
سمپل رایتینگ آیلتس (موضوع جرم)

سمپل رایتینگ آیلتس

 یک سمپل ساده رایتینگ آیلتس با موضوع جرم

Crime and Punishment IELTS Essay Samples

در اینجا یک سمپل رایتینگ آیلتس البته در سطح ساده تر و مقدماتی به همراه نمونه پاسخ بدون خطا محدود به 2 پاراگراف اصلی را با هم میبینیم. این نمونه پاسخ برای آموزش رایتینگ آیلتس در سطح مبتدی طراحی شده. سوالی که مشاهده میکنیم از نوع Cause Solution می باشد. برای تصحیح رایگان رایتینگ آیلتس در کانال نلگرام ما همراه باشید.

نمونه اول رایتینگ آیلتس با موضوع Crime

The amount of crime is increasing nowadays.

What are the reasons for this change?

What can be done to deal with this problem?

Increase in crime

# unemployment
# high cost of living

# creating jobs
# education

There are different reasons why crime is increasing in the society. First of all, many young people even with university education are unemployed these days and cannot live without the support of the family. This encourage them to commit crime when they feel they can never find a proper job even after years of searching for a decent job. Secondly, the cost of living is much more than the past and people have to work harder to be able to pay their rent, pay for their food and clothes. It is very depressing when a person fails to make enough money for very basic needs of their life and this situation encourages people to break the law. (117 words)

There are, however, different ways to stop crime. First of all, government should create more jobs. Most people with decent jobs will never break laws because when they are employed, they feel secure and can have a happy life with their family. It is unlikely for normal people to commit crimes for more money when they already have enough. Secondly, government should teach everyone especially young people to be good citizens and why it is necessary to respect the law. When young people receive a good education at schools and universities, they are less likely to break the laws even if they profit from it. It is well known that education is very effective in deceasing the rate of crime. (120 words)

لغات آکادمیک مربوط به موضوع جرم

در اینجا 2 کلیدواژه درباره تاپیک و موضوع جرم در جامعه را همراه با معنی فارسی آن ها میبینیم. دقت بفرمایید دانستن معنی به تنها کافی نیست و حتما باید این واژه ها را در یک دیکشنری تک زبانه جستجو بفرمایید و نحوه استفاده از آن ها در جمله را ببینیم. در ادامه یک مثال و کاربرد در جمله برای هر یک از این لغات آورده شده است. سعی کنید در سمپل رایتینگ آیلتس خودتان آن ها را به کار ببریم.

1. Crime – جرم
2. Criminal – مجرم
3. Offense – تخلف
4. Law enforcement – اجرای قانون
5. Justice – عدالت
6. Punishment – مجازات
7. Rehabilitation – بازپروری
8. Deterrent – بازدارنده
9. Victim – قربانی
10. Felony – جنایت
11. Misdemeanor – تخلف جزئی
12. Recidivism – تکرار جرم
13. Surveillance – نظارت
14. Crime rate – نرخ جرم
15. Corruption – فساد
16. Gang – باند
17. Robbery – سرقت
18. Burglary – دزدی از منزل
19. Assault – حمله
20. Theft – دزدی

مثال هایی برای هر یک از کلیدواژه های بالا در جمله و در چهارچوب صحیح: 

1. Crime: The city has seen a significant increase in crime over the past year.
2. Criminal: The police arrested a criminal who had been on the run for several months.
3. Offense: Driving under the influence is a serious offense that can lead to severe penalties.
4. Law enforcement: Law enforcement agencies are working together to combat drug trafficking.
5. Justice: Many people believe that justice is not served when criminals receive light sentences.
6. Punishment: The judge handed down a harsh punishment for the violent crime.
7. Rehabilitation: The prison offers rehabilitation programs to help inmates reintegrate into society.
8. Deterrent: Higher penalties for theft are intended to act as a deterrent to potential offenders.
9. Victim: The victim of the robbery was traumatized but is receiving support from family and friends.
10. Felony: Committing a felony can result in years of imprisonment and a permanent criminal record.
11. Misdemeanor: Jaywalking is considered a misdemeanor in many cities, usually resulting in a small fine.
12. Recidivism: Programs aimed at reducing recidivism have shown promising results in several states.
13. Surveillance: The store installed surveillance cameras to deter shoplifting.
14. Crime rate: The crime rate in urban areas tends to be higher than in rural communities.
15. Corruption: Corruption within law enforcement can undermine public trust in the justice system.
16. Gang: The local gang has been implicated in several violent crimes in the neighborhood.
17. Robbery: The bank was the target of a daring robbery last weekend.
18. Burglary: The homeowners installed an alarm system after experiencing a burglary last year.
19. Assault: He was charged with assault after getting into a fight outside the bar.
20. Theft: The theft of valuable artwork from the museum shocked the entire community.

نمونه دوم رایتینگ آیلتس با موضوع Crime

Some argue that poor living conditions drive people to commit crimes, while others believe that it is the result of individuals’ bad intentions.

Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

IELTS Writing Task 2: Sample Band 9 Answer

The debate surrounding the causes of criminal behavior has long been a topic of interest. Some argue that poor living conditions are the root cause of crime, while others believe that crimes stem from individuals’ malicious intent. Both viewpoints have valid arguments, yet the reality is likely to be more complex, involving an interplay of external circumstances and personal choice. In this essay, I will examine both perspectives and provide my opinion on the matter.

