
7 نوع جمله در زبان انگلیسی

7 نوع جمله در زبان انگلیسی
7 نوع جمله در زبان انگلیسی

این صفحه مربوط به بخشی از تدریس کلاس های گرامر و جمله سازی مهندس ابوالقاسمی می باشد که برای بهبود وضعیت جمله سازی زبان آموزان آیلتس و زبان انگلیسی در 6 جلسه(6 هفته) تنظیم شده است و مبحث های (1) 7 نوع جمله در زبان انگلیسی ، (2) ساختارهای ساده و پیچیده در جمله سازی، (3) جمله واره های موصولی ، (4) انواع کلمات ربط، (5) ساختارهای that clause، و (6) ساختارهای مجهول را در بر میگیرد.


1. جمله های ساده (Simple)

(independent clause) با فرمول

Example: People go to work every day. 


2. جمله های مرکب (Compound) نوع اول

IC+CC+IC (independent clause plus coordinating conjunction plus independent clause) با فرمول

Example: People go to work and eat in fast food restaurants. 

(Coordinating conjunctions are words that link one independent clause to another to form a compound sentence. These words can be recalled with the mnemonic FANBOYS and include forandnorbutoryet, and so.)


3. جمله های مرکب (Compound) نوع دوم

IC+S+IC (independent clause plus semicolon plus independent clause) با فرمول

Example: People go to work; they eat in fast food restaurants. 


4. جمله های مرکب (Compound) نوع سوم

IC+AC+IC (independent clause plus adverbial conjunction plus independent clause) با فرمول

Example: People go to work; therefore they eat in fast food restaurants. 

(Adverbial conjunctions are adverbs that serve, when following a semicolon, to link independent clauses. They include consequentlyhowevermoreoverneverthelesstherefore, and thus.)



5. جمله های پیچیده نوع اول (Complex)

DM+C+IC (dependent marker plus clause plus independent clause) با فرمول

Example: Because people go to work, they eat in fast food restaurants. 

(Dependent markers are words that provide a relative context for a subordinate clause. They include afteralthoughas, “as if,” becausebeforeifsincethoughuntilwhenwherewhether, and while.)


6. جمله های پیچیده نوع دوم (Complex)

RP+N + SC (relative pronoun + noun + subordinate clause) با فرمول

Example: Whatever doubts I had about taking a walk dissipated when I was soothed by the gentle night air

Whatever doubts I had about taking a walk dissipated when I was soothed by the gentle night air

(Relative pronouns are pronouns that relate a subordinate clause to the noun it modifies. They include whowhomwhosewhoeverwhosoeverwhomeverwhichwhatwhatever, and sometimes that.)


7. جمله های پیچیده نوع سوم (Complex)

DC+IC+CC+IC (dependent clause plus independent clause plus coordinating conjunction plus independent clause) با فرمول

Example: As I headed out for a walk, my doubts about doing so dissipated, and I was soothed by the gentle night air


انواع ساختارهای Cleft

It-cleft: It is Jaime for whom we are looking.

it + conjugated form of to be + X + subordinate clause با فرمول

Wh-cleft/Pseudo-cleft: What he wanted to buy was a Fiat.

Reversed wh-cleft/Inverted pseudo-cleft: A Fiat is what he wanted to buy.

All-cleft: All he wanted to buy was a Fiat.

Inferential cleft: It is not that he loves her. It’s just that he has a way with her that is different.

There-cleft: And then there’s a new house he wanted to build.

If-because cleft: If he wants to be an actor it’s because he wants to be famous.



7 Patterns of Sentence Structure




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آرزو هاشمی آیلتس اسفند 98
4 سال قبل

people like to receive valuable information to improve their knowledge

it is valuable information that people like to receive to improve their knowledge.

what people like to receive is valuable information to improve their knowledge

valuable information is what people like to receive to improve
their knowledge

all people like to receive is valuable information to improve their knowledge

آرزو هاشمی آیلتس اسفند 98
آرزو هاشمی آیلتس اسفند 98
پاسخ به  مهندس ابوالقاسمی
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