
نمونه رایتینگ آیلتس نمره 7

نمونه رایتینگ آیلتس نمره 7
نمونه رایتینگ آیلتس نمره 7

نمونه رایتینگ آیلتس نمره 7

در این صفحه یک سمپل رایتینگ استاندارد آیلتس از کتاب کمبریج 9 تست سوم به همراه 2 نمونه پاسخ در دسترس زبان آموزان گرامی قرار داده میشود. یک نمونه توسط مهندس ابوالقاسمی مدرس آیلتس در سطح نمره 7 نوشته شده و نمونه دیگر تنظیم شده توسط اگزمینر هست و در سطح نمره 9 یا نمره کامل براورد میشود. امیدواریم این نمونه ها راهنمای عزیزان برای به دست آوردن نمره ای بالاتر در آزمون اصلی باشد.

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7 گام تا نمره هفت رایتینگ آیلتس – ویدئوی رسمی IDP

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رایتینگ آیلتس در نمره 7 چه ویژگی هایی دارد؟

رایتینگ آیلتس در نمره 7 باید دارای ویژگی های زیر باشد:

1. توسعه موضوع: نوشته باید موضوع را به طور کامل و جامع توسعه دهد و تمام جنبه های مربوط به آن را بررسی کند.

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6. طول مناسب: نوشته باید حداقل 250 کلمه داشته باشد. اما باید به طور معقول و مناسب به افزایش طول نوشته پرداخته شود.

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8. استفاده از منابع: در صورت لزوم، می توانید از منابع خارجی استفاده کنید و به آنها ارجاع دهید. اما باید مطمئن شوید که این منابع به درستی استناد شده و مطالب آنها به درستی پردازش شده است.

با رعایت این ویژگی ها، می توانید نمره 7 را در بخش رایتینگ آیلتس بگیرید.


نمونه رایتینگ آیلتس نمره 7 تا 7.5 در پاسخ به سوال بالا

In many parts of the world, the overweight and unhealthy population has reached an alarming proportion. While I believe providing new facilities for the public to have more physical exercise can be the first step, it cannot be enough and other approaches are needed. (44 words)

There are different reasons why increasing the number of sport centers can directly improve people’s health. First of all, many residents especially in large cities, where obesity is believed to be a widespread issue, have very limited spare time, and when commuting to a gym or sport center takes more than a couple of minutes, it is unlikely for most of them to even ever enroll. Moreover, an increase in the number of sport venues and centers will encourage competition among different neighborhoods. This is particularly true in our time and with the power of social media which in turn can develop interest in young people and attract more members from different socioeconomic backgrounds. (114 words)

There are, however, reasons to believe that having an unhealthy population is a complicated issue and cannot be dealt with increasing the number of sport centers alone. First of all, proper education about health and the need for doing sports seems to be more effective for forming a new habit. While doing sport is rewarding and fun, it is still a hard decision since it requires motivation and effort. If people feel that it is crucial to stay in shape, they find a place and a way to do exercise even in a form of a long everyday walk. Moreover, these are forms of physical exercise that can be done at home, such as running on a treadmill without the need to use a public sport facility. (127 words)

I personally believe that having more sports facility around us can be encouraging to enroll and enjoy our favorite sport while benefiting from its long-term health effects. But for many people the issue is not simply the lack of facilities since they can also have some equipment at their residential buildings and education in fact changes the decisions a population make for its health. (62 words)

Total = 347 words 


سمپل نمره 8 نوشته شده توسط هوش مصنوعی: (راهنمای روش انجام کار)

Title: The Impact of Sports Facilities on Public Health

Public health is a significant concern for societies worldwide, leading to debates on the most effective measures to improve it. While some argue that increasing the number of sports facilities is the best solution, others believe that alternative measures are needed. This essay will discuss both viewpoints and provide a personal opinion on the matter.

Body Paragraph 1: Advantages of increasing sports facilities
One perspective suggests that expanding sports facilities improves public health. Firstly, the availability of such facilities promotes physical activity and encourages people to engage in regular exercise. Additionally, increased access to sports facilities facilitates community engagement, fostering social bonds and overall well-being. For instance, when individuals participate in team sports, they develop teamwork skills and build long-lasting relationships.

Body Paragraph 2: Limitations of relying solely on sports facilities
Contrarily, some contend that solely increasing sports facilities may have limited impact on public health. They argue that lack of interest or motivation to engage in physical activity can deter individuals, rendering the facilities underutilized. In addition, certain populations, such as elderly or disabled individuals, may face limitations in utilizing sports facilities effectively. Moreover, addressing other factors, such as access to healthcare and nutritional education, is equally crucial in improving public health.

Body Paragraph 3: Alternative measures for enhancing public health
To complement the establishment of sports facilities, alternative measures are necessary to achieve better public health outcomes. These measures may include public awareness campaigns promoting healthy lifestyle choices, providing affordable healthcare services, and implementing policies that encourage physical activity in schools and workplaces. By adopting a multi-faceted approach, public health can be addressed comprehensively.

