
لغات آیلتس موضوع جوانان (Youth)

لغات آیلتس موضوع جوانان (Youth)

لغات آیلتس برای موضوع جوانان

IELTS Vocabulary for Youth

جوانان به عنوان یکی از گروه‌های اصلی جمعیتی در جامعه، همواره در موضوعات مختلف اجتماعی، فرهنگی و آموزشی جایگاه مهمی دارند. در آزمون آیلتس، این موضوع به‌طور مکرر در بخش‌های اسپیکینگ و رایتینگ مطرح می‌شود. به‌کارگیری واژگان مرتبط و ضروری می‌تواند به شما کمک کند تا نمره بالاتری کسب کنید. این مقاله به معرفی لغات کلیدی آیلتس برای موضوع جوانان پرداخته و نکاتی کاربردی برای استفاده از این واژگان در آزمون ارائه می‌دهد. 1000 نمونه سوالات اسپیکینگ آیلتس با جواب PDF پارت 1 2 3 پیشنهاد بعدی ما به شما عزیزان است.

ترکیب و لغات آیلتس درباره موضوع جوانان (Youth)

در اینجا به گلچینی از لغات و ترکیب های ضروری برای آیلتس در خصوص موضوع جوانان در جامعه که از تاپیک های رایج در این ازمون هست نگاهی داریم. ضمنا ترجمه فارسی مثال ها برای درک بهتر جمله مشخص شده است.

1. Youth (جوانان)

تعریف: دوره‌ای از زندگی که فرد بین کودکی و بزرگسالی قرار دارد.
مثال: “The youth of today face many challenges, such as unemployment and education costs.”

2. Adolescence (نوجوانی)

تعریف: دوره‌ای از رشد که در آن تغییرات جسمانی و روانی عمده‌ای رخ می‌دهد.
مثال: “Adolescence is a critical time for personal development and identity formation.”

3. Peer pressure (فشار همسالان)

تعریف: فشار اجتماعی که از سوی همسالان به فرد وارد می‌شود تا به شکل خاصی رفتار کند.
مثال: “Peer pressure can have both positive and negative effects on young people.”

4. Generation gap (شکاف نسلی)

تعریف: تفاوت‌های رفتاری و فکری بین نسل‌های مختلف.
مثال: “The generation gap between parents and their teenage children often leads to misunderstandings.”

5. Youth culture (فرهنگ جوانان)

تعریف: سبک زندگی، ارزش‌ها و رفتارهایی که در میان جوانان رایج است.
مثال: “Youth culture is often influenced by music, fashion, and social media.”

6. Unemployment (بیکاری)

تعریف: وضعیتی که در آن افراد قادر به یافتن شغل نیستند.
مثال: “Youth unemployment rates have been rising due to economic challenges.”

7. Education system (سیستم آموزشی)

تعریف: ساختاری که برای ارائه آموزش به افراد جامعه طراحی شده است.
مثال: “Many young people believe that the education system needs to be reformed to better prepare them for the job market.”

8. Social media (شبکه‌های اجتماعی)

تعریف: پلتفرم‌هایی که به کاربران اجازه می‌دهد اطلاعات و محتوا را به اشتراک بگذارند و با دیگران تعامل داشته باشند.
مثال: “Social media has a profound influence on youth, shaping their opinions and social interactions.”

9. Role model (الگو)

تعریف: فردی که به عنوان الگو و نمونه رفتاری توسط دیگران تقلید می‌شود.
مثال: “Celebrities often serve as role models for young people, but not all of them set a good example.”

10. Career prospects (چشم‌انداز شغلی)

تعریف: فرصت‌های شغلی که فرد در آینده ممکن است داشته باشد.
مثال: “Many young people are concerned about their career prospects due to increasing competition in the job market.”

11. Juvenile delinquency (بزهکاری جوانان)

تعریف: رفتارهای غیرقانونی که توسط نوجوانان و جوانان انجام می‌شود.
مثال: “Efforts to reduce juvenile delinquency focus on education and community support.”

12. Mental health (سلامت روان)

تعریف: وضعیت روانی و عاطفی یک فرد.
مثال: “Mental health is a growing concern among young people, especially due to academic pressure and social media use.”

