
سوالات اسپیکینگ کمبریج آیلتس 16 تست 3 با جواب

سوالات اسپیکینگ کمبریج آیلتس 16 با جواب
سوالات اسپیکینگ کمبریج آیلتس 16 تست 3 با جواب
سوالات اسپیکینگ کمبریج آیلتس 16 تست 3 با جواب

سوالات اسپیکینگ کمبریج آیلتس 16 تست 3 با جواب

عزیزان علاقمند به بخش اسپیکینگ آیلتس میتوانند نمونه پاسخ هایی در سطح نمره 8 را برای سوالات کتاب کمبریج آیلتس جلد شانزدهم تست سوم در این صفحه به صورت رایگان بررسی نمایند. به صورت جداگانه نمونه هایی صوتی با پاسخ هایی متفاوت برای همین سوال ها هم در دسترس هستند. این سمپل ها توسط مهندس ابوالقاسمی با 15 هزار ساعت تجربه تدریس و نمره 8.5 اسپیکینگ آیلتس تنظیم شده است. برای خریداری 1000 سمپل صوتی به توضیحات پایان همین صفحه رجوع بفرمایید. همچنین اطلاعات دوره های آنلاین اسپیکینگ استاد زهرا امیدی از مدرسان برجسته اسپیکینگ آیلتس در این صفحه در دسترس می باشد. 


سوالات اسپیکینگ کمبریج آیلتس 16 تست سوم



The examiner asks you about yourself, your home, work or studies and other familiar topics.

• Is summer your favourite time of year? [Why/Why not?]

Not, not really, I love cold weather and mountains, so summer is not the best time of year for me. Although I enjoy some parts of it like sunshine and cool evening, but still I always prefer cold weather. 


• What do you do in summer when the weather’s very hot? [Why?]

Like most people I have to stay indoors for hours and only go out in the evening or at night. When you use the air conditioning system, it is not that bad and you can take naps in the afternoon or watch movies or enjoy a cool drink. 


• Do you go on holiday every summer? [Why/Why not?]

I don’t. I don’t like holidays and summer is the worst time to do that if you ask me since it is the most crowded time and everywhere is packed with travelers. That is the last thing I want. Needless to say, the prices soars to insane figures during summer and quality or services drop as well. 


• Did you enjoy the summer holidays when you were at school? [Why/Why not?]

I don’t remember having such holidays when I was a kid. When I was very young, at the age of 10 or so, my father took me and my brother to a very long tour around the country. I remember being in the west close to border with Iraq and being in south close to the sea. But later never took us anywhere and we always stayed at home up to the time I got married. Something bad must have happened to him back then. But I don’t know what. 



Describe a luxury item you would like to own in the future. You should say:

• what item you would like to own

• what this item looks like

• why you would like to own this item and

• explain whether you think you will ever own this item

Here I have chosen to talk about a luxury item that I wish to own in the future. To be honest I am not a big fam of such items but if I wanted to think of one, I would have a watch. I believe a watch can make a difference and has the potential to lift your image and leave a wonderful impression on those who come in contact with you. The particular watch that I am talking about is a wrist watch with a rather large screen and a bit flashy look, with probably silver or gold color. The strap is leather and fits right under your sleeve half showing specially when you are sipping your coffee at the table and it looks great when you want to check the time while reading your morning paper in a café of a place like that. 

I believe having this item would feel great and improves my confidence even if no one is around but if other people are around it still feels great to have if on your wrist. I am one of those people who care about how they look and as I am in my early 40s, I believe it is even of a greater importance if I be more meticulous while choosing my jewelry and accessories.

I have a great watch already and I know the importance of having a good one. Unlike some people, a watch is much more than a device that merely specifies time for you, so it is important enough to save up for one and finally make the right call purchasing one. So, yes although it is not a pressing priority, I don’t see it unlikely to have one luxury one in foreseeable future. 



• Which expensive items would many young people (in your country) like to buy?

I believe iPhone is on top of the list. It is a dream or necessity for almost all young people to show that they can at least afford that. Other accessories and gadgets are important as well but I don’t think anything comes close to this magic cellphone. Having it suggests prestige and being a bit different than the ordinary folks. So much so that even some people rent one plus an iWatch to attend a meeting or go on a date. As ridiculous as it sounds, I regret to say that it is true.


• How do the expensive items that younger people want to buy differ from those that older people want to buy?

It is hard to say really but I think older people are not so into electronics since they neither fit them nor easy to use. They probably go for an expensive watch or other items of jewelry alongside a car and expensive attire. But as I said it is not easy to say since people may vary enormously from a region to another or even a city to the next. 


• Do you think that people are more likely to buy expensive items for their friends or for

I believe people don’t usually purchase something too expensive for a friend unless there is a good reason for it like when you intend to marry someone or getting close to a superior in your firm. So I think people almost always spend big money on themselves either to feel better or to simply show off. 


• How difficult is it to become very rich in today’s world?

I believe if you are smart enough it is much easier than before and some people al around the world have gotten rich without a family line or a lot of capital to start with. Internet is this huge potential to harness and to can learn a lot, invest a lot and finally make a lot there. In real world, it is again much easier to think differently and find you talent and start investing on it at a very young age. I believe it is not difficult at all if you work hard enough, act smart enough and receive decent advice. 


• Do you agree that money does not necessarily bring happiness?

I do believe that but I also believe for very shallow people who only care about partying, drugs and women, money can do wonders. But at least to so many people especially people over 30 or 35, money can never make you happy. It brings comfort, services and facilities to your doorstep but happiness is much deeper than that and varies from one person to another. Human being’s nature is to get fed up with whatever they desire right after its achievement, so the “happiness” cannot be one single thing or a situation. It is a feeling governed by so many biological and phycological factors, many of which are beyond the realm of money and the material world.  


• In what ways might rich people use their money to help society?

Well, if you ask rich people or their kids, they will give you a long list of things that they do to help the society as if every single action of them is a blessing for the rest of us and they earn so much more money than us in the process of making that contribution. But the reality is far from it. It is true that their investment employs people and sometimes they make some small donations to charities or poor people, which is only a small fraction of what they make, but I believe wealthy people’s first priority all around the world is to add to their millions and in the process indirectly people may benefit very little from what is made. So, employment in their factories, contributions to charities, services they provide are what fall in the category of “helping society”. 


خریداری 1000 سمپل صوتی/متنی اسپیکینگ آیلتس


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