
آزمون تعیین سطح آیلتس رایگان

آزمون تعیین سطح آیلتس رایگان
آزمون تعیین سطح آیلتس رایگان

آزمون تعیین سطح آیلتس رایگان (رایتینگ و اسپیکینگ)

تعیین سطح و نمره رایتینگ سرویس جدیدی است که از شهریورماه 1396 بصورت رایگان در کانال تلگرام ielts2com@ انجام میشود. در ادامه این صفحه توضیحات و نمونه های تعیین سطح شده در دسترس میباشند. برای عضویت در کانال و دریافت این سرویس رایگان پیوند زیر را در تلگرام دنبال فرمایید:


یا به این شماره در تلگرام پیام بدید تا لینک عضویت برای شما ارسال شود:


همچنین پیشنهاد میکنیم با عضویت در بانک کامل فیدبک ها بصورت رایگان به هزاران نمونه Voice و رایتینگ زبان آموزان دوره های کنونی و پیشین دسترسی پیدا کنید:



آزمون تعیین سطح آیلتس رایگان – شیوه کار

در کانال ielts2com در هر جمعه یک تاپیک رایتینگ آیلتس در دسترس تمامی اعضا قرار میگیرد و از علاقمندان خواسته میشود رایتینگ های خود را با رعایت برخی استاندارد ها نوشته و تصویر آن را برای مدیر کانال ارسال نمایند. بسته به تعداد رایتینگ ها و فشار کار، پس از 1 تا چند روز، تعیین نمره رایتینگ انجام شده و به هر رایتینگ فیدبکی در خصوص نقاط ضعف و راه های بهبود آن در حدود 100 واژه داده میشود. چندین نمونه رایتینگ ارسالی که در طول 2 هفته ارسال شده بهراه برخی فیدبک ها در زیر آورده شده است.


آزمون تعیین سطح آیلتس رایگان – نمونه ها




Estimated score for this writing is 5.5 to 6 ?


  • Introduction is fine but it could be more concise
  • First body paragraph is too short. Although you have a clear idea, the development and progress is not enough and the paragraph is simply too short. I suggest you write at least 100 words for each body paragraph.
  • In second body paragraph you have two supports for the main idea which are clearly expressed but none of them is developed and supported enough and again this paragraph is too short.
  • The paragraph about your opinion is too general. It would be better if you took a single position to defend.
  • Conclusion is fine but at least it could be better worded.
  • The vocabulary throughout the essay could be improved for a higher score with better collocation and specifit vocab related to this area.
  • Grammatical structures are fine but limited almost everywhere in the essay.



? Estimated Score for this writing is 6


  • First body paragraph has attempted to address one side of the question but the coherence could be improved. Reasons were presented to support the first main idea but there was limitation in development.
  • The second main paragraph is simply too short to be able to support the main idea and thus it is neither coherent nor well developed.
  • Since question specifically asks for “your opinion” it needs a separate short paragraph.
  • The range of vocabulary and collocation are limited and there are several grammatical mistakes all over the essay.
  • Conclusion fails to provide a review of main ideas and only presents a new notion.



? Estimated Score is 6.5 to 7


  • The second body paragraph is not supported well and it is not convincing and u may lose points for coherence/cohesion and task response.
  • The paragraph which expresses your opinion and conclusion should be separated and u may lose point for mixing them in real exam.
  • Higher level of vocabulary and grammatical structures could be attempted for a higher score.



? Estimated Score for this writing is 6


  • Support and developing the ideas is not enough in body paragraph 1. This paragraph could be longer with more coherent support.
  • In second paragraph main idea is presented and repeated but support is not very convincing and although this paragraph is too long, it is not coherent.
  • You need one short paragraph for your personal opinion or u may lose point for not having it.
  • The level of vocabulary and grammatical structures keeps the essay from receiving higher scores.





? Estimated Score for this writing is 6


  • Without clear paragraphs you may lose considerable point. For instance 1 point
  • The introduction and first paragraph are inseparable, which makes main idea of first paragraph unclear and difficult to find.
  • The introduction is too long with unnecessary details and reasons.
  • The first paragraph lacks support and has not been developed in a logical manner.
  • It appears that the second paragraph is off topic. The idea presented in the question is not covered in the 2nd paragraph. Moreover, the second paragraph is too short to respond effectively to the question.
  • The vocabulary related to this topic and grammatical range of structure are both limited to band 6 and needs to be improved.


