
متداول ترین خطاهای گرامری زبان آموزان ایرانی

متداول ترین خطاهای گرامری زبان آموزان ایرانی

متداول ترین خطاهای گرامری زبان آموزان ایرانی چیست؟

در این صفحه مجموعه ای از متداول ترین خطاهای گرامری زبان آموزان ایرانی که نتیجه بیش از 15 هزار ساعت تدریس مهندس ابوالقاسمی با نمره 8 آیلتس آکادمیک در کلاس های مقدماتی زبان انگلیسی و آیلتس بوده است را با علاقمندان عزیز به اشتراک میگذاریم. (تاریخ انتشار اولین نسخه: 27 اکتبر 2016).

این خطاها که خطاهای واقعی و رایج زبان آموزان ایرانی کلاس های فشرده آیتس و کلاس های مقدماتی زبان انگلیسی در رایتینگ‌ها و اسپیکینگ ارسالی بوده است را به 24 گروه تقسیم بندی کرده ایم و برای هر کدام چندین نمونه به همراه ساختارهای بدون خطا آورده شده است. برای رسیدن به نمره 7 رایتینگ آیلتس یا نمره بالای 7 اسپیکینگ این خطاها نباید در رایتینگ یا اسپیکینگ شما به چشم بخورد!

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بررسی 24 مورد از رایج‌ترین خطاهای گرامری زبان آموزان آیلتس:

1. استفاده نامناسب از حرف اضافه فعل، اسامی و صفت‌ها:

حروف اضافه باید در دیکشنری چک شود و نباید از فارسی ترجمه کنیم یا آن ها را حدس بزنیم. فارسی ترجمه کردن حروف اضافه یا حدس زدن آن ها رایج ترین مورد در فهرست متداول ترین خطاهای گرامری زبان آموزان است. به همین منظور در ادامه 44 مورد از آن ها را بررسی می‌کنیم.


X I enjoyed from the movie. 

I enjoyed the movie. 


X When I was 15, I really enjoyed to play football. 

When I was 15, I enjoyed playing football. 


X People who live in abroad face many problems.

People who live abroad face many problems. 


X She helped to me. 

She helped me. 


X Many people respect to someone with a university degree. 

Many people respect someone with a university degree. 


X I accessed to this information. 

I accessed this information. 


X I have access this information. 

I have access to this information. 


X This decision effects our business. 

This decision has effect on our business. 


X This decision affect on our business. 

This decision affects our business. 


X I should mention to this issue. 

I should mention this issue. 


X They can use from other people’s knowledge

They can use other people’s knowledge


X I use of this website everyday. 

I use this website everyday. 


X I Try hard to achieve to my goals. 

I Try hard to achieve my goals. 


X This number reached to 50 Kg in 2010. 

This number reached 50 Kg in 2010. 


X Millions of people visit from historical destinations annually. 

Millions of people visit historical destinations annually. 


X When information is shared freely, there is a risk that some students copy from other people’s work.

When information is shared freely, there is a risk that some students copy other people’s work.


X About 40% of visitors were dissatisfied from this museum.

About 40% of visitors were dissatisfied with this museum.


X Children spend more time to TV these days. 

Children spend more time on TV these days. 


X They believe speaking a second language can not make problem for immigrants.

They believe speaking a second language can not pose/create/cause problem for immigrants.


X So they are aware to their mistakes.

So they are aware of their mistakes.


X In southern parts of Iran, some people are deprived from clean drinking water. 

In southern parts of Iran, some people are deprived of clean drinking water. 


X Many people believe to the separation in schools.

Many people believe in the separation in schools.


X I always arrived in the university very early.

I always arrived at the university very early.


X Immigrants who arrived at host country have many problems.

Immigrants who arrived in the host country had many problems.


X This group consists from employees without much experience.

This group consists of employees without much experience.


X Many students these days think to study abroad. 

Many students these days think of studying abroad. 


X Adults are independent from their parents.

Adults are independent of their parents.


X This essay will discuss about both viewpoints.

This essay will discuss both viewpoints.


X I married with my best friend two years ago.

I married my best friend two years ago.


X Taxis are similar with buses and both are slow in large cities.

Taxis are similar to buses and both are slow in large cities.


