
سمپل رایتینگ Living Country Speak Foreign Language Social Practical Problems

سمپل رایتینگ Living Country Speak Foreign Language Social Practical Problems
سمپل رایتینگ Living Country Speak Foreign Language Social Practical Problems

نمونه پاسخ برای رایتینگ Living Country Speak Foreign Language Social Practical Problems

در اینجا یک سمپل رایتینگ برای سوال رایتینگ تسک 2 کتاب کمبریج آیلتس 13 آکادمیک تست 1 در دسترس علاقمندان گرامی می باشد. این نمونه توسط مهندس ابوالقاسمی با نمره 8 رایتینگ آیلتس در آزمون رسمی نوشته شده و در سطح نمره 7 تا 7.5 براورد میشود.

این نمونه رایتینگ از نظر (1) ایده پردازی، (2) پاسخ نسبتا کامل به پرسش مطرح شده، (3) جمله های بدون خطاهای گرامری، و (4) کاربرد واژگان و ترکیب های لغات مناسب می بایست مورد توجه زبان آموزان گرامی باشد.


Living in a country where you have to speak a foreign language can cause serious social problems, as well as practical problems. 

To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?


نمونه مقدمه 2 جمله ای

Immigration has always been a major challenge even in modern times. While some believe speaking a foreign language creates some social and everyday problems for immigrants, I do not think this is true for everyone (35 words).



نسخه طولانی تر پاسخ: 329 واژه 

Immigration has always meant stepping out of comfort zone either temporarily or permanently. Although some argue that the necessity to use the native language of the host country creates both social and everyday problems for the immigrants, others disagree. This essay attempts to analyze both views.  (46 words)

Some hold the view that immigrants face challenges in their interactions with the society and in their everyday life because of using a foreign language. First of all, perhaps not the majority of the newcomers in the host country have the talent and potential of acquiring an excellent command of the native language for a number of years. This means they would have a hard time to complain about something over the phone or perform at the satisfactory level at work. Secondly, soon they face the fact that their rather limited vocabulary and perhaps their accent keep them from forming a strong and meaningful relationships with those around them, which can be an overwhelming experience when most loved ones are thousands of miles away. (124 words)

Others, however, disagree and maintain that language cannot be such a hindrance to social or practical functions of an immigrant. First of all, host countries are almost always advanced ones where immigrants receive numerous practical supports on how to survive and how to deal with the local language such as different types of free language courses funded by the government or enthusiastic volunteers among native speakers just to name a few. Secondly, it is likely that when a newcomer fails to communicate effectively in a social setting, at least some native people show sympathy and make efforts to offer help rather than being indifferent and distant. In fact, stories told by immigrants are filled with examples of those whose generosity have crossed both ethnic and racial boundaries. (127 words)

In conclusion, while mastering a new language can be an intimidating challenge with a few inevitable social and functional failures, there are opportunities for immigrants to seize and avoid such unfortunate experiences. (32 words)

(Total: 329 words)



نسخه کوتاه تر پاسخ: 307 واژه 

Immigration has always meant stepping out of comfort zone. Although some argue that the necessity to use the native language of the host country creates both social and everyday problems for the immigrants, others disagree. This essay attempts to analyze both views.  (42 words)

Some hold the view that immigrants face challenges in their interactions with the society and in their everyday life because of using a foreign language. First of all, perhaps not the majority of the newcomers in the host country have the talent of acquiring an excellent command of the native language for a number of years. This means they would have a hard time to complain about something over the phone or perform at the satisfactory level at work. Secondly, soon they face the fact that their rather limited vocabulary and perhaps their accent keep them from forming a strong and meaningful relationships with those around them, which can be a depressing experience. (113 words)

Others disagree and maintain that language cannot be such a hindrance to social or practical functions of an immigrant. First of all, immigrants can always receive numerous practical supports on how to survive and how to deal with the local language in host countries. These services include but not limited to different types of free language courses funded by the government. Secondly, it is likely to witness sympathy from at least some locals and for them to make efforts to offer help rather than being indifferent and distant when a newcomer fails to communicate effectively in a social setting. In fact, stories told by immigrants are filled with examples of those whose generosity have crossed both ethnic and racial boundaries. (127 words)

In conclusion, while mastering a new language can be an intimidating challenge with a few inevitable social and functional failures, there are opportunities for immigrants to seize and avoid such unfortunate experiences. (32 words)

(Total: 307 words)



سمپل رایتینگ Living Country Speak Foreign Language Social Practical Problems

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این به نظرم اصلا به سوال جواب نداده. این جواب سوال discuss both views and give your opinion هست در حالیکه سوال گفته to what extend do you agree r disagree.

پاسخ به  مهندس ابوالقاسمی
5 سال قبل

تا جاییکه من می دونم تو این نوع سوال باید نظرتون رو با دو تادلیل تو دو تا پاراگراف توضیح بدید و کامل بسطش بدید. اما تو نوع سوال discuss both view and give your own opinion باید هر دو دیدگاه رو تو دو تا پاراگراف راجع بهش صحبت کنید و توضیح بدید proponent ها و opponent ها چرا همچین نظری دارن. منابع هم تو همه منابعی معتبری که تو نت هست مثل ieltsadvantage, simon, liz , و همچنین کورس https://www.udemy.com/mastering-ielts-writing-task-2/در udemy هست. البته قصدم جسارت نیست و اگه غیر از این هست بفرمایید تا استفاده کنیم.

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