
نمونه رایتینگ آیلتس نوع Problem Solution

رایتینگ آیلتس Problem Solution

بررسی یک نمونه رایتینگ آیلتس از نوع Problem Solution

رویهمرفته 7 نوع سوال در تسک 2 رایتینگ آیلتس وجود دارد در این صفحه یکی نمونه رایتینگ آیلتس نوع Problem Solution برای شما عزیزان در نظر گرفته ایم. این سوال از سری کتاب های کمبریج آیلتس(کمبریج 13 آکادمیک تست 4) انتخاب شده و چندین پاسخ مناسب در سطح نمره 7 و 8 را برای آن میبینیم.

همچنین آموزش گام به گام نوشتن سوالات رایتینگ آیلتس Problem Cause Solution به صورت کامل ارایه شده و پیشنهاد میکنیم حتما مطالعه بفرمایید.


نمونه سوال رایتینگ آیلتس نوع Problem Solution

پیش از هر چیز به نمونه رایتینگ آیلتس نوع Problem Solution نگاهی داریم. همانطور که مشخص هست بخش اول اطلاعاتی در زمینه کشاوری و گرسنگی در جهان ارایه کرده و در همین زمینه 2 سوال مطرح شده است. کدام کلیدواژه ها اصلی و کدام کلیدواژه ها فرعی هستند؟ کلیدواژه های بخش دستورالعمل کدام موارد هستند؟

In spite of Advances in Agriculture People Around World Go hunger

In spite of advanced made in agriculture, many people around the world still go hungry.

Why is this the case?

What can be done about this problem?


نمونه مقدمه 2 جمله ای

Agriculture has been one of the most influential revolutions and the biggest contributor to human civilization. However, for some reasons it has failed to feed the entire human population of the world and this challenge seems to require effective measures.(40 words)

نمونه مقدمه 2 جمله ای

Agriculture may seem very advanced and sophisticated these days but global hunger is a challenge for governments around the world. Many factors contribute to this problem but solutions can also be devised to tackle them. (35 words)


نمونه مقدمه 2 جمله ای

Our knowledge and understanding of agriculture seem to be in its highest level than ever before but the hunger is still a commonplace issue worldwide. The reasons and possible solutions can vary. (32 words)


نمونه سطح نمره 7.5  توسط مدرس آیلتس با نمره 8 رایتینگ

در اینجا نمونه رایتینگ آیلتس نوع Problem Solution که توسط مهندس ابواقاسمی مدرس آیلتس با نمره 8 رایتینگ نوشته شده را با هم میبنیم.

The quest for achieving a certain level of food security is as old as humanity itself. Although the roots of global hunger can be logically categorized and some some reasons like climate change is obvious, several solutions such as modern farming techniques are also required.  (45 words)

Main causes of food shortage around the globe are varied and complex. First of all, climate can be blamed particularly in rural areas. Climate change has impacted the poorest regions of Asia and Africa where farmers now witness relentless scorching summer days and flash floods in spring and fall followed by long weeks with no precipitation. This has exacerbated the situation of already stressed rural economies with poor harvests. Secondly, in majority of developing and undeveloped parts of the world, wealth and resources are distributed unevenly. Privileged members of the society have a monopoly over agriculture with laws and regulations in their favor. Beside moderate crop failure, any catastrophe such as a drought will be directly burdened by the poorest strata of rural society. (124 words)

Solutions that could be devised to cope with this global concern are twofold. First of all, governments in poor countries should be obliged to provide necessary budget and facilities for population in the event of natural disasters like floods or droughts. An international supervision must ensure the coverage of whole community for an appropriate time. Secondly, a suitable education program should be launched for farmers to learn about the climate change in their region and the modern agricultural methods to target a greater crop yield and ultimately the eradication of hunger. These programs must set both short term and long term realistic goals by analyzing the situation in each region of the world. (113 words)

In conclusion, while reasons of different types are behind the global food shortage, they can be addressed properly when local government and international partners step in and empower unprivileged locals in rural areas. (33 words)

total: (315 words)


نمونه رایتینگ آیلتس نوع Problem Solution – نمونه رایتینگ نمره 6.5 تا 7 از زبان آموزان پاییز 1401