X Some people believe computers will be capable to do impossible tasks in the future.

Some people believe computers will be capable of doing impossible tasks in the future.


X She needs to her mobile phone now. 

She needs her mobile phone now. 


X My house is near to highways and I can easily get around. 

My house is near highways and I can easily get around. 


X I made friend with him in university. 

We became friends in university. 


X It was difficult for me to find friends.

It was difficult for me to make friends. 


X I am writing regarding to your English course.

I am writing regarding (with regard to) your English course.


X University tuition fees prevent many students to study abroad. 

University tuition fees prevent many students from studying abroad. 


X Some customers insist in the highest quality. 

Some customers insist on the highest quality. 


X When children make decisions, they learn how to avoid to make mistakes. 

When children make decisions, they learn how to avoid making mistakes. 


X Experience teach us that we should never judge about people based on their clothes.

Experience teach us that we should never judge people based on their clothes.


X A great deal of useful information is available in the internet.

A great deal of useful information is available On the Internet.


X They can communicate to each other easily. 

They can communicate with each other easily. 


X It appears that the refurbishment has increased the satisfaction about the museum. 

It appears that the refurbishment has increased the satisfaction with the museum. 


X However, there are disadvantages to being self-employed.

However, there are disadvantages in being self-employed.


X There are benefits to traveling 

There are benefits in traveling. 


2. بعد از حروف اضافه (preposition) مانند (at, by, for, with, in, before, after, of, on) فعل باید همراه ing نوشته شود. به هشت نمونه زیر توجه کنید:

بی توجهی به این نکاه گرامری ساده باعث شده در بین متداول ترین خطاهای گرامری زبان آموزان ما به خصوص عزیزانی که در سطح متوسط هستند قرار گیرد.


X I improved my English by listen to pop music. 

I improved my English by listening to pop music.


X Without spend any time in traffic

Without spending any time in traffic.


X People should use public transport for go to work. 

 People should use public transport for going to work. 


X I sometimes use my tablet for read books. 

I sometimes use my tablet for reading books. 


X Students need to read the books carefully before to take exam. 

Students need to read the books carefully before taking exam. 


X Some people think of live in a small town. 

Some people think of living in a small town. 


X There are several benefits in learn English

There are several benefits in learning English. 


X Some people believe that self-employment is more beneficial than work for someone else.

Some people believe that self-employment is more beneficial than working for someone else.

3. برای اسامی غیر قابل شمارش (water, advice, pollution, hair, money) فعل به صورت مفرد (Singular) به کار می‌رود. به 4 مثال زیر توجه کنید:

برای اسم های غیر قابل شمارش همیشه باید فعل مفرد استفاده کنیم. بی توجهی به این نکته متاسفانه باعث شده همین مورد ساده به یکی از متداول ترین خطاهای گرامری عزیزان تبدیال شود.


X There are less pollution in a big city. 

There is less pollution in a big city. 


X Pollution are a big problem in my country

Pollution is a big problem in my country. 


X There aren’t much traffic in a small town. 

There isn’t much traffic in a small town. 


X There are lack of facilities in these areas. 

There is lack of facilities in these areas. 

4. دو طرف “and” و “or” باید ساختار دستوری (part of speech) همسان وجود داشته باشد: 


X We were dancing and will sing

We were dancing and singing


X I think people should take actions and changing the conditions.

I think people should take actions and change the conditions.


X I should go and asking her. 

I should go and ask her. 


X She is searching and try to find another job.

She is searching and trying to find another job.


X Heart attack and overweight are two problems related to eating fast food regularly. 

Heart attack and being overweight are two problems related to eating fast food regularly. 


X Thermal power fell to 50 Terawatt-hours in 1985 and remain at this level for the rest of the period.

Thermal power fell to 50 Terawatt-hours in 1985 and remained at this level for the rest of the period.

5. در تمامی جمله ها، (1) فعل و فاعل و (2) ضمیر و اسم باید هماهنگ و متناسب باشند

از متداول ترین خطاهای گرامری زبان آموزان ایرانی به خصوص در سطح A2 یا حدود نمره 5 آیلتس این مورد است. همچنین دقت کنید که ضمیرهای anyone, everyone, someone, anybody, somebody nobody, each one, no one,  each  either and neither  همیشه سوم شخص در نظر گرفته می‌شوند و فعل آن ها همیشه مفرد است.

