
آموزش رایگان گرامر آیلتس

مباحث آموزشی رایگان گرامر ضروری امتحان آیلتس

در اینجا آموزش رایگان گرامر آیلتس که شامل سرفصل های کتاب کمبریج گرامر آیلتس(Cambridge Grammar for IELTS) می باشد را در دست انجام داریم. این کتاب در 25 گفتار ارائه شده و یکی از منابع اصلی کلاس های آیلتس ما می باشد. برای در تکمیل این آموزش ها حتما از فهرست بهترین منابع گرامر آیلتس بازدید بفرمایید.


گفتار اول:

Simple Present Tense (Permanent)

1. Fact
-Many people prefer to live in a large city.
– The earth circles the sun.

2. Routines
-I go to work everyday.
-She plays the piano every evening.

3. Opinion
-I believe a big city is a good place to make progress
– He thinks we should work harder.


Present Continuous (Temporary)

1. Action in Progress

I am talking on the phone now.

2. Action in progress close to present time

I am doing a cooking course these days.

3. Future Plan

I am traveling to Shiraz next Monday.

4. Trend

The price of cars is increasing these days.


گفتار دوم:

Used to / Would

I used to go to high school.
I didn’t used to like chocolate.
She would tell me stories about the past.

I went to high school.
I didn’t like chocolate.


When I was a child, she would tell me stories about the past.

When I was a child, she used to tell me stories about the past.

When I was a child, she told me stories about the past.

گفتار سوم:

Present Perfect (The effect continues)

I have traveled to Shiraz before.

Present Perfect Continuous (The action continues)

I have been living in this city for 10 years.

گفتار چهارم:

When I started to work here, I had had 9 years of experience.

When I graduated from university, I had learnt how to use all major software of my field

By 2010, ……………had increased by 10%

By 2010, ……………has increased by 10%

In 2010, ……………increased by 10%

Between 2010 and 2020, ……………increased by 10%

گفتار پنجم:

گفتار ششم:

Government is only able to help people when they choose someone to speak for them.

Dealing with air pollution is only possible after most people choose public transport.

It is impossible to introduce a new vaccine before conducting an extensive research.


گفتار هفتم:


Amount + Uncountable

Amount of water

Number + Countable

Number of students

Few / A few + Countable

(a) Few students

Little + Uncountable

Little money

Many + Countable

Many students

Much + Uncountable

Much water


گفتار هشتم:


گفتار دهم:


گفتار دوازدهم:


An education system with the best syllabus

An education system for gifted students

An education system improved (which is improved….) recently

An education system depending on (which is depending on) the latest technology

A place to meet new people.

A place to learn about Persian culture….


More Examples:

Employees with the best verbal skills.

Employees trained for demanding work environment.

Employees working on the projects in small teams.

An employee to deal with the unexpected issues immediately.


گفتار سیزدهم:

There must have been a lot of investment in this sector.

Our country could have been in most advanced country in Asia.

He can’t have received the vaccine (He is very sick now).

This country could recycle more than 80% of its waste.


گفتار چهاردهم

گفتار پانزدهم:



1. Sub + V + That + Full Sentence

Government believe that celebrities should………

2. Sub + V + Object + That + Full Sentence

Government inform us that celebrities should………

3. Sub + V + to + V + ……

Government promise to lower the celebrities’ salaries.


Some people believe that self-employed people enjoy lots of advantages in…………

Some people remind us that self-employed people may have a lot of problems in…………


گفتار شانزدهم:


Some people may be able to manage a bad situation by ignoring it for a while.

Many families will not approve of working an unpaid job after school hours.

Governments may need to continue supporting these poor people for many years.

An unfavorable situation might make people come up with new ideas to meet the challenges they face.


گفتار هفدهم:

گفتار هجدهم:

گفتار نوزدهم:

گفتار بیستم:

گفتار بیست و یکم:

It is the economy that determine how happy most people feel about their lives.