Agriculture is one of the most significant resources for providing food around the world. Although there are some problems with human hunger, there are many ways to solve these problems. (30 words)

The significant causes of human hunger around the world are complex. First of all, many countries still use traditional methods. Using traditional methods can waste both time and water. Apart from that, the number of products you produce when you use traditional methods is lower than when you use new methods. Hence, using outdated methods can result in low-quality products. Secondly, in some countries, especially poor countries, there are not enough financial resources for agriculture. Financial problems are a common issue in these countries. They do not have enough financial resources to purchase new agriculture facilities. Aside from that, they are unable to allocate funds for research and development of new methods for producing better products.
(116 words)

There are many ways to overcome these serious issues. First of all, the government should allocate some budgets for researching and finding new methods. They can educate many students in universities or provide scholarships for some students in developing countries to learn new methods and technology that are used in agriculture, and they can also create specific universities for finding and researching about new methods. Secondly, other countries can create a national organization to allocate some budgets for these countries. They can give a loan to poor countries for the purchase of new agriculture facilities. Besides, they can share their new methods by sending their agriculture engineers to these countries for information sharing and teaching.
(115 words)

In conclusion, developing countries and national organizations can assist poor countries by providing financial assistance and ensuring that these countries do not go hungry or experience famine. (27 words)
TOTAL = 287 words


نمونه رایتینگ آیلتس نوع Problem Solution – سطح نمره 8

نمونه پاسخ زیر به عنوان یک پاسخ بسیار خوب از نظر ساختارهای دستوری، واژگان و پاسخ به سوال مطرح شده و همچنین پیوسته و منطقی بودن ساختار تنظیم شده است. این رایتینگ در سایت www. ielts-practice .org درج شده و لینک مستقیم آن برای بازدید در ادامه در دسترس علاقمندان می باشد.

نمونه رایتینگ In spite of Advances in Agriculture People Around World Go hunger

نمونه رایتینگ In spite of Advances in Agriculture People Around World Go hunger

منبع: http://www.ielts-practice.org/millions-of-people-still-go-hungry-band-9-ielts-essay-sample


نمونه رایتینگ آیلتس نوع Problem Solution – پاسخ هوش مصنوعی در سطح نمره 8

این نمونه توسط هوش مصنوعی نوشته شده است. اگر با استفاده از ربات های هوش مصنوعی ChatGPT برای رایتینگ نویسی آشنا نیستید حتما آموزش مربوطه در این زمینه را مطالعه بفرمایید.

Despite significant advancements in agriculture, hunger remains a pressing issue affecting numerous individuals worldwide. This essay will explore the reasons behind this persistent problem and propose potential solutions to alleviate global hunger.

One primary reason for the prevalence of hunger is poverty. Many individuals lack the financial means to afford sufficient food, leading to malnutrition and hunger. Poverty is often intertwined with other factors such as unemployment, limited access to education, and inadequate healthcare, exacerbating the problem further.Another contributing factor is the inefficient distribution of food resources. In some regions, food production may be abundant, but due to poor infrastructure and inadequate transportation networks, these resources fail to reach those in need. Additionally, political instability and conflicts can disrupt food supply chains, leaving vulnerable populations without access to essential nutrition.

To combat this issue, governments and international organizations must prioritize poverty reduction efforts. This can be achieved through implementing comprehensive social welfare programs, creating job opportunities, and ensuring access to quality education and healthcare. By empowering individuals economically, they can afford nutritious food and break the cycle of hunger.

Improving agricultural practices is crucial to increasing food production sustainably. Governments should invest in modern farming techniques, provide farmers with access to advanced technology and training, and promote environmentally friendly practices. Encouraging small-scale farming and supporting local food markets can also help communities become self-sufficient in food production.

Efforts should be made to enhance infrastructure and transportation networks, particularly in rural areas. Governments can invest in building roads, storage facilities, and refrigeration systems to ensure efficient distribution of food resources. Collaborations between governments, NGOs, and private sectors can also help establish effective emergency response systems during times of crisis.

In conclusion, global hunger persists due to a combination of factors such as poverty, inefficient food distribution systems, and political instability. To address this issue, it is crucial to prioritize poverty reduction efforts, enhance agricultural practices, and strengthen food distribution systems. By implementing these solutions, we can work towards a world where no individual goes hungry, ensuring a brighter and more sustainable future for all.