ضمیر های little, less به همراه اسم غیر قابل شمارش به کار میرود و فعل آن ها همیشه مفرد هست. همچنین ضمیرهای both, few, many, other همیشه به همراه اسم قابل شمارش (countable) به کار می‌روند و فعل آن ها همیشه جمع هست.


X Big city provide more facilities. 

Big city provides more facilities. 


X Traveling to these places have some benefits

Traveling to these places has some benefits


X some people does not have any interest in sports.

some people do not have any interest in sports.


X Every particular species play an important role in the ecosystem. 

Every particular species plays an important role in the ecosystem. 


X They believe everyone receive a good education in this country. 

They believe everyone receives a good education in this country. 


X Students will learn another practical skills after graduation. 

Students will learn other practical skills after graduation. 


X Everything are available at this online course. 

Everything is available at this online course. 


X The mother of 5 children are speaking about the problem. 

The mother of 5 children is speaking about the problem. 


X Studying in online universities are better for making friends. 

Studying in online universities is better for making friends. 


X There are more budget for a big city. 

There is more budget for a big city. 


X There are more facilities in big city and people could use it easily.

There are more facilities in big city and people can use them easily.


X This number remained stable over this 3 decades.

This number remained stable over these 3 decades.


X Millions of people lives in poverty around the world. 

Millions of people live in poverty around the world. 


X Most students study English to pass IELTS and TOEFL exam

Most students study English to pass IELTS and TOEFL exams

6. بعد از مودال ها (can, could, should, may, might, must, have to, shall, will, would, be able to) فعل باید به صورت ساده نوشته شود:


X  I can to speak English. 

I can speak English. 


X  They can management time.

They can manage time. 


X I may talking to her. 

I may talk to her. 


X I will to take my exam soon. 

I will take my exam soon. 


X I must to study hard to succeed in exam. 

I must study hard to succeed in exam. 


X Some people have to moving to a big city to have a better life. 

Some people have to move to a big city to have a better life. 

7. واژه more می‌تواند قبل از اسم و صفت بیاید اما قبل از فعل اشتباه است (برعکس زبان فارسی!):


X They more study to pass the exam. 

They study more to pass the exam. 


X I tried to more focus to understand the text. 

I tried to focus more to understand the text. 


X I more tried to pass the exam. 

I tried harder to pass the exam. 


X They have more enjoy even with fewer facilities.

They enjoy more even with fewer facilities.

8. استفاده از ساختار نادرست شکل ساده فعل + To be به جای ساختاری درست قسمت سوم فعل + to be برای جمله های مجهول یا استفاده بی مورد از ساختار مجهول


X I am agree with you. 

I agree with you. 


X The house is build by the best material. 

The house is built by the best material. 


X The letters are send to the manager. 

The letters are sent to the manager. 


X Tourists usually are stay in the best hotels only for a week or two. 

Tourists usually stay in the best hotels only for a week or two. 


X Species that are exist in the food chain are necessary for human survival.

Species that exist in the food chain are necessary for human survival.


X If students work together their stress will be reduced.

If students work together their stress will reduce.

9. به کار نبردن صفت بعد از فعل to be یا قبل از اسم

صفت قبل از اسم یا بعد از فعل های ربطی (am/is/are/was/were/be, appear, become, feel, grow, look, remain, seem, sound, taste, smell, prove) در جمله ظاهر میشود. برای مثال The house is big یا A big house.


X I can buy clothes beautiful.

I can buy beautiful clothes .


X I can see a house very big.

I can see a very big house.


X It is benefit to health.

It is beneficial to health.


X difficult weather may be harm for travelers.

difficult weather may be harmful for travelers.

10. اضافه کردن ضمیر در پایان جمله واره های موصولی (Relative clause) و دیگر خطاها در موصولی ها:


X I talked to the teacher who I had class with him.

I talked to the teacher who I had class with.


X I go to the university that I have registered in it

I go to the university that I have registered in. 


X Factories that they need workforce.

Factories that need workforce.


