
Some people think that children should be taught how to become

A large amount of advertising aimed at children should be banned

IELTS Band 9 Essay About Some people think that children should be taught how to become

Here we take a look at a band 9 Ielts writing task 2 sample about “Some people think that children should be taught how to become good parents”. This sample then will be further analyzed for its vocabulary, grammar and format, so we see how it has qualified for such band score. We also suggest over 200 band 9 IELTS samples released in 2025.

Sample Essay (Band 9)

Some people think that children should be taught how to become good parents at school.

Do you agree or disagree?

The idea of teaching children how to become good parents at school is a provocative one, sparking considerable debate among educators and policymakers. While some argue that such lessons would prepare future generations for the responsibilities of parenthood, others believe that parenting skills are best learned through personal experience and family upbringing. In my opinion, I strongly agree that schools should incorporate parenting education into their curriculum, as it would equip young people with essential life skills and foster a more compassionate society.

One of the primary reasons for teaching parenting skills in schools is to address the prevalence of inadequate parenting practices. Many parents struggle with the challenges of raising children due to a lack of knowledge about child development, discipline strategies, and emotional support. By introducing parenting education early on, schools can help students develop a deeper understanding of these issues. For example, lessons on child psychology and effective communication could empower future parents to raise emotionally healthy and well-adjusted children.

Moreover, teaching parenting skills in schools can promote gender equality by encouraging both boys and girls to share parenting responsibilities equally. Traditionally, parenting has been seen as a predominantly female role, but educating children about the importance of shared responsibilities can challenge these stereotypes. For instance, boys who learn about the value of nurturing and caregiving are more likely to become involved fathers, contributing to a more balanced and equitable society.

However, critics argue that schools should focus on academic subjects rather than parenting, as the latter is a personal matter best learned at home. While this viewpoint has some merit, it overlooks the fact that not all children have access to positive role models or supportive family environments. Schools can fill this gap by providing a structured and inclusive approach to parenting education, ensuring that all students, regardless of their background, have the opportunity to learn these vital skills.

In conclusion, I believe that teaching children how to become good parents at school is a progressive step towards building a more informed and equitable society. By addressing the prevalence of inadequate parenting and promoting gender equality, such education can have far-reaching benefits for future generations.

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Academic Vocabulary Words in the sample for Some people think that children should be taught how to become

  1. Provocative (/prəˈvɒkətɪv/)
    • Sentence: The idea of teaching parenting skills in schools is a provocative topic that sparks debate.
  2. Responsibilities (/rɪˌspɒnsɪˈbɪlɪtiz/)
    • Sentence: Parenting education can help students understand the responsibilities of raising children.
  3. Compassionate (/kəmˈpæʃənət/)
    • Sentence: Teaching parenting skills can foster a more compassionate society.
  4. Prevalence (/ˈprɛvələns/)
    • Sentence: Schools can address the prevalence of inadequate parenting through education.
  5. Stereotypes (/ˈstɛrɪəˌtaɪps/)
    • Sentence: Parenting education can challenge traditional stereotypes about gender roles

Advanced Grammar Structures

  1. While some argue that…
    • This concessive clause introduces a contrasting viewpoint, demonstrating the writer’s ability to consider multiple perspectives, which is crucial for a high band score.
  2. By introducing parenting education early on…
    • The use of a prepositional phrase at the beginning of the sentence adds variety to sentence structure and emphasizes the cause-effect relationship.
  3. For example, lessons on child psychology…
    • The use of a specific example strengthens the argument by providing concrete evidence to support the claim.
  4. Traditionally, parenting has been seen as…
    • The use of an adverb (“Traditionally”) at the beginning of the sentence adds sophistication and contextual relevance to the argument.
  5. While this viewpoint has some merit…
    • This concessive clause acknowledges potential counterarguments, demonstrating balance and critical thinking, which are essential for a high band score.

These advanced grammatical structures contribute to the essay’s coherence, cohesion, and lexical resource, all of which are critical for achieving a Band 9 score.

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