
It is better for one single legal system throughout the world

It is better for one single legal system throughout the world

IELTS Band 9 Essay About it is better for one single legal system throughout the world

Here we take a look at a band 9 ielts writing task 2 sample about “It is better for one single legal system throughout the world”. This sample then will be further analyzed for its vocabulary, grammar and format, so we see how it has qualified for such band score. We also suggest over 200 band 9 IELTS samples released in 2025.

Sample IELTS Writing Task 2 Response

Some people think it is better for one single legal system throughout the world. Others say countries should have their own law.

Discuss both view and give your opinion

The debate surrounding the establishment of a single legal system worldwide versus the maintenance of individual legal frameworks for each country is a complex issue. Both perspectives have their merits, and it is essential to examine them before drawing a conclusion.

On one hand, proponents of a unified legal system argue that it would promote global justice and equality. A standardized set of laws could eliminate discrepancies in legal interpretations and enforcement across borders. For instance, individuals seeking justice in one country often face challenges due to varying laws in another. A single legal system could streamline legal processes, making it easier for people to navigate the judicial landscape. Moreover, this approach could foster international cooperation, as countries would be more inclined to work together on issues such as human rights and environmental protection.

Conversely, those who advocate for maintaining distinct legal systems emphasize the importance of cultural and societal differences. Each country has its unique history, values, and social norms that shape its legal framework. Imposing a universal legal system might disregard these critical factors, leading to potential conflicts and resistance from local populations. For example, laws that are effective in one cultural context may not be suitable in another. Furthermore, the diversity of legal systems allows for experimentation and adaptation, enabling countries to develop laws that best serve their citizens’ needs.

In my opinion, while the idea of a single global legal system is appealing in theory, the practical implications make it challenging to implement. Instead, a more balanced approach would involve fostering international dialogue and collaboration while respecting each country’s sovereignty. Countries could adopt certain universal principles—such as human rights protections—while still allowing for local adaptations that reflect their unique contexts.

In conclusion, the question of whether a single legal system should prevail globally is multifaceted. While there are compelling arguments for both sides, it is crucial to recognize the significance of cultural diversity in shaping legal systems. A hybrid approach that encourages cooperation while respecting individual legal traditions may offer the most viable solution for achieving justice in an increasingly interconnected world.

Academic Vocabulary about it is better for one single legal system throughout the world

1. Legal (ˈliːɡəl)

• The legal implications of this decision must be carefully considered.

2. Global (ˈɡloʊbəl)

• Climate change is a global challenge that requires collective action.

3. International (ˌɪntəˈnæʃənl)

International relations play a crucial role in maintaining peace.

4. Justice (ˈdʒʌstɪs)

• The pursuit of justice is fundamental to a fair society.

5. Framework (ˈfreɪmˌwɜrk)

• A robust regulatory framework is essential for economic stability.

Sentences for Each Academic Word

1. Legal: It is essential to understand the legal ramifications of signing a contract.

2. Global: The global economy has been significantly impacted by recent trade agreements.

3. International: Many countries participate in international treaties to combat terrorism.

4. Justice: Ensuring justice for all citizens is a cornerstone of democracy.

5. Framework: The new policy provides a comprehensive framework for addressing climate issues.

Advanced Grammar Structures

1. Complex Sentences: The use of complex sentences allows for nuanced arguments. For example, “While the idea of a single global legal system is appealing in theory, the practical implications make it challenging to .

2. Conditional Clauses: Phrases like “If countries could adopt certain universal principles…” demonstrate hypothetical scenarios that enrich the argument and engage the reader’s imagination.

3. Passive Voice: The passive voice emphasizes actions rather than subjects, such as “A standardized set of laws could eliminate discrepancies…” This technique lends an academic tone to the writing.

4. Cohesive Devices: Transition words such as “On one hand,” “Conversely,” and “In conclusion” guide the reader through the argument logically and cohesively, enhancing overall clarity.

5. Subjunctive Mood: The use of subjunctive mood in phrases like “It is crucial that countries respect their sovereignty…” conveys urgency and necessity, strengthening the persuasive quality of the writing.

These advanced structures contribute to achieving a higher band score by showcasing linguistic proficiency, coherence, and the ability to articulate complex ideas clearly and effectively implement.” This structure conveys contrasting ideas effectively

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