X Most students who studying alone have more concentration.

Most students who study alone have more concentration.


X There are people like living in small towns.

There are people who like living in small towns.

11. انتخاب اشتباه زمان ها به جای همدیگر:

حقایق کلی که معمولا در رایتینگ های آیلتس به آن ها اشاره می‌‍شود باید به زمان حال ساده نوشته شوند. زمانی که در مورد پیشینه و تاریخچه چیزی صحبت میکنیم (مثلا در مقدمه رایتینگ های آیلتس) به زمان حال کامل نیاز داریم. اگر عملی در گذشته انجام شده و به پایان رسیده و تاکید بر زمان انجام هست از زمان گذشته ساده، اگر در مورد روند تغییر چیزی صحبت میکنیم زمان حال استمراری و اگر درباره عملی که پیش از عمل دیگر در گذشته روی داده صحبت میکنیم زمان گذشته کامل نیاز هست.


X I live in this city for 10 years.

I have lived in this city for 10 years.


X Fast food become popular during past few years.

Fast food has become popular during past few years.


X Students have different habits. Some read aloud and some are walking or eating.

Students have different habits. Some read aloud and some walk or eat while reading.


X I have seen a good movie yesterday.

I saw a good movie yesterday


X Everyday I am going for a walk. 

Everyday I go for a walk. 


X Employees are managing their time when they work alone.

 Employees manage their time when they work alone.

دانشجو students کلاس درس آموزش آموختن Learning Classroom lesson

12. ساختن جمله های مجهول با فعل های لازم (Intransitive) که مفعول نمی گیرند:

از متداول ترین فعل های لازم در زبان انگلیسی میتوان به agree, become, come, die, fall, go, happen, live, sit, stand, talk, wait, walk و work اشاره کرد.


X This accident is happened because of a drunk driver.

This accident happened because of a drunk driver.


X They are lived in this country now. 

They live in this country now. 


X Many people were died as a result of cancer.  

Many people died as a result of cancer.  


X Some types of music is listened by people for several decades.

People listen to some types of music for several decades.

13. در هنگام نیاز از ساختار مجهول استفاده نکنید: 

در این مورد دقت کنید فاعل جمله انجام دهنده عمل هست یا پذیرنده عمل. به ترتیب ساختار معلوم و مجهول مورد نیاز است.


X Students who study in a group distract by other members. 

Students who study in a group are distracted by other members. 


X Many accommodations construct at both sides of the reception. 

Many accommodations were constructed at both sides of the reception. 


X when someone turns 18, they consider an adult.

when someone turns 18, they are considered an adult.

14. عدم آشنایی با فعل های خاص که فعل بعدی آن ها شکل ساده خواهد بود:

بعد از برخی افعال حسی مثل ، see، hear، feel و دیگر فعل ها مثل let، make، help فعل دوم به صورت ساده استفاده می‌شود.


X I helped her to finish her work.

I helped her finish her work.


X It helps you carrying your purchases. 

It helps you carry your purchases. 


X I let him to use my car.

I let him use my car.


X I make them to listen to me. 

I make them listen to me. 

15. استفاده از صفت به جای قید یا استفاده نادرست از قید:

همانطور که در مورد 9 توضیح داده شد، صفت قبل از اسم یا بعد از فعل های ربطی (am/is/are/was/were/be, appear, become, feel, grow, look, remain, seem, sound, taste, smell, prove) در جمله نوشته می‌شود. برای مثال The house is big یا A big house. اما محل قید میتواند متفاوت باشد.


X I lost an important item on my recently trip.

I lost an important item on my recent trip.


X They can find a job more comfortable.

They can find a job more easily.


X Adults have more financially independence.

Adults have more financial independence.


X It is possible to live more happiness and easier.

It is possible to live happily and easily.


X In quietly atmosphere the results of studying are better.

In a quiet atmosphere the result of studying is better.


X It showed a dramatically growth.

It showed a dramatic growth.


X Teenagers can make friends easier

Teenagers can make friends easily

16. نا آشنایی با فهرست فعل هایی که فعل بعد از آن ها همراه با ing یا to می آید:

(ساختار verb + obj+ to + verb و ساختار verb + verb+ ing) این مجموعه را ببینید. 


