
Should employers focus more on the way employees dress

Should employers focus more on the way employees dress

IELTS Band 9 Essay About should employers focus more on the way employees dress

Here we take a look at a band 9 ielts writing task 2 sample about “Should employers focus more on the way employees dress”. This sample then will be further analyzed for its vocabulary, grammar and format, so we see how it has qualified for such band score. We also suggest over 200 band 9 IELTS samples released in 2025.

Sample Answer (Band 9)

Should employers focus more on the way employees dress or the quality of their work?

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

In today’s dynamic work environment, the debate surrounding whether employers should prioritize employees’ attire over their work performance remains contentious. While maintaining a professional appearance can reflect positively on an organization, I firmly believe that the quality of work should outweigh the way employees dress.

To begin with, focusing on the substance of an employee’s contribution rather than their outward appearance fosters a meritocratic workplace. In industries such as technology or research, where innovation and results are paramount, an employee’s attire has little relevance to their ability to deliver exceptional outcomes. For instance, some of the most groundbreaking achievements in tech have been made by individuals working in casual environments. Thus, placing undue emphasis on clothing might inadvertently stifle creativity and undervalue talent.

Furthermore, insisting on rigid dress codes can lead to unnecessary stress among employees, potentially hindering their productivity. A relaxed approach to workplace attire demonstrates trust and respect for individual preferences, creating a more inclusive atmosphere. Companies like Google and Facebook, which adopt flexible dress policies, exemplify how prioritizing performance over appearance can boost morale and efficiency.

Admittedly, there are certain industries, such as law or finance, where formal dress codes are necessary to maintain a professional image and establish client trust. However, even in these contexts, competence and expertise ultimately matter more than appearances. Striking a balance between encouraging appropriate attire and emphasizing work quality is essential.

In conclusion, while appearance can have a contextual significance, the paramount focus should be on the quality of work employees produce. By valuing performance over superficial elements like clothing, organizations can cultivate a results-oriented culture that drives innovation and success.

business work کار بیزینس

Selected Vocabulary in the sample for should employers focus more on the way employees dress

  1. Attire (/əˈtaɪər/):
    • Sentence: Proper attire is required for the event, but creativity in clothing is encouraged.
  2. Performance (/pərˈfɔːrməns/):
    • Sentence: The new policy aims to enhance employee performance through better training programs.
  3. Substance (/ˈsʌbstəns/):
    • Sentence: The proposal lacked substance, which made it difficult to take seriously.
  4. Inclusive (/ɪnˈkluːsɪv/):
    • Sentence: An inclusive environment ensures everyone feels valued and respected.
  5. Paramount (/ˈpærəˌmaʊnt/):
    • Sentence: Ensuring customer satisfaction is of paramount importance for any business.

Advanced Grammar Structures Used

  1. Complex Sentences with Subordinate Clauses:
    • Example: “While maintaining a professional appearance can reflect positively on an organization, I firmly believe that the quality of work should outweigh the way employees dress.”
    • Impact: Adds depth by linking contrasting ideas and showcasing the ability to handle nuanced arguments.
  2. Passive Voice:
    • Example: “An employee’s attire has little relevance to their ability to deliver exceptional outcomes.”
    • Impact: Demonstrates grammatical range and shifts focus to the subject being discussed.
  3. Conditional Sentences:
    • Example: “If employers place undue emphasis on clothing, they might stifle creativity and undervalue talent.”
    • Impact: Shows the ability to hypothesize and consider implications, adding sophistication to the argument.
  4. Use of Cohesive Devices:
    • Example: “Furthermore, insisting on rigid dress codes can lead to unnecessary stress…”
    • Impact: Enhances the flow and coherence of the essay, making arguments easier to follow.
  5. Adverbial Phrases for Emphasis:
    • Example: “By valuing performance over superficial elements like clothing, organizations can cultivate a results-oriented culture.”
    • Impact: Highlights the main point clearly and emphatically, reinforcing the central argument.

This combination of advanced vocabulary and grammar elevates the writing to a Band 9 level by showcasing precision, coherence, and depth.

Free IELTS Sample Essays with Answers PDF

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