What keeps people satisfied with their government and proud of their country is a strong economy.


گفتار بیست و دوم:

I write a letter everyday.
✅ The letter is written everyday.

I wrote a letter yesterday.

✅ The letter was written yesterday.

I have written a letter recently.
✅ The letter has been written recently.

I will write a letter tomorrow.
✅ The letter will b e written tomorrow.

Object + To be + PP

گفتار بیست و سوم:


گفتار بیست و چهارم:

گفتار بیست و پنجم:


سخن پایانی

در اینجا آموزش رایگان گرامر آیلتس را خدمت شما عزیزان ارایه کردیم. در پایان میتوانید برای دریافت جدیدترین کتاب ها و جزوه های آیلتس در کانال دانلودی منابع آیلتس و همچنین برای انجام تمرین های روزانه در گروه تست زنی آیلتس  ما همراه باشید.



اشتراک در
اطلاع از
قدیمی‌ترین بیشترین رأی
بازخورد (Feedback) های اینلاین
مشاهده همه دیدگاه ها
3 سال قبل

Present simple
1 . Routines
I usually wake up about at 8 o’clock

2. Opinion
I can scarcely believe in hell, because I firmly believe that it is near us

3. Fact
We don’t work in Iran on Fridays

Present Continuous
1. Action in progress
I am enjoying the film

2. Plan
I’m going to restaurant tonight

3. Trends
The economy is getting worse

Yasi shr
Yasi shr
3 سال قبل

1-.I play piano every day
2-.Apple fall to the ground due to gravity
3-.Muslims believe that moharam is a forbidden month
4-.I am studying English right now
5-I am visiting the museum next week.
6-Gucci having control of the market this week.

Omidreza Hooshyar
Omidreza Hooshyar
4 سال قبل

1) I will have done all my assignment in two hours.
2) she will have finished her work by then.
3) he will have repaired that car at 5 p.m

Elahe Hosseinirasa
Elahe Hosseinirasa
4 سال قبل


تمرین اول
3- isn’t studying – don’t think
4- is he doing-is trying
5- Breathe in- give out
تمرین دوم
2- have
3- is going up-
4- is catching
5- know
6- is causing
7-think- agree

سه جمله
1- The graph shows some fluctuations during 2000 and 2003.
2- He is going to study physics.
3- They will travel to a faraway island next year.

Elahe Hosseinirasa
Elahe Hosseinirasa
پاسخ به  مهندس ابوالقاسمی
4 سال قبل

سلام ممنونم

Elahe Hosseinirasa
Elahe Hosseinirasa
4 سال قبل


تمرین اول
2- had doubled
4- began
5- had tripled
6- was
7- increased
8- reached
9- had peaked
10- had managed

تمرین دوم
2- had started
3- bought
4 had never taken
5-stayed-visited- had been- liked- had decided
6- had been developing

1- When my husband left the house, I had cleaned the kitchen.
2- By the time we arrived at the airport, the plane had taken off.
3- When my son did his homework, his favorite football match had finished on TV.

Elahe Hosseinirasa
Elahe Hosseinirasa
پاسخ به  مهندس ابوالقاسمی
4 سال قبل

بله ممنونم

شهرزاد عسکری
شهرزاد عسکری
4 سال قبل

تمرین اول:
تمرین دوم:
3)some of
5)many or some
6)a few
8)a lot of
11)not any

مطالب جدید


3 تا 6 ماه آمورش و پشتیبانی! با 24 تصحیح رایتینگ و برنامه  ریزی شخصی! فرصت فوق العاده برای شرکت در کلاس‌های آنلاین آیلتس فروردین 1404

برای کسب اطلاعات بیشتر با شماره تلفن زیر مستقیما با مشاور دوره در تماس باشید

مشاوره رایگان: 09124873462

شرایط و نمره هدف را مستقیما به مشاور بفرمایید

کامل ترین مجموعه فایل آموزش زبان انگلیسی و آیلتس در تلگرام

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