
رایتینگ نویسی آیلتس با هوش مصنوعی

آموزش نوشتن نمونه رایتینگ آیلتس نمره 8 با هوش مصنوعی (AI):

در این محتوای آموزشی قصد داریم در قالب چند پادکست درباره (1) رایتینگ نویسی آیلتس با هوش مصنوعی و نوشتن سمپل های نمره 8 قابل اعتماد و ارزشمند، (2) تعیین سطح اسپیکینگ آیلتس و برآورد نمره اسپیکینگ آیلتس و (3) تصحیح و ویرایش رایتینگ های زبان آموزان توسط هوش مصنوعی که همگی از خدمات فوق العاده و جدید برای زبان آموزان عزیز آیلتسی هستند صحبت کنیم. برای هر مورد یک پادکست صوتی تنظیم شده و آدرس ربات تلگرامی مربوطه درج گردیده است که امیدواریم مورد استفاده شما عزیزان قرار گیرد.

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نمونه رایتینگ نمره 8 نوشته شده با هوش مصنوعی:

نمونه رایتینگ زیر که برای این منظور انتخاب شده یک سوال چالش برانگیز 2 قسمتی از کمبریج آیلتس جلد 13 آکادمیک تست چهارم می باشد.

رایتینگ نویسی آیلتس با هوش مصنوعی
تاپیک رایتینگ آیلتس از کمبریج آیلتس 13 آکادمیک تست 4

طبق توضیحات ارایه شده در پادکست، ابتدا وارد ربات تلگرام شوید و دستور و سوال را وارد کنید:

Can you write a sample ielts essay for this question please?

In spite of the advances made In agriculture, many people around the world still go hungry.

Why is this the case?

What can be done about this problem?

بعد از چند لحظه پاسخ ارسال میشود:

Title: Addressing Global Hunger: Causes and Solutions


Despite significant advancements in agriculture, hunger remains a pressing issue affecting numerous individuals worldwide. This essay will explore the reasons behind this persistent problem and propose potential solutions to alleviate global hunger.

Body Paragraph 1: Causes of global hunger

One primary reason for the prevalence of hunger is poverty. Many individuals lack the financial means to afford sufficient food, leading to malnutrition and hunger. Poverty is often intertwined with other factors such as unemployment, limited access to education, and inadequate healthcare, exacerbating the problem further.

Body Paragraph 2: Inefficient food distribution systems

Another contributing factor is the inefficient distribution of food resources. In some regions, food production may be abundant, but due to poor infrastructure and inadequate transportation networks, these resources fail to reach those in need. Additionally, political instability and conflicts can disrupt food supply chains, leaving vulnerable populations without access to essential nutrition.

Body Paragraph 3: Potential solutions to address global hunger

To combat this issue, governments and international organizations must prioritize poverty reduction efforts. This can be achieved through implementing comprehensive social welfare programs, creating job opportunities, and ensuring access to quality education and healthcare. By empowering individuals economically, they can afford nutritious food and break the cycle of hunger.

Body Paragraph 4: Enhancing agricultural practices

Improving agricultural practices is crucial to increasing food production sustainably. Governments should invest in modern farming techniques, provide farmers with access to advanced technology and training, and promote environmentally friendly practices. Encouraging small-scale farming and supporting local food markets can also help communities become self-sufficient in food production.

Body Paragraph 5: Strengthening food distribution systems

Efforts should be made to enhance infrastructure and transportation networks, particularly in rural areas. Governments can invest in building roads, storage facilities, and refrigeration systems to ensure efficient distribution of food resources. Collaborations between governments, NGOs, and private sectors can also help establish effective emergency response systems during times of crisis.


In conclusion, global hunger persists due to a combination of factors such as poverty, inefficient food distribution systems, and political instability. To address this issue, it is crucial to prioritize poverty reduction efforts, enhance agricultural practices, and strengthen food distribution systems. By implementing these solutions, we can work towards a world where no individual goes hungry, ensuring a brighter and more sustainable future for all.

نمونه پاسخ هوش مصنوعی برای سوال دوم:

این نمونه سوال از تست دوم کمبریج آیلتس جلد 17 جنرال می باشد و نمونه نوشته با دستور العمل مشابه را میتوانید بررسی کنید:

Can you write a sample ielts essay for this question please

In some countries, more and more people are hiring a personal fitness trainer, rather than playing sports or doing exercise classes.

What are the reasons for this?

Is this a positive or a negative development?

بعد از چند لحظه پاسخ ارسال می‌شود:

In recent years, an increasing number of individuals in certain nations have opted to hire personal fitness trainers instead of engaging in sports activities or exercise classes. This essay will discuss the reasons behind this trend and evaluate whether it is a positive or negative development.

There are several factors contributing to the rise in hiring personal fitness trainers. Firstly, individuals often seek the expertise and guidance of a professional trainer to ensure they are performing exercises correctly and effectively. With the growing availability of misinformation on the internet, people are becoming more cautious about the accuracy of the exercises they find online. By hiring a personal fitness trainer, they can receive personalized instructions tailored to their specific needs, ensuring optimal results and minimizing the risk of injury.

Secondly, personal fitness trainers offer a level of motivation and accountability that may be lacking in other forms of exercise. Many people find it challenging to maintain consistent workout routines or push themselves to their limits without external encouragement. By having a dedicated trainer, individuals are more likely to stay committed to their fitness goals and achieve better results.

Furthermore, personal fitness trainers can provide customized training programs that cater to an individual’s unique requirements. Whether someone is recovering from an injury, aiming to lose weight, or seeking to build muscle, a personal trainer can design a regimen that aligns with their goals. This personalized approach ensures that individuals make progress at an appropriate pace and receive the necessary support throughout their fitness journey.

While hiring personal fitness trainers offers numerous benefits, there are also potential downsides to consider. One significant drawback is the financial cost associated with employing a personal trainer. These services can be quite expensive, making them inaccessible to individuals with limited financial resources. Consequently, this trend may contribute to further inequality in access to fitness resources, as only those who can afford it will benefit from personalized training.

Additionally, relying solely on personal fitness trainers may discourage individuals from participating in group sports or exercise classes. Engaging in team sports or attending exercise classes not only promotes physical fitness but also fosters social interaction and a sense of community. By exclusively hiring personal trainers, individuals may miss out on the camaraderie and shared experiences that group activities offer.

In conclusion, the increasing preference for hiring personal fitness trainers can be attributed to the desire for professional guidance, motivation, and customized training programs. While this trend has its advantages in terms of individual progress and safety, it may exacerbate inequality in access to fitness resources and hinder social interactions associated with group sports or exercise classes. Therefore, it is crucial to strike a balance between personal training and other forms of physical activity to ensure a well-rounded approach to fitness.

استفاده از هوش مصنوعی برای تصحیح رایتینگ و اسپیکینگ آیلتس:

در اینجا 2 پادکست آموزشی مرتبط با موضوع تصحیح و ویرایش رایتینگ آیلتس و تعیین سطح اسپیکینگ آیلتس و آنالیز دقیق آن با خدمات هوش مصنوعی صحبت شده است. مطالب کامل در صفحات دیگری در سایت در دسترس هستند.

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