In conclusion, while increasing the number of sports facilities can have several positive effects on public health, it is necessary to recognize the limitations of relying solely on this measure. Combining the availability of sports facilities with alternative approaches, such as public health campaigns and accessible healthcare services, can yield more substantial and comprehensive results. By prioritizing a multi-dimensional strategy, societies can work towards a healthier future for all.

Note: This essay presents a balanced discussion of the topic and provides arguments for both viewpoints. However, you can modify the essay to express your own opinion if necessary.


نمونه پاسخ در سطح نمره 9 تنظیم شده توسط اگزمینر

برای اندازه بزرگتر روی تصویر کلیک کنید


نمونه رایتینگ نوشته شده توسط زبان آموزان دوره مهرماه 1400 (سطح نمره 7)

There has been an increase in the number of unhealthy people throughout the world. While I think providing more sport facilities can be one of the possible solutions, some more steps need to be taken in order to tackle the issue. (40)

There are a variety of reasons why increasing sports centers can help people glow with health. First of all, people are more likely to take part in a sport of some kind. Nowadays, people living specially in big cities, have limited amount of free time. By increasing sports facilities, people can have easier access to such places and they spend less time commuting to the sports centers. As a result, they can make some time to do physical activities. Secondly, people are actively encouraged to exercise for longer. Many people are in favour of doing team sports and it gives them a sense of belonging to a group and it would be like an open competition for them. As a consequence, they can be highly motivated to do regular exercise. (124)

However, Improving people’s state of health is a complex issue that can not be resolved just by providing more sport facilities. Firstly, the government must prepare enough budget for educating people about the benefits of doing sports. To explain more, People are definitely more encouraged when they learn about the importance of regular exercise and its positive impact on their physical and mental health. Thus, public awareness plays a crucial role in this regard. Secondly, the government must reduce the tax paid by people who do sports. Some people who are not interested in playing sports, can be strongly motivated to exercise by financial incentives and they may encourage others to do the same and enjoy the lasting benefits of it. (120)

In conclusion, I personally believe that while increasing sport centers can be an important step forward for improving people’s health, people need to be trained to care more about their health. (31)


نمونه رایتینگ نوشته شده توسط زبان آموزان دوره فروردین 1399 (سطح نمره 7 تا 7.5)

In today’s modern societies, the level of health is alarmingly declining on a global scale. Some believe that an effective solution to this problem is to provide people with more sports facilities. However, in my opinion, improving public health requires more than that. 43

There are various reasons why providing more sports centers leads to the improvement of people’s general health. First of all, it means they’re easily accessible to everyone, which could encourage some to exercise regularly even in workdays. Since hectic work schedules and stressful lifestyles are inevitable these days, easy-to-reach local facilities can save residents’ time and motivate them to engage in more physical activities. Secondly, the diversity of sports which could be offered would attract different interests because not everyone shares the same taste in sports also their fitness levels are different therefore the variety helps them to choose the program that suits them. 105

However, approaching such a problem is not that simple, and there are other ways to tackle it. First, by imposing a ban on advertising unhealthy food which persuades people to consume more high-calorie food products, the overwhelming desire for them would not be awakened. Although most people do not need those extra calories, watching colorful commercials convinces them to eat more fat-laden meals, which causes obesity and endangers their health. Second, improving access to healthy food would encourage more people to change their eating habits. If nourishing food becomes available for more groups, especially students, they would naturally adapt a healthier lifestyle, as nutritious meals on restaurant menus and healthy street food are more pleasurable than long-cooked vegetables at home. 123
To conclude, I am convinced that focusing on sports facilities is not necessarily an effective method and people should be influenced to make healthier choices and change the way they eat. 31


نمونه رایتینگ آیلتس نمره 7 – مطالب پیشنهادی

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Being overweight or obesity is one of the prevalent problems in the world. While some people believe we should provide more sports facilities to tackle this problem, I think there are various ways to do. (35)
There are two reasons why being equipped with more sports facilities would have a remarkable effect to improve public health. First of all, when there are many sports tools in parks, people will be motivated to use them and do sports. For instance, when they go to a park to have a walk or when they are talking to their friends at the park, they will do sports too. Secondly, the more facilities, the easier access. In other words, when they were everywhere, people are able to use them conveniently whenever in a day such as at noon when they are at work, during their break time. (112)
On the other hand, another group of people says increasing the number of facilities is not very beneficial for public health and there are other measures which are significant. One of these measures is a healthy diet. It means, people should put using organic food on their list as opposed to eating fast food because they include a wide range of harmful substances. The second measure that can be considered is education, which has a key role to improve the people health. They should be informed about unhealthy food, the importance of sports because these ages are the best age to have a healthy habit in their lives. (107)
Personally, I think sports facility is not as helpful as other ways like education because the effort of the government, setting more facilities, will not work if people do not have a healthy diet, for instance. (38)
In conclusion, some say in order to have a healthy society, more sports facilities should be provided, but other people, including me, believe there are other measures that are needed. (30)


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