
Nowadays history dramas displayed on televisions therefore there

Nowadays history dramas displayed on televisions therefore there

IELTS Band 9 Essay About Nowadays history dramas displayed on televisions, therefore there is no

Here we take a look at a band 9 ielts writing task 2 sample about “Nowadays history dramas displayed on televisions, therefore there is no”. This sample then will be further analyzed for its vocabulary, grammar and format, so we see how it has qualified for such band score. We also suggest over 200 band 9 IELTS samples released in 2025.

Sample Essay with Answer (Band 9)

Nowadays history dramas displayed on televisions, therefore there is no need for history books any more.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

In recent years, historical dramas have become increasingly prevalent, leading some to argue that history books are now redundant. While it is undeniable that television series can be engaging and informative, I strongly contest the notion that they render traditional history books obsolete. This essay will examine why written records remain indispensable for a comprehensive understanding of history.

Firstly, historical dramas are primarily designed for entertainment rather than academic accuracy. Producers often embellish events, modify characters, and distort facts to make narratives more compelling. Consequently, relying solely on these dramatized accounts may lead to a skewed perception of history. In contrast, books provide a meticulous and unbiased representation, allowing readers to delve deeper into historical contexts, analyze primary sources, and develop critical perspectives.

Moreover, history books facilitate intellectual growth by fostering analytical skills. Unlike television series, which present information in a passive manner, reading requires active engagement. Scholars and historians meticulously scrutinize sources before compiling them into books, ensuring that information is substantiated with empirical evidence. As a result, books remain an essential tool for those who seek to understand historical events beyond mere surface-level storytelling.

Additionally, books offer comprehensive coverage of historical topics that television series often overlook. Due to time constraints and the need for a captivating plot, many series omit crucial details or oversimplify complex historical narratives. Books, however, provide an exhaustive account of events, enabling readers to explore various perspectives and gain a well-rounded understanding of history.

In conclusion, while historical dramas have their place in modern entertainment and can introduce audiences to historical themes, they cannot replace the rigor and depth of history books. Given their commitment to accuracy, analytical approach, and comprehensive nature, books remain an invaluable resource for anyone seeking an authentic understanding of the past.

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Selected Academic Words in the sample for Nowadays history dramas displayed on televisions, therefore there is no

  1. Prevalent /ˈprɛvələnt/

    • Historical dramas are prevalent across various television networks.
    • The use of technology in education has become increasingly prevalent.
  2. Redundant /rɪˈdʌndənt/

    • Many people argue that printed newspapers are becoming redundant due to digital media.
    • The new software made several manual processes redundant.
  3. Contest /kənˈtɛst/ (verb)

    • Scholars often contest widely accepted historical narratives.
    • The candidate decided to contest the election results.
  4. Indispensable /ˌɪndɪˈspɛnsəb(ə)l/

    • Access to reliable information is indispensable for academic research.
    • Effective communication skills are indispensable in leadership roles.
  5. Substantiate /səbˈstænʃieɪt/

    • The scientist provided strong evidence to substantiate her hypothesis.
    • Before making accusations, one must substantiate claims with factual data.

Advanced Grammatical Structures Used in the Essay

  1. Complex Sentences with Subordinate Clauses

    • “While it is undeniable that television series can be engaging and informative, I strongly contest the notion that they render traditional history books obsolete.”
    • This structure enhances clarity and allows for nuanced arguments by presenting contrasting ideas in a sophisticated manner.
  2. Relative Clauses

    • “Unlike television series, which present information in a passive manner, reading requires active engagement.”
    • Using relative clauses helps provide additional information smoothly, improving coherence and flow.
  3. Cleft Sentences for Emphasis

    • “It is books that provide a meticulous and unbiased representation, allowing readers to delve deeper into historical contexts.”
    • This structure highlights the importance of books in contrast to TV dramas, making the argument more persuasive.
  4. Parallel Structure

    • “Producers often embellish events, modify characters, and distort facts to make narratives more compelling.”
    • This technique improves readability and strengthens arguments by maintaining balance in sentence structure.
  5. Passive Voice for Formality

    • “Scholars and historians meticulously scrutinize sources before compiling them into books, ensuring that information is substantiated with empirical evidence.”
    • The passive voice conveys objectivity and emphasizes the reliability of books as sources of historical information.



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