
تاپیک ساده رایتینگ آیلتس Some Make Decisions Alone

تاپیک ساده رایتینگ آیلتس

تاپیک ساده رایتینگ آیلتس

در مجموع 7 نوع سوال در رایتینگ تسک دوم که مربوط به نوشتن انشاء یا Essay هست وجود دارد. در اینجا یک نمونه تاپیک رایتینگ آیلتس بسیار ساده از نوع دیسکاشن یا دو دیدگاهی مطرح شده که در سطح کاملا مقدماتی می باشد. همچنین یک نمونه پاسخ مناسب محدود به 2 پاراگراف اصلی برای همین موضوع نوشته شده تا راهنمای عزیزان باشد.

Some people make decisions alone. Others discuss the matter with other people before making a decision.

Discuss both views.

Decision alone
# faster
# learn

After discussion

# more ideas
# avoid past mistakes

Some people say it is better to make a decision alone. First of all, it saves time. When someone thinks about a problem and makes a decision, they can do it faster because they do not need to set a time to meet others or wait for everyone to discuss the issue. Secondly, they can learn how to do it properly. It is very important for everyone to be able to make good decisions, but it needs time and practice to become skillful. In fact, when someone decides to do something, they are actually practicing and learning how to do it better next time. And they will not learn much when they ask others to help them. (117 words)

On the other hand, however, some people believe discussing the issue with others before making a decision is better. First of all, there will be more ideas from other people. People have knowledge and useful information in different fields and this can be very useful for someone to consider especially before making an important decision. Secondly, some mistakes can be avoided. People around us may have knowledge about the possible risks or mistakes about the decision that we are going to make and is new to us may be a past experience for them. In such cases, discussing the matter with them can help us avoid such mistakes easily. (109 words)

برای دانلود منابع رایتینگ ایلتس از سطح مقدماتی تا پیشرفته این لینک را دنبال بفرمایید. همچنین برای تصحیح رایگان رایتینگ آیلتس میتوانید در کانال تلگرامی ما به نشانی (https://t.me/ielts2WritingCorrection) همراه باشید.



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