
Some people believe that advertising has a lot of economic benefits

Some people believe that advertising has a lot of economic benefits

IELTS Band 9 Essay About Some people believe that advertising has a lot of economic benefits

Here we take a look at a band 9 ielts writing task 2 sample about “Some people believe that advertising has a lot of economic benefits”. This sample then will be further analyzed for its vocabulary, grammar and format, so we see how it has qualified for such band score. We also suggest over 200 band 9 IELTS samples released in 2025.

Sample Essay (Band 9)

Some people believe that advertising has a lot of economic benefits, however some say that it makes people feel more dissatisfied about who they are or what they want.

Discuss both views and give your opinion?

Advertising plays a pivotal role in the economic landscape, yet it is often criticized for fostering consumerism and dissatisfaction. While some argue that advertisements are indispensable to economic growth, others contend that they manipulate consumers’ desires, leading to unrealistic expectations. This essay will examine both perspectives before presenting my own viewpoint.

On the one hand, advertising significantly contributes to economic prosperity. By promoting goods and services, businesses can stimulate demand, resulting in increased sales and job creation. Furthermore, advertisements enable companies to reach wider audiences, facilitating market expansion and competitiveness. For instance, multinational corporations invest billions in advertising campaigns to establish brand identity and customer loyalty. Additionally, advertising supports various industries, including media and entertainment, by providing financial sustainability. Without advertising revenue, many newspapers, television channels, and digital platforms would struggle to survive. Thus, from an economic standpoint, advertising is an integral component of modern commerce.

On the other hand, critics argue that advertising cultivates unrealistic aspirations and discontent. Companies often employ persuasive techniques, such as celebrity endorsements and exaggerated claims, to influence consumers’ purchasing decisions. Consequently, individuals may feel pressured to attain an unattainable lifestyle, leading to frustration and financial strain. A prime example is the beauty industry, where idealized images set by advertisers often result in low self-esteem among consumers. Moreover, excessive advertising fosters materialism, shifting societal values away from contentment towards superficial acquisitions. As a result, many individuals equate happiness with consumption, which can be detrimental to mental well-being.

In my opinion, although advertising plays a crucial role in driving economic growth, its negative implications cannot be ignored. To mitigate its adverse effects, regulatory bodies should enforce stringent guidelines to prevent deceptive marketing. Additionally, consumers should be educated on media literacy to develop a more discerning approach toward advertisements. Striking a balance between economic benefits and ethical advertising practices is paramount to ensuring a fair marketplace.

In conclusion, advertising undoubtedly fuels economic growth by enhancing market dynamics and generating employment. However, its role in promoting dissatisfaction and materialism is a valid concern. Therefore, while acknowledging its advantages, measures should be taken to curb its negative impact, fostering a more responsible advertising environment.

آگهی تبلیغات فروش

5 Academic Words in the sample for Some people believe that advertising has a lot of economic benefits

  1. Pivotal /ˈpɪv.ə.t̬əl/

    • The development of artificial intelligence is a pivotal moment in technological history.
  2. Stimulate /ˈstɪm.jə.leɪt/

    • Government incentives can stimulate investment in renewable energy sources.
  3. Indispensable /ˌɪn.dɪˈspen.sə.bəl/

    • Education is an indispensable tool for social and economic advancement.
  4. Stringent /ˈstrɪn.dʒənt/

    • The new environmental laws impose stringent regulations on industrial emissions.
  5. Superficial /ˌsuː.pɚˈfɪʃ.əl/

    • Many social media influencers portray a superficial image of success and happiness.

5 Advanced Grammar Structures and How They Enhance the Essay

  1. Complex Sentences with Subordinate Clauses

    • Example: While some argue that advertisements are indispensable to economic growth, others contend that they manipulate consumers’ desires, leading to unrealistic expectations.
    • This structure enhances coherence and allows for a more sophisticated comparison of ideas.
  2. Use of Passive Voice

    • Example: Regulatory bodies should enforce stringent guidelines to prevent deceptive marketing.
    • The passive structure adds formality and shifts the focus onto the action rather than the doer.
  3. Conditional Sentences

    • Example: If advertising is not regulated properly, it can lead to widespread consumer dissatisfaction.
    • This conditional statement demonstrates the hypothetical consequences of unchecked advertising.
  4. Parallel Structures

    • Example: Advertising undoubtedly fuels economic growth by enhancing market dynamics and generating employment.
    • The parallel structure ensures balance and clarity, making the sentence more persuasive.
  5. Nominalization

    • Example: The role of advertising in promoting dissatisfaction and materialism is a valid concern.
    • Using nominalization (e.g., “promotion” instead of “promotes”) makes the writing more academic and formal.

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