آزمون تعیین سطح آیلتس رایگان – روش انجام کار

1. ابتدا در کانال @ielts2.com عضو بشوید یا به شماره 09107751201 در تلگرام اعلام کنید میخواهید در کانال عضو شوید تا آدرس برای شما فرستاده شود.

2. هر چند روز یک بار چند سوال نسبتا دشوار در کانال قرار داده میشود که باید با اندکی جستجو در کانال آن ها را پیدا کنید.

3. یک اپلیکیشن Recorder از بازار یا Mobomarket یا هر جای مشابه دانلود و نصب بفرمایید. این recorder باید قابلیت تولید فایل صوتی با فرمت  mp3 را داشته باشد. فرمت های دگر قابل پذیرش نیستند. رکوردر خود تلگرام که با نگاه داشتن انگشت بر روی دکمه ضبط میکند هم قابل پذیرش نیست.

4. پاسخ خود را پس از چند بار تمرین ضبط کنید. هم سوال و هم جواب در یک فایل صوتی با فرمتی که اشاره شد. این پاسخ نباید بیش از 1 دقیقه و نباید کمتر از 30 ثانیه باشد.

5. فایل تولید شده توسط اپلیکشن را به شماره 09121355087 بفرستید. این فایل توسط ما در کانال اسپیکینگ تلگرام قرار خواهد گرفت و بعدا در همین صفحه بهمراه براوردی از نمره اسپیکینگ شما منتشر خواهد شد.

نمونه های زیر به همین ترتیب بدست آمده اند.

آزمون تعیین سطح آیلتس رایگان – نمونه های تعیین سطح شده در اسفند 1395

نمونه زیر توسط اعضای گروه تلگرام @ielts2.com برای ما فرستاده شده و بصورت رایگان تعیین سطح میشود و برای شنیدن و بازبینی در دسترس همگان خواهد بود. از تمامی عزیزان درخواست داریم پس از دریافت کارنامه و مشخص شدن نمره نهایی خود، ما در بخش دیدگاه ها از این نمره آگاه نمایند.

آزمون تعیین سطح آیلتس رایگان – دقت این براورد ها چقدر  است؟

براورد رایگان نمونه voice ها از تابستان 1395 آغاز شده و ده ها نفر از این خدمت رایگان بهره گرفته اند. دوستانی که زحمت کشیده اند و پس از دریافت کارنامه ما را از نمره دریافت شده خود در آزمون رسمی آگاه کرده اند، همگی در بازه ای مشخص شده قرار داشته اند. تاکنون هیچ براوردی بیش از 0.5 نمره با نمره دریافتی زبان آموزان در آزمون رسمی آیلتس تفاوت نداشته است.

معیارهای تعیین نمره اسپیکینگ آیلتس کدامند؟

اگر با 4 معیار مورد نظر اگزمینر آیلتس در تعیین نمره اسپیکینگ آشنا نیستید پیشنهاد میکنیم صفحه زیر در این زمینه را حتما مطالعه بفرمایید:

4 معیار اصلی نمره دهی در Speaking آیلتس کدامند؟


براورد 8 نمونه فرستاده شده بین 25 می و 8 جون

نمونه اول، نمره براورد شده: 6 تا 6.5


نمونه دوم، نمره براورد شده: 6


نمونه سوم، نمره براورد شده: 6.5 تا 7


نمونه چهارم، نمره براورد شده: 6.5


نمونه پنجم، نمره براورد شده: 6.5


نمونه ششم، نمره براورد شده: 6


نمونه هفتم، نمره براورد شده: 6 تا 6.5


نمونه هشتم، نمره براورد شده: 6تا 6.5


براورد 10 نمونه فرستاده شده بین 14 می و 23 می

نمونه اول، نمره براورد شده: 6 تا 6.5


نمونه دوم، نمره براورد شده: 6 تا 6.5


نمونه سوم، نمره براورد شده: 6.5 تا 7


نمونه چهارم، نمره براورد شده: 6 تا 6.5


نمونه پنجم، نمره براورد شده: 6.5 تا 7


نمونه ششم، نمره براورد شده: 6.5


نمونه هفتم، نمره براورد شده: 7


نمونه هشتم، نمره براورد شده: 6


نمونه نهم، نمره براورد شده: 6.5


نمونه دهم، نمره براورد شده: 7.5


براورد 13 نمونه فرستاده شده بین 28 اپریل و 13 می

نمونه اول، نمره براورد شده: 6.5


نمونه دوم، نمره براورد شده: 6


نمونه سوم، نمره براورد شده: 6 تا 6.5


نمونه چهارم، نمره براورد شده: 6 تا 6.5


نمونه پنجم، نمره براورد شده: 6.5


نمونه ششم، نمره براورد شده: 6.5 تا 7


نمونه هفتم، نمره براورد شده: 5.5


نمونه هشتم، نمره براورد شده: 6.5 تا 7


نمونه نهم، نمره براورد شده: 6.5


نمونه دهم، نمره براورد شده: 6.5 تا 7


نمونه یازدهم، نمره براورد شده: 6 تا 6.5


نمونه دوازدهم، نمره براورد شده: 6


نمونه سیزدهم، نمره براورد شده: 6 تا 6.5


براورد 6 نمونه فرستاده شده بین 16 و 28 اپریل

نمونه اول، نمره براورد شده: 6 تا 6.5


نمونه دوم، نمره براورد شده: 6


نمونه سوم، نمره براورد شده: 6


نمونه چهارم، نمره براورد شده: 6 تا 6.5


نمونه پنجم، نمره براورد شده: 6.5


نمونه ششم، نمره براورد شده: 6


براورد نمره 22 نمونه فرستاده شده بین 22 مارچ و 15 اپریل 2017:

برای شنیدن بدون مشکل فایل های صوتی از مرورگر گوگل کروم استفاده بفرمایید.

نمونه اول، نمره براورد شده: 5 تا 5.5


نمونه دوم، نمره براورد شده: 6.5


نمونه سوم: نمره براورد شده: ///


نمونه چهارم: نمره براورد شده: ///


نمونه پنجم: نمره براورد شده: 6 تا 6.5


نمونه ششم: نمره براورد شده: 6 تا 6.5


نمونه هفتم: نمره براورد شده: 6.5


نمونه هشتم: نمره براورد شده: 7


نمونه نهم: نمره براورد شده: 7.5


نمونه دهم: نمره براورد شده: ///


نمونه یازدهم: نمره براورد شده: 6.5


نمونه دوازدهم: نمره براورد شده: 7.5 تا 8


نمونه سیزدهم: نمره براورد شده: 7


نمونه چهاردهم: نمره براورد شده: 7


نمونه پانزدهم: نمره براورد شده: 7.5


نمونه شانزدهم: نمره براورد شده:////


نمونه هفدهم: نمره براورد شده: 6.5


نمونه هجدهم: نمره براورد شده: 6.5 تا 7


نمونه نوزدهم: نمره براورد شده: 6.5


نمونه بیستم: نمره براورد شده: 6


نمونه بیست و یکم: نمره براورد شده: 6


نمونه بیست و دوم: نمره براورد شده: 6


نمره برخی نمونه های فرستاده شده پیش از 15 اپریل 2017:


نمونه اول: نمره براورد شده: 6.5 تا 7


نمونه دوم: نمره براورد شده: 6.5 تا 7


نمونه سوم: نمره براورد شده: 6.5


نمونه چهارم: نمره براورد شده: 6.5 تا 7


نمونه پنجم: نمره براورد شده: 6.5


نمونه ششم: نمره براورد شده: 7.5 تا 8


نمونه هفتم: نمره براورد شده: 7


نمونه هشتم: نمره براورد شده: 6.5 تا 7


نمونه نهم: نمره براورد شده: 6.5 تا 7


نمونه دهم: نمره براورد شده: 7.5 تا 8


تعیین نمره اسپیکینگ آیلتس در کانال تلگرام – نمونه Voice های ضبط شده سال 1395

در اینجا نمونه voice هایی که به همین ترتیب از طرف زبان آموزان برای ما فرستاده شده و تعیین سطح برای آن ها انجام شده را در دسترس شما قرار میدهیم.

