
Printed books will still play an important role

Printed books will still play an important role

IELTS Band 9 Essay About Printed books will still play an important role

Here we take a look at a band 9 ielts writing task 2 sample about “Printed books will still play an important role”. This sample then will be further analyzed for its vocabulary, grammar and format, so we see how it has qualified for such band score. We also suggest over 200 band 9 IELTS samples released in 2025.

Sample Answer (Band 9)

Some people think that printed books are no longer needed in the digital era, because all writing can be stored electronically. Others think printed books will still play an important role.

Discuss both views and give your own opinion

In the digital era, the prevalence of electronic books has led to a debate regarding the relevance of printed books. Some argue that physical books are becoming obsolete since digital formats can store vast amounts of information more efficiently. However, others believe that printed books remain indispensable for certain purposes. This essay will examine both perspectives before presenting my own opinion.

On the one hand, digital books offer several advantages that make them a preferred choice for many readers. Firstly, they are more accessible, as vast collections of literature can be stored on a single device, reducing the need for physical space. This is particularly beneficial for students and researchers who require access to extensive resources. Secondly, electronic books are often more cost-effective, as digital publishing eliminates expenses related to printing and distribution. Moreover, digital platforms enable interactive features such as hyperlinks, search functions, and note-taking tools, which enhance the reading experience. Given these benefits, some argue that printed books are becoming redundant.

On the other hand, physical books continue to hold significant value. One primary reason is their tangible nature, which many readers find more engaging and satisfying compared to reading on a screen. Research suggests that individuals retain information better when reading from a printed page rather than a digital device, as physical books encourage deeper focus and reduce eye strain caused by prolonged screen exposure. Additionally, printed books contribute to cultural heritage, as historical manuscripts, first editions, and rare collections are preserved in their original form. Libraries and bookstores also serve as social and intellectual hubs that digital platforms cannot fully replace. These factors highlight the enduring relevance of printed books.

In my view, while digital books are undoubtedly convenient and efficient, printed books will not become obsolete. They offer a unique reading experience that cannot be replicated digitally, particularly for those who appreciate the sensory aspects of reading. Furthermore, certain fields, such as education and academia, still benefit from printed materials. Therefore, rather than viewing digital and printed books as competitors, they should be seen as complementary, each serving different purposes in the modern world.

کتابخانه library دانشگاه university جوان youth student دانشجو

Academic Vocabulary in the sample for printed books will still play an important role

  1. Prevalence /ˈprɛvələns/ – The widespread existence or occurrence of something.
    Example: The prevalence of e-books has significantly increased over the past decade.
  2. Relevance /ˈrɛləvəns/ – The quality of being closely connected or appropriate.
    Example: Printed books still have relevance in education despite the rise of digital materials.
  3. Obsolete /ˌɒbsəˈliːt/ – No longer in use or outdated.
    Example: Some people argue that printed books will become obsolete due to digital advancements.
  4. Indispensable /ˌɪndɪˈspɛnsəbəl/ – Absolutely necessary or essential.
    Example: Printed books remain indispensable in certain academic disciplines.
  5. Tangible /ˈtændʒəbəl/ – Perceptible by touch; physically real.
    Example: Many readers prefer tangible books because they provide a more immersive experience.

Advanced Grammar Structures:

  1. Complex Sentence with Concession:
    “While digital books are undoubtedly convenient and efficient, printed books will not become obsolete.”
    → This structure presents a contrast effectively, helping to create a balanced discussion.
  2. Passive Voice for Emphasis:
    “Research suggests that individuals retain information better when reading from a printed page rather than a digital device.”
    → The use of passive structures makes the statement more formal and academic.
  3. Relative Clause for Additional Information:
    “Libraries and bookstores, which serve as social and intellectual hubs, cannot be fully replaced by digital platforms.”
    → The relative clause provides essential background information concisely.
  4. Parallel Structure for Clarity:
    “They offer a unique reading experience that cannot be replicated digitally, particularly for those who appreciate the sensory aspects of reading.”
    → Parallelism enhances readability and fluency.
  5. Modal Verbs for Speculation and Possibility:
    “Rather than viewing digital and printed books as competitors, they should be seen as complementary, each serving different purposes in the modern world.”
    → The modal verb “should” adds a strong suggestion, reinforcing the argument.

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