X I enjoy to study alone. 

I enjoy studying alone. 


X Government resists to give farmers more money. 

Government resists giving farmers more money. 


X It allows to students to study more effectively. 

It allows students to study more effectively. 


X Everyday, students may be busy to do their homework. 

Everyday, students may be busy doing their homework. 

17. استفاده از ساختارهای ترجمه شده از فارسی، عدم رعایت ترتیب ارکان جمله و ایجاد ساختارهای بی معنی و دیگر خطاها

این مورد همانطور که مشخص هست محدود به یک مورد خاص نیست و گروهی از خطاها را شامل میشود اما این موارد شباهت زیادی به هم دارند و در گروه متداول ترین خطاهای گرامری زبان آموزان ایرانی جای میگیرند.


X More population cause to more facilities. 

More population will result in more facilities. 


X In these places there is no news of facilities. 

In these places no facilities are available.


X In small towns not exist many facilities for a modern life. 

Not many facilities exist in small towns for a modern life. 


X They can go up in their work. 

They can make progress in their work.


X when exist more needs as a result exist more job opportunity.

More needs results in more job opportunity.


X because of job opportunities with higher salaries so many people have attracted to big cities.

because of job opportunities with higher salaries, many people are attracted to big cities.


X There are many factories and companies that they need people to work.

There are many factories and companies that need people for work.


X See from window my kitchen.

See my kitchen from window.


X There are more focus to study alone.

It is easier to focus when they study alone. 


X There are directly affect between….and…..

There is a direct link/relationship between….and…..


X There is focus more than group study.

Students can have more focus than group study.


X The marriage conditions is easier for young people after the age of 30. 

After the age of 30 people can afford getting married. 


X Marriage is a subject about which people think very much.

People usually think carefully about marriage before making their final decision.


X Healthy baby is depending to mother age.

The health of the baby depends on the mother’s age.


X These people can without others financial help manage their life.

√ These people can manage their life without other people’s financial assistance .


X Many students live in different city or country that they have to immigrate to location of their favorite universities.

Many students live in different cities or countries and they have to move to places where their favorite universities are.


X Although some people prefer to study in online universities, but other people prefer traditional universities. 

Although some people prefer to study in online universities, others prefer traditional ones. 


X Speaking a foreign language face you with new problems in society.

Speaking a foreign language poses/creates/causes/brings new problems for immigrants in the society.


X The car is fixed very hard by my Brother.

My brother managed to fix the car. 


X My family members are very important to me and we meet together every week. 

My family members are very important to me and we meet each other every week. 


X I really like that I don’t have a boss. 

What I really like about my job is that I don’t work for someone else.  


X Our trip to Shiraz was very great

Our trip to Shiraz was so/really/absolutely great


X We passed a very good time in Shiraz.

√ We had a very good time in Shiraz.


X I go to the Internet every day. 

I go on the Internet(go online/surf the net) every day. 


X He gave me good advices

He gave me a good piece of advice


X My sister is same age with me

My sister is same age as me (as old as I am)


X Teenagers have fewer fear compare to adults. 

Teenagers have less fear compare to adults. 


X Benefits of working in big cities caused that people prefer to live in a big city.

√ As a result of benefits of working in big cities, people prefer to live there.


X Maybe can change one’s point of view.

√ May be able to change one’s point of view.


X I am the copy of my sister.

I resemble my sister in many ways

Students School Youth دانش آموزش جوان نوجوان آموزش Education

18. در آغاز جمله از شکل ساده فعل (شکل امری) به جای فعل به همراه ing استفاده نکنید:


X Travel to unusual places are very exciting for some tourists. 

Traveling to unusual places is very exciting for some tourists. 

19. در جملات از اسم به جای صفت و صفت به جای اسم استفاده نکنید


X Their similar and different are obvious. 

Their similarities and differences are obvious. 

20. اشتباه در ساختن صفت های تفضیلی (Comparative Adjectives)

همچنین صفت های تفضیلی بی قاعده good، bad، far و little به ترتیب better، worse، further و less هستند.


X It is more easier to find a job in a large city. 

It is easier to find a job in a large city. 

