
Art is considered as an essential part of all cultures throughout the

Art is considered as an essential part of all cultures throughout the

IELTS Band 9 Essay About Art is considered as an essential part of all cultures throughout the world

Here we take a look at a band 9 ielts writing task 2 sample about “Art is considered as an essential part of all cultures throughout the world”. This sample then will be further analyzed for its vocabulary, grammar and format, so we see how it has qualified for such band score. We also suggest over 200 band 9 IELTS samples released in 2025.

Sample Essay (Band 9)

Art is considered as an essential part of all cultures throughout the world. However these days fewer and fewer appreciate art and turn their focus to science, technology and business.

Why do you think that is?

What could be done to encourage more people to take interest in the arts?

Art has been a quintessential aspect of human civilization, reflecting the intricacies of culture, history, and creativity. However, in recent years, there has been a discernible decline in public interest in the arts, with an increasing predilection for fields such as science, technology, and business. This essay will explore the reasons behind this shift and propose measures to reignite enthusiasm for the arts.

One primary reason for this trend is the perceived lack of tangible benefits associated with pursuing a career in the arts. Unlike technology or business, which offer lucrative employment prospects, art is often viewed as a financially precarious field. In a world where economic stability is a major concern, individuals tend to gravitate towards disciplines that provide security and career progression. Additionally, technological advancements have shifted entertainment consumption patterns, with digital media superseding traditional forms of artistic expression such as painting and sculpture. The ubiquity of social media and streaming services has further altered public preferences, leading to a decline in appreciation for conventional artistic forms.

To address this issue, governments and educational institutions should play an active role in promoting the arts. Firstly, incorporating art education into school curricula as a mandatory subject can foster early appreciation. Exposure to different artistic forms from a young age may instill a lifelong passion for creative pursuits. Secondly, public funding and grants should be allocated to artists, allowing them to sustain their careers without financial hardship. Moreover, governments could incentivize businesses to collaborate with artists, integrating creativity into commercial endeavors. For instance, urban renewal projects incorporating street art or sculpture parks can make art more accessible to the public, thereby fostering interest. Lastly, leveraging digital platforms to promote and exhibit artistic works can engage younger generations who predominantly consume content online.

In conclusion, the diminishing appreciation for art stems primarily from economic concerns and evolving digital consumption habits. However, through comprehensive educational reforms, financial support for artists, and the integration of art into modern media, societies can rekindle public enthusiasm for artistic expression. Given the inestimable value of art in preserving cultural identity and inspiring creativity, it is imperative to take proactive steps to safeguard its relevance in contemporary society.

هنر هنرمند نقاش نقاشی زن زیبایی art artist painting paint

5 Academic Words in the sample for Art is considered as an essential part of all cultures throughout the world

  1. Quintessential /ˌkwɪn.tɪˈsen.ʃəl/

    • Definition: Representing the most typical or perfect example of something.
    • Example: Leonardo da Vinci is often regarded as the quintessential Renaissance artist.
  2. Discernible /dɪˈsɜː.nə.bəl/

    • Definition: Noticeable or distinguishable.
    • Example: A discernible shift in consumer preferences has led to the decline of print media.
  3. Predilection /ˌpriː.dɪˈlek.ʃən/

    • Definition: A preference or special liking for something.
    • Example: Many students develop a predilection for STEM subjects due to better career opportunities.
  4. Precarious /prɪˈkeə.ri.əs/

    • Definition: Not securely held or in a dangerous position.
    • Example: Freelance artists often face a precarious financial situation due to the irregular nature of their work.
  5. Ubiquity /juːˈbɪk.wɪ.ti/

    • Definition: The state of being everywhere or very common.
    • Example: The ubiquity of smartphones has drastically changed how people interact with information.

5 Advanced Grammar Structures and How They Enhance the Essay

  1. Complex Sentences with Multiple Clauses

    • Example: Unlike technology or business, which offer lucrative employment prospects, art is often viewed as a financially precarious field.
    • Why it helps: This structure improves coherence by linking ideas logically, making the writing more sophisticated.
  2. Use of Passive Voice

    • Example: Public funding and grants should be allocated to artists, allowing them to sustain their careers without financial hardship.
    • Why it helps: The passive voice is used to shift the focus onto the action rather than the doer, making the argument sound more formal and objective.
  3. Conditional Sentences

    • Example: If governments incentivize businesses to collaborate with artists, it could help integrate creativity into commercial endeavors.
    • Why it helps: Conditional structures add complexity to arguments, making them more nuanced.
  4. Relative Clauses

    • Example: Art has been a quintessential aspect of human civilization, reflecting the intricacies of culture, history, and creativity.
    • Why it helps: Relative clauses add depth by providing additional information without starting a new sentence.
  5. Advanced Cohesive Devices

    • Example: Moreover, governments could incentivize businesses to collaborate with artists, integrating creativity into commercial endeavors.
    • Why it helps: Using linking words like Moreover and For instance improves logical flow and clarity, making the essay more coherent.

Free IELTS Sample Essays with Answers PDF

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