
ساختارهای خوب برای پارت 2 اسپیکینگ آیلتس

ساختارهای خوب پارت 2 اسپیکینگ

ساختارهای خوب برای پارت 2 اسپیکینگ آیلتس

Phrases for IELTS Speaking Part 2

ساختارهای خوب پارت 2 اسپیکینگ آیلتس کمک بزرگی در روز جلسه آزمون خواهند بود. پارت 2 اسپیکینگ آیلتس که به آن “long turn” نیز می‌گویند، زمانی است که ما باید به یک موضوع خاص به مدت 1 تا 2 دقیقه صحبت کنید. معمولاً یک کارت (cue card) به ما داده می‌شود که شامل چند نکته کلیدی برای پاسخ است و 1 دقیقه زمان داریم تا برای پاسخ برنامه‌ریزی کنیم. دانلود 1000 نمونه اسپیکینگ نمره 9 آیلتس پیشنهاد بعدی ما به شماست.

برای موفقیت در این بخش، استفاده از ساختارهای منظم و واژگان متنوع اهمیت زیادی دارد. در زیر چند ساختار مفید برای پارت 2 اسپیکینگ همراه با توضیحات آورده شده است:

1. ساختارهای خوب پارت 2 اسپیکینگ (معرفی موضوع /Introduction)

  • I would like to talk about…
    می‌خواهم درباره… صحبت کنم.
  • Today, I’m going to describe…
    امروز قصد دارم… را توصیف کنم.
  • I’d like to share with you the story of…
    دوست دارم داستان… را با شما در میان بگذارم.
  • One of the most memorable [experiences/events/places] I’ve had was…
    یکی از به‌یادماندنی‌ترین [تجربه‌ها/رویدادها/مکان‌هایی] که داشتم…


ساختارهای خوب پارت 2 اسپیکینگ (توصیف جزئیات / Description)

  • It happened when…
    این اتفاق افتاد وقتی که…
  • I remember it clearly because…
    به وضوح یادم می‌آید چون…
  • The first thing that comes to mind is…
    اولین چیزی که به ذهنم می‌رسد…
  • It was a [place/event/experience] where…
    این یک [مکان/رویداد/تجربه] بود که…
  • At that time, I was…
    در آن زمان من…

3. ساختارهای خوب پارت 2 اسپیکینگ (توضیح احساسات / Expressing feelings)

  • I felt so…
    من احساس… داشتم.
  • It made me feel…
    این باعث شد من احساس… کنم.
  • To be honest, I was really…
    راستش، من واقعاً…
  • What I liked/disliked the most was…
    چیزی که بیشتر از همه دوست داشتم/دوست نداشتم…

4. ساختارهای خوب پارت 2 اسپیکینگ (ارائه دلایل / Giving reasons)

  • The main reason why… is because…
    دلیل اصلی که… این است که…
  • This is mainly because…
    این بیشتر به این دلیل است که…
  • One of the reasons I enjoyed it so much was…
    یکی از دلایلی که خیلی از آن لذت بردم این بود که…

5. ساختارهای خوب پارت 2 اسپیکینگ (استفاده از مثال‌ها / Giving examples)

  • For instance,…
    برای مثال،…
  • Let me give you an example…
    اجازه دهید مثالی بزنم…
  • Such as…

6. ساختارهای خوب پارت 2 اسپیکینگ (جمع‌بندی / Conclusion)

  • To sum up,…
    برای جمع‌بندی…
  • In conclusion,…
    در نتیجه…
  • All in all, it was an unforgettable experience.
    در کل، این یک تجربه فراموش‌نشدنی بود.
  • I will always remember that moment because…
    من همیشه آن لحظه را به خاطر می‌سپارم چون…

7. ساختارهای خوب پارت 2 اسپیکینگ (استفاده از زمان‌ها /Tense Usage)

  • Present Simple:
    برای توصیف احساسات یا حقایق عمومی:
    “I feel that this experience is very special because…”
  • Past Simple:
    برای توصیف یک اتفاق در گذشته:
    “I went to Paris last year and it was an amazing trip.”
  • Present Perfect:
    برای توصیف تجربیات یا رویدادهایی که در گذشته شروع شده و هنوز تأثیر دارند:
    “I have been to many cities, but Paris is by far the most beautiful.”