TOTAL = 343 words


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در اینجا چند نمونه پاسخ برای نمونه رایتینگ آیلتس نوع Problem Solution ارایه کردیم. در پایان میتوانید برای دریافت جدیدترین کتاب ها و جزوه های آیلتس در کانال دانلودی منابع آیلتس و همچنین برای انجام تمرین های روزانه در گروه تست زنی آیلتس ما همراه باشید. 



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Nahid S
Nahid S
2 سال قبل

Despite the fact that agriculture is developed, many people are involved with starvation in various parts of the world. There are variety of reasons and solutions for the dilemma. (29 words)

The predominant factors resulting in hunger are climate change and war. Climate change, which effects on cultivation, caused by several reasons, greenhouse gases released into the air reduce the amount and the quality of harvested crops. Global warming, the other crisis posed be climate change, has caused drought enforce number of farmers in many countries abandon their farms. Another significant cause of starving can be war. When exporting countries of vital agricultural crops, such as wheat, face war, population of people struggled with hunger would be increased. Since Ukraine has been invaded, the world is tackling food crisis, for instance. Destruction of infrastructure, lack of safe trade leads to food poverty in wars. (113 words)

Nevertheless, there are potential solutions to solve these troubles, or at least reduce the effects. Firstly, governments play a pivotal role in preserving the ecosystem. They should be more responsible of protecting the environment by allocating more budget on renewable energies and raising the awareness about climate change in order to decline implications of global warming. Also, individuals and authorities can make a big impact by preparing humanitarian aid through charities helping to end hunger by food donation projects, besides, informing citizens to reduce food waste. Developed countries should develop their programs to stop starving, in addition to, resolving food problems which can help millions of people suffering from hunger and malnutrition to survive. (114 words)

To conclude, in spite of vast improvements in agriculture, many people are still fighting against hunger. Although starvation caused by climate change and war are serious issues, there are several steps that governments and individuals can take to decrease the effect. (40 words)

Nahid S
Nahid S
پاسخ به  مهندس ابوالقاسمی
2 سال قبل

دقیقا همین کار رو کردم. من در دوره بهمن 1400 شرکت کرده بودم و در همین صفحه رایتینگ رو ارسال کردم.

علیرضا حبیبی
علیرضا حبیبی
3 سال قبل

در ادامه صحبتم مثلا کلمه cause در سمپل ها دیده میشه. مثل سمپلی که برای رایتینگ جلسه آخر از کمبریج گذاشتید چندبار از این کلمه استفاده شده.(the change in climate also cause famine)

علیرضا حبیبی
علیرضا حبیبی
3 سال قبل

شما تاکید کردید که جملات کلیشه ای تو رایتینگ ها نباشه اما تو سپل ها زیاد دیده میشه. مثلا تو مقدمه همین سمپل جلسه ششم که خودتون نوشتید. (This essay will elaborate on both points)
و درمورد تسک یک (جلسه قبل) گفتید از نمونه ها الگو بگیریم. نمونه ای که از کمبریج گذاشتید نو پاراگراف اول، بیشتر توصیف جزیره قبل از تغییراته و پاراگراف دوم تغییرات. من هم طبق همین ساختار نوشتم. اما کامنت شما این بود که این ساختار استاندارد نیست.
در کل از این سمپل ها الگو بگیریم برای نوشتن یا خیر؟
با تشکر

5 سال قبل

سلام،ببخشید توی ایران مسابقه یا المپیاد زبان انگلیسی هست که درش مدرک بین المللی بدن?مثل المپیاد زبان که شنیدم هرساله برگزار میشه و از ایران30نفر برتر میرن واسه مرحله جهانی،یه همچین مسابقه ها و یا ازمون هایی توی ایران اگر برگزار میشه رو میشه معرفی کنید?البته محدودیت سن یا تحصیلی نداشته باشه،من دانشجو هستم و شنیدم یکسری المپیاد زبان دانش اموزش هست،منظورم اون دسته المپیاد و مسابقه ها نیست،یه چیزی که همه رده سنی و تحصیلی بتونن ثبت نام کنن…

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