نمونه های زیر از ابراهیم از زبان آموزان سختکوش تابستان 1395 است که در نهایت موفق به دریافت نمره 7 در مهارت اسپیکینگ آیلتس گردید:
























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fatemeh najafi
fatemeh najafi
6 سال قبل

Some experts believe that it is better for children to begin learning a foreign language at primary school rather than secondary school.
Do the advantages of this outweigh the disadvantages?
More and more people are making the choice to learn foreign language at a young age. However, some people claimed that learning foreign language at earlier time is more effective for children instead of starting at secondary school. This essay delves into both benefits and drawbacks of such a measure and provides a logical conclusion.
One of the first benefits of learning foreign language at primary school is that children are motivated by new language and this motivation can have positive influence on their other studies including math, biology and so on and also will only benefit for them in later life. In addition, there is no doubt our ability to learn other languages at earlier time when we were young. This would mean that it will be easier for students to learn foreign language at primary school and gain a better understanding of other cultures. According to research conducted at Tehran university, at approximately 85% of children will be succeed in the future who learn other languages at prime and familiar with many languages.
Nevertheless, there are major disadvantages for this subject. At primary school, teachers aren’t capable to teach other languages as they are generalists, no have necessary skills. Additionally, children may face with a wide variety of different languages at earlier time and then confused both mother tongue and foreign languages, resulting in experience and have awful influence. Therefore, they lose enthusiastic to continue studying and become demotivated them.
In conclusion, learning foreign languages at primary school has many ramifications such as boost their chance to get rewarding position in their life and motivation to study other subjects, it is not without disadvantages.

hadi mahami
hadi mahami
6 سال قبل

Cambridge 8 test1 task 2
Some people think that parents should teach children how to be good members of society. Others, however, believe that school is the place to learn this.
Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

Some people are of the opinion that teaching children to become a good member is one of the parental duties, others, including me, argue that schools should prepare children for this purpose.
On the one hand, a group of people put forward one main argument to support the idea that children should be educated by parents has great benefits. According to these people, children before entering to schools, they spend a vast amount of their time at home and they record all the things that are needed to become a good member. This means that children are growing beside their parents and they are nurtured by parents. Therefore, parents have a vital role in teaching children to make a good member for society. The parents ought to teach children for this.
On the other hand, others, including me, state two plausible reasons due to which children are educated at schools to become a good and beneficial person for society. First of all, when children turn 7, they go to school. This means that because schoolchildren can’t distinguish between good and bad things, they need a good instruction. In order for all teachers were educated by the scientific methods at university, if children are taught by teachers, they will presumably become a good person for society. Additionally, personality often is developed until 19 that is the age of schoolchild. In other words, children spend a vast amount of time at school, therefore, school has enormous impact on children. Therefore, the best way that children can learn, is schools.
In conclusion, I have a deep conviction that school has the most important role in the society, which comprises people. almost all people go to school and they spent a large amount of time at school and also teachers have been taught by the best methods that they prepare for teach children. Hence, children that are educated at schools become better citizens.

6 سال قبل

درود ببخشید سوالی دارم من زبانم مبتدی هست یا المنتری ایا با صحبت هایی که شما کردید در مورد پیس ایلتس من میتونم مستقیما وارد دوره های زیر بشم یا باید برم از ترمیک شروع کنم
pre iltes basic
pre iltes 1
pre iltes 2
pre iltes 3
pres ilts 4

6 سال قبل

Write a letter to your friend about your plans to go out with him/her and another friend on a small picnic. Include the following in your letter:
– where you plan to go
– what arrangements you already made
– what help you need from your friend with this picnic.

Dear Sam,
I hope you are doing well. As we talked last week, I am planning to have an expedition on the next weekend together with you and Sarah. I have researched about some places around Ghale Roudkhan where can be so adventurous for us. It is one of the most pristine parts of Qazvin province. I would like to know your attitude about it too. This season is suitable time of the year in that region to have a wonderful experience in a tent in middle of Jungle. I will send you more detail about the equipment which we have to be taken for camping. Furthermore, for transportation we need to go there by our own cars. My car will not be available for that specific time because of its service date. I would like to ask you to let me know about your car availability for the next week. I will discuss this issue with Sarah too, maybe whether you or her take car.
I am waiting your prompt feedback my friend.