8. استفاده از قیود (Adverbs) برای توصیف بیشتر

  • Actually:
    “Actually, I didn’t expect it to be so exciting.”
  • Obviously:
    “Obviously, it was a life-changing experience.”
  • Frankly:
    “Frankly, I was quite nervous at first.”
  • Surprisingly:
    “Surprisingly, I ended up enjoying it more than I thought.”

9. توصیف احساسات پیچیده‌تر (Complex Feelings)

  • I was over the moon
    خیلی خوشحال بودم.
  • It was a rollercoaster of emotions
    یک تجربه پر از احساسات متناقض بود.
  • I felt a mix of excitement and anxiety
    ترکیبی از هیجان و اضطراب داشتم.
  • It left a lasting impression on me
    این تجربه اثری ماندگار بر من گذاشت.

10. پیونددهنده‌ها (Linking words) برای برقراری ارتباط بین جملات

  • Moreover,…
    علاوه بر این،…
  • Furthermore,…
  • However,…
    با این حال،…
  • Although,…
  • As a result,…
    در نتیجه،…

11. استفاده از صفات قوی (Strong Adjectives)

  • Amazing: شگفت‌انگیز
  • Incredible: باورنکردنی
  • Fascinating: جذاب
  • Unforgettable: فراموش‌نشدنی
  • Spectacular: دیدنی

12. ترکیب سوالات کارت با پاسخ‌های منطقی

در هنگام پاسخ به سوالات کارت، سعی کنید به همه نکات خواسته‌شده پاسخ دهید. مثلاً:

سوال: Describe a memorable trip.

  1. Where you went:
    “I would like to talk about my trip to Paris last year.”
  2. What you did there:
    “While I was there, I visited many famous landmarks like the Eiffel Tower and the Louvre Museum.”
  3. How you felt:
    “I felt absolutely thrilled because it had been my dream to see these places in person.”
  4. Why it was memorable:
    “What made it even more memorable was the fact that I went with my best friend, and we had a fantastic time together.”

نمونه پاسخ کامل:

Describe a person who has influenced you. “Today, I’m going to talk about my high school teacher, Mrs. Smith, who had a great influence on my life. It happened when I was in my final year of school, and I was struggling with my studies, especially in mathematics. What I liked the most about her was her ability to explain complex topics in a simple way, which made learning so much easier. For instance, she used to give us real-life examples to explain mathematical concepts, and that really helped me understand them better. In conclusion, she not only helped me academically, but also motivated me to pursue my dreams. I will always remember her for her kindness and patience.”


چند نمونه سوال و جواب با همین ساختارها برای پارت دوم اسپیکینگ آیلتس

در ادامه چند نمونه سوال و جواب برای پارت 2 اسپیکینگ آیلتس همراه با استفاده از ساختارهای مفید و جملات کلیدی آورده شده است:

موضوع 1: توصیف یک سفر به‌یادماندنی

سوال: Describe a memorable trip you have taken.

  • Where you went
  • What you did there
  • Who you went with
  • Why it was memorable

Answer: “I would like to talk about a trip I took to Istanbul last year. It happened when I had a short break from work, so I decided to explore this beautiful city. I went there with my best friend, and we had an amazing time together. While we were there, we visited many famous landmarks like the Blue Mosque and the Grand Bazaar. What made it so memorable was not only the beauty of the city but also the delicious food we tried, especially the local kebabs and Turkish delight. In conclusion, it was an unforgettable experience, and I would love to visit Istanbul again in the future.”

موضوع 2: توصیف یک کتابی که اخیراً خوانده‌اید

سوال: Describe a book you have recently read.

  • What the book is about
  • Why you chose to read it
  • What you learned from it
  • Why you liked/disliked it

Answer: “I’d like to talk about a book called ‘The Alchemist’ by Paulo Coelho. It’s about a young shepherd named Santiago who embarks on a journey to find treasure in the Egyptian pyramids. I chose to read it because one of my friends recommended it to me, saying that it had a deep philosophical meaning. One of the things I learned from the book is the importance of following your dreams and listening to your heart. To be honest, I found the book fascinating because it teaches that life’s journey is more important than the destination. All in all, I thoroughly enjoyed reading it and would recommend it to anyone who’s looking for inspiration.”

موضوع 3: توصیف یک مهارت جدید که یاد گرفته‌اید

سوال: Describe a new skill you have learned.

