
نمونه Students Prefer Study Alone Study in Group writing task 2

group work students دانش آموزان دانشجویان کار گروهی همکاری cooperation

Some students prefer to study alone. Others think it is better to study in group.

Discuss both views.

Study in group
# sharing ideas
# practice for future work

Study Alone
# more concentration
# more flexible timetable

Some students argue that it is better to study in a group. First of all, they will be able to share ideas with other group members. It is important for students to know about different ideas and talking to classmates provide such opportunity. Not all students can find their classmates but students in groups help them have access to others much more. Secondly, when they study in group, they learn to do teamwork and this experience help them in their future work. Employers prefer team players in almost all occupations and studying in groups can be a good opportunity for everyone to learn and develop this skill. (107 words)

On the other hand, however, there are students who prefer studying alone. First of all, there is more concentration on the subject and the books since students study their lessons individually in their private space. There is no one to disturb them when they study alone at home or in a library and less distraction is something that can help every student. Secondly, they can have a more flexible timetable because they do not need to set a time with other group members. This way students can change the time of study if something happens or there is an emergency that they cannot avoid. They may also want to study one subject more or less and this method allows them to do so. (123 words)



نمونه مقدمه دو جمله ای

The most effective way of studying can be different from one person to another. While some enjoy studying in groups, other benefit more from studying alone. (26 words)



نمونه Study Alone writing task 2

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5 سال قبل

سلام استاد لطفا تسک من چک بفرمایید که بدونم کجا اشتباهاتم تکرار میکنم . که تلاش کنم در تسک بعدی تا جای ممکن تکرار نکنم. ممنونم

5 سال قبل

Some student think that is better to study in a group. First of all, they can understand that their duty is important and they understand if don’t themselves duties all of the team member become unable to achieve their goals. Secondly, they feel better because humans are social beings and the reason for this is that when one person commit a crime the law decision that take hold that person in one sell to be separated from the sociality. Also they found out that if they work in group they can get more efficiency in their projects, jobs, and etc.
On the other hand, however, there are student who prefer studying alone. First of all, there is more time to thinking on the concept of case that is under the study without any person that speak with them and waste the time of them. And they are not forced to have the meeting about their results and discuss about them. Also they are free to do one thing more or less than them duty and the important issue is the freedom.

5 سال قبل

Some student prefer that it is better to study in a group. First of all, when students work together they can share different ideas to find a good way to learn faster. Some questions that may be difficult for someone while it’s very clear for other one so they study together and solve their problems and learn faster. Secondly, students can divide to assignment together so everyone focus on a part of textbook and find good method to learn than convey their funding to others group members. they can find a new tips and technique to learn easy and faster by using a new perspective. (102)
some student opinion that study alone is a favorite way to study. First of all, student can schedule to study efficiently and focus more on subject when they study alone. They can consider time that need to do daily routine and what time that have to study so they can take priority for planning that establish a balance between study and what they do each day. Secondly, they can be productive and creative when they study alone. when they study alone they have to read and look for in all resources and references that it is need to learn and find a new way to understand them specially when they prepare to take an exam they must read and learn alone. (121)

5 سال قبل

HELLO dear teacher, can I say ‘they can share different ideas about what they to do for assigning and find answer quickly

5 سال قبل

سلام استاد وقتتون بخیر در خط دوم چرا ساختار دو طرف and یکسان نیستند؟
It is important for students to know different ideas and taking to classmates provide such opportunity.

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