رایتینگ جلد 17 کمبریج آیلتس آکادمیک تست 3 – نمونه نمره 7
یک نمونه پاسخ در سطح نمره 7+ برای رایتینگ تسک 2 تست سوم کمبریج آیلتس 17 برای شما عزیزان در دسترس قرار داده شده است. این سمپل توسط مهندس ابوالقاسمی مدرس آیلتس با نمره 8 در مهارت رایتینگ تنظیم شده است. همچنین یک پادکست آموزشی در توضیح چگونگی دستیابی به این نمره همراه با این رایتینگ تقدیم شما عزیزان میشود.
How faithful one is supposed to be towards the place where they have received their education and whether they should have the right to leave that place for work after graduation is a matter for consideration. I personally believe there should be some limitations for graduates but keeping them from leaving without exemption does not seem appealing to me. (59 words)
From one hand, there are those who believe it is graduates’ duty to work for those who trained them to be professionals such as physicians or experts of a type and it makes a lot of sense since it is the knowledge and the expertise that makes them who they are. If there are no compensations, it can be said that they have betrayed years of hard work and important investment of the country in question. Moreover, such decisions can have a more profound impact since it can set a bad precedent and even a larger number of youthful graduates follow such example with devastating results. There are countries around the world with a shortage of skilled workers and intelligent young people simply because they have not been able to convince young people of the desirable economic prospect of homeland. (140 words)
However, some may find it convincing that graduates such as physicians or engineers should be entitled to start their career wherever they wish. First of all, social and political situation in some developing countries might be too volatile to feel safe about the foreseeable future and starting a job and working very hard where you do not feel sure about its future may not be the best option. Therefore, these young people need to be given choices since there will be not compensations for them if anything goes wrong in those countries. Secondly, for some ambitious people, local universities may not have enough to offer and they are compelled to seek further education elsewhere regardless of their moral obligations. This happens frequently and some top students in the top-ranking universities around the world are from poorest of countries from all over the world. (143 words)
As mentioned earlier, I personally believe the best way to approach this situation is to set a compensation for graduates who desire to leave their countries but such option such always be available since otherwise most intellectual and top performers might find themselves deprived of the education and jobs they suit best. (52 words)
Total = 400 words
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