
IELTS Model Process Diagram Water Filter Assembly Band Score 9

IELTS Model Process Diagram Water Filter Assembly Band Score 9

IELTS Model Process Diagram Band Score 9

Here we take a look at a band 9 ielts writing task 1 Process Diagram question about “Water Filter Assembly” with a band 9 sample answer. This sample then will be further analyzed for its vocabulary, grammar and format, so we see how it has qualified for such band score. We also suggest over 1000 Band 9 IELTS Report Samples (Academic Writing Task 1) for free download. You may also go through our latest Task 1 questions with band 9 answer reported from around the world,

IELTS Process Diagram Question about Water Filter Assembly

📌 Writing task 1 (a report)

The diagram below shows a simple system that turns dirty water into clean water.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant

Band 9 Sample Answer

The diagram illustrates the process of converting dirty water into clean drinking water using a simple water-filter assembly. The system involves a plastic barrel with three filtering layers, a storage drum, and a tap to dispense the purified water.

Initially, dirty water is poured into the plastic barrel through an opening on top, which is then covered with a plastic lid. Inside the barrel, the water passes through three distinct layers of filtering materials: sand, charcoal, and gravel. Each layer plays a specific role in the purification process, with sand and charcoal primarily removing impurities and gravel helping in further filtration.

After passing through these layers, the filtered water exits the barrel through a pipe connected to the storage drum. The storage drum, which is equipped with a tap, allows easy access to the clean drinking water collected at the bottom.

Overall, this water-filter assembly offers an efficient and straightforward method for purifying water, relying solely on gravity and natural filtering materials. This makes it a cost-effective and practical solution for producing potable water in areas with limited access to advanced water treatment facilities.

Total = 190 words

Why This Answer Achieves Band 9

  1. Task Achievement: The answer clearly summarizes the diagram, highlighting all key stages and components of the process without unnecessary details.

  2. Coherence and Cohesion: The response is well-organized, with a logical progression of ideas and the effective use of linking words, such as “Initially,” “After,” and “Overall.”

  3. Lexical Resource: A wide range of academic vocabulary is used accurately, including terms like “purification,” “potable water,” “gravity,” and “filtration.” Synonyms and paraphrasing (e.g., “dirty water” and “impurities”) demonstrate lexical variety.

  4. Grammatical Range and Accuracy: The answer showcases a variety of complex sentence structures and passive voice (“is poured,” “is equipped”), which are essential for a high band score. There are no grammatical errors, and punctuation is used correctly.

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