
Developing nations often require international assistance

Research indicates that nowadays some consumers are much less

IELTS Band 9 Essay About Developing nations often require international assistance

Here we take a look at a band 9 ielts writing task 2 sample about “Developing nations often require international assistance. Many believe that this assistance should be monetary”. This sample then will be further analyzed for its vocabulary, grammar and format, so we see how it has qualified for such band score. We also suggest over 200 band 9 IELTS samples released in 2025.

Sample Essay (Band 9)

Developing nations often require international assistance. Many believe that this assistance should be monetary, while some think practical help and advice would be more beneficial.

Discuss both these views along with your opinion.

In contemporary society, advertising appears to have a diminishing influence on consumers compared to previous decades. This shift can be attributed to multiple factors, including increased consumer discernment, the saturation of marketing content, and the rise of alternative information sources. While some argue that this trend has drawbacks, I contend that it is an overwhelmingly beneficial development.

One primary reason why advertising is less persuasive than in the past is the growing sophistication of consumers. With the advent of digital media and widespread internet access, individuals can critically assess advertising claims by cross-referencing information from independent sources. Unlike previous generations, modern consumers are no longer passive recipients of promotional messages; rather, they actively seek authenticity in products and services. This ability to evaluate advertising objectively has rendered traditional marketing tactics less effective.

Furthermore, the sheer volume of advertisements has led to desensitization among audiences. Given the proliferation of digital platforms, people are constantly bombarded with promotional content, often encountering thousands of advertisements daily. This overexposure has resulted in advertising fatigue, where consumers instinctively ignore or even block ads, reducing their overall effectiveness. Additionally, the emergence of ad-blocking technologies has empowered individuals to bypass marketing efforts entirely, further diminishing advertisers’ reach.

This decline in advertising influence is largely a positive phenomenon. Firstly, it encourages businesses to prioritize quality and transparency over manipulative marketing techniques. Rather than relying on exaggerated claims, companies must now engage with consumers in a meaningful way, fostering trust and long-term customer relationships. Moreover, this shift enhances consumer autonomy, allowing individuals to make purchasing decisions based on genuine product merit rather than external persuasion.

In conclusion, the decreasing effectiveness of advertising stems from an increasingly discerning consumer base and an oversaturation of marketing content. This trend is advantageous as it compels businesses to adopt more ethical practices while empowering consumers with greater control over their purchasing choices.

شهر جمعیت آلودگی ترافیک overpopulation cities traffic cars pollution

5 Academic Words in the sample for Developing nations often require international assistance.

  1. Diminishing (/dɪˈmɪnɪʃɪŋ/)

    • The influence of television as a primary source of news is diminishing due to the rise of digital media.
  2. Discernment (/dɪˈsɜːrn.mənt/)

    • A high level of discernment is required to differentiate between genuine and misleading information online.
  3. Persuasive (/pərˈsweɪ.sɪv/)

    • The lawyer presented a persuasive argument that convinced the jury of her client’s innocence.
  4. Proliferation (/prəˌlɪfəˈreɪʃən/)

    • The proliferation of smartphones has revolutionized the way people access information.
  5. Desensitization (/diːˌsensɪtaɪˈzeɪʃən/)

    • Continuous exposure to violent content in the media can lead to desensitization among viewers.

5 Advanced Grammar Structures and How They Enhance the Essay

  1. Complex Sentences with Relative Clauses

    • “Unlike previous generations, modern consumers are no longer passive recipients of promotional messages; rather, they actively seek authenticity in products and services.”
    • This adds sophistication to the writing and improves clarity by expanding on the main idea.
  2. Passive Voice for Formality

    • “This overexposure has resulted in advertising fatigue, where consumers instinctively ignore or even block ads, reducing their overall effectiveness.”
    • The use of passive structures makes the writing more formal and impersonal, which is appropriate for academic essays.
  3. Cohesive Devices for Logical Flow

    • “Furthermore, the sheer volume of advertisements has led to desensitization among audiences.”
    • Transition words such as “furthermore” help to connect ideas smoothly, improving coherence and cohesion.
  4. Nominalization for Academic Tone

    • “This decline in advertising influence is largely a positive phenomenon.”
    • Instead of using “Advertising is losing its influence,” the noun phrase “decline in advertising influence” creates a more sophisticated tone.
  5. Conditional Sentences for Speculation

    • “Rather than relying on exaggerated claims, companies must now engage with consumers in a meaningful way, fostering trust and long-term customer relationships.”
    • The use of “must now engage” suggests a cause-and-effect relationship, reinforcing the argument effectively.

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