive behavior whether it’s in the workplace or daily life. It makes people work with each other and find solutions together. Cooperating it’s more about reaching a goal together and it leads people to learn from others. Not only it has considerable effects on saving time but also it increases kindness and trust in social life. For example, in college, I was supposed to be a part of a research team, if anyone faced a question or problem everyone was keen on helping and we all found the answers together. then the process continued noticeably faster than we expected.

In conclusion, working and living in a competitive framework makes people work efficiently due to working harder. Cooperation leads people to help one another and reach an aim faster. I believe that being competitive can lead to anxiety and a sense of fulfillment in life. Instead, we should take things easier and savor the present moment(295 WORDS)

موضوع تست دوم

تاپیک رایتینگ آیلتس از کمبریج آیلتس جلد 19 آکادمیک تست دوم

The working week should be shorter and workers should have a longer weekend.

Do you agree or disagree?

نمونه پاسخ خوب از نگار، از زبان آموزان دوره اردیبهشت 1403

Some individuals insist on reducing working hours and expanding weekends. I believe that increasing days off might be beneficial due to the rise in the rate of job satisfaction and if people have enough leisure time their creativity at work will increase.

One of the significant impacts of reducing work hours in a week is that it enhance their satisfaction in work. As they don’t have to work every day without enough time to rest, they value this situation which is provided to them to spend some days with their loved ones or take a break from work. This leads people to have job satisfaction in the workplace and makes them think that they aren’t stuck behind a desk. For instance, when I was at college the university authorities published a regulation about increasing the off days in a week. So we only attended college four days a week. Afterward, most of the students were satisfied that they had spare time to work on their abilities and unfinished assignments.

In addition, People are not robots, they can’t work for long hours continuously. there are a lot of things that they want to do but can’t due to working unstoppably. If people have enough time for the activities that they are keen on doing, they became more creative. By having extra time in their weekly schedules they enjoy themselves and come up with more creative ideas in the workplace and their daily life. For example, Some well-known companies like Apple and Meta, decided to increase the non-working days for the developers to only work three days a week. Therefore, they have enough time to work on their ideas and enhance their creativity. Their efficiency grew significantly and the ideas popped up in their mind one after another.

In conclusion, by decreasing the work hours in a week, people enjoy working and it brings them a sense of satisfaction also they become more creative and can work more efficiently in their workplace. people have favorite activities to do if their time gets full with only work, it will kill their new ideas and make them unsatisfied with their working journey.


موضوع تست سوم

 کمبریج آیلتس 19 تست سوم

It is important for everyone, including young people, to save money for their future.

To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?


موضوع تست چهارم

کمبریج 19 تست چهارم

In many countries nowadays, consumers can go to a supermarket and buy food produced all over the world.

Do you think this is a positive or negative development?


کلام آخر

در اینجا نمونه پاسخ هایی برای سوالات رایتینگ کمبریج آیلتس 19 آکادمیک ارایه کردیم. برای شرکت در تمرین های رایتینگ آیلتس میتوانید در کانال تلگرام تصحیح رایگان رایتینگ ما به نشانی (https://t.me/ielts2group) همراه باشید.



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