
نمونه رایتینگ Main environmental problem

نمونه رایتینگ Main environmental problem loss of particular species more important problems
نمونه رایتینگ Main environmental problem loss of particular species more important problems

نمونه رایتینگ Main environmental problem loss of particular species more important problems

در اینجا یک نمونه پاسخ برای سوال رایتینگ کمبریج 14 آکادمیک تست 2 نوشته شده است. این نمونه توسط مدرس آیلتس با نمره 8 رایتینگ نوشته شده و سطح آن نمره 7.5 براورد میشود.

برای آشنایی با انواع 7 نوع سوال تسک 2 رایتینگ آیلتس آموزش مربوطه را در همین صفحه دنبال بفرمایید.


نمونه مقدمه 2 جمله ای

While some believe the most important Environmental issues are related to the extinction of certain species, others believe there are other important challenges to consider. I tend to agree with both views. (32 words)


نمونه رایتینگ Main environmental problem – نوشته شده توسط مدرس در سطح نمره 7

The environment has never been under pressure as it is now. Although there are those who believe the most important challenge is the disappearance of certain species, others including me argue that challenges of other types are the most important ones. (41 words)

It is believed by some that the disappearance of some species is the most important environmental challenge of the present time. First of all, the total loss of any species of plants or animals is irreversible and its unique genes will be gone forever. This seemingly unimportant genome can be a treasure for future generations since we do not have the technology to comprehend its complexity or its potential applications. However, when science is advanced enough to utilize this genes, it might be too late because species are going extinct in an unprecedented rate. Secondly, the delicate balance in nature is still beyond our full comprehension and the eradication of even a few animals may have severe repercussions that are unknown to us at the time being. (127 words)

On the other hand, others maintain that there are other more important issues regarding the environment to consider. First of all, global challenges with more immediate threats such as global warming affect a much wider part of the world with more sever impacts even in short terms. In the case of global warming, suggested scientific scenarios depict the loss of thousands of kilometers of coastal areas and relocation of millions of people especially in poorest parts of the world if the issue is to be neglected further. Secondly, challenges that are directly linked to the global food security deserve more consideration. If such issues are not prioritized to be tackled, millions of people may starve around the world and the national security in vast areas will be threatened.  (128 words)

In conclusion, I believe while any major change in the environment should be avoided and every single species should be respected for its current and future values, there are more forceful global challenges with serious consequences for larger number of people around the globe. (44 words)

(Total: 340 Words)


نسخه پاسخ کوتاه: 306 کلمه

The environment has never been under pressure as it is now. Although there are those who believe the most important challenge is the disappearance of certain species, others including me argue that challenges of other types are the most important ones.  (41 words)

Some believe that the disappearance of some species is the most important environmental challenge. First of all, by the total loss of any species its unique genes will be gone forever. This seemingly unimportant genome can be a treasure for future generations since we do not have the technology to use its potential applications. However, when science is advanced enough to utilize these genes, it might be too late because species will be extinct by then. Secondly, the delicate balance in nature is still beyond our full comprehension and the eradication of even a few animals may have severe repercussions that are unknown to us at the time being. (109 words)

Others maintain that there are other more important issues regarding the environment. First of all, global challenges with more immediate threats such as global warming have more sever impacts even in short terms. In the case of global warming, suggested scientific scenarios depict the loss of thousands of kilometers of coastal areas and relocation of millions of people if the issue is to be neglected further. Secondly, challenges that are directly linked to the global food security deserve more consideration. If such issues are not prioritized to be tackled, millions of people may starve around the world and the national security in vast areas will be threatened. (107 words)

In conclusion, I believe while any major change in the environment should be avoided and every single species should be respected for its current and future values, there are more severe global challenges with serious consequences for larger number of people around the globe. (44 words)

(Total: 302 Words)


نمونه رایتینگ Main environmental problem – نوشته شده توسط اگزمینر در سطح نمره 9

جمع بندی و کلام پایانی

در پایان میتوانید برای دریافت جدیدترین کتاب ها و جزوه های آیلتس در کانال دانلودی منابع آیلتس (https://t.me/ielts2official) و همچنین برای انجام تمرین های روزانه در گروه تست زنی آیلتس (https://t.me/ielts2Group) ما همراه باشید.



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3 سال قبل

Some people think it is better to live in a big city.first of all, there are the best transportation system. People have access to better roads and better means of transport. Big cities have access to better road networks, airports and trains that make transportation easier. Secondly, access to health facilities in modern the cities also easy. You can better medical services in the city becase most of the hospitals and main doctors are located there.

On the otherchand, there are people who blieve it is better to live in a small town. In small town, crime is less, because people knew each other. Secondly, the cost of living is generally much lower in small town. The price of a house, the cost of rent, groceres, and consumer doods and serices are reasonable.

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