On the one hand, proponents of the view that poor living conditions lead to crime argue that individuals living in poverty-stricken environments are more likely to engage in criminal activities out of necessity or despair. When basic needs such as food, shelter, and education are unmet, people may resort to illegal activities as a means of survival. For example, a person who cannot find a job may feel compelled to steal in order to provide for their family. Moreover, impoverished neighborhoods often suffer from a lack of law enforcement and social services, creating an environment where crime can flourish. This argument suggests that if society addresses the underlying economic and social inequalities, the rates of crime would significantly decrease.

On the other hand, those who believe that criminal behavior is driven by individuals’ bad intentions argue that regardless of living conditions, some people choose to commit crimes due to greed, anger, or other negative personal traits. They suggest that not everyone in poverty commits crimes, and therefore, criminality cannot be solely attributed to one’s environment. Instead, they point to moral deficiencies and the lack of personal responsibility as the primary factors driving crime. According to this view, individuals with malicious intent may take advantage of any situation, whether rich or poor, to achieve their selfish desires.

In my opinion, while it is undeniable that poor living conditions can create circumstances that encourage crime, the role of personal responsibility and individual moral choices cannot be ignored. Both external factors and internal motivations play a significant role in determining whether a person will engage in criminal activity. For instance, many people raised in poverty lead honest lives, while others in affluent circumstances may still commit crimes due to greed or power. Therefore, it seems overly simplistic to attribute crime to one factor alone.

In conclusion, both poor living conditions and individuals’ bad intentions contribute to criminal behavior, though neither can be considered the sole cause. Crime is a multifaceted issue that results from a combination of socio-economic factors and personal moral failings. To reduce crime, society must address both the external circumstances that foster crime and encourage personal accountability and moral development.

  لغات سطح پیشرفته در این سمپل

  1. Root cause: به معنای “علت اصلی”. این اصطلاح به جای “main cause” استفاده شده و سطح بالاتری از واژگان را نشان می‌دهد.
    • مثال: Poor living conditions are the root cause of crime.
  2. Necessity or despair: این دو کلمه سطح بالایی از توضیح را برای شرایطی که افراد در آن به جرم روی می‌آورند، ارائه می‌دهد.
    • مثال: People may resort to illegal activities out of necessity or despair.
  3. Impoverished neighborhoods: ترکیب پیشرفته برای اشاره به “محله‌های فقیرنشین”.
    • مثال: Impoverished neighborhoods often suffer from a lack of law enforcement.
  4. Malicious intent: اصطلاحی برای اشاره به “نیت بد” یا “قصد شوم”.
    • مثال: Individuals’ bad intentions argue that some people choose to commit crimes due to malicious intent.
  5. Moral deficiencies: ترکیب پیشرفته‌ای برای بیان “کمبودهای اخلاقی” یا “نقص‌های اخلاقی”.
    • مثال: Moral deficiencies and the lack of personal responsibility.
  6. Socio-economic factors: این عبارت به عواملی اشاره دارد که هم اجتماعی و هم اقتصادی هستند و نشان‌دهنده سطح پیشرفته تحلیل است.
    • مثال: A combination of socio-economic factors and personal moral failings.
  7. Play a significant role: این عبارت به جای “is important” استفاده شده و نشان‌دهنده مهارت در نوشتن است.
    • مثال: Both external factors and internal motivations play a significant role.

ساختار های گرامری پیشرفته

  1. Complex Sentences (جملات مرکب): استفاده از جملات مرکب در متن بالا نشان‌دهنده مهارت زبانی سطح بالا است:
    • مثال: Both viewpoints have valid arguments, yet the reality is likely to be more complex, involving an interplay of external circumstances and personal choice.
  2. Conditional Sentences (جملات شرطی): استفاده از جملات شرطی برای بررسی احتمالات و نتایج، در متن بالا به کار رفته است:
    • مثال: If society addresses the underlying economic and social inequalities, the rates of crime would significantly decrease.
  3. Passive Voice (ساختار مجهول): استفاده از ساختار مجهول برای تمرکز بیشتر بر موضوع به‌جای فاعل:
    • مثال: Impoverished neighborhoods often suffer from a lack of law enforcement.
  4. Modal Verbs (افعال کمکی): استفاده از افعال کمکی برای بیان احتمالات و الزامات:
    • مثال: Crime cannot be solely attributed to one’s environment.

این نمونه شامل لغات و ساختارهای پیچیده‌ای است که در سطح نمره ۹ رایتینگ آیلتس کاربرد دارند و به خواننده نشان می‌دهد که نویسنده توانایی تحلیل موضوعات پیچیده را با زبان مناسب دارد.

کلام پایانی 

در اینجا درباره یکی دیگر از موضوعات رایج در رایتینگ آیلتس (Crime) صحبت کردیم و چند نمونه رایتینگ به همراه برجسته سازی لغات و گرامر آن ها در دسترس عزیزان قرار داده شد. در اینجا در خصوص یکی از 7 نوع سوال ممکن در رایتینگ آیلتس تسک دوم در چهارچوب یک سمپل رایتینگ آیلتس صحبت کردیم. برای دنبال کردن دیگر تاپیک های ساده رایتینگ آیلتس میتوانید این نشانی را دنبال بفرمایید.



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