
Training 65-year-olds people to use computer would be a good use

Training 65-year-olds people to use computer would be a good use

IELTS Band 9 Essay About Training 65-year-olds people to use computer would be a good use

Here we take a look at a band 9 ielts writing task 2 sample about “Training 65-year-olds people to use computer would be a good use”. This sample then will be further analyzed for its vocabulary, grammar and format, so we see how it has qualified for such band score. We also suggest over 200 band 9 IELTS samples released in 2025.

Sample Essay with Answer (Band 9)

Training 65-year-olds people to use computer would be a good use of government money.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Investing public funds in training elderly individuals, particularly those aged 65 and above, to use computers is a prudent and progressive policy. In an era where digital literacy is increasingly essential for daily functioning, such an initiative can yield substantial social and economic benefits. This essay will argue that government expenditure on digital education for seniors is both justifiable and indispensable, as it fosters social inclusion, enhances cognitive engagement, and reduces the burden on public services.

Firstly, ensuring that older adults acquire basic computer skills promotes social integration. Many seniors experience isolation due to a lack of access to online communication tools. By equipping them with digital competencies, governments can enable them to connect with family members via email and video calls, thus mitigating loneliness and depression. Studies have shown that digitally engaged seniors report higher life satisfaction, which underscores the imperative of such training programs.

Secondly, learning to use computers has significant cognitive benefits. Numerous psychological studies indicate that acquiring new technological skills stimulates neural activity, thereby delaying cognitive decline. Engaging with digital platforms, whether for information retrieval, entertainment, or problem-solving, serves as a mental exercise that enhances memory and problem-solving abilities. In this sense, digital literacy acts as a prophylactic measure against age-related cognitive disorders, ultimately contributing to a healthier aging population.

Finally, training older adults in computer literacy reduces dependency on government services. Many routine activities, such as scheduling medical appointments or accessing banking services, have shifted to online platforms. If seniors are adept at using these systems, it decreases the necessity for physical visits to government offices, hospitals, and banks, thereby alleviating pressure on public infrastructure. This cost-effective approach ensures that public resources are allocated more efficiently.

In conclusion, funding computer training for senior citizens is a strategic investment with far-reaching benefits. By fostering social engagement, improving cognitive health, and decreasing reliance on government services, such initiatives not only empower individuals but also contribute to societal well-being. Given these advantages, governments should prioritize and expand such programs to ensure that older adults remain active, informed, and independent members of society.

پیر پیرمرد سن گذشته تاریخ خاطرات old man memories past history

Five Academic Words in the sample for Training 65-year-olds people to use computer would be a good use

  1. Prudent /ˈpruː.dənt/

    • Making informed financial decisions is prudent, especially in times of economic uncertainty.
  2. Mitigating /ˈmɪt.ɪ.ɡeɪ.tɪŋ/

    • The new policies are aimed at mitigating the negative effects of inflation on low-income households.
  3. Indispensable /ˌɪn.dɪˈspen.sə.bəl/

    • In modern education, technology has become an indispensable tool for both students and teachers.
  4. Prophylactic /ˌprɒ.fɪˈlæk.tɪk/

    • Regular exercise and a balanced diet serve as prophylactic measures against cardiovascular diseases.
  5. Strategic /strəˈtiː.dʒɪk/

    • The company made a strategic decision to expand into international markets to increase its revenue.

Five Advanced Grammatical Structures and Their Impact:

  1. Complex Sentences with Subordinate Clauses

    • Example: “By equipping them with digital competencies, governments can enable them to connect with family members via email and video calls, thus mitigating loneliness and depression.”
    • Why it helps: Complex sentences add sophistication and variety, making the argument more compelling and fluent.
  2. Passive Voice for Formality

    • Example: “Many routine activities, such as scheduling medical appointments or accessing banking services, have shifted to online platforms.”
    • Why it helps: Passive voice maintains objectivity and is commonly used in academic writing to emphasize actions rather than actors.
  3. Nominalization for Academic Tone

    • Example: “This cost-effective approach ensures that public resources are allocated more efficiently.”
    • Why it helps: Using nouns instead of verbs (e.g., “allocation” instead of “allocate”) makes the writing more formal and precise.
  4. Relative Clauses for Clarity and Detail

    • Example: “Studies have shown that digitally engaged seniors report higher life satisfaction, which underscores the imperative of such training programs.”
    • Why it helps: Relative clauses provide additional information without breaking the sentence flow, enhancing readability and depth.
  5. Parallelism for Emphasis

    • Example: “By fostering social engagement, improving cognitive health, and decreasing reliance on government services, such initiatives not only empower individuals but also contribute to societal well-being.”
    • Why it helps: Using a parallel structure (verb + noun) makes the argument more persuasive and aesthetically balanced.


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