Some believe that people should not continue to work once they reach the age of retirement. Do you agree or disagree? Give reasons for your answer and include relevant examples from your experience.
Let me answer this question in this way that I am agree and disagree to work after being retired. There are many factors which impact people’s attitude about this question, such as economical statue. Maybe economic issues in that condition is one of reason but also some people do not just pay attention to the financial aspect of it such as people who are preferred to be active and social by working. Therefore, it completely depends on life approach and other factor such as being involved in an activity.
Truly speaking, I prefer to travel and spend my life to the activities which are not possible to do them till that time in this life. Although, I am conscious about that it is easy to said than done but it is my current idea about devoting my life to my interests such as doing Tango or maybe playing piano. In addition to that, I would like to be active as a volunteer in charities. Maybe as a retired one, this would make me happier than other activities.
According to my grandpa’s experience, spending time with grandsons and family member was more valuable in comparison to working for hours on end in automation industry, despite that he spent all of his retirement years in industry far from his family. So briefly speaking, he was a workaholic character which in spite of his instinct family love, he could not prevent his working appetite in rest of his life.
As a conclusion, each person actions and preferences can be completely different from his/her interests so as a result this question has to be answered according to retirement circumstances in that specific time, I could no answer it exactly today. This question can be replied by me at least twenty years later, not today.

6 سال قبل

Topic: some people believe that unpaid community services should be a comulsory part of high school programs ( for example working for a charity, improving the neighbourhood or teaching sports to younger children). To what extent do you agree or disagree??

Community services can be considered as a great assistance preparing teenagers for their adult life. Some people believe high school students should be compelled to participate in this kind of activities. I strongly believe, while taking part in such activities can bring considerable benefits, but compulsory activity could not be helpful any longer.

It is clear that doing social activities
have a great advantage in development of children’s personality. Thus, participating in social services act as an educational platform in order to train teenagers to be good members of society. As a matter of fact, it can grow a sense of responsibility in them. To illustrate, it can make them to take personal responsibility for prospective tasks. Moreover, their contribution in supportive social works engage them with some collaborative tasks rather than staying at home or using computers and mobiles on their own. It then gives them a sense of usefulness in the long term.

On the other hand, use of compulsion in every task is not justified. Moreover, it is certain that people, especially in their youth, do not admit doing obligatory works. In point of fact, being under an obligation cause major difficulties in teenagers’ manner. For example, it may cause them bad-tempered or aggressive. Thus, instead of compulsion, school should encourage students to take part in such social works and permit them to see the benefits of doing this type of works by their own eyes.

To conclude, being involved in support services such as working for a charity or so on can develop schoolchildren’s sense of identity. But, it seems to me that, persuading children to do this type of works voluntarily, can lead to more favorable outcomes.

6 سال قبل

Some people think that universities should provide graduates with the knowledge and skills needed in the workplace. Others think that the true function of a university should be to give access to knowledge for its own sake, regardless of whether the course is useful to an employers.
What, in your opinion, shoul be the main function of a university?
People have different views about whether universities should prepare students for workplaces or guild them to improve the knowledge. While it is necessary to have graduated people who are adroit in working situations, I am of the opinion that the main function of universities have to be broadening of knowledge. This can be discussed with the following reasons enunciated with a priority of importance.
First and foremost, it is knowledge which generally creates technology. Knowledge causes discovering of theoretical issues, in turn, leading an array of machines to be manufactured. One particular salient example of this is satellite. Having completed theoretical subjects in universities for a couple of decades, Nasa decided to build and launch one to space. Therefore, for technology to be improved, first step is to create theoretical issues which have to be done by universities. Actually, it is the basic knowledge which only universities can improve.
Seen from other way round, what universities need for studying on basic knowledge is money. As most of universities all around the globe are private, so difficult is it to provide enough fund. One practical wy to iron out this problem is to earn this budget from companies. So there are found many universities insinting that students have to solve workplace problems, in which case after graduating, working at companies a large number of students find easy to deal with.
Having reviewed both side of universities functions, I can but reaffirm my position that whereas the foremost function of universities should be improving the knowledge itself. Making money for providing enough equipment leads to prepare students for working at companies.

کاربران ناشناس
کاربران ناشناس
6 سال قبل

The Internet has dramatically altered our lives over the past few decades. Although some of these changes have been negative, the overall effect of this technology has been positive. What are your opinions on this?

