
اسپیکینگ آیلتس (ورزش و جامعه)

اسپیکینگ آیلتس (ورزش و جامعه)

تاپیک جدید اسپیکینگ آیلتس تابستان 1403 (نقش ورزش در جامعه)

موضوع ورزش در اسپیکینگ آیلتس جدیدترین تاپیک هفته اول شهریور 1403 برابر با آگست 2024 می باشد. موضوع ورزش و نقش آن در جامعه در پارت سوم، صحبت درباره اتاق مورد علاقه در پارت اول و یک مهمانی در پارت دوم را در سری سوالات گزارش شده از کشور کانادا داریم. در اینجا ضمن بررسی این سوالات که مربوط به پارت 1 تا 3 هستند، نمونه پاسخ های متنی و صوتی نمره 8 برای این پرسش ها تنظیم کرده ایم. همچنین برای دانلود نمونه سوالات اسپیکینگ آیلتس همراه با جواب pdf میتوانید صفحه دیگری در همین سایت را دنبال بفرمایید.

New IELTS Speaking questions from Canada – August 2024

Speaking test

Part 1 (Interview)

– What is your full name?

My full name is Pouya Abolghasemi. You can call me Pouya.

– Where are you from?

I was born and raised in Tehran, which is the capital city of Iran.

– Do you work or are you a student?

I have a full-time job as an IELTS tutor and I also take part in material development.

– How do you feel about the place where you live?

I don’t live in my hometown at the moment.

– What is your favorite room in your house?

To be honest I have never thought about it but I think it is my bedroom since I feel so relaxed when I am there.

– Why do you like this room the most?

When I in my bedroom I am either watching one of my favorite TV series or I am sleeping. So I am far away from stress and daily anxiety as possible.

– Can you describe what the room looks like?

It is not very big. It includes my bed and my desktop computer, a bookshelf and a very small mattress for my dog to take his long naps while I work. It has a view of our neighbor’s garden on one side too where is gets most of its light.

– What do you usually do in your favorite room?

I watch some TV series and also I work on my computer. I take a nap of course since it is a bedroom and I sometimes dine there too.

– How do you feel when you spend time in this room?

I feel really good since there is almost nothing to bother me. Everything is under control and I have modified every object around the way I like them to be. I do not share this room with anyone and I think this is the place to feel absolutely relaxed.

Part 2 (Cue Card)

Describe a party you went to. You should say

– when and where the party took place

– what occasion it was for

– who you went with

and explain what made this party memorable.

نمونه پاسخ در کانال یوتیوب ما در خصوص این سوال

Part 3 (Discussion)

– What do you think are the reasons some people prefer playing team sports over individual sports?

– How can sporting events unite people from different countries?

– Has the popularity of international sports events changed in your country in the last 10 years? In what way?

– Do you think governments should invest more in developing sports facilities? Why or why not?

– In your opinion, are famous athletes good role models for children? Why or why not?

– What are the benefits of children participating in sports from a young age?

نمونه پاسخ های نمره 8 برای سوالات پارت سوم با موضوع ورزش (یوتیوب)

کلام پایانی

در اینجا در خصوص جدیدترین تاپیک اسپیکینگ آیلتس درباره ورزش در شهریورماه 1403 (August 2024) صحبت کردیم. همچنین برای تعیین سطح رایگان اسپیکینگ و دسترسی به جدیدترین آموزش ها در خصوص این مهارت در کانال اسپیکینگ تلگرام ما همراه باشید.



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