21. اشتباه در استفاده از حرف تعریف The:

حرف تعریف the در این موارد به کار میرود:

  1. اسم مورد نظر قبلا به مخاطب شناسانده شده
  2. تنها یک عدد از آن چیز وجود دارد (The sun)
  3. صفت های عالی(The best)
  4. اعداد ترتیبی (The second/third/forth)
  5. اسم کشورهایی که مخفف یا مجموعه ای از جزایر و…. هستند (به ترتیب مثل the USA و The Philippines)
  6. برخی اسم های خاص مثل ملیت ها و اسم رودخانه ها (The British و The Nile)
  7. آلات موسیقی (The guitar)


X Isfahan is a popular city with tourists which is located in the Iran

Isfahan is a popular city with tourists which is located in Iran


X Today we can buy almost everything on internet.

Today we can buy almost everything on the Internet.


X The adults can go whenever or wherever they want.

Adults can go whenever or wherever they want.

22. متداول ترین خطاهای مربوط به لغات نامناسب در رایتینگ و اسپیکینگ آیلتس:

از به کار بردن لغاتی که سطح پایینی دارند (مثل Good، Bad و thing)، مخفف ها (مثل .Etc. ،i.e، یا don’t)، ضمیرهایی که لحن غیر رسمی به رایتینگ میدهند (همانند I، We و غیره) و لغاتی با معنای کلی و نامشخص که به جای دیگر واژگان آکادمیک به کار میروند (مثل Exist، Cause، Get، Make، more) خودداری کنید. این مورد هم از متداول ترین خطاهای گرامری زبان آموزان ایرانی می باشد.


X With an efficient transportation system, people can get to their workplace in time. 

With an efficient transportation system, people can commute to their workplace in time. 


X This app cause them to work harder. 

This app helps them work harder. 


X We still cannot provide enough food for all of the people in the world.

Enough food for all of the people in the world still cannot be provided.


X The education system in my country is bad

The education system in my country is inefficient


X Some things may change people’s shopping habits. 

  Some factors may change people’s shopping habits. 


X Many facilities such as subway, shopping centers, etc. are available in big cities. 

Many facilities such as subway, shopping centers, and so on are available in big cities. 


X Government should make another system for sharing information. 

√ Government should design another system for sharing information. 


X In a big city exist many facilities. 

√ In a big city many facilities are available


X There are more jobs in a big city.

√ There is a greater variety of jobs in a big city.

23. رعایت نکردن اصول علائم نقطه گذاری (Punctuation):


X  income. it is obvious that….

  income. It is obvious that….


X  happy.Secondly,they have more freedom.

√  happy. Secondly, they have more freedom. 

24. متداول ترین خطاهای گرامری از دیگر سرفصل های دستور زبان:

خطاهایی که در این گروه فهرست شده در هیچیک از گروه های بالا جای نمیگیرند اما همچنان در مجموعه متداول ترین خطاهای گرامری زبان آموزان ایرانی جای میگیرند.


X  The manager has uploaded many information on his website. (غیر قابل شمارش)

X  The manager has uploaded a lot of information on his website.


X Nowadays medias specially TV have great impact on people’s lives. (غیر قابل شمارش)

Nowadays, media specially TV have great impact on people’s lives.

پادکست آموزشی 53 دقیقه ای متداول ترین خطاهای گرامری در آیلتس از Shelly Cornick و Nick Lone:

دانلود فایل

فهرست متداول ترین خطاهای گرامری در سراسر جهان:


مطالبی برای مطالعه بیشتر

ساختار گرامری As / Whereas / While X verb, Y verb (مقایسه نمودار آیلتس)

6 ساختار فوق العاده مقایسه اعداد (با 30 مثال)

گرامر زمان حال ساده

پیشنهاد جملات حرفه‌ای‌تر رایتینگ آیلتس

چالش “x” به انگلیسی چی میشه؟!


سخن پایانی

در این پست در خصوص متداول ترین خطاهای گرامری صحبت کردیم. در پایان میتوانید برای دریافت جدیدترین کتاب ها و جزوه های آیلتس در کانال دانلودی منابع آیلتس و همچنین برای انجام تمرین های روزانه در گروه تست زنی آیلتس ما همراه باشید.



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