13. Extracurricular activities (فعالیت‌های فوق برنامه)

تعریف: فعالیت‌هایی که خارج از برنامه‌های درسی انجام می‌شوند و به رشد فرد کمک می‌کنند.
مثال: “Participating in extracurricular activities helps young people develop important life skills.”

14. Identity formation (شکل‌گیری هویت)

تعریف: فرآیندی که طی آن فرد در دوره نوجوانی و جوانی هویت خود را شکل می‌دهد.
مثال: “Adolescence is a key time for identity formation, as young people explore their values and beliefs.”

15. Parental guidance (راهنمایی والدین)

تعریف: حمایت و هدایت والدین در تصمیم‌گیری‌های جوانان.
مثال: “Parental guidance plays a crucial role in helping young people make informed decisions about their future.”

استفاده عملی از واژگان در اسپیکینگ آیلتس موضوع جوانان

  1. What challenges do young people face in today’s world?
    پاسخ: “Young people today face a wide range of challenges, from finding employment to dealing with academic pressure. Many also struggle with mental health issues due to social media and peer pressure.”
  2. How has social media influenced the lives of young people?
    پاسخ: “Social media has had a profound impact on young people’s lives. On the one hand, it allows them to stay connected with friends and access information easily. On the other hand, it can lead to issues like cyberbullying and a lack of face-to-face interaction.”
  3. What role do parents play in shaping the future of young people?
    پاسخ: “Parents play a vital role in shaping the future of young people. They provide guidance, support, and often act as role models. Parental involvement can help young people make better decisions and stay focused on their goals.”
  4. Do you think young people today are more focused on their careers compared to the past?
    پاسخ: “Yes, I believe young people today are more career-focused due to the increasing competition in the job market. Many start planning their careers at an early age and invest a lot of time in developing skills that will give them an edge in their future professions.”

نمونه رایتینگ تسک 2 آیلتس موضوع جوانان

 Some people believe that young people should focus on their education, while others think that extracurricular activities are equally important. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

The role of education in the development of young people has always been a topic of debate. Some argue that academic success should be the primary focus, while others believe that extracurricular activities are just as important for personal growth. In this essay, I will examine both perspectives and explain why I believe a balance between the two is essential.

On the one hand, education is crucial for the intellectual development of young people. Attending school and excelling in academic subjects can provide the knowledge and skills needed for future career success. For instance, achieving high grades in subjects such as mathematics and science can open doors to prestigious universities and lucrative job opportunities. Moreover, focusing on education can lead to better job prospects and financial security, which is why many parents encourage their children to prioritize their studies above all else.

On the other hand, extracurricular activities offer unique benefits that cannot be gained through academics alone. Activities such as sports, music, and volunteering help young people develop important life skills, such as teamwork, leadership, and time management. Additionally, engaging in non-academic pursuits can reduce stress and provide a sense of accomplishment outside the classroom. For example, participating in a school sports team not only keeps students physically active but also teaches them how to collaborate with others to achieve a common goal.

In my opinion, while education is undoubtedly important, young people should not neglect extracurricular activities. A well-rounded individual is one who excels both academically and personally. By balancing their academic responsibilities with participation in extracurricular activities, young people can acquire the skills they need to succeed in all aspects of life.

In conclusion, both education and extracurricular activities play a vital role in the development of young people. While academics are essential for future career success, extracurricular activities provide valuable life skills that contribute to overall personal growth. Therefore, I believe that young people should strive to maintain a balance between the two to achieve a fulfilling and successful future.

کلام پایانی

این مقاله به بررسی واژگان ضروری آیلتس برای موضوع جوانان پرداخته و مثال‌هایی از نحوه استفاده از این واژگان در بخش‌های اسپیکینگ و رایتینگ آزمون آیلتس ارائه کرد. این آموزش از یکی از سایت های آموزشی مرجع آیلتس را در همین زمینه به شما عزیزان پیشنهاد میکنیم. ضمنا هر سوالی برای شما مطرح هست با در بخش کامنت ها در همین صفحه یا در گروه آموزش رایگان آیلتس ما در تلگرام حتما مطرح بفرمایید ❤️



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