  • What the skill is
  • Why you learned it
  • How you learned it
  • How this skill is useful

Answer: “I would like to describe a new skill I learned recently, which is cooking. I decided to learn cooking because I moved to a new city for work, and I couldn’t rely on takeout every day. I learned it by watching YouTube tutorials and practicing different recipes in my kitchen. The most useful thing about this skill is that it allows me to cook healthy and delicious meals for myself, and I’ve saved a lot of money by not eating out. In conclusion, I’m really proud of this new skill, and I plan to keep improving my cooking abilities.”

موضوع 4: توصیف یک رویداد ورزشی که در آن شرکت کرده‌اید

سوال: Describe a sports event you have participated in.

  • What the event was
  • Where and when it took place
  • What you did there
  • How you felt about the event

Answer: “I would like to talk about a marathon I participated in last year. It took place in my hometown, and it was organized to raise funds for a local charity. I had been training for months, and the event was finally held on a bright sunny day. During the marathon, I ran alongside hundreds of other participants, and it was such an exhilarating experience. To be honest, it was challenging, but crossing the finish line gave me a huge sense of achievement. All in all, it was a memorable event, and I felt proud to be part of it while also contributing to a good cause.”

موضوع 5: توصیف یک فیلم مورد علاقه‌تان

سوال: Describe a film you enjoyed watching.

  • What the film was
  • When you watched it
  • What it was about
  • Why you liked it

Answer: “I’d like to talk about a film I watched recently called ‘Inception’. I watched it about two months ago with my friends, and it really left a lasting impression on me. The film is about a man who can enter people’s dreams and steal their secrets, but the plot gets much more complicated as he attempts to plant an idea in someone’s mind. One of the reasons I liked it so much is because it had a very unique and complex storyline, and the special effects were truly amazing. To sum up, it’s one of the best movies I’ve ever seen, and I highly recommend it.”

موضوع 6: توصیف یک معلم یا مربی که در زندگی شما تأثیر گذاشته است

سوال: Describe a teacher who has influenced you.

  • Who the teacher was
  • What they taught you
  • How they influenced you
  • Why you still remember them

Answer: “I would like to talk about my high school English teacher, Mr. Johnson. He taught me during my final year of school and had a huge impact on my life. What made him special was his passion for teaching and his ability to make learning fun. He always encouraged us to express our thoughts and be creative. He influenced me by giving me the confidence to improve my English and pursue higher education. In conclusion, Mr. Johnson was not only a great teacher but also a mentor, and I will always be grateful for the lessons I learned from him.”

موضوع 7: توصیف یک شهر که دوست دارید به آن سفر کنید

سوال: Describe a city you would like to visit.

  • Which city it is
  • Why you want to go there
  • What you would like to do there
  • Why it attracts you

Answer: “I would love to visit Tokyo, the capital of Japan. One of the main reasons I want to go there is because I’ve always been fascinated by Japanese culture, from the traditional tea ceremonies to modern technology. When I go there, I would love to visit historical places like the Imperial Palace and also explore the bustling streets of Shibuya. What attracts me the most is the mix of old and new in Tokyo – you can see ancient temples alongside futuristic skyscrapers. All in all, it would be a dream come true to experience the unique culture of this incredible city.”

این نمونه پاسخ‌ها به شما کمک می‌کنند تا از ساختارهای مناسب در پارت 2 اسپیکینگ آیلتس استفاده کنید و به سوالات به شکلی روان و منظم پاسخ دهید.


جمع بندی و سخن پایانی

ساختارهای خوب برای پارت 2 اسپیکینگ آیلتس کمک بزرگی به ما در روز آزمون خواهند بود.  استفاده از این ساختارها و جملات کلیدی به ما کمک می‌کند تا در پارت 2 اسپیکینگ آیلتس به شکلی منظم و حرفه‌ای صحبت کنید و توانایی خود را در بیان موضوعات مختلف به نمایش بگذاریم. در ادامه این آموزش از سایت کیث از اگزمینری های ایلتس را برای الگوهای بیشتر برای پاسخ های پارت دوم به شما عزیزان پیشنهاد میکنیم. همچنین درخواست داریم تمامی سوالات خود را یا در همین صفحه در بخش کامنت یا در گروه تلگرام آیلتس ما مطرح بفرمایید ❤️



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