There is no doubt that the advent of the internet has considerably revolutionized humans’ lives. The question is whether the benefits of this invention outweigh its drawbacks? This essay aims to fairly investigate both sides of the story. Following this look, a reasoned conclusion will be shared.
To begin with, considering pros of internet, it has provided societies with so numerous facilities that one dreads to think of a week without internet access. Thanks to social medias including Facebook and Instagram, people can immediately get in touch with their relatives no matter how distant they might be from each other. Furthermore, online educational contents academia. For instance, countless YouTube tutorials, covering nearly every scientific topic, can serve as a valuable resource for any curious pupil.
On the other hand, it has been proven that many epidemic illnesses of this so-called post-modern era tightly correlate with the overreliance on the internet. Recent researches conducted on the depression reveal that introvert persons and those who suffer from depression disorder find the social media and online games as the alternatives to having interactions with their families or going for a trip, and consequently, tend to spend more times solely. Some go further and claim that people would be more sociable and more energetic if they had not invented this technology. Apart from that, this superabundance of information is not purely composed of beneficial and instructive contents, alas! The p-o-rn-ogr-a–ph-ic materials, for example, are now easily available. Although the elderly exhibit less proclivity towards the indecent and offensive contents of the web, the adolescents are seriously prone to this plague. However, there exist some measures and solutions to tackle these flaws and perils.
Taking everything into consideration, it would be quite rational to acclaim that the benefits of the internet far outweigh its drawbacks. After all, those drawbacks, though are well-documented, do not seem to be insurmountable. Thus, as far as I am concerned, the net effect of the internet is certainly positive.

کاربران ناشناس
کاربران ناشناس
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6 سال قبل

Pardon me. There is a phrase missed through the answer. In the second paragraph, just after the word “Furthermore”, the complete sentence was meant to be something like this: 0
online educational contents has gained a prominent place among academia

6 سال قبل

میشه دقیقن بگید برای تعیین سطح باید چه کار کرد؟

6 سال قبل

There is a statement which argue there should be same number of different genders in every subjects of university courses.I disagree with this statement for various reasons.
Firstly,It is clear that men and woman have different talents and qualities so there should be a difference between subjects and jobs which is appropriate for each one.occupations which involves high level of physical workout is not suitable for females.A
research has been done by karolinska institute in Sweden shows that dentist females get involve with neural and muscular diseases in the result of high pressure positions much earlier than male dentists with the similar age and workload.On the other hand there are some jobs which seems to be more fit for females.As a result of experience most of managers prefer to choose females for their secretary and cashier positions,maybe because of females ability in communicating with customers and high performance in multitasking.
secondly there is the matter of workplace.many people believe that some workplaces are not appropriate for women.some jobs involves working in tough and dangerous environment.for example one of the branches of chemistry subject require to work in a factory on substances with 300 centigrade temperature.It is hard to imagine a woman in this situation.most of women prefer to work in an environment which guaranties their safety and include risk of injury.
In conclusion,I will argue that it is not necessary to have equal number of students of both genders in every university subjects because some subjects seems to be designed for one of these groups

6 سال قبل

-Some people claim that not enough of the waste from homes is recycled.
They say that the only way to increase recycling is for governments to make it a legal requirement.
To what extent do you think laws are needed to make people recycle more of their waste?
– Irrefutably household waste has been increasing rapidly in recent decades and it needs to be recycled to prevent harms to environment. A certain number of individuals assert that the amount of the recycled household waste are deficient , hence they believe that a mere way to expand recycling is for governments to make it a legal demand. This essay agrees with that notion to some extent and will examine why governments need to set laws to force individuals recycle a greater extent of their waste.
First and foremost , the environment must be protected by every individuals and government plays a key role to motivate people taking part in that vital responsibility. Despite the fact that many people take the responsibility without setting laws to recycle more of their waste , a certain number of them specially teenagers do not count it as an essential issue and they need to be forced by government to take part in it . For instance in my country the government is not concerned about the amount of recycled waste thus most individuals do not take part in increasing them hence the implication is that our environment is not as clear as it was in last years.
In addition, the deficient amount of recycling household waste could lead to a polluted environment that will render various types of diseases for people and eventually it will cause more deaths. However, obliging individuals to expand recycled waste by the government will lead to a healthy community. For example recent researches in developed countries have shown that the disease rate has been abated in recent years while the government had enforced laws to protect the environment.
By and large, the cited evidence strongly prove that I am an advocate if this approach and we ought to appreciate the beauty of our environment and take the responsibility to recycle a greater amount of household waste and the government should force individuals to make a healthy environment.

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